Forensic Astrology - LINDSEY BAUM missing McCleary,WA 6/26/09 #1

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Father of murdered California girl helping McCleary family
07:01 PM PDT on Thursday, August 27, 2009
Klaas&#8217; father hopes to bring renewed attention to the disappearance of 11-year-old Lindsey Baum.

Mark Klaas&#8217; foundation, Klaas Kids, is organizing volunteer searches around McCleary this weekend.

Klaas has been in touch with the Baum family all summer.

&#8220;We&#8217;re a fraternity of survivors,&#8221; said Klaas. &#8220;It becomes very therapeutic for people like me to be able to go out and help others.&#8221;

Baum&#8217;s mother is still waiting to celebrate her daughter&#8217;s 12th birthday, which passed in July.

&#8220;I don&#8217;t care who has her, I don&#8217;t care where she is, I just want her back, &#8220; Melissa Baum told KING-5 News.

Melissa Baum appreciates the help from Klaas Kids because she feels anything that keeps her daughter&#8217;s story in the public could help locate her.

&#8220;I really and truly have a very strong faith I&#8217;m going to get her back,&#8221; said Baum.

Video: Mother has renewed hope for missing McCleary girl

August 28, 2009
The reward has been increased for information leading to the return or whereabouts of a missing McCleary girl. Lindsey Baum has been missing for over five weeks and investigators are now offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the 11 year old McCleary girl. Undersheriff Rick Scott says the money is being posted by Crimestoppers and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Lindsey went missing while walking home from a friends house on the night of June 26th. Anyone with any information is asked to call 866 915 8299.P>

Searchers renew their efforts
Friday, August 28, 2009 11:13 AM PDT
Melissa Baum struggled to describe her missing 11-year-old daughter to more than 40 potential search volunteers gathered Thursday night at the McCleary Community Center.

&#8220;She&#8217;s just an outgoing, bright little girl,&#8221; Baum said, a large photo of Lindsey smiling on the wall behind her.

Several volunteers teared up alongside Baum as she spoke at the community meeting to launch new search efforts today and throughout the weekend with support from national missing child organizations.

Coordinators from the Laura Recovery Center and the KlaasKIDS Foundation came to McCleary this weekend to rally new resources and volunteers around finding Lindsey.

&#8220;I&#8217;m thrilled,&#8221; Baum said. &#8220;I&#8217;m really excited about it.&#8221;

&#8220;There is hope,&#8221; she said. &#8220;Kids come home every day.&#8221;

Volunteers were scheduled to start registering this morning. The organizations would be leading teams through the streets passing out fliers and hanging red, white and blue ribbons in Lindsey&#8217;s honor.

Davis said teams will also comb nearby neighborhoods and wooded areas, re-searching areas scoured during the first days after Lindsey went missing.

Mark Klaas, whose daughter was kidnapped and killed in 1993, said the work of the KlaasKIDS Foundation and Laura Recovery Center has helped many families in recent years.

&#8220;Children have been found as a result of our efforts,&#8221; he said.

Organizers said the search will go on as long as possible, starting today and stretching to Sunday if needed. Klaas encouraged the volunteers at the center to contact friends, neighbors, coworkers &#8212; anyone who could join the effort and help expand the search area.

&#8220;If we get 300 people,&#8221; he said, &#8220;we&#8217;ll go a lot farther than if we get 30 people.&#8221;

Baum also asked anyone with private property that included large forested areas, abandoned buildings or abandoned vehicles to check their property for any sign of Lindsey.

Melissa Baum, standing in front of a photo of her missing 11-year-old daughter Lindsey, tears up as she speaks to more than 40 volunteers at a community gathering outlining new search efforts.

Volunteers search for missing McCleary girl
Updated Aug 28, 2009 - 9:14 pm
Volunteers have set up a search center with the help of two national missing child assistance groups, The KlaasKIDS Foundation and the Laura Recovery Center.

Lindsey's mother Melissa Baum says she's confident they're going to find Lindsey. "I absolutely believe she's alive and we're going to find her. We're going to do it, I'm not going to stop until we do."

The group searches began Friday morning at 9 a.m. and will continue through the weekend. Volunteers must be 18 years or older and present a valid ID at the sign up station at the McCleary Community Center.


I'm curious as to why are local media did not make this event a priority. Just by broadcasting in constinued rotation Tues through Fri. may have brought in more volunteers.
the local news gives more play to Easter Egg Hunts across the Pugeut Sound. Something seems off balanced in this investigation. Hopeing a couple of hundred people will show up today. From the snippest I'v read of the search yesterday it seemed like a positive enviroment, of people working together to find the littllest of clues. I'm curious to see the faces of those who were in attendance 9:00a.m. on Friday morning.
More volunteers are needed as the renewed search of 11-year-old Lindsey Baum continues in the McCleary area. Teams of volunteers inspected roadsides, wooded areas and creeks Saturday, the second consecutive day in which volunteers looked into outlying areas and neighboring towns, hoping to find clues. The search for the girl who disappeared on June 26th continues today. Two nonprofit groups &#8211; the Laura Recovery Center of Friendswood, Texas, and Klaaskids Foundation of Sausalito, Calif. &#8211; organized this latest effort. About 120 people searched Friday and about 40 Saturday and more are needed for today. The search is being staged from the McCleary Community Center, 726 W. Simpson Ave. starting at 8:30. Volunteers must be at least 18, have photo identification, and dress appropriately for the weather; food and water will be provided

Renewed effort in search for girl
Missing since June 26: News about abductee&#8217;s return after 18 years draws people to help find Lindsey
Published August 30, 2009
Teams of volunteers inspected roadsides, wooded areas and creeks Saturday as part of the ongoing effort to find Lindsey Baum, the 11-year-old McCleary girl who disappeared the evening of June 26.

Saturday was the second consecutive day in which volunteers fanned out into outlying areas and neighboring towns, hoping to find clues. The search continues today.

At the request of Lindsey&#8217;s mother, Melissa, two nonprofit groups &#8211; the Laura Recovery Center of Friendswood, Texas, and Klaaskids Foundation of Sausalito, Calif. &#8211; organized the search. Both groups have been involved in high-profile missing-child cases before, including the disappearances of Elizabeth Smart of Utah and Elaine Sepulveda of Oak Harbor.

About 120 people searched Friday, and about 40 people had taken part before noon Saturday, said Brad Dennis, director of search operations for the Klaaskids Foundation. The search is being staged from the McCleary Community Center, and although organizers have enough volunteers to handle administrative duties, they need more searchers, Dennis said.

&#8220;We need people to come out and be a part of this,&#8221; he said.

Volunteers who showed up Saturday were separated into groups. Team leaders were selected and groups were given directions on how and where to search. The team leaders also were provided with global positioning systems to note the locations of their searches, as well as clipboards with paper so they could jot down possible clues.

Patty Thorsen and Judy Enz of Olympia, plus team leader Mike Davis of Gig Harbor, spent about an hour exploring Niels Lane, a rock-covered road that overlooks state Route 8 about 4 miles west of McCleary. All three decided to volunteer because they are parents, but Thorsen and Davis also were moved by Melissa Baum&#8217;s story after hearing her interviewed on a Seattle radio station. Mike said the combination of listening to Melissa Baum and hearing news about Jaycee Dugard, the California woman recently discovered after she was missing for 18 years, prompted him to act.

&#8220;I said, &#8216;Well, I can give up a Saturday,&#8217;&#8221; he said. Davis, too, has five children, including three girls.

All three got into his truck, drove to the end of the road and then worked their way back, stopping frequently to look down hillsides, peer into the woods and inspect roadside debris. The three also discovered a black garbage bag filled with clothes, including a pair of denim jeans, the same kind of clothes Lindsey last was seen wearing. After that discovery, it was determined that the clothes and trash likely belonged to a transient and not Lindsey, although Dennis praised the group&#8217;s efforts in finding the bag.

Davis marked the site with orange fabric so investigators could inspect the site. Once volunteers return to the community center, they are debriefed and their information is shared with law enforcement, Dennis said.

What&#8217;s next
The search for Lindsey Baum continues at 8:30 a.m. today, starting at the McCleary Community Center, 726 W. Simpson Ave., McCleary. Volunteers must be at least 18 and have photo identification. They also should dress appropriately for the weather; food and water will be provided.



Thanks Angel for that update. Fingers crossed that a team of searchers checks out the Melbourne area. I hate to sound like a broken record concerning that area, but I have seen these charts establish a good foundation to start sluething from in so many cases here. ~<3~
Tomorrow being the last day of August, we then have another week from Tuesday before McCleary school opens. Is it possible that there will be a parent-teacher night or a student-teacher orientation first? If such a session is being held, could someone local provide me with the date and time? Thank you in advance.
Tuba - here is the calander for the first couple of days. Looks like open house the day school opens:

August 31 - Strategic Planning Development Meeting @ 8:30 am with staff
September 8 - First Day of School; Open House 8:20-9:30 am
September 9 - Preschool Slow-start
September 10 - Preschool Slow-start; Sports Physicals
September 24 - Open House/BBQ 100 year celebration 5 to 8 pm

Here's the link:

Bold by me - hope this helps,

Perfect! I will put the chart into photobucket and copy it here right away. I have also added a diagram of the Sun illuminating the Moon as she travels around earth and another showing the progression of the Moon through her cycle, from the vantage point of sunset on earth. BRB
So now we have the mark right where we want him, rising and visible in the First House! The net folds and closes. Remember, this is the figure loitering in the background on Friday 21 August at the community center but not present on the day of the Klaas Foundation search. Twitchy, doing a lot of to-ing and fro-ing and at the solstice point of Uranus, tuned to the Moon. All we have to do is pull his hold card.

I almost lost hope for awhile after August 21, thinking that opportunity would not come again.
Tuba, is "civics" the last word (in parentheses: H. 11= civics?) of the first paragraph of your analysis, in this chart for McCleary School's Open House? My eyes just will not work it out for me, in spite of your lovely handwriting.

Thank you for all your efforts, and especially for the "patience" one.
House 11 represents circumstances, abbreviated to circs. The school is throwing a blanket of protection over the students, no matter what their circumstances. Opposite Jupiter, this Venus really means to guard them with the very lives of those in charge.

Pluto comes out of and rules the House of witnesses, thus holds guilty knowledge. In the last paragraph: "rules the H. of witnesses & is turning in direction, so is slow to enter the building, often tardy or even delinquent in attendance." Pluto is a reluctant and most secretive witness.
House 11 represents circumstances, abbreviated to circs. The school is throwing a blanket of protection over the students, no matter what their circumstances. Opposite Jupiter, this Venus really means to guard them with the very lives of those in charge.

Pluto comes out of and rules the House of witnesses, thus holds guilty knowledge. In the last paragraph: "rules the H. of witnesses & is turning in direction, so is slow to enter the building, often tardy or even delinquent in attendance." Pluto is a reluctant and most secretive witness.

A student at the school, meaning a child has witnessed LB's abduction?
A child knows what happened. There is an interesting complex among Mercury, Saturn and Uranus also. Mercury is at the solstice point of Uranus but Saturn is at solstice point 6° Aries, directly opposite Mercury, so there is fear there. There will be a sudden turn of events due to returning students and the confined socialised setting of school. Mercury turns backward (retrograde) at the very degree where he rests in this chart, propelling developments to a breakthrough. Do not forget (discussed in earlier post) Mercury is on the degree of homicide. When he turns direct at the end of next month, the Sun will be on that degree of homicide and Mercury will be 21° Virgo applying to Saturn. September should tell the tale.
Tuba, The words used have me thinking of a student late to school vs. an adult. Could this student hold the key to the abuser who is responsible for Lindsey's abduction and hiding of her? Are the female students warned in a mature way about people & safety for this reason? I'm throwing out questions as I'm remembering your post. It makes me feel that a student who was in the house you referred to as being unsafe may live with this frustrated SO who speakes like a used car salesman or knowes him. Is this why safety is mentioned as this criminal seems so normal? Does this childs behavior give the clues that other adults working at the school pick up on? Is the student afraid to walk through the doors because of this and because of past school issues thinks no one will believe their words? The secret lies within a child is what I'm feeling and someone trys to make a school authority dismiss the concern and that causes a red flag? I'm reaching here in such a crytic way and don't mean to. ~<3~
Tuba I typed that post not knowing you were talking about a child. I certanily have my own theory's and I believe this includes a child a female athority figure like a caregiver and a Male possibly keeping them emotionally hostage in the most scariest way. Your statement that you have used twice about someoe witholding info and, "What is this mom not telling and causing obstruction? Is this the female who goes up against the nale who talks maturely to the female students? I'm asking to stay on a track of some sort.
kageykaren, I do definitely feel that the school will be sensitive to the behavior depicted in the chart.

The school is safety conscious because of their missing girl, Lindsey. That brought everyone up with a sharp turn. Awareness is so much heightened it just starts off the page of the horoscope. But that's all to the good, don't you think?
Kagey - I'm seeing as a student who may have been molested by the perp previously and has never told anyone because of fear. When school starts and the talk turns to Lindsey, the student will again become fearful, trying to withdraw from school. The perp will notice and become even edgier.

Let's hope all those protecting the students take notice!

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