Former attorney LKB says Casey lied- no Zenaida

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But how does that work?? Okay... Casey lied? Now what? We all know that everything ZFG is coming in for a jury to hear. A jury is going to now want to understand why Casey lied... is there any reason... at all that Casey would lie about the last person she left Caylee with and then Caylee ends up murdered?

Are they going to try and convince a jury that these kids that Casey was hanging out with were street thugs?? Because they liked Rap Music instead of Avenged Sevenfold that they had some of cryptic influence of Casey?

I am trying to place myself into the minds of a jury... as someone who has never heard of this case... and it is hard to do, but I still keep coming back to... WHY LIE??

Here is a response to your question from a criminal trial lawyer, R. Hornsby, I admire alot...

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Legal Q&A Thread for R Hornsby[/ame]
Right, ICA lying was already put out there by Baez, so the only difference is this one's about Zanny.

Wondering if Cindy & George are feeling betrayed at this point since they backed ICA, or if they knew this was coming. Seems to me like all of this is so leaks/statements can get out in the public without ICA having to take the stand and say them.

Yeah but there is a difference. JB did it in a very broad sense while confronting YM about what his thoughts at the time were about his client. Even then it was a poor thing to say, but it was in a controlled environment.

I know everyone says that LKB is a brilliant attorney who would never do this without some specific reason or strategy... but I'm not buying it. Her client, the persons who's interests she is sworn to uphold, is not just on trial for murder. There are also criminal charges against KC for her lies to the police and child abuse. Plus her client is facing a civil suit concerning the specific substance of this lie. Yeah we may all "know" that KC is lying. We've known it for a long time. But that is a far cry from one of her lawyers blurting out something on a tv show that blatantly goes against her interests in 2 criminal matters and a civil matter before any resolution or adjudication has occurred.

Somethings not right there.
It seems to me that the defense is abandoning any pretense of going with a Zanny-Did-It defense anyway. To me, all this shows is a little insight into DT strategy, which is likely going to be a "Zanny was a lie. A necessary lie, because KC was trying to protect _______."

I'm wondering if George is starting to hear the bus a'comin. Run, George. Run.
"One good thing I can say about my father is that he is not a murderer." Lola, this is one of the saddest sentences I've read in a long time. My sympathies.

I wonder if LKB shouldn't have kept her mouth shut until AFTER today's hearing?

I think the DT is bumbling the defense strategy just like they've bumbled just about everything else in this case so far. But, hey, I'm not complaining.
I think there's a difference between acknowledging Zanny was a lie and leaving Zanny out completely. I think the statements about ZFG will absolutely be crucial to the trial, but that the defense will try to defend the lie rather than claim she never lied at all. I think it'll be all "She lied, obviously, but why?"
Yeah but there is a difference. JB did it in a very broad sense while confronting YM about what his thoughts at the time were about his client. Even then it was a poor thing to say, but it was in a controlled environment.

I know everyone says that LKB is a brilliant attorney who would never do this without some specific reason or strategy... but I'm not buying it. Her client, the persons who's interests she is sworn to uphold, is not just on trial for murder. There are also criminal charges against KC for her lies to the police and child abuse. Plus her client is facing a civil suit concerning the specific substance of this lie. Yeah we may all "know" that KC is lying. We've known it for a long time. But that is a far cry from one of her lawyers blurting out something on a tv show that blatantly goes against her interests in 2 criminal matters and a civil matter before any resolution or adjudication has occurred.

Somethings not right there.

Fae, I agree with you on something's not right there, but don't you think JB & co. were in on this, & that LKB threw it out there with their blessings? Despite the fact that I don't care for her much, I do think she's well aware that she can't break attorney client priveledge, without the client waiving that priveledge.
It seems to me that the defense is abandoning any pretense of going with a Zanny-Did-It defense anyway. To me, all this shows is a little insight into DT strategy, which is likely going to be a "Zanny was a lie. A necessary lie, because KC was trying to protect _______."

I'm wondering if George is starting to hear the bus a'comin. Run, George. Run.

I bet JB has had to lie awake many a night, trying to come up with a story that a Jury might believe... if the story makes as little sense as the rest of his pleadings and motions, ICA can kiss her azz goodbye. :seeya:
I try to be objective, but it's hard. But is there a defense? Does anyone see any kind of cohesive defense being set up? I don't. No semblance of anything being constructed. They seem to have abandoned ZFG. No indication they're going for a "Yeah, KC did it, but..." It seems disjointed.

The only thing I can think of is that JB plans on dropping a bombshell re: an Anthony family member during the opening statement, but can he? Nothing in the hearings seems to set that up. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but I'm lost. Can anyone see a cogent defense coming? Get past the fact that realistically, she's guilty. What legal defense are they going for?
I try to be objective, but it's hard. But is there a defense? Does anyone see any kind of cohesive defense being set up? I don't. No semblance of anything being constructed. They seem to have abandoned ZFG. No indication they're going for a "Yeah, KC did it, but..." It seems disjointed.

The only thing I can think of is that JB plans on dropping a bombshell re: an Anthony family member during the opening statement, but can he? Nothing in the hearings seems to set that up. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but I'm lost. Can anyone see a cogent defense coming? Get past the fact that realistically, she's guilty. What legal defense are they going for?

I think JB will keep trying to get every bit of evidence thrown out. When he has failed completely (we're nearly there) I have a sneaky feeling they will bail out. He is currently doing the equivalent of ICA's long walk up that Universal hallway, till she got to the point she could not go any further..
It seems to me that the defense is abandoning any pretense of going with a Zanny-Did-It defense anyway. To me, all this shows is a little insight into DT strategy, which is likely going to be a "Zanny was a lie. A necessary lie, because KC was trying to protect _______."

I'm wondering if George is starting to hear the bus a'comin. Run, George. Run.

And that is exactly why George is the best choice of a patsy. They cannot point the finger at Kronk or a random stranger because that does not explain the 31 days of non-reporting.

The ONLY way to justify that is by making her a noble victim, one who just could not bring herself to report her Daddy. Even though he molested her, she still loved and honored and protected him. She has even sat in jail, continued to cover for him, until NOW of course. [ Heah Comes Da BUSS!]
I try to be objective, but it's hard. But is there a defense? Does anyone see any kind of cohesive defense being set up? I don't. No semblance of anything being constructed. They seem to have abandoned ZFG. No indication they're going for a "Yeah, KC did it, but..." It seems disjointed.

The only thing I can think of is that JB plans on dropping a bombshell re: an Anthony family member during the opening statement, but can he? Nothing in the hearings seems to set that up. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but I'm lost. Can anyone see a cogent defense coming? Get past the fact that realistically, she's guilty. What legal defense are they going for?

The Defense does not have to make the case that George or Lee or Jesse committed the crime. ALL they have to do is convince the jury that one of them COULD HAVE done so.

And that does present a potential problem because of the lack of fingerprints and DNA on the body and the duct tape and bags. All of the things that they can tie to Casey, car trunk, duct tape, burial site, can also be tied to her family and close friends.

Every time the state presents a key piece of evidence, the DT is going to be able to leave the window open a little bit -- George had keys to the car, everyone had potential access to the A's home for the duct tape, laundry bag,
maybe someone framed her. etc etc.

They do not need to build a case against any of the other 'suspects', all they need to do is convince at least one or two jurors that there is a reasonable chance that any one of these others may potentially have done the crime instead of Casey.
After careful thought I'm not sure what would be worse for Casey in sticking with the ZFG was a lie. Without a nanny person then that means she was not given a key to the home and access to the items found with Caylee. Not that anyone ever believed that anyway. I can't imagine the jurors listening to the audio interviews, LE questioning, etc. where Casey invents this person and all the specific details about her only to claim in court it was all lies. Diabolical schemer is what comes to mind. This is not a person in fear. So many of her statements sound so contrived. The explanation she gave YM for not calling authorities is so phony through and through. Thinking back on her conversations with Cindy and the run around and outrageous stories she gave her just blows my mind.
I think JB will keep trying to get every bit of evidence thrown out. When he has failed completely (we're nearly there) I have a sneaky feeling they will bail out. He is currently doing the equivalent of ICA's long walk up that Universal hallway, till she got to the point she could not go any further..

Can't wait to hear Judge Perry's rulings on the Frye hearings and anything he was to rule on with just the pleadings...
After todays hearing IMO It seems Baez is trying to find ways to STALL the jury selection How many renewed objections did he state today with excuses? the best one being the cost of relocating his staff to the secret jury location..since 2008 Baez has been complaining about moving the trial out of Orlando..and he got his wish Partially granted..the Jury will be from another location but the trial will be in Orange County
Just watched the video again. Better than Showtime's Dexter.

CA saw a pic of Jeff Hopkins and his little boy. She testified that to Morgan. HAHAHA! Plus that Zanny is Jeff's ex-girlfriend and Jeff paid for both his and KCs child care expense. CA never discussed with KC how Zanny was paid. What a loon!

CA says everybody LIKED to watch Caylee so there was no need to pay people.

How come I never had friends like that? Friends to pay my daycare costs and watch my kid for free?

So where is this photo?
IMO Casey found a picture, uploaded it to her computer or phone or emailed it to herself and showed Cindy...Just like there is an Obit for Caylee's Bio Dad....
Casey knew that Amy had slept walked... and used that information to convince Amy that is exactly what happened when her money came up missing. Casey could have simply said nothing... yet, she wanted to convince her friend that she was not in any way involved. She was aware... she knew she had taken the money and wanted to redirect her friend in a new direction.

I call that a CON MAN... not a pathological liar.

Casey's lies have a purpose... they were always to redirect... no matter how outlandish they were. It had always worked for her because no one called her out on it... until now.

Respectfully snipped & bolded Lola... ITA and would add, she's not a pathological liar, but she is a diabolical liar. :cow:
I bet JB has had to lie awake many a night, trying to come up with a story that a Jury might believe... if the story makes as little sense as the rest of his pleadings and motions, ICA can kiss her azz goodbye. :seeya:

Well, there is a scary thought. I realize he lives close to DisneyWorld, but really JB.... this is no fairy tale. It is real life! DUH!
This is huge....

Casey Anthony lied about a nanny taking Caylee, a former Anthony attorney tells CBS’ ”48 Hours Mystery.”

CBS affiliate WKMG-Channel 6 shared that revealing interview last night. When asked about the nanny, Linda Kenney Baden says, “I think everyone knows that that was a lie.”
Why oh why did they let it go on for so long. Did they actually think the longer they could keep it out there people would buy it ? What good did it do KC or her DT. It made all the A's look like (insert word of choice.)

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