FOUND DECEASED - WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009

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I don't think I've ever posted on one of Lindsey's threads, but have followed the case and still think about her often. Always wondering if she's still alive. I am happy her family finally has closure, this is one of those cases that is haunting for years. RIP sweet girl
This article from April 24, 2017 has a quote from Lindsey’s mom I’ve never seen before:

The quote is a ways down. Here it is:
"There was two incidents in the week prior to her disappearing," said Melissa Baum. "The girls had been up at the park in the bathroom and they said a man came in on them, but then he left and took off on a bike. The other incident was her and her friend said that they thought somebody was following them. A man in a white car."

Did DG have a white car? How about any other suspects?
A search of the Washington state courts shows DG arrested with a preliminary appearance 5/10/2018.

No MSM reporting at all yet on that, per Google news search.
A search of the Washington state courts shows DG arrested with a preliminary appearance 5/10/2018.

It also shows DG court dates for November and December of 2017. Yesterday’s court date was probably for something else or it would have been news by now. If he showed up for court, that would have been a good opportunity for interviewing him some more.
I've never posted on her case, I don't think, but I'm so glad her remains have been found so the family can have a funeral and burial. It's so tragically sad and utterly inhuman to contemplate the monsters who do such evil.

I hope so much they can get enough evidence on a viable suspect to go to trial and get a conviction. Then, her family will have some form of closure. My heart goes out to them.
Given the facts that we have so far regarding where she was found and the info we have on DG, here is my theory:
DG was at a BBQ the day of 5/26/09 which he left at around 9:00pm (his words)shortly before Lindsey would be leaving her friend’s house. Throughout the day, he texted SC up until 9:26pm when all communications stopped (possible time of abduction). During this timeframe there is a lot of inconsistencies with DG's story and witnesses. DG states that he left the BBQat 9:00pm and went home to watch TV and passed out, and was not in town. Someone stated they saw DG's white Del Sol in front of the Bee Hive retirement center (near the route that Lindsey would have been walking) around10:00pm. DG then stated that that could not have been his car,because he was at work at the youth center (believed to be Black Lake Bible Camp). This would not only contradict his own story of going home and passing out after the BBQ, but this was also refuted by is supervisor at the youth camp, because she stated that DG had been suspended from work during that time. There is also mention (I believe from Lindsey’s friend) that a manin a white car was following them a little during the day. DG was known to drive a white 1995 Honda Del Sol.

My theory is (of course speculation):

I believe that DG abducted Lindsey around 9:26pm (when communications stopped), and that night he had plenty of time to do whatever a sick *advertiser censored* does. I believe he buried the body somewhere local (perhaps his own tomato garden). Around the middle of July he was probably feeling some heat from the search, and investigation, so he moved the body to Ellensburg (explanation for the 7/16/09 trip there when his car breaks down).

I have a few questions regarding things:

Do we know what happened to his white 1995 Del Sol?

Do we know who he was with at the BBQ (there was mention that a woman there was questioned)?
Did anybody go with him on his trip to Ellensburg on 7/16/09, and what was his reason for the trip?
Was the Bee Hive Retirement home ever searched for evidence? I don’t think hewould do something with her there due to possible witnesses, but if it isaccurate that his car was there at 10:00pm, then this time frame would definitely be shortly after the abduction occurred.

I'm on my phone so this is just a quick thought that I'm having about the Beehive Retirement Center. I remember there being talk about some of the employees using some empty rooms to party in. Maybe he took her in one and drugged her?

I thought at first that maybe he relocated her body from McCleary to Ellensburg but now I'm thinking that maybe he went to Ellensburg with her that night period between 9:26 p.m. and 1:11 a.m. is the perfect amount of time to get from McCleary to Ellensburg. Perhaps he spent a couple hours disposing of her body and then drove back by the 6 something am call.
I'm on my phone so this is just a quick thought that I'm having about the Beehive Retirement Center. I remember there being talk about some of the employees using some empty rooms to party in. Maybe he took her in one and drugged her?

I thought at first that maybe he relocated her body from McCleary to Ellensburg but now I'm thinking that maybe he went to Ellensburg with her that night period between 9:26 p.m. and 1:11 a.m. is the perfect amount of time to get from McCleary to Ellensburg. Perhaps he spent a couple hours disposing of her body and then drove back by the 6 something am call.

Here is the reason I believe that he first hid/buried the body locally, and then relocated to Ellensburg (if you are a loved one or close to this case and Lindsey, please forgive the carelessness in my words, I am just trying to analyze the scenario):
This was not a planned out crime, it was one of opportunity. He did not know she would be walking home at that time. The crime would have been more impulsive. He would have taken her somewhere familiar where he felt confident nobody would witness (the retirement center, or his property). After that point, possibly with some guilt, he would want to get rid of the body quickly. He does not strike me as an intelligent kid, so I don’t think he anticipated the amount of attention that this would get. Due to that, I think he would have chosen somewhere close by, or that he was familiar with to dispose of her body. I think either due to the attention, searches & investigation, or possibly the smell of decomposition (if she was disposed of somewhere he frequents), he felt the need to relocate the body.

Knowing that he took a trip to Ellensburg on 7/16/2009 and knowing all the suspiciousness surrounding him regarding this case, when it came out that Lindsey was found in Kittitas County, it was my aha moment. I think he took that trip to relocate her, and I suspect (I wish I knew what happened to his Del Sol) that he either destroyed the car, or had to have it thoroughly cleaned before bringing it back home. Transporting a decomposing body in a car would make it stink and/or a mess that would need to be cleaned. That was why he needed SC to come pick him up.
This article from April 24, 2017 has a quote from Lindsey’s mom I’ve never seen before:

The quote is a ways down. Here it is:
"There was two incidents in the week prior to her disappearing," said Melissa Baum. "The girls had been up at the park in the bathroom and they said a man came in on them, but then he left and took off on a bike. The other incident was her and her friend said that they thought somebody was following them. A man in a white car."
I haven't heard that either I don't think.

A search of the Washington state courts shows DG arrested with a preliminary appearance 5/10/2018.

Interesting. Does it show the arrest date? Does this mean he is currently in jail?
It looks like a warrant was issued on 5/4. I can’t tell when he was arrested. According to the Grays Harbor jail roster, he’s not currently in custody, but the date on the roster is 5/9. His arraignment is scheduled for Monday, where I believe he will be charged. Charged with what? Idk. It’s scheduled on the GHC Superior Court Criminal docket.
I didn't hold any hope that she would ever be found. So many tears, so many years. My heart breaks again for the family.
This news hit me hard yesterday So heartbroken for Melissa.
Thank God Lindsey has been found.

I'm updating the Case Archive, adding a justice section.Since I no
longer can organize the site, you can see "latest updates" with this link:

Here is Lindsey Baum Case Archive: Baum -WA-?sort=6&page=1

Latest articles and pics will be on the last few pages, helter skelter, in no particular order.

THANK YOU! to everyone providing links and pics, and good to see everyone back.

Bumping this up so people can review that warrants and past history of DG on page 18. Thanks.

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From reading in thread #1 & #2 of POI Dale Golder, it sounds like LE took his car (95 Honda Del Sol - white) and searched it and it was returned to him. It is assumed to be the same car he drove to Ellensburg and that broke down but then he fixed. So I am thinking nothing came from the search of his car.

Posts 678, 686, 687, 690 -
I suspect within ~6 weeks Sheriff Scott will hold another presser to announce an arrest.
Godspeed, Lindsey girl. You are loved.


This News is so heart breaking. We all hoped, prayed, and wished for years this would not be the way Lindsey’s Story would end. My Prayers go out to Melissa and Joshua Baum. Precious Child no longer lost, May Lindsey Baum Rest In Peace. Now I Pray for Swift Justice.

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I suspect within ~6 weeks Sheriff Scott will hold another presser to announce an arrest.

I sure hope so!

I can't believe that DG was on LE's radar at the end of July and it wasn't until 9/25 (?) that the affidavit for search warrant was issued. I'm trying to find the date of the actual search of his car and property. Why did it take so long to search him?
This new thread titleline hit me pretty hard, for something so small and technical, it carries a loft of heft.

I'd like to know, now that Lindsey's officially been declared a murder victim and her case is moving to another level of investigation, are there any plans or efforts to memorialize this child?

I'd propose something like a '30 days of remembering Lindsey' (actually, indefinitely) sort of social movement where digital posters recounting her accomplishments, interests, hopes, dreams, connections to the living world are widely shared every hour of the day in many places...

Her story is not over by any means.
I sure hope so!

I can't believe that DG was on LE's radar at the end of July and it wasn't until 9/25 (?) that the affidavit for search warrant was issued. I'm trying to find the date of the actual search of his car and property. Why did it take so long to search him?

LE had to gather enough circumstantial elements, build a timeline, relevant phone records, witness interviews, determine focus of the proposed search (vehicles, other relevant items) etc., and present that tidy package to a judge(s) to approve a warrant
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