Forensic Astrology - McSTAY family of 4 -last seen 2/4/10

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The fountains... maybe something to do with his fountain business? Was something amiss there... with say... a business partner? Very intriguing... the asteroids really fascinate me with what has been shared so far on many of these threads. It is all so unmistakably accurate. I am truly in awe- Thanks Astros!
At first I thought maybe they were using the surname Fuentes or Fuente (fountain) as an alias, or new name, but now that I realize part of his business was fountains, well, I guess that what it's referring to. Some sort of business dealings gone awry, maybe? Obviously, you used the asteroid "fountain" for a reason.

The fountains... maybe something to do with his fountain business? Was something amiss there... with say... a business partner? Very intriguing... the asteroids really fascinate me with what has been shared so far on many of these threads. It is all so unmistakably accurate. I am truly in awe- Thanks Astros!

I find it noteworthy that "America" had passed over Summer's "Fountain" 13:55 Aquarius 2 days before they vanished. And JM's "Karma" 13:20 Aquarius.

IMO, where you have "America" in your chart and the aspects to it from planets, can be where you are loyal to the country, receive welfare, (Hasanni Campbell's was prominent, essentially the country paid all his expenses.) make counterfeit money, join a anti-government group, smuggle dope, etc. You get the drift.

The youngest boy has "America" 22:53 Aries trine Saturn 22:38 Leo. In two days the Sun will reach 22 Aries. Today "America" is on the Feb. 4th chart of Uranus at 24:34 Pisces.

aksleuth, I've been trying to post all day but things kept coming up. I didn't realize you didn't go to the Missing Forum, which I have been following avidly. JM had an internet fountain business, these were installed by a worker, C.M. (who's been on the wrong side of the law in the past.)

Frankly I don't know & can not discern why "Fountain" is so prevalent in their charts. Could be legitimate business or not - but I'm very suspicious.
I occasionally visit the Missing Forum, but not often. I checked my notes and found the fountain business in there. It didn't register for some reason. Also, when this family first went missing, I paid more attention. Now that certain things have come to light, not so much.

In reading back, I noticed a post referring to "partners" in the business.
Joey's adopted father was his only "known" partner, in the fountain endeavor.
Chas Merritt seems to have been a subcontractor, who only worked when there was work.
It also is verified (by online court documents) that Joey's adoped father, Patrick McStay, is involved with a lawsuit regarding the business.
His adopted father resides in Texas and was the one who initially contacted Tim Miller of Equusearch.
This same man started a business with Summer in the past, which involved some rescue your home from foreclosure business.
Is it possible that Joey's adopted father could know more of the situation with the family than he is telling?
Would a chart on him provide any useful information?

Joey's adopted father, Patrick McStay and Susan (Joey's mother) are no longer married. Susan has been married again and divorced.
What is not clearly understood is why Susan (Joey's mother) is now running Joey's business and not Patrick McStay who would be the logical successor.
(Although emails and such to the business are not being answered and quotes are not being provided.)
The mother, with the help of Joey's brother, Mike, produced another business name, similar to Joey's original name for his business, and have directed all inquiries there.
However, inquiries go unanswered.
What is the purpose of establishing another company for Joey's business, when there is no business?
What are the family's intentions, purpose, goal for doing such?
Do they have more information than they are sharing?
Would a chart on them, provide information?

Summer's friends, Diane & John, who were instrumental in their purchasing of the Fallbrook home, must know the real story of the McStay finances, but they have said nothing.
These are the same people that Summer was to return to work with as a realtor, before she disappeared.
It is also the couple they reference on the "home video" of the trip to the Avocado home.
How did they qualify for the home purchase, as a self employed fountain resaler and a stay at home mom?
Why did they pay more for the home than the price it was listed?
Are there nefarious reasons dealing with the home purchase, Summer's deed of the home to Joey, and the sudden disappearance?
Would a chart on the couple provide this information?

If any of the forensic astrology pros think this could help, I will provide DOB or Marriage/Divorce info for any of the above.
An untimed birth chart for Patrick McStay would not reveal whether he knew more than he was saying. Since he called Tim Miller for help, it was probably a sincere appeal. What might answer your question about what he understands or knows would be an event chart for some highly significant action or act of his. The settlement of his legal action would be one, or the decision, whether for or against him, from the bench. Also, if he ups stakes and moves to Fallbrook, for e.g. Look for an event involving him in the news.
I would agree with Tuba that looking at a Natal without benefit of the "Event" chart, would be fruitless really. Not everyone is nice, and most have questionable things in their natal, or we'd be perfect already and not be here :)

However, IF you can get an Event date and time that is deemed important THEN adding a date of birth to the chart's overall appearance can be very helpful at that point.

For instance, in the Mackenzie Cowell various event timed charts , it "helped " to see some of the POI that were around her at one time or another, although most of their natals as well
seemed rather nefarious (the new b.f. and the other older man) as I recall, neither looked particulary great to me.

So a natal by itself, isn't helpful but certainly WITH the event chart can be very helpful to chart the person possibly a part of or doing the event.

As for why the mother and brother would pick up where the son left off in the Fountain business can be any number of reasons, I'm sure from taxes to benefit of a job and potential new business.

Any number of reasons.....
As far as I recall, there was a telephone call (the last call?) from Summer to the friend Realtor lady.
Could this then be helpful to study "that" particular chart (last phone call) with the lady's natal chart?

I'd defer to Tuba on that call.
LAST KNOWN CONTACT - Summer speaks to Realtor friend at approx 10:45 am on Feb. 4th. Cases/SummersLastHumanContact001.jpg

Thanks to the research efforts of Fifth Essence, we now know that it was Summer who took the initiative to call her realtor friend, Diane. We also know when she phoned and the above link will take you to the chart, a Last Heard From. We have to wonder what signal happening occurred on February 18 because on that day, the Sun hit the solstice point of the Moon in our chart above.

The solar eclipse in January was on a degree of obstruction. It must have had important ripples that reached this day in February because the Part of Fortune here is at critical flash point, could not be more public and noticeable than on the Midheaven (see chart) and is just one degree from that solar eclipse point.

With Neptune in the Sign & House of circumstances, Summer's plight is about to go critical but is already chaotic. Neptune rules a happening in the past caused by that individual, Neptune. He is muy flexible because in mutual reception with Uranus~they can shift roles any time and restore normalcy. They, unfortunately, chose not to do that because Neptune of disappearances has swallowed this family!
Post #39 in this thread is titled February 4 and the chart is clearly February 4. The Sun is 16:16 Aquarius.
Would it be of any benefit then to study the phoned realtor's natal chart ?

That was my primary question.

BTW: I LOVE that reading that Tuba did on the "last phone call to Realtor"
It covered everything possible., nothing left to pick up on.

The reason Joey's last phone call doesn't match the time provided by Paulette is that in post #37, closer to mine, she found another time that came directly from "Mike Dirt", Joey's brother. But it was given on a board we don't recognize, so the information wasn't in place very long before it was XXXXed out.

Now, however, the website he maintains in his search for Joe, gives a third time: 8 o'clock and 28 minutes. Newspapers and web sources have varied wildly, so we need to learn whether Mike now has a copy of the telephone log or made notes when he was allowed to see it. Since the call to Chase Merritt was the Last Heard From for Jos. McStay, it seems important to find out when and also, if known from tower pings, where it was made.

If your charting on this exit from the locale of residence does not match mine, you may have chosen a different geographical site. I put my coordinates up in the right hand corner. The McStays lived in Fallbrook but by surveyor plat, he was technically in Bonsall and then, the call was not made from his home, so your mileage may vary.

As to Diane Cirignani, our moderator Fifth Essence phoned and spoke to her personally and she has fully cooperated with the police. In the chart for Summer's call to her, she appears as Venus in Aquarius, truthful. She may have revealed information to the police that they have not shared publically but it would only be what Summer confided, so Summer's charts are our primary & best source.
Thanks for the clarification of WHERE Joey made that last phone call, Bonsall Calif. vs Fallbrook, as it does make a difference, albeit a very slight one.

As for the date on post 39
in the right hand corner (my left corner on the screen) with the coordinates, or (the chart posted), the confusion at least for me was it says, March 4th in the handwritten edge of the paper - but when I ran the chart it's really Feb. 4th, afterall for 16AQ.

So now my confusion has been cleared entirely.

There was no phone call in March, clearly the LAST phone call was indeed
on February 4th.
So strange they are all gone. Why in the world did they run for the hills that night afterall?

Where can this family be? How can you rid yourself of 4 bodies...2 adults without a trace?

Thanks again everyone,

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - McSTAY family of 4 -last seen 2/4/10[/ame]

This post speaks to the house purchase. If the McStays ending by paying more for the real property than the asking price, an auction situation where they were bidding against a competing buyer could have developed. Or the McStays may have required certain repairs or alterations be made to the house or land be made before they were willing to buy or they may have demanded certain reports from surveyors or appraisers but seller agreed, for a price. The title company, the new lender, the recorder were all involved in cementing these transactions. I do not believe the purchase of the house deserves scrutiny.

Mike McStay has some quarrels with the San Clemente Times over accuracy but since his website and said Times agree on the last call from Joey to Chase at 8:28 p.m., maybe that is reliable data.

Since the Isuzu pulled out of the driveway 41 minutes earlier and was found at San Ysidro, I placed the call within greater San Diego. The Moon has wide latitude, 5°03' south, so the McStays gave themselves free range in their getaway. They knew where they did not want to be and that was within the targeted walls of their home.

There are two fateful Yods in the call chart, one including Pluto inside the house. This Y formation is very often (and certainly in our winter>spring charts) an imprint of crime and violence. Planet Jupiter is in opportunity sextile with Pluto and is in crisis 4° of a Common Sign; Jupiter is also the stem of the other Y involving ugly Mars - Saturn. We know the situation is exigent from this Jupiter's degree, grave and climactic, demanding a different arrangement from past habituation. We also see how retrograde Mars inflames the House of circumstances, bent on destruction. He is in menacing combine with Saturn and that rules the children, a terrible predicament. The McStays are struggling against isolating forces and there are obstructions everywhere. When you have a planet at critical degree, the aspects to it are powerfully reinforced and here they are dire (quincunx from both Mars and Saturn).

On 26 June, Summer's Sun is eclipsed.
POF in 4th (home life) square Saturn in 1st = death?

Looks beyond ominous,but the threat was obvious ,
"you are dead meat, all of you"
but the question remains, are they?

They (if alive) must be frightened beyond all get out.

Since no bodies showed up and they were "on the road" with this phone call, they must be alive? Video capture of leaving home was 7:47PM an hour ahead of this chart.

Did a vehicle catch up to them, or did they meet someone in San Diego, these are the pressing questions I suppose.

Since this 8:48chart is the phone call "your'e dead meat" doesn't then resolve the question of alive or dead....or at least I don't think so.

What do you think Tuba, ?
The wayward Mars give me a blue fright and the worst detail is the the Moon is yet to square him when the McStays leave home and when Joey places the call. Also known, this Mars doesn't end where he seems to be going. Therefore, although the family thinks he's headed for the house, he can easily lurk and waylay them on the road and then deceptively leave the car at the border. His handiwork is seen in far too many atrocities during Aquarius, Pisces, Aries of this year.

Until Mike Dirt validates the Mexican sightings, I am unconvinced by them also. Nor do I suspect the McStays of nefarious schemes or crimes. I am WORRIED about them. Summer has a progressed New Moon in Aquarius this year and her Venus is now quincunx natal Mars in Libra. Progressed Mars is leaving the Sign and already at 29° Libra, unfortunate. Her terrible transits have been described earlier. We also know that Joey was off his feed and sometimes dizzy, from his Scorpio birthday on.
This family's life history been investigated & dissected every way possible on the Missing forum. To tell the truth - no smoking gun has been uncovered, just innuendo.

It seems pretty obvious to me that CM knows something. JM had interactions with him on the 4th & was the last one to speak with JM. From all the phone calls it seems to ME that CM was warning JM or setting him up.
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