Forensic Astrology - Sandra Cantu

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At this point, I am fixated on the "complete bum who is unwell." I am praying for an arrest within the next couple of days.

Tuba - any way to tell if this "unwellness" manifests physically? Is it something that can be seen, such as a limp or twisted limbs or something?

Where can I go to scream OUT LOUD and beg GOD to please stop these perverts from letting these babies be babies and skip and hop across the street to visit their friends. Now we have to watch EVERY move our children make and if I saw someone approach my child he would have a bullet between his eyes before he finished his nasty little thought. I am SO ANGRY and I don't know what to do right now. I stepped out into the back yard and yelled as loud as I I will probably be hearing sirens soon. I think tonight I'm going to drink myself into a coma. My heart was not built to live in this horrific world.

I'm sorry...please deal with me accordingly.
case after case you astros prove the validity of your science. thank you and bless you.

I thank you all too for your diligence and am very appreciative you are here at WS. xox

Is it possible to see if there is any feeling about the Baptist church? We just learned on the main thread that the shed by the church is an active crime scene. Also a new home was searched today.
Listing of JT-V asteroids in Sandra's natal chart:

Asteroid "Humboldt" 17 degrees Libra opposite natal Venus (Pelican Bay Prison is located in Humboldt County), and exactly inconjunct Sun. Note Humboldt exactly opposite Venus roughly at the midpoint of Sun/Julio.

Asteroid "Julioangel" 2nd house at 22'55 degrees Taurus, exactly square Sandra's Uranus, and conjunct Saturn (25 Taurus)

Asteroid "Trujillo" 3rd House, at 7 Gemini conjunct Sandra's Jupiter

Asteroid "Villalobos" 12th House, at 15 Aquarius

JT-V's Asteroid "Orangia" at 10 degrees Sagittarius conjunct Sandra's Mars.

Sandra natal with JT-V asteroids:

JT-V Natal (birthplace unknown, used city of residence):

Biwheel Sandra and JT-V:

Lots of connections there. In particular, in the bi-wheel note the tight Uranus-Sandra-Venus conjunction in Sandra's 4th House. As well, the Sun-Pluto-Mercury-Julio grouping in the 5th-6th House.

Also, Uranian Planet Cupido (not asteroid Cupido) is at 6 degree Sagittarius conjunct Sandra's natal Mars. (U-Cupido denotes social ties and group affiliations as well as personal family.)

Following Tuba's suggestion to look at hispanic related asteroids, asteroid "Proserpina" (often present in charts of child abductions) in JT-V's chart at 16 Libra opposite Sandra's Venus 17 Aries and exactly square Sandra's "Hidalgo" at 16 Capricorn, which is conjunct south node. (There was no tight connection with Padua.)

If requested, I'll work on the third POI in the list (VA, sun in Aquarius-co ruled by Saturn and Uranus).

I want to note here that the use of asteroids, uranian planets and arabic parts supports the actual technical application of forensic astrology. By posting these asteroids, I am simply emphasizing the work already shown in the excellent forensic chart analyses earlier in the thread.
Where can I go to scream OUT LOUD and beg GOD to please stop these perverts from letting these babies be babies and skip and hop across the street to visit their friends. Now we have to watch EVERY move our children make and if I saw someone approach my child he would have a bullet between his eyes before he finished his nasty little thought. I am SO ANGRY and I don't know what to do right now. I stepped out into the back yard and yelled as loud as I I will probably be hearing sirens soon. I think tonight I'm going to drink myself into a coma. My heart was not built to live in this horrific world.

I'm sorry...please deal with me accordingly.

Aw Pookie Dust...I completely understand your anger and frustration! I feel like screaming too! I can't help but feel like these abductions are getting more and more frequent.

Do any of our astros have any thoughts on whether or not something is astrologically different in the past year or two...showing our children in greater danger. I'm not sure what to make of it. Either there are more SOs out there running around destroying lives...or we are just hearing more about them in media than in years past. Either way, I can't help but feel that it is a sickening trend.
At this point, I am fixated on the "complete bum who is unwell." I am praying for an arrest within the next couple of days.

Tuba - any way to tell if this "unwellness" manifests physically? Is it something that can be seen, such as a limp or twisted limbs or something?


Good morning Salem - me too - the unwell inferior bum who eats souls.
Aw Pookie Dust...I completely understand your anger and frustration! I feel like screaming too! I can't help but feel like these abductions are getting more and more frequent.

Do any of our astros have any thoughts on whether or not something is astrologically different in the past year or two...showing our children in greater danger. I'm not sure what to make of it. Either there are more SOs out there running around destroying lives...or we are just hearing more about them in media than in years past. Either way, I can't help but feel that it is a sickening trend.

Keep in mind that we may be hearing more about them, but our culture has changed. The internet has provided greater access to *advertiser censored* than was ever readily available, and probably is inflamatory in that regard.

From an astrological perspective, Venus is in hard aspect to Pluto right now, and if a perp has planets involved with the Venus/Pluto energy, they will be stressed to act on their hideous impulses.

It is hard for me to research much on a case like this. The need to look away, to avoid sickening reality, to retreat to other aspects of the Venus/Pluto energy (like the economy) is how I avoid becoming totally depressed about the sick state of our culture. The shootings have gotten me down also.
to all astros.........

a big thank you for all you do....I'm quite in awe of each of you right now....will be checking out links provided in an earlier post.......

May justice be swift and fierce for Sandra.........
in discussion on the other thread... it seems that preacherman lives on orange street
Apprehension that crimes against children are rising conforms to the present state of the most widely used chart for the U.S.A. Saturn is transiting H. 5 of children and Mars is opposing, exact on Apr. 4. Next to that House of Children, Mars conjoins Uranus to oppose natal Neptune at 22:27 Virgo there on Apr. 15. There will be drug overdose deaths among youngsters that never make the national news but due to the affliction to Neptune, many more disappearances and kidnappings. Hold the children close at Easter, when Mars is 22° Pisces. It is unhelpful that Mars in the U.S. natal chart is 20° II, afflicting Neptune in the H. of Children. Adrenaline junkies and doping come out of that square (as well as those who dare to gamble and betray our country. H. 5 is given to gambling and daring). The national progressed Sun is in Scorpio, intercepted: many secret casualties.

We can take heart that the Last Seen chart promises an arrest among neighboring individuals. Remember that? The degree of arrest is on H. 3. Better yet, Jupiter in the H. of law enforcement was exactly trine that arrest degree for the Last Seen chart. Arrest degree appears in another chart for the crime as well. Pray!
in discussion on the other thread... it seems that preacherman lives on orange street

Great find. has him listed as living at the entrance to the MHP on Clover. I like the feature on whitepages that gives a quick bird's eye view. Interesting that Clover is at the front of the MHP and Orange is along the back. Wasn't she seen going toward the back of the MHP in that video? I lost track of all that great analysis.
Hi RS,
Yes, she was walking toward the back. Toward Orange...
We can take heart that the Last Seen chart promises an arrest among neighboring individuals. Remember that? The degree of arrest is on H. 3. Better yet, Jupiter in the H. of law enforcement was exactly trine that arrest degree for the Last Seen chart. Arrest degree appears in another chart for the crime as well. Pray!

don't understand all that but any idea of when there would/could be an arrest?
The Reverend's date of birth would be good to examine, if anyone can provide, please do so ===


1.MARS in Pisces = perp in 911 Call chart

Pisces is associated with priesthood/ clergy/ Religious (among other things)

2. MARS disposited by JUPITER, Lord of natural 9th of religion. JUPITER in event charts in Aquarius close conj. CHIRON (harm, damage) - NEPTUNE (disappearance) and disposited by SATURN RX the perp of LAST SEEN which is disposited by MERCURY in Aries disposited by MARS and circle goes round & round.

3. ALSO NOTE MOON in Aries disposited by MARS the perp in priestly Pisces is located in the 9th House of Religion in the LAST SEEN.

4. MARS the Perp in Pisces in the 911 Call chart disposited by JUPITER Lord 3 the Near Neighborhood, with PLUTO (abduction/rape/death) within.

The charts do not deny PREACHERMAN AS PERP theory. On the contrary, they strongly support.

ETA: Saturn Rx, significator of perp in LAST SEEN chart, could indicate older man with hidden agenda (retrograde). Recall the SATURN Rx opposes MARS in Pisces, significator of perp in 911 CALL Chart, showing connection.

Preacher's bio states he was saved in WA state. Classmates has a listing for that name, h.s. graduation date 1950 in WA state. Implies an early 1930's birthdate.

I am thinking he knows something of value, not necessarily the perp (without seeing a chart of course), but could very well be.

Veromi states he is 67 years old giving a birth year of 1941 or 42. See for full name (not listing it here).
Apprehension that crimes against children are rising conforms to the present state of the most widely used chart for the U.S.A. Saturn is transiting H. 5 of children and Mars is opposing, exact on Apr. 4. Next to that House of Children, Mars conjoins Uranus to oppose natal Neptune at 22:27 Virgo there on Apr. 15. There will be drug overdose deaths among youngsters that never make the national news but due to the affliction to Neptune, many more disappearances and kidnappings. Hold the children close at Easter, when Mars is 22° Pisces. It is unhelpful that Mars in the U.S. natal chart is 20° II, afflicting Neptune in the H. of Children. Adrenaline junkies and doping come out of that square (as well as those who dare to gamble and betray our country. H. 5 is given to gambling and daring). The national progressed Sun is in Scorpio, intercepted: many secret casualties.

We can take heart that the Last Seen chart promises an arrest among neighboring individuals. Remember that? The degree of arrest is on H. 3. Better yet, Jupiter in the H. of law enforcement was exactly trine that arrest degree for the Last Seen chart. Arrest degree appears in another chart for the crime as well. Pray!

In reference to many more disappearances and kidnappings.......

It really seems like children do not have any safe place in today's world....children taken from their own beds, taken from their front yards, their community play areas, etc. I have a 3 1/2 year old little girl and I am always on high alert with her.

I was cooking on the grill last week and she was swinging on her swingset less than 10 feet from me. I had to go in to grab something off the kitchen counter literally 15-20 steps away. I took me less than a minute to grab the pan and walk back out the door but I still made her come off the swing and walk inside with me.

I live in an apartment complex and now that it's getting warmer. I often see children as young as 5 playing outside late into the evening unattended. I can't help but keep an eye on them and will often come out and suggest that they go inside b/c it's late and they need to be careful.

Sad times....sad times indeed. Sorry for the off topic. I have a personal experience from my own childhood that makes cases like this tug at my heartstrings.
Yes, athy, an arrest coming shortly. Moon is in Libra tonight and goes to degree of arrest as it culminates when full tomorrow.
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