Forensic Astrology - NANCY MOYER missing 3/6-7/09 Tenino, WA

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paulette, I see you down there! Hi girl! Are you seeing any asteroids that may be significant (namely anything to do with meat, his name, etc.... fwiw this guy had/has his own business called Tenino Meat...)
Keith Howell's planets fall in the Houses of our disappearance chart in the sectors of Nancy's home itself and the very near vicinity, like the approach to the front door and the yards. This would make it convenient for him to see her and to gain access to her. Further, his Uranus sits atop her Mercury, like the surprise sound of footsteps or a voice or interruptions of that nature that caught her off guard.

None of the ties between their planets incriminate him in her disappearance but they do suggest it would have been convenient for him to act that night; he fits the circumstances. If he has predatory instincts, she would be his likely prey because of the connections in post #39. But we do not know that about him. One striking feature of his birth planets is his Neptune at 29° Sagittarius: it would be so debilitating for him to ever touch drugs. In fact, that would prove to cause all of his known mental instability. Without drugs, his Mercury - Saturn sextile would have served him well and always kept him on track. That is a sound set of mental equipment and the sextile itself is a mental aspect, representing as it does the distance from House 1 to House 3.
Man held in Tenino woman's death found incompetent

BY JEREMY PAWLOSKI | Staff report • Published September 16, 2010

OLYMPIA – A Tenino man charged with murder in August after police found a dead woman in the passenger seat of his pickup is incompetent to stand trial, according to the results of his 15-day evaluation at Western State Hospital.

During a court hearing today, a judge ordered that Bernard Keith Howell, 26, be readmitted to Western State for up to 90 days for an additional evaluation, during which doctors will administer medications in an effort to render him competent. Howell, who appeared in court, agreed to that plan when asked.

Under Washington law, a criminal defendant is incompetent when he or she “lacks the capacity to understand the nature of the proceedings against him or her or to assist in his or her own defense as a result of mental disease or defect.” Law also states that “No incompetent person shall be tried, convicted, or sentenced for the commission of an offense so long as such incapacity continues.”

Howell can be arraigned anytime after he gains competency, Thurston County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney James Powers said outside court today.

Howell is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of Vanda Boone, 60. Boone, who had moved to the Yelm area from New York in March to work as a massage therapist, died after having her throat slit, according to Thurston County Coroner Gary Warnock. Blunt-force injuries to her head and neck and asphyxia resulting from strangulation also contributed to her death, Warnock has said.

Boone worked for Radiance Herbs and Massage in Olympia. She had studied at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment.

Read more:

Nothing about Nancy, but I still think the possibility exists that he is connected to her disappearance. Hope they successfully treat him at Western State ...
Family, friends and other law enforcement agencies have questions about Tenino murder suspect

About 60 men and women gather for prayers late Monday afternoon at the trail in Tenino where Vanda S. Boone, 60, was slain Aug. 8.

By Sharyn L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

TENINO – Fifty-seven-year-old Bernard K. Howell Jr. finally got to see his grown son on Sunday.
The father who lives in a single-level duplex in Tenino didn’t mind on Monday sharing about his visit to the Thurston County Jail, or sharing his numerous ponderings since his 26-year-old son was arrested a week ago for murder.
“I think he needs mental health help more than life in prison,” Howell Jr. said. “He’s not a killer.”
Bernard K. Howell III, 26, was charged Wednesday in Thurston County Superior Court with first-degree murder. He has no criminal background, according to authorities.
Bernard K. Howell III

The victim is a 60-year-old massage therapist who worked in Olympia and lived in Yelm. Detectives think she was attacked and her throat cut by someone she didn’t know as she took a walk on the Yelm to Tenino trail a week ago Sunday. Vanda Skau Boone’s body was found in the younger Howell’s pickup truck wrapped in a sleeping bag when he was pulled over that night in Tenino.

The self-employed door-to-door meat salesman told deputies he had no part in her death. He said he found her body on the bicycle trail and was going to bury her in a swamp. He also said he engaged in sex with her after he found her dead, according to a declaration supporting probable cause filed in court.
Vanda Skau Boone, from her MySpace

Thurston County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Chris Mealy says deputies also have a lot of pondering to do about Howell, but much of it will wait until later.
“The thing we’re working on now, our primary concern, is this homicide,” Mealy said last Friday. “All of our attention is making sure this is as air tight and iron-clad as can be.”

Obviously later, detectives will look at other things, Mealy said.
Already, the sheriff’s office has been contacted by other law enforcement agencies in the state, Mealy said, noting phone calls from Pierce, Snohomish and Grays Harbor counties.

“They’re just asking if he’s given us any information about anything else he’s been involved in,” Mealy said.

Of real interest to the sheriff’s office is the case of Nancy Moyer, a 36-year-old woman who vanished from her Tenino home last year, Mealy said.

“He lived close to her,” Mealy said. “Ichiro could hit a baseball from his house to her house, it’s less than a mile.”

The sheriff’s office found Boone’s red Toyota RAVE4 in Tenino on state Route 507. Its keys and Boone’s wallet were found in Howell’s silver Nissan pickup truck, according to the declaration filed in Thurston County Superior Court.

They learned Boone had an appointment in the Tenino area at 12 o’clock noon that Sunday, according to Mealy.

In addition to Vanda's murder and Nancy's disappearance, I see a few other LE Agencies are contacting Det. Mealy; including Gray's Harbor County. Couldn't help thinking of Lindsey baum.
paulette, I see you down there! Hi girl! Are you seeing any asteroids that may be significant (namely anything to do with meat, his name, etc.... fwiw this guy had/has his own business called Tenino Meat...)

I just saw your post this minute. I ran his chart using "Howell" & "Nancy", using the transits for the Friday chart. BML 6:57 Capricorn falls on "Howell" 6:04 Capricorn, in his chart.

He has "Wacker" 1:30 Cancer, trine BML 1:56 Pisces, trine Pluto 1:44 Scorpio.

He has "Nancy" 27:37 Libra trine the Mercury significator for Nancy Moyer 27 Aquarius in the Friday chart!!
I just saw your post this minute. I ran his chart using "Howell" & "Nancy", using the transits for the Friday chart. BML 6:57 Capricorn falls on "Howell" 6:04 Capricorn, in his chart.

He has "Wacker" 1:30 Cancer, trine BML 1:56 Pisces, trine Pluto 1:44 Scorpio.

He has "Nancy" 27:37 Libra trine the Mercury significator for Nancy Moyer 27 Aquarius in the Friday chart!!
wow! Thanks Paulette!
Facies Sun conjunction a fixed star with a reputation of extreme brutality or anger.
At the Sunrise, the Moon and Saturn on the day he was born, were conjunct however since we do not know his time of birth, this is only a mention of this, that they did conjunct in Scorpio that early morning at the Sunrise.

I could go into more detail since Edgar Cayce’s name has been mentioned a few times to suggest that he tells us in his readings that the First Breath natal is not necessarily when the Soul arrived in the physical body, but for all intents and purposes, the First Breath or known time of the birth suffices in most cases just fine.
There have of course been books written by the late John Willner who studied Cayce’s work as well as Astrology and in his capacity as a Scientist, suggests much more work needs to be done and he recommends the day for the year progressions as highly rated in his work should be used often to compensate if we do nothing else.

This may be one case that he makes a good case for, but we don't know the "first breath" time anyway, so it's a moot point for now.

I believe I’ve studied Cayce’s work longer then John Willner, but I can find no fault in his work, for he has also been an Astrologer far longer then I, and is big on statistical analysis.

He does question however the authenticity of the 1st Breath charts in his “The Perfect Horoscope” as well as his “The Rising Sign Problem” published years ago and you can read some of it today on Amazon for free there.

I wondered when I saw the Sunrise chart.....with the Moon conjunct Saturn so closely at that point.

In this man’s chart whether the Sun Rise time with the Moon conj. Saturn, in Scorpio or
The Sun conjunct fixed star Facies, there is certainly a great amount of inner rage within the man to conceive of such a crime as this would be (IF he did do as he is accused of having done)

His Venus in late degree Scorpio, is worrisome for sure, as is his Sun and Mercury conjunction.

In this chart we also see his Chiron (the inner wound we all bear) is conjunct to Algol (her throat was cut) and also the aspects to the other planets to Chiron are all harsh ones where made.
For instance, Chiron quincunx Neptune (very harsh) and Neptune is often delusional and often creates it’s own reality outside of the others reality when compromised harshly.

Chiron is also opposed to his late degree Scorpio Venus. Venus in Scorpio is in Detriment, and does not operate well here. However unlike Joanne Wickenburg’s original case study of Serial Killers, he does not have a signature of the 59% in her study that have Neptune Rx in his chart. Neptune is direct in his natal.
But then again, no one is suggesting a serial killer here.
Although she did a great service I think starting this study, there has since been a larger study conducted and so the search for Astrological indicators goes on unabated in research since this initial work.
I’d be more interested however in comparing his chart to those of others like minded, and not the Serial Killer variety.

As mentioned, HIS Mars does sit atop HER Venus in the Via Combusta, or the “Fiery Way” between 15Libra and 15Scorpio , but that alone should not be enough for this type of crime to have taken place.

Horrendous implications…. I'd not studied this case before in it's details , and was very shocked to see this today.

You'd think at my age, I'd be all out of "shocks" to the system.
: (
These charts are not for the Arrest date, but for the Day that Nancy Moyer disappeared in 2009 Transits:


I reread the article, and see that the woman in the truck (passenger seat) was NOT Nancy Moyer, but another older woman!
Shocking, still!

Do we have the date of birth of this other woman yet?
Here is the chart for the lady in the vehicle, the one who had her throat slashed:

Transits for this event:

Cause of Death: Slit throat & Strangulation

1. Vanda Skau Boone: Death Record from the Social Security Death ...
Name: Vanda Skau Boone. Date of Birth: Tuesday May 30, 1950. Date of Death: Sunday August 08, 2010. Est. Age at death: 60 years, 2 months, 9 days ...

I read he (Howell) is mentally incompetent to stand trial however.

I had halfway expected to find evidence of a throat cut or slashed , with Algol, (the Medusa's Head) in the natal chart or progressions charts.

In this case, we see that the Black Moon Lilith is inching it's ways towards natal
Moira - and the midpoint being Algol between the two in her Progressions chart.

Midpoint of 25degrees57.5minutes Taurus conjuncts Algol (Progressions)

In addition to this she also had the unfortunate parameters of 24.51Leo a murder degree reflecting perhaps the mindset of the killer as well with her progressed Mercury here.


Transiting Atropos at 9Virgo, (the Body in the Ditch) critical degree....
nearing natal Saturn with TR Mercury over Natal Saturn (exact orb) or 12Virgo

The Sun for her that day, perilous at 15Leo (termed very inharmonious) and often referred to as the worse degree of the zodiac, meets up to join her natal Pluto at 16Leo.

It's nice that her workplace co-workers and boss recall her so fondly, and a shame it needed to end this way for her.

Leomoon, there is no "Vanda" asteroid, but there is a "Vand". It's at 26:56 Taurus in Howell's chart. Her progressed chart has "Vand" 23:19 Sagitarius trine "Howell" 23:18 Aries.

Howell has "Nancy" 27:38 Libra. Nancy Moyer has Venus 27:39 Libra.
Bernard Howell pleaded guilty to 1st degree murder.

Wondering if another look at Nancy's chart would be beneficial.

Recently, human remains were found in an area near Hart's Lake. Many of us are wondering if the remains could be those of Nancy.

ETA: Ms. Facetious commented that Josh Powell had been to Hart's Lake in WA State and thought about Susan Powell.
The chart we worked from, her last seen, did show trouble in the form of Saturn coming up (rising in the First Quadrant), at 18°. When Howell pled guilty, Mars was 18° )(, which is one connect. Jupiter is now going over the Venus of that evening in House 8 of death and another possible rape. That is certainly not enough to tie Howell to this disappearance, even with his location one mile away, but it is a start. Venus was in the last decanate of Aquarius for the plea but not exact to the malefics of her last seen. The exact Mars - Saturn opposition, event to event is powerful. We would simply need more.
We do know a few more things about him personally. He had taken up a darkly Plutonian life. By progression in 2009, his Sun had come into exact square with his progressed Pluto. His Saturn was quincunx the 15°II lunar node of his chart, from 15° Scorpio, Pluto's Sign (& his Moon Sign). His progressed Moon went over Nancy's Pluto at 3° Libra in 2009. Pluto was 3° Capricorn the evening she vanished (exact square). Howell now had the eerie conjunction of Neptune & Jupiter at 1° Capricorn. This was by progression and allows him to lead a double life. The highly significant Mars - Saturn opposition in the above post at #54, 18° - 18° is also exactly square Nancy's Saturn at 18°II. Lastly, his progressed Mars in Plutonian Scorpio = her natal Mars!
If I could find a time the human remains were located at Harts Lake; would that be helpful?
Thanks but we don't need the time. From the article you provided, I see the exact date was March 11 and that suffices for this purpose. Assuming, I am, that your question is whether the find relates to Nancy Moyer (not to Keith Howell). The connections between Nancy Moyer & Keith Howell are already explored above.
Thank you Tuba. After all this time reading here, I'm embarrassed to say I still don't get some of the finer details in post (#55).
I checked the planets of March 11, 2011 against the disappearance charts and so far, this does look like a find positive to the event(s) of 2009. If these remains are not Nancy's, they belong to a victim killed on that long ago weekend but we know of no one else missing in Tenino.
This was posted on WS today about the remains found at Harts Lake:

"Human remains may be those of torture victim

TACOMA, Wash. -- Human remains found near Harts Lake earlier this month may belong to a victim of brutal torture that was captured on tape, according to investigators.

The human bones were found in a wooded area near a hiking trail on March 10, prompting Pierce County detectives to launch a homicide investigation.

The medical examiner has not positively identified the remains, but said there are several notable similarities between the remains and the torture victim seen in the footage being bound, gagged and tortured with a knife, according to the statement of probable cause"

I notice here they give the date of March 10th but that could be a mis-writing. Everything else I've read says March 11th.
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