Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #3

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Hi Tuba,

I'm wondering if the date Terry's license to teach expired/or was taken from her, was charted as an event. I think it was around the middle of March 07

Hi Tuba,

I'm wondering if the date Terry's license to teach expired/or was taken from her, was charted as an event. I think it was around the middle of March 07


This would not qualify as an EVENT.
Although exploring this wouldn't promote the progress of the case, it may be one more of those problems or losses that add to her 'down' time.

Tuba wrote:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #3[/ame]

March 31 would not find her at the utter frozen limit, 29°, on the cusp of the House of hope and in the Sign of hope.

Here's a link to a post describing EVENT charts:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - GENERAL[/ame]
Maybe after March 31, she will decide to talk if an indictment is coming.
Here is something that will give Kyron additional exposure. With no recent news about the investigation, this at least shows people are doing what they can to keep him in the public's eye.

"WSP's Homeward Bound Program Expands to Neighboring States"

WSP = Washington State Patrol

"Washington State Patrol’s Missing and Unidentified Persons Unit has partnered with Oregon’s Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office to include Kyron Horman in the WSP Homeward Bound Program. Photos of Kyron Horman will be placed on trailers with Gordon Trucking Inc. (GTI), whose trucks travel on routes nationwide."
There are a couple of things going on in the 'Kyron Reported Missing' chart lately that I wanted to share, and maybe learn more about. I never trusted the 8:45 am chart because SWMNBN doesn't seem particularly credible. The inner chart is for the time Kyron was reported missing and the planets outside the wheel are the transits for January 28th, a few days off. (Caveat: I'm a hobbyist, not a professional)


On January 28th, Uranus will be opposing that 12th house Saturn who has been having way too much fun in there! For those who may not know, in traditional astrology each planet has a house of joy, which is where they function most easily, or are most comfortable. For Saturn, the 12th house (confinement, hidden enemies, secrets, etc.) is where it likes to be. At this time, however, Saturn (which I take to mean the nefarious goings-on) while still hidden in the 12th, is retrograde and somewhat weakened.

Uranus, being the planet of upheavals, just may shake something out of the 12th in its journey through the opposite 6th house. Since the 6th house represents (among other things) hired help, this could come from the landscaper (or maybe even De De?) or someone else in a 6th house occupation. Uranus is also close to conjoining Jupiter in this house (exact on March 9th). Jupiter rules the 3rd house (communications) in this case, and will soon be changing signs, so maybe someone (surprise witness?) will suddenly come forward with more information. Uranus will also be within the orb of the fixed star Scheat (anciently known as the shipwreck star; it bodes catastrophe and suicide) very soon (around February 12th). This may or may not be part of the unfolding of events in this matter, but it is imminent.

Neptune in the 5th (children) will once again oppose the Mars in the 911 chart in the latter part of February. This opposition indicates violence, deceit and things kept hidden. The 11th house Mars suggests an accomplice(s) to violence; Neptune is a watery planet and dangerous when ill-aspected. Neptune went retrograde about two months after Kyron disappeared, and is now returning to the same position it occupied that day.

I wonder how this will play out?
For a Hobbyist you’ve done your homework well!

Yes, the 911 call is a reliable chart to use, however I still think the 8:45 Chart is also reliable, after all we know that Kyron wasn’t seen at school after this point in time, so something happened to him. Or at least that is what I recall from the various interviews and not just TH's voice. Perhaps I'm wrong, as my memory fades.

But for the 911 Chart you erected, Saturn rules the 5th of the child and is placed as you say in the house where Saturn “joys” or the 12th house. Joy is rather a misnomer term for the family of Kyron, but nevertheless, Saturn enjoys contentment as a symbol where it operates best and this is the “Hidden House” in most astrological lore.

Seeing the transits you placed for this current timetable, puts Saturn rx as you mentioned,
Over the ASC but rx planets are back and forth so we may not see an exact triggering of events to come yet.
I can see however, that TR Saturn is square to the 911 Venus and the South Node (what has come before) and could mark a shake-up of that 9th house tree., tossing a few kernels of truth out.

While Tr. Uranus has it’s way over the 6th house and conj. to Jupiter here also Trine the MC
It does appear to suggest that the universe may uncover something here. Trines usually are seen as very harmonious and the MC is the public sector.

What to make of that grouping of Transits over the 3rd of communications however is a question I have.

Thanks for sharing your ideas and chart.
LE made a statement last fall that they would be "wrapping up" their investigation around this time. I maybe be wrong, but I also took that to mean that more would be shared/communicated with us when they did. In any event, the expectation was set. So maybe LE's timing (re Jupiter/3rd house) will resonate in more ways than one? :) We can only hope.
:welcome: Meritra, great 1st post. I enjoyed your take on this. Thank You for your work on this case. There's still hope something else will be revealed then. Prayers for Kyron and his family.

At ten this morning, the Multnomah Co. Sheriff's Office, Washington State Patrol and Gordon Trucking, Inc. announced their partnership in the quest to locate Kyron Horman. Gordon criss crosses the country with its semi-trailer runs and their trailer trucks will bear photo posters of the missing boy in hopes members of the public will recognize him. See the lunar nodes square Jupiter with no answering planet at the Descendant: public notice sought.

A Mercury day at a Jupiter hour is ideal for publicizing this or any matter and Jupiter ruling House 9 is perfect as is Venus in House 9 to improve public relations. Unfortunately, the chart shows the damage is irreversible, Moon in her FALL ruling the child and square House 8 ruler.

We are haunted by the semi-sextiles of June 4 as they remarkably reappear here and such a series is most unusual.
There is something sleuths are missing. Semi-sextiles bring awareness, a backfield in motion, echoes, assistance & results. Semi-sextiles goad and push things out into the open, however Uranus rules House 12 and is also found in House 12, so a dread secret stays hidden. This reflects the sorry truths about TMH's private correspondence which hit the web and the papers and t.v., but left the serious question of Kyron's location unanswered.

So what is the AWARENESS we are meant to have but are missing? We are here and have been here all along. Thus, we cannot shift the responsibility for this realisation, this awareness onto a public who was not on the case. What is it that we should see and should know but do not? Saturn co-rules the hidden matters here and is stationary--stuck in the stalls. In House 7, he is a lack of connection with people, other people, who could help. We are meant to be networking with the citizens of Portland and today's announcement is a jump off to doing that.

A Cardinal Cross on the angles of the public announcement chart for today acts quickly, decisively and assertively. The peregrine Venus ruling the wider public and in a cadent House is slow to respond, incapable of providing much information and dicey as to result. Saturn in House 7 is a tough obstacle due to reticence, doubts and fear but does indicate that someone local holds important information. Mercury squaring this Saturn, there is little hope this individual will divulge what he or she knows at this time. The station of Saturn to retrograde until June is cause for even more pessimism about an informant coming forward.

Capricorn on the government Tenth House and Homeward Bound Eleventh House ties those two sectors together cooperatively. Washington State Patrol is the risen Jupiter ruling an adjoining state, House 9. Our problem is coming from an eccentric, unpredictable Piscean in the House of matters hidden. Interesting that any planet or agent or asteroid at 2° Libra would not only complete the Cardinal Cross but also trip off that Uranus because at its solstice point. We may have to launch our own satellite to fill that position, that space, that degree.

Sun 30° Pluto; Part of Fortune 30° Mars; Mercury 30° Venus; Moon applies semi-sextile Saturn
More publicity for Kyron.

"Comcast to broadcast info on missing children"

"Starting today, Kyron's story and photo will be available to nearly 20 million Comcast cable customers in more than 25 cities in partnership with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children."

At 1:05 a.m., Jan. 27, 2011, the time on the story states "Posted 4h 29m ago | Updated 1h 4m ago"
Duh. "At 1:05 a.m. EST", though I doubt this is useful to anyone.

In an effort to fill in the blank degree in the partnership chart for WA State Patrol, Gordon Trucking & Multnomah CSO, has this area of Sauvie Island been searched and canvassed? Also, the waters & shore down river from Multnomah Falls?
I looked up the McQuinn Family. They have a pioneer website which had a fairly detailed account of the history of Suavie Island. I realize all of this has been gone over several times, but as I was reading the page I realized there were many details which note specific things about portions of the area Tuba suggested to search. For example this ... [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The advent of flood control and increasing pollution problems has just about wiped out the Wappato ([/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Sagittaria latifolia)[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]but the careful observer can still find a few colonies on the west side of Sturgeon Lake.

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Wondered if Paulette or someone else could take a read through my link below and see if any asteroid names correspond with a specific location feature? There is mention of Apple Trees, Dairies, Hudson Bay Co., [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Arrow Leaf or Duck Weed (Wappato),[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] Chinookan Tribe, McQuinn, etc.

Just a thought ...

Actually, McQuinn does resonate to the "filler" asteroid because it was originally the land of Alexander Hamilton McQuinn, and asteroid Hamilton was at 0° Libra for the chart.
Of course, there is also Hamilton Mountain but that is 45 miles away, a difficult round trip in the time under consideration.
Actually, McQuinn does resonate to the "filler" asteroid because it was originally the land of Alexander Hamilton McQuinn, and asteroid Hamilton was at 0° Libra for the chart.
Alexander Hamilton McQuinn and his wife Rebecca Enyart McQuinn and five small children left Missouri for the Oregon territory in the spring of 1844. The westward journey left Capler's Landing, Missouri in May and ended in December at Linnton located on the Willamette Slough just outside the present day city of Portland, Oregon, a distance of some 2,000 miles. The following year they settled on Sauvie Island.

The McQuinn Family Pioneer Cemetery Association celebrated its nineteenth anniversary on February 18, 2005 and yet its objectives remain the same. The Association continues to preserve and maintain the
McQuinn Cemeteryestablished on Sauvie Island in 1854 by our ancestors, Alexander and Rebecca McQuinn, and to support and promote family activities to honor their memory.
Interesting to note Linnton which is similar to Linden. I did not take the time to look back through prior posts, but would the McQuinn family cemetery match some of the possible locations Kyron may have been hidden? Wonder if there is a group of Linden Trees there? What about the Willamette Slough? How far is Linnton from Sauvie Island? Could you ping a SI cell tower while in Linnton at the slough??


Sorry keep finding things of interest. I wonder if any landscapers mentioned in Kyron's investigation ever did work at the family cemetery? ...

So I guess there may be two possible areas which could relate to chart testimonies. Linnton/Willamette Slough and the McQuinn Family Cemetery on Suavie.
Yes, "The mouth of the Willamette is just downstream of Hayden Is. and provides the southern shore of Sauvie Is." (From The Columbia River, a Photo Journey). Linnton is proximate and our Websleuths have long associated Linnton with the linden tree. Who are we to call them wrong?
Yes, searching the graveyard may yield results.

Kyron's 2009 Solar Return Chart has the Sun in the 8th house, BML 27:34 Capricorn, "Riverside" 23:59 Pisces conjunct Uranus 24:58. Pluto 0:40 trine Orcus 0:55 Virgo. Orcus, bringing death.

Kyron also has "Graves" 26:22 Virgo, in the 8th house. I find that odd that both should be found in the house of death.

I've given Kyron asteroid "Kairen" as his name. I don't see why not, after all Kaiser is pronounced Ki-zer like Ki-ren.

In the Last Seen Chart, Kairen is 26:59 Virgo, conjunct Graves 26:22 Virgo in his 2009 SR. Yes, it transitted right to that degree on the day he disappeared.

The BML at 27:34 Capricorn in the 2009 SR chart is now filled by Gerlinde 27:04 Rx Capricorn in the Last Seen chart.

Riverside is in the 12th house in the Last Seen at 21:42 Gemini, trine Graves 21:12 Aquarius in SWMNBN's natal chart.

SWMNBN also has Gerlinde 21:51Taurus square Graves 21:12 Aquarius.

I think this is testimony of death and where he is located.

It's no comfort that at least one person that lives and breathes knows where he is and won't tell.

I just noticed a reference to Hayden. SWMNBN has "Haydn" 23:15 Cancer, conjunct "Deforrest" 23:56 Cancer, both trine the Sun 23:52 Pisces. suddenly went down, so I can't get the exact degree of Kyron's SR.

It's back up. Unfortunately, it's Kyron's 2011 SR that has Deforrest 23:32 Cancer, in the 12th house.
-This may be nothing, but wanted to share it anyway...
I remember Tuba making reference to (paraphrasing) water gates or locks in water.. also Lewis and Clark.. and now McQuinn... There is an area down the Columbia River that includes all three...
[ame=",+Multnomah,+Oregon&ll=45.683158,-121.863956&spn=0.043054,0.164108&t=h&z=13"]mcquinn cemetery portland oregon - Google Maps[/ame]
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