Forensic evidence

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Rupert said:
I read that John said that was a misinterpretation. He was just cancelling his fight to Charlevoix. When I find it again, I will show it to you.

Yeah, I wonder how Mason could get that wrong.
In DOI which is the Ramsey book...authored by John Ramsey he said they felt they needed to go to Atlanta to be with family friends etc. But the BPD said travel plan would not be possible immediately they had many questions to answer before they'd be going anywhere. Which history tells us really didn't happen either. They went before the camera's in Atlanta before questions even written ones by Arndt were answered. This was not usual treatment involving murdered daughter found in basement.
In the picture insert, it really does look like the cord had at some point indeed slanted upward, notice right under her ear.
coloradokares said:
In DOI which is the Ramsey book...authored by John Ramsey he said they felt they needed to go to Atlanta to be with family friends etc. But the BPD said travel plan would not be possible immediately they had many questions to answer before they'd be going anywhere. Which history tells us really didn't happen either. They went before the camera's in Atlanta before questions even written ones by Arndt were answered. This was not usual treatment involving murdered daughter found in basement.
Aksi he had some important things to take care of. I forgot to add that part. Sorry
coloradokares said:
In DOI which is the Ramsey book...authored by John Ramsey he said they felt they needed to go to Atlanta to be with family friends etc. But the BPD said travel plan would not be possible immediately they had many questions to answer before they'd be going anywhere. Which history tells us really didn't happen either. They went before the camera's in Atlanta before questions even written ones by Arndt were answered. This was not usual treatment involving murdered daughter found in basement.
Thank you Colorado. By the way, I really want to visit that place some time. I want to "funrun' in the mountains. I am outa shape, working too hard but maybe someday.

Yes, I reviewed my thoughts and the web sites and came back to realize that John did indeed want to fly right away to Atlanta (he said to feel better where his family and friends were - they were scared). So, I can see UKGuy's theory of plan B. Perhaps a little messy, but hey, that's what the RN could be viewed as well. Workin it, doing anything to avoid the law.

But then again, what can anyone say when this has happened to your beloved daughter? I would be scared too, but yet again very, very, very angry. I would stay in Boulder until I found the perp. I think UKGuy has a point.

I find it interesting how people on the internet take different viewpoints of this case. I admit I slide from one camp to another. But, I am learning about myself. I don't want it to be the Ramsays. Also, I want a mystery to escape from my stress of work. However, if I clinically step back and look overall at what has been said here, there just seems to be more numbers of things on the RDI case.

However, the injuries look so vicious to me. The damage to the skull looks like it might have been the maglite. If it was caused by a fall, surely we would have known by now whether it was the bathtub taps or faucet that JonBenet fell against. So much evidence was publicized to try to force the Ramsays to confess, then why not the taps.

The dark mark on the neck (and for that matter also what appeared to be the stungun marks) might have been the livermortis while JonBenet lay face down for sometime. Yet she was found face up, no? How could the perp stay around and wait for the livermortis to happen and then turn her over? Unless of course it was an intruder who wrote the note after the event (not the way that Lou Smit suggested). The fact that she had livermortis on her front, but was found more or less face up, suggests that he RN was written after. Am I wrong here? Or was she found lying on her side and that caused the red mark?
I still keep thinking about the position of JonBenet's arms, over her head. I picture her being strung up, suspended from a ceiling, maybe even being tortured. But why? I don't know. If the ropes weren't secure, she could have fallen and struck her head then.

And the broken window with the suitcase underneath, could she have tried to climb up and escape through it because someone was chasing her? Maybe Burke ran after her because she broke one of his new toys? She certainly would have fit through the opening. She also could have lost her balance and fallen then. Patsy said she wrapped Christmas presents in the basement. The kids could have been playing down there while she was wrapping.

What I don't understand is, and maybe I haven't read enough about the forensic evidence, but if JonBenet was struck on the head with the flashlight, baseball bat, or fireplace brick, wouldn't something from her body be on one of them?
calicocat said:

What I don't understand is, and maybe I haven't read enough about the forensic evidence, but if JonBenet was struck on the head with the flashlight, baseball bat, or fireplace brick, wouldn't something from her body be on one of them?

Wasn't there a hair on the brick, or the baseball bat? I'm not at all sure, it's been so long. Of course the hair could have been planted, whatever it was on.
Rupert said:
Thank you Colorado. By the way, I really want to visit that place some time. I want to "funrun' in the mountains. I am outa shape, working too hard but maybe someday.

Yes, I reviewed my thoughts and the web sites and came back to realize that John did indeed want to fly right away to Atlanta (he said to feel better where his family and friends were - they were scared). So, I can see UKGuy's theory of plan B. Perhaps a little messy, but hey, that's what the RN could be viewed as well. Workin it, doing anything to avoid the law.

But then again, what can anyone say when this has happened to your beloved daughter? I would be scared too, but yet again very, very, very angry. I would stay in Boulder until I found the perp. I think UKGuy has a point.

I find it interesting how people on the internet take different viewpoints of this case. I admit I slide from one camp to another. But, I am learning about myself. I don't want it to be the Ramsays. Also, I want a mystery to escape from my stress of work. However, if I clinically step back and look overall at what has been said here, there just seems to be more numbers of things on the RDI case.

However, the injuries look so vicious to me. The damage to the skull looks like it might have been the maglite. If it was caused by a fall, surely we would have known by now whether it was the bathtub taps or faucet that JonBenet fell against. So much evidence was publicized to try to force the Ramsays to confess, then why not the taps.

The dark mark on the neck (and for that matter also what appeared to be the stungun marks) might have been the livermortis while JonBenet lay face down for sometime. Yet she was found face up, no? How could the perp stay around and wait for the livermortis to happen and then turn her over? Unless of course it was an intruder who wrote the note after the event (not the way that Lou Smit suggested). The fact that she had livermortis on her front, but was found more or less face up, suggests that he RN was written after. Am I wrong here? Or was she found lying on her side and that caused the red mark
First off Colorado is so beautiful that it should be everyone's right to absorb in the breathtaking majesty of our mountains at least once in their lifetime.

No one wanted it to be the Ramseys. That just disturbs all of the sanctity of hearth home and family. Yet it happens and when it does we need to remove their right to live freely out in society. Children are not throw aways to be destroyed and broken by adults who cannot cope or manage. We should not ever turn a blind eye to abuse of any kind most especially against our children. Our responsibility as parents should be a sacred trust. We were entrusted with their very lives.

The Ramseys did everything they could to not cooperate or even meet with the police . Dictating the terms in the few times they could not avoid
meeting with them Avoiding the police station at all costs. Thats not even morally right. Someone killed JonBenet their daughter and they are worried more about appearances. If an innocent person wanted to look guilty that was the perfect script for it. There's your sign.

Why wouldn't they confess, to the taps or flashlight. They worked very hard to stay out of jail. If a confession would have come the time it might have would have been right near the first days. Once they hit Atlanta they already had contaminated or had destroyed enough evidence they knew in any court or court of appeals they created enough doubt. They were willing to gamble with their game plan.

I wonder if the marks were there because she was laid up against something as livor mortis developed. I just have no idea what. I believe it was proved to some degree of certainty it was not a stun gun. However the rumor mill won't let this supposition die out.

I am not your typical RDI or IDI or even FS. I am content to let a jury of our peers decide ....I am a staunch supporter of lets see the evidence in a courtroom. Let them decide who see all the evidence guilt or innocence. But lets not abandon JonBenet like some broken doll to never have justice at all. Lets find who did this and convict who did this no matter what the cost. Regardless of who it is. That should have been the minimum standard Boulder owed JonBenet.
coloradokares said:
First off Colorado is so beautiful that it should be everyone's right to absorb in the breathtaking majesty of our mountains at least once in their lifetime..........................

I am not your typical RDI or IDI or even FS. I am content to let a jury of our peers decide ....I am a staunch supporter of lets see the evidence in a courtroom. Let them decide who see all the evidence guilt or innocence. But lets not abandon JonBenet like some broken doll to never have justice at all. Lets find who did this and convict who did this no matter what the cost. Regardless of who it is. That should have been the minimum standard Boulder owed JonBenet.

And also quoting part of Rupert's post above, "I find it interesting how people on the internet take different viewpoints of this case. I admit I slide from one camp to another. But, I am learning about myself. I don't want it to be the Ramsays. Also, I want a mystery to escape from my stress of work. However, if I clinically step back and look overall at what has been said here, there just seems to be more numbers of things on the RDI case."

It's terrible the way the Ramseys acted, I think we all agree.

But if someone in some kind of organization too powerful to prosecute was pinning it on them, someone with IMMUNITY maybe, it might be somewhat understandable. Probably their behavior was on Lin Wood's advice.

None of us really wants it to be the Ramseys, and I have a hunch someone else will be revealed, caught for something else, who'll say some familiar words, trademarks, that we'll recognize, maybe from the Patricia Letters.

The whole thing is just way too vicious overkill. I'll bet you it wasn't even done in person by the person who caused it by knowing what to tell to manipulate vicious others. I'm not literally a betting person, just want to use an expression, "How much do you want to bet?" Wouldn't we just feel happier trusting that this will happen?

Editing to add, who among us in their position would confess, even if we alone were guilty?
However, the injuries look so vicious to me. The damage to the skull looks like it might have been the maglite. If it was caused by a fall, surely we would have known by now whether it was the bathtub taps or faucet that JonBenet fell against. So much evidence was publicized to try to force the Ramsays to confess, then why not the taps.

Not necessarily. I don't even know if they tested that idea.

The fact that she had livermortis on her front, but was found more or less face up, suggests that he RN was written after. Am I wrong here?

No, I think you're right.
Eagle1 said:
And also quoting part of Rupert's post above, "I find it interesting how people on the internet take different viewpoints of this case. I admit I slide from one camp to another. But, I am learning about myself. I don't want it to be the Ramsays. Also, I want a mystery to escape from my stress of work. However, if I clinically step back and look overall at what has been said here, there just seems to be more numbers of things on the RDI case."

It's terrible the way the Ramseys acted, I think we all agree.

But if someone in some kind of organization too powerful to prosecute was pinning it on them, someone with IMMUNITY maybe, it might be somewhat understandable. Probably their behavior was on Lin Wood's advice.

None of us really wants it to be the Ramseys, and I have a hunch someone else will be revealed, caught for something else, who'll say some familiar words, trademarks, that we'll recognize, maybe from the Patricia Letters.

The whole thing is just way too vicious overkill. I'll bet you it wasn't even done in person by the person who caused it by knowing what to tell to manipulate vicious others. I'm not literally a betting person, just want to use an expression, "How much do you want to bet?" Wouldn't we just feel happier trusting that this will happen?

Editing to add, who among us in their position would confess, even if we alone were guilty?
I know your hopeful one day when this is all put to rest and that it won't be the Ramseys afterall. We don't always get what we want. There is not one shred of proof of an intruder. Theory abounds, yet after hard investigation and reinvestigation no hard cold evidence exists that there was. No matchable print or DNA or anything to suggest that the intruder was more than a theory to cast doubt to the Ramseys own involvement. More than a cursory knowledcge of the the hard evidence in the case suggests their is and was prosecutable level evidence that arrests warrants should have been sworn. What little they ever tried to present was disproved. The DA Office said there is no one that remains but the Ramseys under that umbrella of suspicion. No matter how many times they have tried to tell you it wasn't our DNA or whatever they alone remain under that umbrella. And Patsy was nothing if not overkill always. The pageants were only one small peek into that .

Ok I don't know if you all get the FOX channel not fox news. FOX. Out here on Monday night. And I am not sure if its everywhere or going to be more locally broadcast special. Julie Hayden will be in a special report. She was an investigative reporter local channel7 abc news affiliate out here at the time. For me this is a must watch so I'll be checking my local listings. If you can get this it will more than measure up.
SuperDave said:
Not necessarily. I don't even know if they tested that idea.

No, I think you're right.

Why does that suggest the ransom note was written after?
Rupert said:
However, the injuries look so vicious to me. The damage to the skull looks like it might have been the maglite. If it was caused by a fall, surely we would have known by now whether it was the bathtub taps or faucet that JonBenet fell against. So much evidence was publicized to try to force the Ramsays to confess, then why not the taps.

The dark mark on the neck (and for that matter also what appeared to be the stungun marks) might have been the livermortis while JonBenet lay face down for sometime. Yet she was found face up, no? How could the perp stay around and wait for the livermortis to happen and then turn her over? Unless of course it was an intruder who wrote the note after the event (not the way that Lou Smit suggested). The fact that she had livermortis on her front, but was found more or less face up, suggests that he RN was written after. Am I wrong here? Or was she found lying on her side and that caused the red mark


JonBenet has multiple head injuries, so any suggestion that this was accidental should be critically analysed.

It may have been the maglite and it may have been staging also, since the head injuries compound with the asphyxiation and sexual assault to appear intruder led?

The ransom note was likely to be one of the last items constructed. JonBenet was taken down to the basement, turned onto her front and had the garrote applied, why because wooden shards from the paintbrush handle were found outside the wine-cellar door, not far from the paint-tote. She may have been wiped down next, and digitally penetrated or penetratwed by the paintbrush, but she was certainly wrapped in the white blankets and left lying on her back or side? These movements were all post-mortem since the livermortis suggests she lay face down or sideways after being killed?

Also the ransom note could not be authored until most of the staging was in place, and since its unlikely that she was killed down in the basement, an initial staging took place upstairs, which minimally would have included, redressing, hair-restyling, ligature application, and possible sexual assault as staging?

If you consider that this may have been revised to become the wine-cellar crime-scene, in the ransom note author's mind the wine-cellar crime-scene and the ransom note corroborate each other since the note tells you JonBenet has been abducted and the wine-cellar contains JonBenet's corpse complete with blankets and her barbie-nightgown.

So the ransom note was probably last in a sequence of cleanups and staging, possibly ad-hoc in nature just as the flight to Atlanta may have been factored in as a response to the wine-cellar/ransom-note staging being successful?

calicocat said:
I still keep thinking about the position of JonBenet's arms, over her head. I picture her being strung up, suspended from a ceiling, maybe even being tortured. But why? I don't know. If the ropes weren't secure, she could have fallen and struck her head then.

And the broken window with the suitcase underneath, could she have tried to climb up and escape through it because someone was chasing her? Maybe Burke ran after her because she broke one of his new toys? She certainly would have fit through the opening. She also could have lost her balance and fallen then. Patsy said she wrapped Christmas presents in the basement. The kids could have been playing down there while she was wrapping.

What I don't understand is, and maybe I haven't read enough about the forensic evidence, but if JonBenet was struck on the head with the flashlight, baseball bat, or fireplace brick, wouldn't something from her body be on one of them?


There are no marks or abrasions on JonBenet's wrists or arms, so the suggestion that she was suspended in some manner is not supported by the forensic evidence.

The arms above the head may be a self-defense posture? e.g. Her arms were raised as a response to being whacked about the head, so to labor the point, this could not be an accident?

The maglite may have been used to apply further injuries to JonBenet's corpse as a form of post-mortem staging, that it was forensically cleaned suggests it played some part in JonBenet's death?

The suitcase may have been down in the basement since it could have contained items that were removed from upstairs down to the basement, and their original location possibly being cleaned up?

The suitcase and the wine-cellar have many points of coincidence, not least, is that there is a blanket to be found in each.

I speculated for a while whether the barbie-gown may have been in the suitcase? That is could JonBenet have been wearing the barbie-gown that night, to be redressed first in the red turtleneck, then the white gap top as part of the revision? Or was the barbie-gown clean out of the wash or already worn, possibly only the police know?

The following are a few hypotheses and in no way am I suggesting they happened that way. I'm just trying to get the layman facts right and ask some questions. Either it was RDI or IDI. If it was RDI, it was either accidental rage or crazed premeditation.

If RDI rage theory, JonBenet was taken down to the wine cellar and the cord applied while she was face down. Some facial injuries occurred that could have been mistaken as stun gun marks. The cord was definitely adjusted later. Hence the livermortis marks. The head injury did not kill her, so there was some petechnia along the cord marks.
- Why facial injuries if not much force need be applied to a girl that is unconcious?
- Why petechnia along both cord marks? Good God, wouldn't she have died from the combined headbash and first placing of the cord and its petechnia?
- She's face down, dead with livermortis. So how come there's blood from the vagina? Please don't tell me they did the paint brush thing when she was face down and still alive?

Then she is turned over and her arms are tied, the tape applied, washing, redressing and the blankie. That seems to make sense.

If IDI theory, JonBenet was perhaps stun gunned in bed, taken down to the wine cellar and the cord was applied while she was face down. Definitely with the struggle came injuries to the face. JonBenet went unconcious and then came back. The sick perp inserted the broken paint brush and caused her to scream. The perp then adjusted the cord and finally killed her. The perp had the maglite and with some afterthought, smashed her over the head.

Then she is turned over and her arms are tied, the tape applied, washing, redressing and the blankie.
- Why tie the arms, why the tape? Theatrical?
- Why wash and redress? To get rid of evidence?
- What happend to her previous underwear? If it was still in the house then redressing wasn't to get rid of evidence.

If premeditated RDI theory (pardon me UKGuy if I don't have it right), JonBenet might have been stun gunned (they had a stungun video), then she was garroted, abused with paint brush, bashed and staged. Livermortis occurred and then she was turned over. The arms later tied and tape applied to make it look like a pedophile kidnapper. The washing and redressing came after the sorry realization.
- How could a parent do that? Maybe because it was planned for a reason and of course the plan would have to include making it look like a vicious pedophile killer. So to avoid pain, she was knocked out by a stungun. Of course the stun gun had to disappear, but they forgot about the video.
- What is the reason for premeditated murder? Many voices; the color purple? Yet, how could all the family and Lou be fooled?

I think we would all prefer it to be an intruder and secondly an accident. The third case is abhorrent.
Rupert said:
The following are a few hypotheses and in no way am I suggesting they happened that way. I'm just trying to get the layman facts right and ask some questions. Either it was RDI or IDI. If it was RDI, it was either accidental rage or crazed premeditation.

If RDI rage theory, JonBenet was taken down to the wine cellar and the cord applied while she was face down. Some facial injuries occurred that could have been mistaken as stun gun marks. The cord was definitely adjusted later. Hence the livermortis marks. The head injury did not kill her, so there was some petechnia along the cord marks.
- Why facial injuries if not much force need be applied to a girl that is unconcious?
- Why petechnia along both cord marks? Good God, wouldn't she have died from the combined headbash and first placing of the cord and its petechnia?
- She's face down, dead with livermortis. So how come there's blood from the vagina? Please don't tell me they did the paint brush thing when she was face down and still alive?

Then she is turned over and her arms are tied, the tape applied, washing, redressing and the blankie. That seems to make sense.

If IDI theory, JonBenet was perhaps stun gunned in bed, taken down to the wine cellar and the cord was applied while she was face down. Definitely with the struggle came injuries to the face. JonBenet went unconcious and then came back. The sick perp inserted the broken paint brush and caused her to scream. The perp then adjusted the cord and finally killed her. The perp had the maglite and with some afterthought, smashed her over the head.

Then she is turned over and her arms are tied, the tape applied, washing, redressing and the blankie.
- Why tie the arms, why the tape? Theatrical?
- Why wash and redress? To get rid of evidence?
- What happend to her previous underwear? If it was still in the house then redressing wasn't to get rid of evidence.

If premeditated RDI theory (pardon me UKGuy if I don't have it right), JonBenet might have been stun gunned (they had a stungun video), then she was garroted, abused with paint brush, bashed and staged. Livermortis occurred and then she was turned over. The arms later tied and tape applied to make it look like a pedophile kidnapper. The washing and redressing came after the sorry realization.
- How could a parent do that? Maybe because it was planned for a reason and of course the plan would have to include making it look like a vicious pedophile killer. So to avoid pain, she was knocked out by a stungun. Of course the stun gun had to disappear, but they forgot about the video.
- What is the reason for premeditated murder? Many voices; the color purple? Yet, how could all the family and Lou be fooled?

I think we would all prefer it to be an intruder and secondly an accident. The third case is abhorrent.


I think we would all prefer it to be an intruder and secondly an accident. The third case is abhorrent.
Well the Intruder Theory has been put to bed due to the lack of any forensic evidence and the inconsistencies in the popular Lou Smit version.

Accidental Rage is rather vague and verges on being oxymoronic, but rage is involved, particularly violent rage directed onto JonBenet, I doubt it was an accident, what kind of accident requires a homicide as a rationale to explain away the accident, its bizarre?

It may not have been premeditated in as being planned weeks in advance, but possibly something changed in JonBenet's life that held consequences for the person abusing her, this may have led to the decision to kill JonBenet but make it look accidental possibly this was messed up so the homicide staging was next on the list, much of the staging was ad-hoc?

Whatever the cause and motive JonBenet's killer(s) intended JonBenet not to live, we know from her injuries that she was alive at a certain point after being violently assaulted, that she was probably manually strangled, then with the ligature, then sexually assaulted etc. Whomever was responsible declined to dial 911 and request medical assistance for JonBenet, they wanted her dead!

So sadly I think some variation on your third case is what occurred and although abhorrent, it did happen the forensic evidence does not lie.

UKGuy said:

Well the Intruder Theory has been put to bed due to the lack of any forensic evidence and the inconsistencies in the popular Lou Smit version.

Accidental Rage is rather vague and verges on being oxymoronic, but rage is involved, particularly violent rage directed onto JonBenet, I doubt it was an accident, what kind of accident requires a homicide as a rationale to explain away the accident, its bizarre?

It may not have been premeditated in as being planned weeks in advance, but possibly something changed in JonBenet's life that held consequences for the person abusing her, this may have led to the decision to kill JonBenet but make it look accidental possibly this was messed up so the homicide staging was next on the list, much of the staging was ad-hoc?

Whatever the cause and motive JonBenet's killer(s) intended JonBenet not to live, we know from her injuries that she was alive at a certain point after being violently assaulted, that she was probably manually strangled, then with the ligature, then sexually assaulted etc. Whomever was responsible declined to dial 911 and request medical assistance for JonBenet, they wanted her dead!

So sadly I think some variation on your third case is what occurred and although abhorrent, it did happen the forensic evidence does not lie.

I'm starting to do some research on opinions by the pros. I see Werner Spitz believed that her head wound happened first while Cyril Wecht believed for sure that the headwound came second. Cyril was also pretty sure that there was sexual abuse going on before.

Why would a person insert a broken paint brush into her vagina. Maybe to override and destroy evidence of previous abuse. Maybe that's really why JonBenet was killed. The Ramsays' doctor insisted there wasn't any abuse, but how recent had he inspected that area. Perhaps the abuse had just started a few weeks prior. The Ramsays have stuck together, so what does that tell you. I still keep the door ajar for an intruder.
Rupert said:
I'm starting to do some research on opinions by the pros. I see Werner Spitz believed that her head wound happened first while Cyril Wecht believed for sure that the headwound came second. Cyril was also pretty sure that there was sexual abuse going on before.

Why would a person insert a broken paint brush into her vagina. Maybe to override and destroy evidence of previous abuse. Maybe that's really why JonBenet was killed. The Ramsays' doctor insisted there wasn't any abuse, but how recent had he inspected that area. Perhaps the abuse had just started a few weeks prior. The Ramsays have stuck together, so what does that tell you. I still keep the door ajar for an intruder.


Thats if the paintbrush was used for that purpose. The only evidence to currently support this is the foriegn residue found inside JonBenet, it could have been transferred just as easily via the person's finger who crafted the garrote?

There is a piece of the paintbrush handle still missing I have speculated if it could have been left inside JonBenet, this would have fitted in with some bizarre sex crime scenario, has this information been redacted from the autopsy? Consider all the other items left at the staged crime-scene e.g. paint-tote, garrote stick etc, why bother removing the missing piece of handle?

A partial answer to the above is that the wine-cellar portrays a revised staging from a sexual assault to a bedtime abduction, so the removal of the piece of paintbrush, is like her being wiped down, and redressed, meant to reflect that of a bedtime abduction.

I'm not wholly convinced on this since I consider there is forensic evidence not yet in the public domain!

Coroner Meyer was of the opinion that JonBenet had been digitally penetrated and the implication is that this was chronic since it relates to the enlargement of her hymen?

The sequence of events is only critical if you have a favorite theory to promote, otherwise they occurred and cumulatively they do not suggest an accident.

Someone wanted JonBenet dead, she was intended to be killed, then it was covered up, after the 911 call its all history.

UKGuy said:
Someone wanted JonBenet dead, she was intended to be killed, then it was covered up, after the 911 call its all history.
Or it was the other way round: someone attacked JB in a rage, having no idea that the head bash would bring her near-death, and then frantically staged a cover-up scene where it should look like a sexual predator had murdered her.
Everything in that scenario imo was intended to direct the attention away from two things: the head bash and the chronic sexual abuse.
Rupert said:
I'm starting to do some research on opinions by the pros. I see Werner Spitz believed that her head wound happened first while Cyril Wecht believed for sure that the headwound came second. Cyril was also pretty sure that there was sexual abuse going on before.
While it is true that Wecht was in agreement with several highly respected pediatric experts about Jon Benet's body showing signs of chronic sexual abuse, he twisted facts to make them serve his theory.
If memory serves, Wecht's theory is that John Ramsey accidentally killed JB in some kinky 'erotic asphyxiation' sex game.
The first time I heard about EA was when the Australian musician Michael Hutchence (sp?) accidentally hung himself while practising (auto) erotic asphyxiation.
And Wecht in all seriousness believes that a six-year-old child was the willing participant in such stuff?

Not only is the idea of JB having been involved in this totally absurd, there is no forensic evidence whatsoever to support it.
For there was a knot tied around the child's neck which was not a slip knot or anything, but just some clumsily tied fixed knot. But if he is such a self-proclaimed EA expert, Wecht has yet to explain how on earth such a fixed knot could have functioned as a so-called 'breath control' device.

But Wecht does not stop there. For according to his EA theory, JB's head injury of course can't have come first, but must have been inflicted after death.
Which is why he publicly claimed that JB's brain contained 'only 6 to 7 ccm' of blood, which was little and therefore the child must have more or less dead when receiving the head bash.

BUT: Wecht deliberately left out that part of the autopsy report where the rest of JB's blood in her brain is mentioned: the other areas of her brain where there was extensive hemorrhage.
The head wound was fully developed, and therefore JB could not have been dead or near death when it was inflicted.

Just like in the Jeffrey MacDonald case, Wecht twisted the facts (by leaving out crucial info) to sell his theory. A theory sensational enough to attract media attention.

Wecht's false info about the little blood in JB's brain has done great damage to the JB case discussion: Ramsey advocates have eagerly quoted it of course, for in every intruder/sexual predator theory, the strangulation came before the head bash - it doesn't make sense the other way round.
Wecht's silly EA theory has been tossed around by them too, only that they changed it into the sexual predator with his 'sophisticated' garrote doing this to JB, and not John Ramsey.

It is probably not a bad idea to double or triple-check everything Wecht has to say about the Ramsey and other cases ...

Why would a person insert a broken paint brush into her vagina. Maybe to override and destroy evidence of previous abuse. Maybe that's really why JonBenet was killed. The Ramsays' doctor insisted there wasn't any abuse, but how recent had he inspected that area. Perhaps the abuse had just started a few weeks prior. The Ramsays have stuck together, so what does that tell you.
JB's pediatrican never performed a vaginal exam on JB, therefore his insistence on there being no abuse has no value.
I agree that the paintbrush was jabbed into her vagina to destroy signs of prior abuse. And that the abuse could be the reason why JB was killed. I believe Patsy caught John abusing JonBenet, snapped and lost it, directing her rage against her daughter instead of at her husband.

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