Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #3

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You will see her offense at the bottom of the image .

Terri L. Horman 1970-03-14
15725 NW Sheltered Nook Rd.
Date: 2008-09-21
Multnomah County Court
Offense: Burn Waste Material W/O Permit

Ok, I'm curious...the address listed is, of course, her home address at the time but I don't think that necessarily means that's where the offence took place. Of course, it could be, but without seeing the actual record I don't think you could say for sure.

The Oregon Online site fr court records is a pay site. Is there anyone here local that could go and look it up?
Knox -

Do you still have a link to her criminal record? Would you double and triple check the address for the site of the "illegal burning" charge? Wouldn't it be something if it was at a different address that lended a clue.

I doubt the actual burning took place on 9-21-08, that was most likely the date the violation was adjudicated. I wonder if this kind of offense is like a speeding ticket? You have 6-to 8 weeks to appear or pay the fine?

I looked back to see what I had retained from my sleuthing stuff on her and found her fb page. Her baby shower was held in September 2008 (K was born in November 2008).

So she would have been pregnant when the burning took place. Can you see a prego TMH out in the yard setting fire to the dried out blackberry trimmings? Guess it's possible, after all she is the Rojo Ardilla :innocent:
The following is from a blog called

I would appreciate any astro's opinions on this as I just stumbled upon it:

<<snip, snip>>
"Kyron Horman has been missing for almost a year now. There has been no evidence indicating his whereabouts but the finger has been consistently pointed at his step-mother, Teri Horman.
Kyron Horman's mother said today she has begun to put new pressure on the missing Oregon boy's stepmother with a clear message: She will not stop until Terri Horman is "brought to justice."

Just before Kyron went missing, Uranus had just entered Aries.

Uranus rules sudden, shocking, and unexpected events. Uranus did not stay long in Aries as it moved retrograde into Pisces in July 2010 and has been there ever since. Now Uranus will reenter Aries in mid-March 2011. At this time it is possible that Kyron will finally be found."​
The following is from a blog called

I would appreciate any astro's opinions on this as I just stumbled upon it:

<<snip, snip>>
"Kyron Horman has been missing for almost a year now. There has been no evidence indicating his whereabouts but the finger has been consistently pointed at his step-mother, Teri Horman.
Kyron Horman's mother said today she has begun to put new pressure on the missing Oregon boy's stepmother with a clear message: She will not stop until Terri Horman is "brought to justice."

Just before Kyron went missing, Uranus had just entered Aries.

Uranus rules sudden, shocking, and unexpected events. Uranus did not stay long in Aries as it moved retrograde into Pisces in July 2010 and has been there ever since. Now Uranus will reenter Aries in mid-March 2011. At this time it is possible that Kyron will finally be found."​

The author goes on to say that she is not giving up hope that Kyron may be found alive!
Any opinions on anything indicative of locating him in mid-march, either alive or deceased?
Thanks to all astros for sharing your knowledge of forensic astrology. It's a fascinating mystery to me...
Just wanted to drop in to thank all the astros for their work.
When TMH re-established herself in Roseburg, at the family home, Venus sat in her First House protecting her and the planet came from parental House 10. In her birthday transits, Moon in Cancer is trine the Pisces Sun~the comforts of home, the caring.

It is also evident in her birthday transits that her lawyers are extremely well prepared. Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aries could not be more learned. Every quillet of the pertinent law is either familiar to them or thoroughly researched for current challenges.

Mars will be squaring TMH's Moon, however. From Pisces. This is not only Desiree reaching time & time again for the needle but is also a female witness who has already been foreseen and foretold. This Mars square is more important coming from her Sun Sign, the center of her being, than if it squared from say, Sagittarius. Gets right in amongst her.

It is also interesting that transit Mars & transit Saturn will be at solstice point to one another, so that every misstep, John Law is there to nab her and every move or statement the Task Force makes, angers her in her deeps. Meanwhile, Neptune at 29°20' Aquarius is her continued desperation.
Talk about turning the heat up......

FBI will dedicate up to 6 agents to help investigate the Kyron Horman disappearance

Investigators have identified more than 490 people who were at the school June 4, as well as the 54 vehicles parked on the campus that day, Staton said. To do that, they had to examine photographs taken at the school during the science fair, sometimes checking the license plates of cars appearing in the background.

"The actual account of everyone and everything that was on that campus that day, we now know," he said.

They've brought in the BAU unit. Excellent article, a must read.
The problem being that the case is already stagnate and we do know why.

This is happening now. Supposedly can watch it live....


Hi Astros,

Thanks for all your work. Snow in Portland today may have delayed the time of the meeting by 1 hour, but I'm uncertain about this.

The agenda says "9:30 a.m. time certain" but I heard that the meeting was pushed back to 10:30. Then when I signed on just before 10:30, they were already in progress, so I don't know. I also heard that they tend to start meetings early, though.

Hope this is of some use to you. I'm surprised the meeting is still taking place, as I heard at 7:35 a.m. that the Portland City Council meeting for tonight was cancelled.



Sorry about the multiple posts... I just tuned in to the meeting and at 10:45 a.m. a member of the county commissioners was asking the D.A. if the investigation was "on track". I'm uncertain how many minutes the Kyron portion of the discussion on agenda had been underway, but I suspect not long.

Hopefully you can view tapes of this at the link in my post, above. I noticed there was a date stamp on the video but I didn't see a time stamp.

Thanks again. :)
Hi Astros,

Possibly none of this matters, but it looks like I missed approximately the first 5-6 minutes of the meeting, so it started about 10:39-10:40 a.m.
Judging the Farewell to Kyron chart and the Last Seen by Others chart, Websleuths noted that his stepmother had someone tucked away in House 12 as a secret lover. There was just no getting round that.

In the Last Seen by Others, we had left the halls of the school and were outside in the parking lot. The II Sun on the same degree of the node is intercepted and represents not one but, in II, two vehicles in a private happening away from public view.


The Pisces Moon that morning was contraparallel Saturn and was therefore scheming, emphasised by her rulership of House 12. She and the Sun were square, taking pains to get this right and making an effort. Mars, ruling the child, was disposited by the Sun of two vehicles and the Sun in turn, was disposited by Mercury critical (21° Taurus). I believe Kyron was put into this man's vehicle, the second or other truck. After all, Mercury is disposited by Venus in House 12, the hidden love interest. That's who the driver was.

We also know that the critical degree of Mercury has the force of tightening the orb of his T-square to the betrayal Mars-Neptune opposition, implicating this man in the whole affair or event.

The Pisces Moon parallel to Saturn does provide the scheming element to Kyron's disappearance but also ages the parties involved in this sophmoric scheme. The other driver should be slimmer than TMH, taller and may own land that he tills.
I wonder if the other person could be this David Durham guy that shot the police officer....he is taller & slimmer than TMH:banghead:
I noted asteroid "Buddy" 5:39 Libra in the Last Seen chart. SWMNBN's Uranus has Rx to 5:39 Libra in her Progressed chart for June 4th.

Kyron's ascendent in his 2010 Solar Return chart is 5:39 Gemini, further linking him to "Buddy" on June 4th.

In her progressed chart she has ""Buddy" Rx 20:31 Sagitarrius, trine "Megaira" (hatred) 20:36 Aries - asteroid "Kairen" 20:37 Scorpio is quincunx "Mergaira". It would seem that a married woman's buddy would be the husband. Thus, an act against the husband could be his child, the quincunx.

"Megaira" in the marriage chart is 0:45 Pisces, Kyron was transiting on June 4th, 0:59 Pisces.
The Pisces Moon from June 4 had last passed over Neptune and it is Neptune that comes in as opponent to Mars of the child, the treacherous agent. Neptune rules House 9 of strangers and I don't believe that Kyron knew "Slim". Saturn and Neptune are all of a piece, describing "Slim" because of their tight, tight quincunx.

Kyron had real hesitation and concern about going with or having anything to do with this stranger. See Mercury critical square critical House 2 of his own protective instincts. In defending himself, Leo rising also = Kyron, Leo being the child Sign and the low degree indicating his young age. The Pisces Moon square the Sun tells us there was conflict between Kyron and TMH over this. In a Succedent House, as House 11 is, she knew she was taking a huge risk of being seen or creating a scene and that she was acting in a razor's edge situation.

TMH last over afflicted Neptune had erred, morally and in judgment, a grave mistake to have dealings with "Slim" but going forward, she would do no better because she applies to a spent Jupiter (29°) overwhelmed by crazed 0° Uranus.
I don't like that facilitating Saturn of Durham's, making nice with TMH's plot planet Neptune, also at 0° (Sagittarius) and about to be squared when her Sun Sign ruler Neptune enters Pisces. You probably remember that post.
So this fugitive felon is a New Moon Piscean with retrograde Mercury also at 6° Pisces. His Mars at 3° Scorpio is a hideous complement to TMH's Mars-Saturn conjunction in Taurus & is atop Kyron's Venus. But Durham's Uranus conjoins her Sun to the degree~powerful, powerful magnet & his New Moon self perfectly trines that Venus at 18° in her Twelfth House. We had better hope they never met but I do think they might know some of the same people, if not.
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