Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #3

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An advance toward the arrest which is in the offing. There is a second renewal search scheduled for next weekend from what I read this morning. It is not only the surge of physical effort but the mention of new material that has come into the hands of the Task Force that spells progress. All that is required is persistence and that is the attitude I see. What about you?
I agree Tuba,
I see a renewed sense of hope... promise... a kind of confidence that I haven't seen before from LE.

I agree with you....

"new material that has come into the hands of law enforcement that spells progress"

I think LE has the persistance and the attitude to get this done


"The search team also includes a member of the Multnomah County coroner's office, an unusual addition to the search."

KATU has corrected their original statement about a member of the coroner's office attending the search:

"WEB UPDATE 4:45 p.m. 1/30/11: A credible source, who is close to the investigation, tells us that – despite previous reports to the contrary – no vehicle nor personnel connected to the State Medical Examiner’s office or any county coroner’s office was involved as part of Sunday's searches."
"The search was called off at darkness, with seven of 11 specific areas designated for cadaver dogs complete and one of three overall ground search area, Lindstrand said. A date to return to the area has not been determined, she said."

No evening updates yet from two other news sources. Well, they now know where not to look. Maybe next weekend will bring something.

Edit To Add Another Article, but nothing about when they will return. I "have read" they will return next weekend and perhaps more into February.

"Officials end search along Skyline Boulevard in Kyron Horman case"
Some links for y'all:

"Weekend search for Kyron Horman turns up empty"

"This Tuesday, Sheriff Dan Staton has to report to the County Commissioners about the search effort, any progress that's been made - and about its cost, which as of Nov. 29 was $1.4 million - and counting."

Note: KOIN does not always double-check their facts.

"Desiree Young says waiting for word on Kyron Horman is 'torture'"

"She said she knew about plans for Sunday's search since a briefing with investigators before Thanksgiving."
If you go to the Multnomah County Commission website, you'll see a fulsome agenda for Thursday's meeting, complete with a good list of helpful times for various discussions but the website also states, by way of contrast, that no briefings will be available concerning Tuesday's agenda or subject matter. I could assume that the sheriff will report in at 9:30 a.m. but that is speculative. Any information on when he will speak before the commission is appreciated. Thank you!
In order to get a better feel for what is where regarding the Kyron Horman investigation and latest searches, I put together this little map. I hope you, too, find it helpful.


Though I haven't seen any mention of stopping at Albertson's recently, and I don't know why it was once given as one of the destinations on June 4, it is included on the map.

Credit: Google Maps.
If you go to the Multnomah County Commission website, you'll see a fulsome agenda for Thursday's meeting, complete with a good list of helpful times for various discussions but the website also states, by way of contrast, that no briefings will be available concerning Tuesday's agenda or subject matter. I could assume that the sheriff will report in at 9:30 a.m. but that is speculative. Any information on when he will speak before the commission is appreciated. Thank you!

Tuba, the KOIN article is the only one I have seen that mentions this Tuesday. Ditto for the little web chat I have seen. The lack of a published agenda for some types of meetings is a problem. There might be something in the news Tuesday, but give it a 50/50 chance of being real until more is published.


Nothing has appeared on the OregonLive and KATU sites yet, so it could be that nothing is happening. It's only about 1:30 p.m. in Oregon now, and the evening news might have something.
Here is my map again, zoomed in on the school and search areas. Road names are added so it will be easier to follow news reports.


Original map on Google is HERE.

WS member "matou" on the first page of the 2011.01.30 search thread has a post about a sighting of a red-haired woman in a white truck turning onto Highway 30 from a road north of NW Logie Trail Road between 9:15 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. on June 4.

Looking forward to more news about a continued search.
That 50 in 50 series of Nancy Grace programming is going to feature Kyron Horman tonight.
In order to get a line on where the sheriff's office is, since there was no report to the county commission on February 1, the letter from the office to the Multnomah County District Attorney, Michael Schrunk served as something of a substitute. We can draw a fair amount of encouragement from the fact that certain legal limitations, restrictions and obstacles are slowly moving out of the way. The heat and pressure to find Kyron and prosecute who harmed him continues unabated. Our criminal appears as so far very fortunate but, since Jupiter is about to square Pluto, the luck is running out. From astrological indications that can be read in the letter, a female witness who is helpful is soon to play a part. As for Kyron himself, he looks to be at a distant locale.

I wish I could say more or that I possessed answers to questions raised by this document but, as the letter is un-timed, that is all that I can extract from it.
Forgive me, please, but I cannot see the letter from the DA anywhere. Is it right in front of my nose? Or, can someone provide a link please?

In order to get a line on where the sheriff's office is, since there was no report to the county commission on February 1, the letter from the office to the Multnomah County District Attorney, Michael Schrunk served as something of a substitute...... <<snip, snip>>

......from astrological indications that can be read in the letter, a female witness who is helpful is soon to play a part. As for Kyron himself, he looks to be at a distant locale.

I wish I could say more or that I possessed answers to questions raised by this document but, as the letter is un-timed, that is all that I can extract from it.

Dear Tuba,

Does he appear to have been moved then? Or... is Kyron "distant" in that his location is far away from the legal activities in the Portland area?

Any thoughts, as well, about the slough/Sauvie Island?

In order to get a line on where the sheriff's office is, since there was no report to the county commission on February 1, the letter from the office to the Multnomah County District Attorney, Michael Schrunk served as something of a substitute.... <<snip, snip>>

From astrological indications that can be read in the letter, a female witness who is helpful is soon to play a part. As for Kyron himself, he looks to be at a distant locale.

Thanks Tuba. This is probably one of those remaining questions that you mentioned, but I'm wondering if there is any indication that the female witness is someone new to the case; someone we, the public, are familiar with; or if she is someone who has remained out of the public eye until this point?

Any clue to when this witness may surface?

Thanks for your work.
We were just pawing the ground, waiting and frustrated because the report on this case did not go before the Multnomah Co. Commission. We expected it on or about February 1. For that reason, I examined the status of the sherrif's office in the best way available to us, by looking at a letter Sheriff Staton wrote to the district attorney on February 2.

I can almost guarantee the letter itself wouldn't interest you because it was an answer to grand jury findings about jail conditions and in no way regarded our missing boy nor was he even alluded to. That's the good thing about charts though, they go behind appearances. For instance, if you wrote to your sister about a trip you took to Wyoming and your ongoing divorce was never mentioned or was even a secret, the horoscope of the timed letter would still reveal that you were dissolving your marriage and how close you were to the final papers.

I did expect to see some concentration in the chart about the Horman investigation and was not disappointed. Some of the strictures placed on the force by both law and the district attorney are slowly being relaxed. There is also the possibility of some positive surprise moves by the D.A. in connection with grand juries. The witness was three & a half months into the future but the "half" is almost past now.

The chart also made clear that one who considers self to be above the law faces a legal reckoning and soon. Twisting the law to meet personal circumstances fails. Compulsions meet their consequences. What is needed to make an indictment stick will be uncovered. The same star, Aquila the Eagle, that helped locate Caylee, provides guidance here. Sheriff Staton himself is in tune with its energies and inspiration will come.

Kyron is at a distant locale means distant from where the sheriff wrote his letter, at his office I assume. There is earth slippage there and this will be very helpful in finding him. Some unusual wet condition from weather has created this new situation. Something has broken free. Some improvement or enhancement to the land has given way. Wooded banks at dark water.

I don't know who the female witness is but she shows up in the horoscope as a breath of fresh air.
"Kyron Horman's mother has Valentine for still-missing son"

"This event, held near Skyline Elementary School, the school Kyron Horman's attended before he disappeared on June 4, 2010, comes two days before Sheriff Dan Staton is scheduled to present a six-month review of the investigation to the Multnomah County Commissioners."

Edit: The agenda for the meeting does not specifically mention the Kyron investigation although more information may be posted before Tuesday.

Edit: And, some videos of Kyron.
Hello Astrologers,

I just stumbled upon the Astro Crime Calendar for Caylee
[ame=""][/ame] and it's amazing.

Since I'm still a newbie, I'm unsure... has this been done for any other cases? (It looks like a ton of work) And... any idea if a similar calendar may be forthcoming for Kyron?

Thanks again for all your work!
Dear Astrologers,

While reading Caylee's forum I learned that the way she was killed had been predicted by forensic astrologers here.

Any indications of what may have happened at the time of sweet Kyron's demise? (I have some very specific intuitions about this, and am curious to see if forensic astrology mirrors my feelings.) -- I would list my intuitions here, but don't believe it's the right forum.

Again, my gratitude for all you continue to do....

"Kyron Horman's mother has Valentine for still-missing son"

"This event, held near Skyline Elementary School, the school Kyron Horman's attended before he disappeared on June 4, 2010, comes two days before Sheriff Dan Staton is scheduled to present a six-month review of the investigation to the Multnomah County Commissioners."

Edit: The agenda for the meeting does not specifically mention the Kyron investigation although more information may be posted before Tuesday.

Edit: And, some videos of Kyron.

" ... Sunday's event at the Wall of Hope comes four days before Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Station is scheduled to present a six-month review of the investigation to the Multnomah County Commissioners."

Don't ya' just love it when news sources cannot agree on the facts! Between the two articles from the same source, I understand there may or may not be a review of the investigation sometime this week. I'll wait for a news release about the meeting that may or may not be reliable.
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