Forensic Astrology - NANCY MOYER missing 3/6-7/09 Tenino, WA

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Thank you Tuba for the chart for Saturday, March 7th.
Just wanted to be clear on the time/date the chart was cast ... you used the last seen on March 6th (Dave's Thriftway) and added 24 hours right?
So by 6:48 that evening trouble was approaching under cover of darkness. She was targeted by a group, helpless to defend herself. No sign of a struggle inside or outside of the house. Did she know the people in this group, if even from afar? What was their motive, was it a sexual assault (sorry have to ask)?

Also a while back you mentioned a monument, can you speak more on that?
King T.V. (out of King County) reported last year that it "is believed Nancy Moyer went missing Saturday, March 7, 2009". This was well after the first days when news came in that she had disappeared. Maybe we can safely assume that police had time to make an assessment.

If the Last Seen does not fit the circumstances of her disappearance, we can look instead at the time Bill Moyer found the door ajar and an empty house, t.v. running, half a glassful of wine. He had a very regular drop off time and he claims that Nancy only missed that time once. Therefore, he knows when he went to the house. We need to find out when that was. Then we can work the event of his finding her gone.

Handing in a check to pay for groceries at the Thriftway Market may be 24 hours +/- from the incident that removed Nancy from her home.

Today, 09:33 AM

...'facts can obscure truth...maya angelou
Join Date: Aug 2008
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TENINO - Bill Moyer said it was out of character for his wife to not be home when he showed up to drop off their children between 4:30 and 5 p.m. Sunday.
God has a plan to help bring justice to the world -- and his plan is us.
Gary Haugen
Source: Founder, International

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This is a darkly mysterious and disturbing disappearance. Trouble, yes, was approaching under dimming light. The chart I set was not Dave's Thriftway plus or minus 24 hours. What I was saying was that our notion of when Trouble arrived could be off by a full day if the police were correctly quoted and if police were confident in assigning Saturday for the date Nancy encountered her assailant(s). If the police are not positive of that, our original chart could be off by 48 hours. We only cast it for the time she paid and left the market because we had no other time to work with and still don't.

What I explained when I wrote about the new chart was that I used an official moment called "lighting up time" to consider this encounter as having occurred on Saturday ( per police) instead of Friday evening. According to Tenino and its elevation and latitude 46°51', Civil Twilight commenced at 6:37 p.m. on that Saturday. Sunset had been 6:06 p.m. So what is Civil Twilight, anyway?!

The Sun sinks below the horizon and its center has not gone past 6° under that edge, that horizon. The remaining light in the sky is now coming from the atmosphere which still is receiving direct rays from the Sun and reflecting this light back onto earth. Because of that fading illumination, you can still make out objects outdoors and you can see the horizon clearly if you ordinarily see it during daylight. You can already see bright stars and satellites. Print is yet legible. Artificial light is needed to conduct everyday operations safely and the Sun is not shining onto earth at your latitude and elevation.

Everyday is different in this regard because the Sun sets at a different time everyday and this also varies according to your location. I took the trouble to enter this moment into calculations because a lot of us feel the moment. If we don't, we are still inclined to put on the electric lights as Nature's realities are trying to tell us something. It is a typical moment to wind down and many turn on the evening news or favorite program and pour a relaxing drink. Since Nancy had done that, I felt she did it then. If in France or Napa Valley, it might have been noon but we have to consider her adversaries too. They have a preference for dimmer light.

Nancy Moyer, not by any design of mine, but by circumstance, appears as Mercury in Fixed Aquarius in the weakest of Houses, 6 in both charts. One signified by such a planet takes no action without aid or assistance from another person. Whoever these assailants were, they suppressed any activity she would choose for herself. The trespass was unforeseen and they imposed themselves.

Two zodiacal aspects concern us. Mercury or Nancy is separating from a conjunction to Mars-Neptune. But on Friday, Mercury was parallel Mars and on Saturday, Mercury was parallel Neptune. So what these two represented and what they did was still active, not a past happening or confrontation. The other aspect took place Friday evening and was the inconjunct or quincunx to Nancy/Mercury from the Moon. First the Moon was 150° from Mars (and Nancy/Mercury is parallel, remember) and then it was 150° from Mercury. This interfered with her habit of sitting down, flicking on the t.v. and having a drink. Now this could have been a phone call or other message from a friend or someone dropping by because the Moon is within her rights in Cancer (her own Sign) and in the House of friends. But the aspect was to Mars and Mars is parallel Nancy. So, in some way, this distressed her and galvanized her Fate. Perhaps it was a subtle alteration of her mood and activities.

By Saturday, we have still operative the conjunction of Mars and Neptune, even tighter, and Nancy is part of that because she is parallel Neptune. At Civil Twilight, they are with her but not necessarily seen. They are just behind the House 6 Cusp and thus behind her as she relaxes. As mentioned, a dark and disturbing setting. Jupiter and the node are also involved because Jupiter is with them and parallel Pluto on her property, House 4. The Moon is now at the degree of the node for a casualty, fatality or tragedy and is on the south node exactly. Nodes are groups. Who are these hellbenders? In this Saturday Civil Twilight chart, the Sun in Pisces, ruler of House of ambush 12, is at crisis degree. Behavior is therefore extreme and they take over. Because the Sun here is also peregrine, these individuals are in some sense drifters with no stake in the place; they are outsiders. They also lack focus and much of that is because they are in an altered state: Mars conjunct Neptune, Sun in Pisces opposite Saturn of concentration and an ordered thinking.

She is disposited or disposed of by Uranus, outlaw aggression but Uranus is in mutual reception, so wherever she was taken, she has been moved. Pluto in the Fourth House, ordinarily a grave, denies her that honor at this time because he reduces us to the "dust" whence we came.
Back to the Moyers, yet a 3rd disappearance possibility! Cases/MoyerReturnsWITHChildren001.jpg

Knox went to a lot of trouble to locate the drop-off time; it wasn't easy to find. I tried for a very long time. So, thanks to Knox, we have a third chart for Nancy disappearing. I wish I could talk to a friend or relative of Bill Moyer about whether he kept the switch to daylight savings time in mind when he traveled to Tenino. The hour had changed overnight!

The Moon and the Sun are the rulers of this moment in time. See chart center. Sun ruled the day, Moon the hour. These two bodies traditionally represent husband and wife and here, they are not in harmony. If they were, there would have been no dissolution of the marriage. Moon & Sun are inconjunct, an aspect of conditions ending. That, of course, is true as the mother of the children is nowhere to be seen.

A difficult, no-win situation had developed that would be hard to resolve. Time to remake a policy entirely. Support payments were involved. Matters were out of joint and required renegotiation. Distress was evident and the relations between the Moon and the Sun were re-forming on a less amicable basis. Mars at the Descendant is a watch out~swearing and violence. Neptune conjoining is betrayal. The inconjunct acts suddenly and unpredictably. It is violent or fateful.

The couple had no civil court divorce papers, as I understand it. The divorce had hung fire but was always an eventuality. Look at House 8. Uranus of divorce is there, ruling the marital partner 7th House. The Sun ruled the Ascendant and was applying within 4 degrees, when petition would be filed. Who are the acting parties here but a marital pair, Sun and Moon!!? No other players needed to explain this missing person.

The police know facts we do not. There are two very complete endings to this weekend. One implicates the drifters and railroad hoboes across the way. And in no uncertain terms. The other stamps this hard as a marital bite-up. The importance of a correct time and date have never been more cleanly revealed.
The icon I use for Pluto is similar to some others. For me, it doesn't make sense to use glyphs for all the planets but alphabet letters for Pluto. What is THAT?! Anyway, I am also not alone in using that particular Pluto symbol & I do not have any copyright on it. Try it, you may like it.

Thank you, Tuba, I've been wondering for ages why you use that particular glyph, which always reminds of Mimas, a moon of Saturn.

I prefer the PL combo, simply because it stands out. All the glyphs for other planets look so much alike: Mercury, Venus, and especially the ones for Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. Pluto is such a distinctive little guy, I like being able to pick him out in the line up, if you know what I mean.

Your choice of glyph is rather distinctive, and sometime back, I went through all my astrol books and it was in none of them. You're always impressing me with your accomplishments. Thanks so much. :blowkiss:
Back to the Moyers, yet a 3rd disappearance possibility!

Knox went to a lot of trouble to locate the drop-off time; it wasn't easy to find. I tried for a very long time. So, thanks to Knox, we have a third chart for Nancy disappearing. I wish I could talk to a friend or relative of Bill Moyer about whether he kept the switch to daylight savings time in mind when he traveled to Tenino. The hour had changed overnight!

The Moon and the Sun are the rulers of this moment in time. See chart center. Sun ruled the day, Moon the hour. These two bodies traditionally represent husband and wife and here, they are not in harmony. If they were, there would have been no dissolution of the marriage. Moon & Sun are inconjunct, an aspect of conditions ending. That, of course, is true as the mother of the children is nowhere to be seen.

A difficult, no-win situation had developed that would be hard to resolve. Time to remake a policy entirely. Support payments were involved. Matters were out of joint and required renegotiation. Distress was evident and the relations between the Moon and the Sun were re-forming on a less amicable basis. Mars at the Descendant is a watch out~swearing and violence. Neptune conjoining is betrayal. The inconjunct acts suddenly and unpredictably. It is violent or fateful.

The couple had no civil court divorce papers, as I understand it. The divorce had hung fire but was always an eventuality. Look at House 8. Uranus of divorce is there, ruling the marital partner 7th House. The Sun ruled the Ascendant and was applying within 4 degrees, when petition would be filed. Who are the acting parties here but a marital pair, Sun and Moon!!? No other players needed to explain this missing person.

The police know facts we do not. There are two very complete endings to this weekend. One implicates the drifters and railroad hoboes across the way. And in no uncertain terms. The other stamps this hard as a marital bite-up. The importance of a correct time and date have never been more cleanly revealed.

Thank you Tuba for reviewing Nancy's charts and coming up with another possibility for her disappearance. I owe you some information, it will be forthcoming in the next day or two.

If only the planet's could tell us where our missing are located ...

Add; I meant tell us immediately in the way a GPS gives us an immediate location when information is supplied. The charts have of course yielded locations in some cases.
Missing Woman Mystery: It's Been One Year Since Mother Of Two Simply Vanished

There was no sign of a struggle, and no reason to believe she would leave her two kids.

So where is she? Do you know how to find her?

Parella sat down with Thurston County Detective David Haller. He's been working the case since that disturbing day. "With all the information that we've developed in this case, it's been a very deep, extensive investigation. I feel that theres a 10% possibility that she's alive somewhere, and 90% that she's not."

Nancy Moyer, 37, disappeared last year on Friday, March 6th. Her husband, Bill, also talked with Parella, who says "She just vanished.",0,5629691.story

TENINO - Washington's Most Wanted's Parella Lewis unravels this unusual missing person's mystery.

Thanks to GOOMBAH for letting us know this feature about Nancy would be airing.
This is a darkly mysterious and disturbing disappearance. Trouble, yes, was approaching under dimming light. The chart I set was not Dave's Thriftway plus or minus 24 hours. What I was saying was that our notion of when Trouble arrived could be off by a full day if the police were correctly quoted and if police were confident in assigning Saturday for the date Nancy encountered her assailant(s). If the police are not positive of that, our original chart could be off by 48 hours. We only cast it for the time she paid and left the market because we had no other time to work with and still don't.

What I explained when I wrote about the new chart was that I used an official moment called "lighting up time" to consider this encounter as having occurred on Saturday ( per police) instead of Friday evening. According to Tenino and its elevation and latitude 46°51', Civil Twilight commenced at 6:37 p.m. on that Saturday. Sunset had been 6:06 p.m. So what is Civil Twilight, anyway?!

The Sun sinks below the horizon and its center has not gone past 6° under that edge, that horizon. The remaining light in the sky is now coming from the atmosphere which still is receiving direct rays from the Sun and reflecting this light back onto earth. Because of that fading illumination, you can still make out objects outdoors and you can see the horizon clearly if you ordinarily see it during daylight. You can already see bright stars and satellites. Print is yet legible. Artificial light is needed to conduct everyday operations safely and the Sun is not shining onto earth at your latitude and elevation.

Everyday is different in this regard because the Sun sets at a different time everyday and this also varies according to your location. I took the trouble to enter this moment into calculations because a lot of us feel the moment. If we don't, we are still inclined to put on the electric lights as Nature's realities are trying to tell us something. It is a typical moment to wind down and many turn on the evening news or favorite program and pour a relaxing drink. Since Nancy had done that, I felt she did it then. If in France or Napa Valley, it might have been noon but we have to consider her adversaries too. They have a preference for dimmer light.

Nancy Moyer, not by any design of mine, but by circumstance, appears as Mercury in Fixed Aquarius in the weakest of Houses, 6 in both charts. One signified by such a planet takes no action without aid or assistance from another person. Whoever these assailants were, they suppressed any activity she would choose for herself. The trespass was unforeseen and they imposed themselves.

Two zodiacal aspects concern us. Mercury or Nancy is separating from a conjunction to Mars-Neptune. But on Friday, Mercury was parallel Mars and on Saturday, Mercury was parallel Neptune. So what these two represented and what they did was still active, not a past happening or confrontation. The other aspect took place Friday evening and was the inconjunct or quincunx to Nancy/Mercury from the Moon. First the Moon was 150° from Mars (and Nancy/Mercury is parallel, remember) and then it was 150° from Mercury. This interfered with her habit of sitting down, flicking on the t.v. and having a drink. Now this could have been a phone call or other message from a friend or someone dropping by because the Moon is within her rights in Cancer (her own Sign) and in the House of friends. But the aspect was to Mars and Mars is parallel Nancy. So, in some way, this distressed her and galvanized her Fate. Perhaps it was a subtle alteration of her mood and activities.

By Saturday, we have still operative the conjunction of Mars and Neptune, even tighter, and Nancy is part of that because she is parallel Neptune. At Civil Twilight, they are with her but not necessarily seen. They are just behind the House 6 Cusp and thus behind her as she relaxes. As mentioned, a dark and disturbing setting. Jupiter and the node are also involved because Jupiter is with them and parallel Pluto on her property, House 4. The Moon is now at the degree of the node for a casualty, fatality or tragedy and is on the south node exactly. Nodes are groups. Who are these hellbenders? In this Saturday Civil Twilight chart, the Sun in Pisces, ruler of House of ambush 12, is at crisis degree. Behavior is therefore extreme and they take over. Because the Sun here is also peregrine, these individuals are in some sense drifters with no stake in the place; they are outsiders. They also lack focus and much of that is because they are in an altered state: Mars conjunct Neptune, Sun in Pisces opposite Saturn of concentration and an ordered thinking.

She is disposited or disposed of by Uranus, outlaw aggression but Uranus is in mutual reception, so wherever she was taken, she has been moved. Pluto in the Fourth House, ordinarily a grave, denies her that honor at this time because he reduces us to the "dust" whence we came.

I'm trying to understant the different charts. Are you saying that a cluster or group of people are responsable for Nancy's disapperance, such as a group of men or men and a woman? Could it be 2 or 3 specific males along with a female, or just 1 male alone? There are just so many different senerios and possiblities. We are all just so still at a lost and wanting answers to find her. Anything I can offer that can be of a help I will. Thanks for everything you are doing to help. It is so very much appreciated.
The reason there are three outcomes, as you probably read and took note of, is that law enforcement is uncertain what date Nancy was abducted. Naturally, the planets and the horoscope wheel change, depending on the date. Therefore, the same things cannot be said for all three possibilities and the event looks very different among the three dates. Since you have all the charts at your disposal, maybe you will find you have a feel, a confidence in one of them, that it portrays what happened.
The reason there are three outcomes, as you probably read and took note of, is that law enforcement is uncertain what date Nancy was abducted. Naturally, the planets and the horoscope wheel change, depending on the date. Therefore, the same things cannot be said for all three possibilities and the event looks very different among the three dates. Since you have all the charts at your disposal, maybe you will find you have a feel, a confidence in one of them, that it portrays what happened.

Thank you. yes there are a couple things from the charts that do stand out to me and make sense thinking back. First the one man she was to have met that weekend, but didn't show up for the date, doesn't seem right or truthful in what he says or his actions, a group of 3 men & maybe 1 woman either involved or in the know of what happened. A very real possibly to me. I know of such a group & then Nancy being moved later. There was an incident where someone went on the search once and acted very strangely wanting to know every where we were looking. I had felt we were close to finding her once, then after that search lost the feeling. I do feel her around me still though. She wants to be found.
Thank you. yes there are a couple things from the charts that do stand out to me and make sense thinking back. First the one man she was to have met that weekend, but didn't show up for the date, doesn't seem right or truthful in what he says or his actions, a group of 3 men & maybe 1 woman either involved or in the know of what happened. A very real possibly to me. I know of such a group & then Nancy being moved later. There was an incident where someone went on the search once and acted very strangely wanting to know every where we were looking. I had felt we were close to finding her once, then after that search lost the feeling. I do feel her around me still though. She wants to be found.

Thank you for posting Pipi. My curiosity was piqued by your post about group involvement and Nancy being moved later. Hopefully LE has results on the prints from the water glass from AFIS soon. That mention in the press recently has me waiting with baited breath. That people disappear from their own homes without a trace should be the utmost priority for us all!!
Brought from the main forum-credit to LotsOLatte;
Driver stopped with dead woman in pickup truck

Thurston County sheriff's deputies say a dead woman was found in the passenger seat of a pickup truck that was pulled over near Tenino.

Story Published: Aug 9, 2010 at 11:19 AM PDT
Story Updated: Aug 9, 2010 at 11:50 AM PDT


Bernard K. Howell is seen in a booking photo provided by the Thurston County Sheriff's Office.

Comments (31)

TENINO, Wash. -- Thurston County sheriff's deputies say a dead woman was found in the passenger seat of a pickup truck that was pulled over near Tenino. Chief Criminal Deputy Jim Chamberlain said authorities have not yet identified the woman, but the case is being investigated as a homicide.

Police were alerted to the death when a citizen flagged down a deputy about 8 p.m. Sunday and said he thought he saw a man loading a body into a pickup truck.

The deputy spotted the truck a short time later and stopped the driver near Tenino Elementary School.

Chamberlain said the man admitted to the deputy he had a body in his pickup and said he was trying to save the family the cost of a funeral.
An autopsy will be performed to determine how the woman died, but investigators said there were signs of "homicidal violence."

The driver, identified as 26-year-old Bernard K. Howell, of Tenino, was booked into the Thurston County Jail for investigation of second-degree murder and first-degree theft.


Truck driven by Bernard Howell

Chamberlain said the victim may have been in the area of Highway 507 and Mull Road on the Chehalis Western Trial when she was attacked, but detectives are still trying to determine where she was killed.

A vehicle found in the area belongs to a Yelm woman who has not been seen since Sunday morning, but Chamberlain said investigators don't know for sure if that is the same person found dead in the truck.

Officials also said they are looking into whether Howell may be connected to the disappearance Nancy Moyer, who vanished from Tenino last year.
If I can find his dob, can we take a peek at him?

More news ...
Detectives do not believe the suspect knew the victim before Sunday. Police have not identified the victim, only describing her as a middle-aged woman who died of "homicidal violence."

Police said the victim may have been riding her bike on the Chehalis Western trail, in the area of Hwy. 507 and Mull Road, when she was attacked at random by Howell. The trail is a popular paved area for bikers, walkers and joggers that runs across Thurston County.

The woman’s car was found near the trail just outside of Tenino. Investigators believe Howell moved her vehicle after he attacked her.

Police have impounded two vehicles: a gray 1986 Nissan pickup, belonging to the suspect, and a Toyota RAV 4, presumably belonging to the victim. Deputies released a picture of the suspect and the suspect's truck on Monday, in hopes that anyone who saw Howell or his truck Sunday in the Tenino area could call them with more information.

Bernard Howell III goes by his middle name, Keith. His father, Bernard Howell, Jr., said his son owned his own beef wholesale company called “Tenino Meat" and had been depressed recently. The father said his son sold beef out of a cooler on the back of his pickup. A cooler can be seen in the photo of the truck police released Monday morning.
“I’m sick to my heart,” said Bernard Howell, Jr.

Howell Jr. said his son’s business was struggling lately and he may have been angry and using methamphetamine Sunday afternoon. Howell Jr. said his son is a good man who has not been in serious trouble before.

“This is out of left field,” said Bernard Howell, Jr.
According to the father, Keith Howell went to two high schools in Lacey. He recently lived with his father in Tenino and his mother in Lakewood.
An autopsy is scheduled for Tuesday.
If Keith Howell's DOB is available his planets can be compared to those of the event of Nancy Moyer's disappearance and to her birth planets. I have several Moyer event charts but I personally do not have her DOB.
I am not so good at looking up bookings... is it possible to get his bdate off of thurston county bookings??? I will ~try~ to do my best... if I am not back in a bit put on some waders and come looking for me!
At first blush, I'm not liking what I'm seeing, nursebeeme. His Mars is on her Venus & Uranus, his Moon-Pluto is on Nancy's Mars in Scorpio and his Saturn in Scorpio is unhelpful and squares the House 5 Jupiter of her disappearance. Of course, we need to look into this more deeply.
Please do Tuba ... I look forward to hearing more!!!
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