Forensic Astrology - STEVEN KOECHER, last seen 12/13/2009 Henderson,NV

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Leomoon, funny that on April 24th you still get a 22 Pisces! Now Jupiter has filled the Uranus position of the Last Seen chart & Jupiter is transiting the Little Shop's natal Mars 22 Pisces. Thanks for asking that question, it puts my mind to rest that there may not be a resolution.
CA - Mojave Desert Human remains discovered off 15 Freeway - July 2010

Human remains discovered off 15 Freeway
Human remains were found Saturday in the Mojave Desert, according to the San Bernardino County coroner's office.
The bones were discovered west of the 15 Freeway near Zzyzx Road.
The coroner will examine the remains to determine the identity and cause of death.
Anyone with information can contact the San Bernardino County Sheriff

Department 909-387-3589, or 1-800-78-CRIME.

I wanted to bring this over from the WS Steven Koecher thread. Hoping to hear more details in the media soon.
Im searching for charts or disscussion related to Stevens Ruby Valley trip...can anyone point me in the right direction?
As far as I know, that trip did not generate any horoscopes. The time of the trip may not have been sufficiently specific to chart.
Is it possible to chart between 0230 Dec 10th and 2300 the same day? 0230 being his approx departure from St George and return @ 2300. There are other times and locations indicated in the time line.
Is it possible to chart between 0230 Dec 10th and 2300 the same day? 0230 being his approx departure from St George and return @ 2300. There are other times and locations indicated in the time line.

If there are legitimate other times and locations then shown in the known time line, why not give them here first?
THEN we might be able to better assess the information as related to the known facts for any further investigation into new charts if they seem reliable to us.

You speak of December 10th as somehow being important...
What do you know about December 10th?

My notes indicate the following concerning this date:

Deanne Koecher said her son, who most recently was working as a private contractor washing windows and putting up Christmas displays, last talked to her on the telephone Dec. 10. She said he seemed upbeat, and had not recently expressed any feelings of depression, nor did he seem concerned about anything.
"We talked about plans to get together for Christmas. He seemed just fine," she said. "That was the last we heard until [police told us] his car was found abandoned in Henderson."
To leomoon: He goes missing 4 days after this trip...and it appears no one thinks it is a important part of the puzzle. A timeline is posted on "For Steven" web page that is up to date. Im interested in Wendover Nv @appox 1530pst as he passes back through Wendover, and SLC @approx 1645mst.

Please note: I am kinda new to posting on WS but I have been watching and working on this case from the beginning. I admit I do not know as much about Forensic Astrology as I would like at this time...but I do know that the planets and stars do guide us in ways most dont understand.
To leomoon: He goes missing 4 days after this trip...and it appears no one thinks it is a important part of the puzzle. A timeline is posted on "For Steven" web page that is up to date. Im interested in Wendover Nv @appox 1530pst as he passes back through Wendover, and SLC @approx 1645mst.

Please note: I am kinda new to posting on WS but I have been watching and working on this case from the beginning. I admit I do not know as much about Forensic Astrology as I would like at this time...but I do know that the planets and stars do guide us in ways most dont understand.

IF there is no objection I will look at these charts and publish what I find later this afternoon in relation to the event and Steven "on the road"

Need to go out for awhile ......but I'll be back later.
If the 3:30PM Wendover Nv. Event chart relates to Steven at all, (and that’s a big IF)
Other then in a relative way of the subconscious mind driving along at this point and this time….and reflecting then part of his own consciousness, we see the Moon at a critical degree of 13Libra which conjuncts the fixed star Algorab (False, dishonesty, misrepresents, malvolent) and squares Mercury in this chart.
Mercury is at 7Capricorn and Steven has no Capricorn planets nor does he have the opposing sign of Cancer in his natal chart.

I don’t like to try to pound a square peg into a round hole and in some ways I feel that is what we may be impelled to do when we look at charts which may or may not be pertinent, but I also realize that this case has come to a dead end and we may be grasping at straws now or lack of anything concrete.

IF however, he had just left the home of the girl he went to see (and she wasn’t home from what I recall ), but he spent a few hours with her parents while there ….and then was on the road at this point in time
This event timed driven chart is giving us a POF square the Sun and conjuncting the 22nd degree Uranus in the 11th house. The fact that this point in time also gives us an 11th house cusp in Aquarius conjunct Neptune may be suggesting that deception is the paramount type of mindset here, but it could also be self-deceiving if not by others.

Do we know whether or not he was alone as he drove along? ……This chart doesn’t tell me if he’s alone or with others, but Aquarius is known for a group indicator.

His own Venus is located 26 degrees Scorpio and this conjuncts this timed chart on the DC cusp of the other. Venus conjunct Ceres might suggest that he was looking for nuturing from this young woman or her parents and that is why he sought them out.

Saturn in the 5th shows the melancholy he no doubt was feeling and restricts any kind of
Playfulness or good time for him,,….rather a somber feel to the chart and in the house of recreational activity.
His own Moon in Aries (Sunrise chart) would be opposed to this sign and house and Saturn’s presence here.

The most I got out of this chart was noticing that the recurrence of the 22nd degree “theme” is involved.
That of the Ascendent at 22°Taurus a fixed sign and opposing Steven’s Venus (the girl wasn’t home?)….and of course Steven also has a fixed sign for his Mars being 21°Leo
The other 22nd degrees present are that of Jupiter and Chiron
With the Nodes nearing the 22nd degree at 21.31° Capricorn/Cancer

The 21st degree is a degree of Loss and the 22nd degree of self-undoing

The axis of travel being the 3rd to 9th houses, shows activity on the road with the Nodes present here, perhaps indicating for him, the past vs the future he was being forced into (i.e. compelled to move towards in time)

Thank you leomoon for your response...My theory suggests that Steven was meeting someone at a bus in Wendover, and transported that person through the state of Utah to southern Nevada. The person being a woman... As with the charts done from last seen, they suggest a woman. Could it be the charts that indicate a woman is involved, Such as the Realitor or the female in Ruby, be as simple as a unknown?

Could the charts that indicate that Steven is no longer with us mean...a new Steven?
Mars moves into the 3rd house at 4:45PM in SLC “on the road”…and if we relate to Steven
Then we might suggest that Mars in the 3rd is the urgency to complete that which may bring to a conclusion the immediate needs or perhaps money needs. Mars opposes Chiron in the 10th, which may be the father and perhaps Steven felt badly about hanging up on his dad.
The 2nd house of money Ruler is the Moon and found in the 5th along with Saturn puts a damper on his feelings.

I might also suggest that both charts for these hours have a formation called a Locomotive …which essentially means all the planets are gathered into approx. 240 degrees and 4 houses are unoccupied. This puts Mars (one’s own volition) as the locomotive pulling the rest of the planets and it is emphasized as would be Uranus, or the last planet in the chain.

If we assess the importance of Mars in the 3rd of short travels and automobiles, we can see in the 19th degree of Leo, and opposed to Jupiter Neptune and Chiron, and in light of what we now know, (he disappears) then Uranus as the last planet in the chain of the locomotive formation seems quite appropriate.

As for a woman in the vehicle? I had considered this when I saw Venus in the 7th house
And it’s Quindecile (a creative aspect) to Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron however, as you may or may not know, I’m not a Forensic Astrologer myself, only learning and attempting to read as one might while teaching myself the art.

When speaking of a “new” Steven, perhaps you mean a revised or radically changed person and someone who purposefully disappears by his own volition?

Anything is possible of course, but is it also logical to suppose this?

Uranus under most circumstances in Forensic work would be abduction or strange (the unexpected) occurrences and this case seems to fit either.

I recall for instance, on the Timeline that Steven stopped to help a few children (such a missionary role really), to find their mother.
How fitting for the “old “ Steven….and therefore, I doubt that he had the impetus for this radical type of lifestyle change although of course I may be completely wrong and pleasantly or happily surprised if it turns out to be the case.

Steven’s natal chart is a hodgepodge of various energies that pre-supposes a lot of things.
For instance his Venus in Scorpio is one that would normally be virile as would helped by his Mars in Leo and his Sun in Scorpio.
Mercury in Sagittarius gave him a love of people, an openness to many perhaps ones he needed to be careful of he would instead give the benefit of the doubt to.
This is because Sagittairus is a very open and trusting sign (ruled by Jupiter)….moreso then not.
It mitigates the rather deeper and darker forces of Scorpio’s vibrations.
Making him very much as we have read, - one who loved research and library work perhaps, historical as well as religious study.
A serious person but with a lightheartedness as well thanks to that open Mercury in Sag.
He may indeed have had some real issues in life with Venus and it’s square to Jupiter and Mars, perhaps a more open and willing to experiment desire for a lifestyle – yet
When I think about his Uranus at the near 21st degree (and in Scorpio, always a definite loss), I take that definite loss as rather “literal”.

This could be because I have observed the 21st degree of Scorpio avidly for quite some time now, (I have it myself in the 5th house of my children), and I do agree with the Horary Astrologer Anthony Lewis who noted it as a “Definite Loss” degree.

Thus, Uranus in the “definite loss degree”……tells me he was abducted and probably murdered.

I wish I thought otherwise……and again, he did have enough in his chart that may have wanted to break free and begin a new life too. But I think I’m more weighted towards
Seeing this disappearance as someone who was pulled in two directions psychologically,
And because of this made him subconsciously “vulnerable” to becoming prey for the less then desireables among us.

Remember too, that more often then not when we are ready to cross over (on the subconscious levels), many of us tie up loose ends first, albeit in an unconscious manner such as saying goodbye to close friends, or telling some we love them……
How often have we heard of such stories, “They were just getting their act together”and then gone…..

This is more common then we can know.
It’s because the spiritual self is aware, far more aware then we on the conscious level which is more automaton.
Hence, the trip to say his goodbyes to the old friends perhaps.

This chart IF relating to Steven does say a woman if present probably tricked him, imo.
Okay....but where is Steven?????......I'm sure his friends and family would love to know(in plain English) please. Thank you
Okay....but where is Steven?????......I'm sure his friends and family would love to know(in plain English) please. Thank you

In plain simple English, both the Time he left Home chart and the Last Seen in the Video chart, show Steven is deceased-location of remains unknown.
Occurred right there in Henderson.

He was deceived, 'used' by someone(s). In the Video event chart, House 7 of enemies has an interception with Saturn (a male) in Libra which is squaring Pluto (undergound-criminal nature) in House 10 (an employer?, possibly someone who has a public position or standing in the community? has money from long distance places, foreign lands or from a religious source to name a few per Rex Bill's Rulership book). These people whom he came in contact with around that noon hour, were secretive about their true interests and reckless by nature. Steven was innocent (naive) and had no clue about the kind of characters and activities of those he would come in contact with in Henderson.

I don't see anything in his charts that would lead one to believe he just walked away and started a new life. That of course would be our wish, but it's not likely after studying the posted charts and those done privately. In this case, I'd like to be wrong as he had a good heart, a conscience, was a a nice guy, most worthy of a long life.

The investigators need to go back to square one, visit THAT NEIGHBORHOOD and do some real in depth questioning and evaluation of the residents and their associates off the first block or 2 where we see him turn toward the left in the video.
Truly amazing work that the astrologers have done on this case. Just when I think that I have seen it all, I see more. I must say that I just started reading the thread today and have been on the edge of my chair the whole time reading. :applause::applause::applause:
It has been a year since our Steven Koecher vanished and, in November, also another birthday for him. When I think of Steven, I see his open and radiant face, meeting life with honesty and warmth. You are missed, Steven.
The chart for destruction of evidence found on this thread still holds interest a year later. The Moon, who ruled both the day & the hour, was in perfect trine with Part of Fatality, 1° 37' Leo. Steven's cell phone was being obliterated at this moment.

Mercury of communications (and instrumentalities thereof) was rising and making the exact midpoint of Pluto and lunar node. The significance of this particular midpoint is its ambition, urge & desire to overwhelm and dominate others mentally, or any traces of their thought and speech. But there is a whole group of people, the community at large, who come under the magnetic thrall & compelling influence of this individual, a power that is sought, not incidental. A power that is exercised.

Pluto even controls the group shown in the chart, Scorpio House 11. The evil degree, Serpentis, holds the cusp: a pest & terror to society. But Mars, which is also Steve's natal Mars, squares that group cusp. Fixed Sign squares are intense. Steve was in the way. He was a threat to that absolute control. Always remember Moon was // Mercury and both were out of bounds.

And so it appears IMO, Steven was turned on to these people in Henderson by someone he knew in St. George.

As noted in TUBA's notes, the SAME 22degree Uranus found in H8 of this Leaving St. Geo chart, is the SAME URANUS and same degree found in the Last Seen VIDEO Chart, the very next day at the Ascendant.
In addition, that intercept (something secretive or hidden) in H7 (partners, an enemy) where we find Saturn which Rules Capricorn H11(friends) in the VIDEO chart, confirms Steve trusted the connection as being a friendly one through the association he had with someone back in St. Geo. That SOMEONE has involvement in activities well disguised and hidden from the community in town. (my own observation) )


LAST SEEN VIDEO-Steve walking
In an interview with Steven's father, he said that police are investigating a possible sighting near Provo. He also said the spot is within walking distance of Steven's grandmother's home, and that he would have to be really out of it not to know where he was. I don't think they believe it will amount to anything, but a surveillance video is being sent to LE.

His father also comments on Josh Powell's absurd claims that Susan and Steven are together:
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