Forensic Astrology - McSTAY family of 4 -last seen 2/4/10

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As to Chase Merritt, his Uranus conjoins Summer's Jupiter and squares Joey's Saturn, all exact at 3°. Chase M.'s Jupiter is also on Summer's Uranus. Seize the moment gambling aspects (not casino gambles, just the bets we all place everyday that such & so will happen) but Joey's dragging his feet.
her Venus is now quincunx natal Mars in Libra. Progressed Mars is leaving the Sign and already at 29° Libra, unfortunate. Her terrible transits have been described earlier

And for this Venus lady, Mars is in Detriment in Libra. Not a great transit IF still alive. The quincunx is notorioius for fatalities or instrumental in sickness and ill health.

Progressed Mars is leaving the Sign and already at 29° Libra, unfortunate. Her terrible transits have been described earlier.
Search by 7 Mexican Investigators comes up empty

SAN DIEGO—Mexican investigators have ended a search in a tiny tourist town for a Southern California family, marking another dead end in an investigation that began three months ago when the family mysteriously disappeared.

"Alfredo Arenas, head of the Baja California state police international liaison unit, said Thursday that seven investigators searched over three days for Joseph and Summer McStay and their two young boys.

Arenas says the FBI alerted him to a possible sighting in El Rosario, about 200 miles south of the California border."

This search was in response to a sighting by the waiter at Mama Espinosa's restaurant. Does this suggest that the waiter was mistaken or perhaps wanted some publicity or the entire sighting was a made-up story? It appears so. If they had been in El Rosario some one would have noticed them besides the waiter. Stumped again!
Thanks for keeping up with this story Paulette, it's just all SO bizarre.
"We saw them, we didn't", even the part about the little one's birthmark on the face.

Gosh, no updates on this family ! What is the deal? Where are they? Why no searches close to home? What does LE know that we don't?
Looks like this case was highlighted on America's Most Wanted" just a few weeks ago, and still nothing?

Missing McStay Family On America's Most Wanted

POSTED: 11:14 am PDT June 19, 2010
UPDATED: 10:53 am PDT June 20, 2010

On Saturday night, "America's Most Wanted" featured a story on the disappearance of Joseph McStay, his wife and their two young boys.

The family vanished in February. Their abandoned car was found in a parking lot near the San Ysidro border crossing.

10news spoke with Joseph McStay's brother on Saturday.

More at link above.

Nothing new that I can find. :waitasec:
I was just over at the missing forum to find them on the 3rd page. I'm convinced they've been murdered. I find it very hard to believe that four people could disquise themselves for this long. Even with a such a paltry reward someone would surely want it.
I was just over at the missing forum to find them on the 3rd page. I'm convinced they've been murdered. I find it very hard to believe that four people could disquise themselves for this long. Even with a such a paltry reward someone would surely want it.

I dont know about that, I live in Alabama and honestly if it wasn't for WS I wouldn't know anything about this case, if I saw the four of them in my local store I wouldn't know it was them.
I had to run the 8:39 chart for 4th Feb. that Tuba did months ago to see where "Dike" was that night. Dike is the goddess of earthly justice. Asteroid "Josepha" & "Dike" are conjunct at 23 Taurus in the 8th house. Mars is 7:17 Leo. The solstice points of each other.

Joe's Sun had progressed to 8:51 Capricorn, which Leomoon has told us the Sabian Symbol for this degree is "the body in the ditch".

Joe's natal Dike has progressed to 26:26 Pisces, which interestingly was being transited by "Restitutium" 26:35 Pisces, (restoring, getting what you deserve, paying back).

No evidence, only heresay, has ever come to light that either Joe or Summer had done anything to deserve Mars chasing them for justice or it was time to pay up.
I had to run the 8:39 chart for 4th Feb. that Tuba did months ago to see where "Dike" was that night. Dike is the goddess of earthly justice. Asteroid "Josepha" & "Dike" are conjunct at 23 Taurus in the 8th house. Mars is 7:17 Leo. The solstice points of each other.

Joe's Sun had progressed to 8:51 Capricorn, which Leomoon has told us the Sabian Symbol for this degree is "the body in the ditch".

Joe's natal Dike has progressed to 26:26 Pisces, which interestingly was being transited by "Restitutium" 26:35 Pisces, (restoring, getting what you deserve, paying back).

No evidence, only heresay, has ever come to light that either Joe or Summer had done anything to deserve Mars chasing them for justice or it was time to pay up.

Hi Paulette, glad someone is taking the time to decipher these for the McStay family's charts.

The so -called termed, "Body in the Ditch" degree is 9Virgo. a Degree of Homocide, so coined I believe by this lady, Nancy Fenn on her site:

Perhaps you recall me mentioning 8Capricorn, is conjunct fixed Star "Facies" often seen as problematic, and for some can even denote a type of ruthless behavior in the natal charts.

P.S BTW: .I'm not one to employ the Sabian Symbols very much at all, but I do own a book about them (360 degrees of Wisdom) so I looked them up for you.

8Capricorn is "Birds in the House Singing Happily" as a keynote
and 9 Capricorn, (because this is 8:51 deg.) moving to the next whole number after the minutes...would be
"An Angel comes Carrying a Harp" .........WOW...



p.s. actually a good way to jog my memory about 9 Virgo, is that it is exactly across from 9Pisces, or Fixed Star "Skat" (misfortune)
exactly opposite 9Virgo- 9Pisces both unfortunate but in different ways.
Thanks so much Leomoon for all the info on degrees. I have "Eleutheria" 9 Virgo, and I won't be getting them mixed up again - don't even want to think what "Degree of Homicide" & "body in the ditch" & "Eleutheria, all together mean! LOL...

You'll remember Colton Harris-Moore was captured on a Bahamian Island named Eleutheria, the Goddess of Liberation. Liberated him from his freedom to steal at will.

Joe has his progressed "Eleutheria" 4:44 Cancer trine to transiting Jupiter 4:10 Pisces in the 8:39 chart.

The cusp of the 9th house is 25:42 Taurus, conjunct the evil star Algol. What do you make of that?

Grasping at straws here.
Thanks so much Leomoon for all the info on degrees. I have "Eleutheria" 9 Virgo, and I won't be getting them mixed up again - don't even want to think what "Degree of Homicide" & "body in the ditch" & "Eleutheria, all together mean! LOL...

You'll remember Colton Harris-Moore was captured on a Bahamian Island named Eleutheria, the Goddess of Liberation. Liberated him from his freedom to steal at will.

Joe has his progressed "Eleutheria" 4:44 Cancer trine to transiting Jupiter 4:10 Pisces in the 8:39 chart.

The cusp of the 9th house is 25:42 Taurus, conjunct the evil star Algol. What do you make of that?

Grasping at straws here.

Your welcome Paulette, always happy to share whatever knowledge I possess as all should be willing when there are others interested in the same subject, especially about Crime and trying as you are to figure out the parties and players. That's the purpose of having a Higher Ideal I think and collective sharing.

The more you know, the more the contribution I would think....

As for 25-26TAU, on the 9th house cusp? What is the old saying? Would apply even though this is for all intents and purposes, seen as an "empty house", devoid of a planet there...."You can't polish a turd"... It's a harmful place for any planet or cusp of a house, imo.

If you are speaking about the 8:39PM Last Phone Call chart, then I think the Trine to the Ascendent which is located at approx.\ 28Virgo and in (of itself), critical, plus the conjunction to Saturn in the 1st - augments that moreso,
then we might believe that the long distance drive (9th house is a house which also rules long distances, often overseas).....
may be more to wonder about here.

Did the family make it to safety somewhere far?

Or did they simply have the Desert of Mexico dissolve their beings?

I must say I have not revisited this thread or their charts in quite some time now, so I'm behind on any new news that may have been uncovered concerning the McStay family.

But that particular chart does have a packed 4th house, so there was a LOT of worry, concern, etc. with the POF Mercury & Pluto all crammed in there.

One super powerful 4th house of home and worry. Including the NN here, and Mercury in the degree of "self-undoing" the 22nd degree.
The choices cannot have been good ones then, I wouldn't think.....
The Vertex is also at the 22nd degree in that chart and in the 6th with Uranus conjunct the D/C cusp suggesting a possible halt to the trip because Uranus is the unexpected danger and it's near the D/C
Thanks so much Leomoon for all the info on degrees. I have "Eleutheria" 9 Virgo, and I won't be getting them mixed up again - don't even want to think what "Degree of Homicide" & "body in the ditch" & "Eleutheria, all together mean! LOL...

You'll remember Colton Harris-Moore was captured on a Bahamian Island named Eleutheria, the Goddess of Liberation. Liberated him from his freedom to steal at will.

Joe has his progressed "Eleutheria" 4:44 Cancer trine to transiting Jupiter 4:10 Pisces in the 8:39 chart.

The cusp of the 9th house is 25:42 Taurus, conjunct the evil star Algol. What do you make of that?

Grasping at straws here.

That was the H. 9 cusp in the last phone call chart, where I referred to it as describing The Trip from Hell. Empty House or not, it is Caput Algol.


Referencing (so-termed) Empty Houses

There is also debate over which is older, Vedic or Tropical Astrology, but regardless of the older or the more pure to the Persian Astrology of the ancients, (which one stayed purer of the two systems to the ancient astrology ), the Vedic Astrologers as I recall do not see them as being "empty houses" at all.,as long as there IS an aspect or light being transmitted to that house.

Houses are seen as portions of mind or consciousness being reflected onto a chart and are really man - made creations for sectioning off of the constellations

There was a trine
, or aspect to the 9th (as I recall, although I'm not looking at the chart this moment) , so I also think it's quite important to consider that Paulette, as you brought up and honed onto that house cusp.

A good point to consider for sure....what may have promoted an action from that last phone call.

I tried looking at the children's charts Gianni *(missing son)and the other child missing, as both of them are advertised on Missing Posters everywhere.

Not having the times of their birth however does restrict us in this regard to see what kind of experience they were having then too.

But, I think it's also worthwhile as one of them has a more difficult chart then the other child. You may want to check them yourself Paulette, if you are working on this case or reinvigorating it.
I watched a newish Nancy Grace interview today, with Mr. McStay's brother. One of her questions was about the video, asking if he'd seen it. His answer was of course yes, about 1,000 times.

She asked him if he believed it was his family crossing the border. It felt to me like he thought about it before answering, choosing his words carefully, but said that it could be his SIL and the kids, but not his brother, that he would know his brother anywhere, even in silhouette.

I'm not someone who can read charts, so I don't always understand (well, most times do not understand) messages in the thread, but try to learn by reading. Wondering if there's an indication that something might have happened to only Mr. McStay (with others fleeing or whatever)?

Sorry if this is not an allowed question.
I watched a newish Nancy Grace interview today, with Mr. McStay's brother. One of her questions was about the video, asking if he'd seen it. His answer was of course yes, about 1,000 times.

She asked him if he believed it was his family crossing the border. It felt to me like he thought about it before answering, choosing his words carefully, but said that it could be his SIL and the kids, but not his brother, that he would know his brother anywhere, even in silhouette.

I'm not someone who can read charts, so I don't always understand (well, most times do not understand) messages in the thread, but try to learn by reading. Wondering if there's an indication that something might have happened to only Mr. McStay (with others fleeing or whatever)?

Sorry if this is not an allowed question.

I can empathize with you as to the readings as often they require one to know more about astrology then not to follow them or get much from them., so I'll try to make this simpler about Joseph McStay.

Joseph McStay had in his natal chart, Mars square Saturn. That is a mighty heavy vibration that works against life, more con, then pro life - for they are two Malefics and in harsh aspect (a square) to each other.
Neither of them was considered by the Ancients as harmonious planets.
So when you see in a natal chart a square (one to the other) of any two malefics, you are very concerned when someone goes missing.

Furthermore, one of these malefic, (his Mars which speaks of the corporal body), is located 11Aquarius, which means it conjuncts a fixed star called Armus. A very inharmonious star.
Now we have two things which stands out to be concerned about, just for him for longevity.

His Sun in Scorpio, (the personality ) is conjunct Neptune within just a few minutes.
To be precise less then 6 minutes.
In some Sun’s (personalities) this may bring about the desire for inner spark of intuition to be very strong and even one to become a mystic, but the opposite can be an indication of sneakiness and strange ideas or even one who often lies to himself and therefore to others. This could easily be seen as a business venture or some type of undercover venture gone horribly bad for him. So many planets in Scorpio, the SAG Mercury, The Aquarius Mars.

These are signs which (via their location or aspect) suggest trouble with others and more then likely money deals.

But this doesn’t necessarily spell his death either if he got away with the family over the border.

His Mercury (mindset) is in 0Sagittarius which finds itself in the sign of it’s Detriment, hence doesn’t operate well for him or to his ultimate spiritual benefit.
He needs to work harder overcoming the aspects being made to his Mercury, such as the Quincunx to Saturn. Saturn is called the stern Taskmaster because of it’s connection to karma.
The Quincunx is a harsh aspect, oftentimes works in the areas of health or against the health of the body.

So there are a few areas in this natal chart which works not only against him but probably may point more in the direction to his demise.

Transiting Moira (fate) was going over his natal Lachesis when he disappeared. Lachesis can be an indication of cutting a life off along with Atropos (see Link below)

Transiting Uranus was opposed to natal Pluto and natal Moira also indicators of potential death (all 3) at least abduction with Uranus and potentially death with the other two energies being triggered or impacted.

Lachesis (part of the 3some Moirae of Fate) was transiting at near 15Scorpio which is very critical and conjunct his natal Venus at 13 degree Scorpio.

I think from the videos and still photos we have seen that the family was indeed close, and he was by and large a “dad” in the more positive sense of the word. It’s his other dealing, business wise, that I’d suspect for the taking off of the family under the cover of darkness

I heard someone working in a Mexican Restaurant saw an American family she said looked them them, and left a map on the table of South America when they left.
I have not heard or read of any follow up to this by the LE or private detectives.

It’s therefore, becoming a real who-dun-it.

I hope you get something out of this attempt to explain what I see in Joseph's chart.
Just bumping this up to see if there is anything new or different in the charts recently
Although, I certainly agree w. you re: Atropos & Lachesis, I cannot concur with the orb you are using for Jos. McStay's Saturn to Sun as a 90 deg. angle. Much too wide an orb! Certainly, when by some form of symbolic direction, the Sun & Saturn came into recognised orb, it could and would denote an unfortunate event in his life but NOT some karmic debt or personal malefic temptation nor trait.

As to his Sun-Neptune, this can and often does denote overweaniing self-confidence but I have never seen it among the general population as sneaky or deceptive and I have known many men and women w. this very conjunction. Sometimes there is a notable passivity with the conjunction but on the whole, such individuals lead remarkably peaceful lives.
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