Found Deceased - Michaela "Mickey" Schunick, 21, 7 August, 2012

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Individuals who are bipolar are typically a threat only to themselves. Their manic phase must last about two weeks and then the depressed phase another two weeks. If you fluctuate between happy and sad within the course of 36 hours, however, you aren't clinically bipolar.

If insane, he is likely more schizophrenic than bipolar. Schizophrenics have dissociative thoughts, some with delusions (the devil made me do it or I am the devil/the joker).

Unless, of course, you are an ultra-rapid or ultradian cycler ...
With BSL's obsessions with graves, when i heard "found in graveyard" I immediately thought it was her.

With a lacerated finger, I do not know how he managed to dig a "fairly deep" grave, but I guess when you're trying to cover a murder, you have more motivation.

This is never the news I wanted to hear.
I also wanted to believe, somehow she was still alive, and would prove authorities wrong.
But it seems that couldn't happen....

I find it very hard to believe BSL told them where her remains are, even as a plea bargain, especially if he has many other girls under his sleeve.

I think he must have told them...this spot would be basically impossible to locate, IMO, unless he did. I doubt it ever would have been searched, being so far away from where she was taken. If he hasn't killed anyone else, and he was told this was the only way to get the DP to go away, I can see it, I guess. He would only do it if he was getting something back and no other DP cases were out there, IMO.
New here, but I've been lurking for a few days. So sad for the Shunick family today.
@safetystac And if BSL had found this great "hiding place" couldn't he have also dug a hole there ahead of time for when he needed it? Then he wouldn't have had to wait for his hand to heal after the fact. Just speculating
Brettlys bike taken a week before, and dumped in the cemetery, after he posts numerous "missing" posters for his bike, via facebook and friends.

Next, mickey is taken, brettly posts numerous missing posters via his friends and facebook, and becomes national coverage.
She is found in a cemetary.

Was this always his "hint" to his game of "this is where you'll find her"

Reason 50 I think BSL knew Mickey somehow before hand.
I'm just going through so many emotions. Relieved that her family can say goodbye to her, but still so upset that this stuff happens and that it happened to them and to her. It breaks my heart and makes me fear the world my children will grow up in. Then there is the anger that comes with the release of these rapist animals onto our streets after they serve time so that they can rape and then KILL the next time. Some changes need to be made.
New here, but I've been lurking for a few days. So sad for the Shunick family today.
@safetystac And if BSL had found this great "hiding place" couldn't he have also dug a hole there ahead of time for when he needed it? Then he wouldn't have had to wait for his hand to heal after the fact. Just speculating

Welcome REM. Normally I give a balloon or something fun welcome, but I can't do balloons right now, ya know. But still, welcome.
Brettlys bike taken a week before, and dumped in the cemetery, after he posts numerous "missing" posters for his bike, via facebook and friends.

Next, mickey is taken, brettly posts numerous missing posters via his friends and facebook, and becomes national coverage.
She is found in a cemetary.

Was this always his "hint" to his game of "this is where you'll find her"

Reason 50 I think BSL knew Mickey somehow before hand.

good thinking on the Bretley's bike in the cemetery. IF he took Bretley's, maybe he took it so that Bretley woudn't ride with her. He wanted her riding alone?
Okay, if BSL gave this as a plea bargin....
And IF he is responsible for more murders (which i say he is) how many other small cemeteries like this are holding his victims, that will never be found because they can't just begin digging up random graves...
If they checked him out of jail Tuesday, why? I know some think to lead them to her body, but that's seems unnecessary to me. Couldn't he have just told them where he put her?
Okay, if BSL gave this as a plea bargin....
And IF he is responsible for more murders (which i say he is) how many other small cemeteries like this are holding his victims, that will never be found because they can't just begin digging up random graves...

i think there are more as well. maybe they will figure out which victim's may most likely be victim's of BSL. then they can get a scent on them for the cadaver dogs? I don't know how those cadaver dogs work, but I read somewhere that they can track a cadaver even after 20 years??
It is the "in an instant" factor that is so horrifying. Being alive, healthy and minding your own business one instant and literally being savagely attacked out of the blue the next. Who could ever be prepared for that? Her mind must have been reeling, much as I hate to think about it. But she had to go through it, the least I can do is think about it.
If they checked him out of jail Tuesday, why? I know some think to lead them to her body, but that's seems unnecessary to me. Couldn't he have just told them where he put her?

I know they took John Gardner out with them to find Amber DuBois and this has been done in other cases. Saves LE a lot of time in the long run and they can determine pretty quickly if they are being fed a line or not. This was a pretty remote area.
I've been a WS lurker since Morgan Harrington's disappearance. I registered today because I feel the need to share my sadness with those who have gotten as attached to Mickey (a total stranger) as I have. :(

Mickey's case has especially touched my heart, so much so that it felt like a kick to the stomach to hear today's news. While I've felt she was gone for a long while now, I guess there was always that tiny sliver of hope that maaaybe, somehow, she was okay out there somewhere. It breaks my heart to know this is not to be.

Going off of the name of the cemetery, does anyone think it was another jab at the Claire person who was in the car accident in '99? Not that Claire knew about Mickey's location, but rather, a jab at her inside BSL's a mental F.U.? It may be a coincidence that the cemetery is called Pinesclair, maybe someone's last name, but...the Clair/Claire business gave me an eerie feeling.

I get the feeling that Mickey is not the only body buried there by BSL. JMO. I feel sick thinking he may have made his own sick, demented addition to the cemetery, a new cemetery wing for his prey.
How can this world harbor such pure evil? It's so very sad. :(
Seems hard to believe BSL would have buried MS himself with his little finger almost cut off. But desperation can make people do strange things.
New here, but I've been lurking for a few days. So sad for the Shunick family today.
@safetystac And if BSL had found this great "hiding place" couldn't he have also dug a hole there ahead of time for when he needed it? Then he wouldn't have had to wait for his hand to heal after the fact. Just speculating

Exactly! I have no doubt this wasn't all done blindly..with no pre-planning. Maybe not the exact victim (or perhaps it was) - whatever the reasoning behind it, I don't think it all adds up that he abducted, got hurt, dug graves etc. The facts remain the same, the order in which the outcome was achieved may not have been a-b-c, but rather random in order. :(
I know they took John Gardner out with them to find Amber DuBois and this has been done in other cases. Saves LE a lot of time in the long run and they can determine pretty quickly if they are being fed a line or not. This was a pretty remote area.

it's remote but precise at the same time. couldn't he have just said Pinseclair Cemetery in the overgrown area in the back??

Unless, of course, you are a rapid or ultra-rapid cycler ...

Also, if you are Bipolar type 1 (which I am), you are much more prone to flat out manic episodes, which are more dangerous to yourself, as well as psychotic episodes, including hallucinations, delusions, disassociation, etc... They are schizophrenic tendencies, but not clinically schizophrenic. It's all mania. And mania can keep you up for days, but when you crash it's very, very noticable. Like you don't get out of bed for days noticable.

IMO, I don't see him as bipolar at all. My bipolar friends (support group) don't hurt others, they hurt themselves. This guy is something else entirely. Again, my opinion. :moo:
it's remote but precise at the same time. couldn't he have just said Pinseclair Cemetery in the overgrown area in the back??

Maybe there is an added legal benefit from him actually leading them to the site...he points it out, etc...he can't say later they found her someplace else.
:eek:fftobed: nite everyone. Sending up some prayers for Charlie and the Shunicks.
it's remote but precise at the same time. couldn't he have just said Pinseclair Cemetery in the overgrown area in the back??
I don't know if this was the case with BSL, but if LE thinks a suspect is lying or holding back information, they will sometimes bring him to the site of the remains to induce him to break down and tell the whole story.
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