Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #1

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Hi. I was wondering if Kyron's chart would be updated with the time last seen Captain Gates has been giving in the press conferences of 9:00, or does that little time difference not make a difference?

Thank you for all your hard work!

Hello Butterflye1978:

NO, I'm not suggesting at all that Jupiter in the 6th house of caretaking
is symbolic of the perpetrator. I simply wondered out loud (musing to myself as I wrote)
for anyone who has the interest that is, to perhaps help me figure out how to assign Jupiter here.

Any suggestions?

I'd usually see Jupiter as either possibly the law enforcement or
someone who may help as long as Jupiter isn't maligned or afflicted.

In this case, he is BOTH, because he is in the 29th degree conj. Scheat and also conjunct to the new sign 00Aries and Uranus , the abductor.

Perhaps Jupiter then is saying, the abduction was very swift, and employing Rex Bills Rulership book could also indicate:

1) guides or guardians
2)father's relatives
3)(horary) friend with wisdom upon whom the querent depends for protection or assistance
4)credentials (someone with credentials)
and about 200 other possibilities at least!
Tomorrow, just past dawn in the East, and before the left coast wakes up, we have a New Moon. Venus for the lunation conjoins the Ascendant of Kyron's last seen, as per his step mother. That does bring a factor, Venus, that was hidden right into plain view. Some course & intention took direction on Thursday, June 3, when Sun in the planning sector was at the solstice point of Venus. The Sun is in disappointment Twelfth House relation to what went on in secret and the Sun rules the House of child (Leo) protection--raw in its inadequacy. One truth is evident~Kyron felt deeply betrayed. Mars opposite Neptune, the mark of treachery and betrayal. He is co-ruled by Mars. Now a child can feel betrayal when expected protection is NOT there and it was not. So he may have felt betrayed by his guiding lights at school &/or by his step mother in their failure to provide his safety net rather than by an action taken. The Sun is in the House of circumstantial developments (11) at the school, II. But the Moon of activity is far off in sorrowful, lost Pisces. Moon is not beseiged because she is taking steps away from the chaotic Neptune toward Jupiter but Jupiter is so poorly conditioned due to Saturn! At least Jupiter is in his Sign and in his natural House and so has essential dignity, effete and exhausted though he be. The electrical factor is out of control. We are meant to stare at the nadir of the chart because Cancer belongs there in the natural zodiac but home and family are amazingly empty. Vacant. Nothingness.

Leomoon, if I may ask, since you are here: can you define what is meant by 'electrical factor'? Thanks! :)
Please help me....I am tryign to understand Tubas post

I clearly understand Kyron felt betrayed, but I have no clue what the rest of the post means.. can you please help!! :)

What are the charts saying?

Take a look at the 4th house of the 3:45PM chart.
There is no one there or nothing (vacant) where a parent a warmth, a tender hand might be.
But not at 3:45PM


That is one place to look.

The 4th house
is ruled naturally by Cancer whose ruler is the Moon, and is usually seen as the home life or mother (some say father), I use mother for the 4th.
When we see nothing there we then wonder where is everyone?

Not at home, hence, potentially not being protected?

Electrical Factor?

May be Uranus in the 6th, scarey and the abductor himself I would think.

Uranus rules Electricity.
Hello Butterflye1978:

NO, I'm not suggesting at all that Jupiter in the 6th house of caretaking
is symbolic of the perpetrator. I simply wondered out loud (musing to myself as I wrote)
for anyone who has the interest that is, to perhaps help me figure out how to assign Jupiter here.

Any suggestions?

I'd usually see Jupiter as either possibly the law enforcement or
someone who may help as long as Jupiter isn't maligned or afflicted.

In this case, he is BOTH, because he is in the 29th degree conj. Scheat and also conjunct to the new sign 00Aries and Uranus , the abductor.

Perhaps Jupiter then is saying, the abduction was very swift, and employing Rex Bills Rulership book could also indicate:

1) guides or guardians
2)father's relatives
3)(horary) friend with wisdom upon whom the querent depends for protection or assistance
4)credentials (someone with credentials)
and about 200 other possibilities at least!

In all honesty, I'm thinking Jupiter is someone at the school, the teacher would be considered the caregiver, during the time that he was at school
Thanks Leo. If I may ask, is there a list anywhere here in this forum that lists what Venus, Jupiter, etc would translate to? For example, is Uranus always going to be an abductor or perp?

If I am understanding right, the house references, implying that home life was not as it appeared? Possibly didn't feel as close to his stepmom as implied? Could 'empty' translate to how a person feels 'accepted' in their family in general, as in do they feel loved and cared for? When its said the house was empty, was this in general daily, or only at the time he was last seen? Thanks, I just want to make sure I understand, is all.

Oh, and if I may also ask about this:
The Sun is in disappointment Twelfth House relation to what went on in secretand the Sun rules the House of child (Leo) protection--raw in its inadequacy.

Is this referring to when he was off school grounds? Possibly with the electrical force?
Butterflye: You may be right. Jupiter rules teachers and educators too.
But this one, is as mentioned earlier by Tuba, strong for it's found in it's own Rulership
(co-ruled by Jupiter is Pisces)
However, weakened, imo, in character symbolically too, because of it's position by degree (29th degree Anaretic, is not necessarily strong but a weakened character I would think, not able to stand up for itself, in sacrificing Pisces) and conjunct to crazed Uranus.
Thanks Leo. If I may ask, is there a list anywhere here in this forum that lists what Venus, Jupiter, etc would translate to? For example, is Uranus always going to be an abductor or perp?

If I am understanding right, the house references, implying that home life was not as it appeared? Possibly didn't feel as close to his stepmom as implied? Could 'empty' translate to how a person feels 'accepted' in their family in general, as in do they feel loved and cared for? When its said the house was empty, was this in general daily, or only at the time he was last seen? Thanks, I just want to make sure I understand, is all.

Oh, and if I may also ask about this:
The Sun is in disappointment Twelfth House relation to what went on in secretand the Sun rules the House of child (Leo) protection--raw in its inadequacy.

Is this referring to when he was off school grounds? Possibly with the electrical force?

I'm new here myself, so I don't know the first part of your question if there is a list?

I'll be signing out now as it's late where i am, however I'm sure Tuba will be back to answer your questions again perhaps tomorrow.

I can't speak for her because even though Astrology symbols are universal in some respects for all astrologers, they are used as a painter uses his brush and some might use pencil or oils while others use another medium to create his art.

We may all use differently the same symbols.


Take a look at the 4th house of the 3:45PM chart.
There is no one there or nothing (vacant) where a parent a warmth, a tender hand might be.
But not at 3:45PM


That is one place to look.

The 4th house
is ruled naturally by Cancer whose ruler is the Moon, and is usually seen as the home life or mother (some say father), I use mother for the 4th.
When we see nothing there we then wonder where is everyone?

Not at home, hence, potentially not being protected?

Electrical Factor?

May be Uranus in the 6th, scarey and the abductor himself I would think.

Uranus rules Electricity.

Are we going on the last seen chart or the 911 chart? the reason I ask is because in my opinion it would seem pretty clear that the 4th house would be empty during this event, the mother/father are not protecting the child they left him in the care of and protection of the school. From what we have read SM ran errands after leaving him at school, so how could she or the father offer protection... Make since?

BTW, I am very tired so I dont even know if I'm making since, LOL
ok guys... I am so thankful for others directing me here. amazing readings and info.

I am not to familiar with all the things you are saying, so forgive me if this is way off... but could anything they refer to as "electrical factor" have anything to do with
kyron's little friend claiming the last thing kyron said before disappearing was that he was off to see an electricity experiment?
At our school here we have trade classes, automotive, electrical and so forth, I know this school goes up to 8th grade, would they have those type courses?
I wonder if he was being abused at school by someone and maybe he did feel betrayed when his SM left him. I wonder if he was being bullied, or abused in other ways and SM knew and told him he would be okay, maybe this is the big "secret"?????
Take a look at the 4th house of the 3:45PM chart.
There is no one there or nothing (vacant) where a parent a warmth, a tender hand might be.
But not at 3:45PM


That is one place to look.

The 4th house
is ruled naturally by Cancer whose ruler is the Moon, and is usually seen as the home life or mother (some say father), I use mother for the 4th.
When we see nothing there we then wonder where is everyone?

Not at home, hence, potentially not being protected?

Electrical Factor?

May be Uranus in the 6th, scarey and the abductor himself I would think.

Uranus rules Electricity.

Leomoon, The 'electrical factor', could that relate to the electrical project that Kyron told his friend Tanner he was going to go look at? Tanner was his desk mate, happened to see Kyron walk past the classroom open door, said Hi to Kyron who then replied back he was off to look at this electrical project.

I think it could possibly have an astrological bearing if indeed the child's last words heard before being abducted are of note.

Could the charts tell us this possible perpstress had told Kyron about that project and was going to meet him there to explain it to him? Then wisked him away in the blink of an eye? I wonder if he ever made it there or was intercepted ???

ok guys... I am so thankful for others directing me here. amazing readings and info.

I am not to familiar with all the things you are saying, so forgive me if this is way off... but could anything they refer to as "electrical factor" have anything to do with
kyron's little friend claiming the last thing kyron said before disappearing was that he was off to see an electricity experiment?
NIX Mamaeb lol I just read your post, having similar thoughts to yours. ;}
Okay I think my brain cells have all been fried. I have not been able to look this deep into a chart since Tori Stafford... I think I'm going to have to give it up tonight. Jupiter, Venus/Uranus.... 8th house, my goodness where are you Kyron?
Okay I think my brain cells have all been fried. I have not been able to look this deep into a chart since Tori Stafford... I think I'm going to have to give it up tonight. Jupiter, Venus/Uranus.... 8th house, my goodness where are you Kyron?

Me too Butterfly, See you on the morrow ;} Let it be the day Kyron will be found and brought home. xox
This is a chart for the 9:00 am LAST SEEN time according to police and reported by various news sources.

I immediately note a degree of homicide is on the ASCENDANT (00 Leo).

I had previously made some notes about this chart and will post them later today. In the meantime, I hope other Astrologers will give their commentary.


Here is the chart for the 3:56 pm REPORTED MISSING to police by school secretary which now appears to be the official time.


I note VENUS 18 Cancer, the day ruler who has been wildly Out of Bounds in all these charts is partile square the REPORTED MISSING ASCENDANT 18 Libra and partile conjunct the Arabic PART OF FORTUNE.

VENUS is posited in the cadent (hidden) 9th House in the sign of the 10th House, so she is performing a disservice that comes before the Public Eye. FORTUNE, by exact conjunction, keeps her hidden and she gets away scot free with our Little Man.

Let's see what we can do with these two "officially" timed charts.

Will be waiting for your notes on those two charts Soulscape, thank you.
It has been awhile since I've been able to really LOOK at a chart, but I am going to give it another shot this evening. I have tons to do today but will give it a try tonight and see what my wonderful mentors say, because i think I might have seen something that hasn't been mentioned in the charts yet.
I would like to ask a horay question.... Where is Kyron now?
I'm not sure all the information that you need but my birthday is 11-28-78 4:16am coordinates 33° 39′ 12″ N, 86° 48′ 32″ W....

The time I asked this question was 1:02 pm 6-12-10 current coordinates are 33° 41′ 10″ N, 86° 40′ 54″ W
The very first horoscope, the one which opened the Kyron thread is essentially the same as what I am posting here. If you did not have a copy at hand, I can see why some of my comments were obscure. I could have borrowed that first horoscope and reposted it here but the cusp of House 12 is easier to see in this chart. The Gemini Sun shares the Sign on House 12 but is in House 11, called the disappointment relation to it. There was certainly deflation and disheartenment over the net result of the science fair: the loss, the disappearance of a student.

You can see from the pink dotted arrow the movement over the days since June 4 of Venus, which today reached 27° and as June 12 wears on, even 28°. That means a female figure who was in seclusion has come into public view. Venus rules House 4 of the chart and I take her to be the stepmother. I would not refer to her morning activity as "errands". She was out of bounds and in the thrall of a vain belief she could do anything.

Mercury on this June 4 morning was already on the critical degree of 21° Taurus. A crisis was at hand whether adults in charge were aware of it or not. There was a quarrel, there was stress, anxiety and Mercury was driven to extremes. Circumstances, House 11, were unstable, there was a problem (ignored), an obstinate struggle and the frustration of an isolating predicament.

Another planet at crisis is Uranus, just entered into a new state of affairs and as yet immature and over hasty, impatient. Uranus is component to a serious situation and is at a climactic moment. He has rulership over a House of gravity, 8. By 9:45 p.m., the Moon would parallel Uranus. Moon is Common (Mutable) and cadent by House and thus would not be found where she said she would be. She is striving to reach Jupiter but she doesn't make it and Jupiter is out of soup anyway, as discussed in my earlier post.

If you turn the wheel so that the children, House 5 are on the horizon, you can see that one of them is truant, stands alone, although there is a group nearby, the node. He is Pluto. But with Mars in his 10th, he is always blamed for anything that goes wrong. He is in bad straits because Uranus, and more widely Jupiter and Saturn, square or thwart him.

To have a science fair on the day Sun reaches the north node of planet Uranus could not be more appropriate. This node also influences those that conjoin it--like the Sun--to find the best way out of a dilemma, an inventive solution. There were many factors not reckoned upon, however.
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