Found Deceased France - Émile S., 2, outside grandparent’s house, Le Vernet, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, 8 July 2023

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I agree - if everyone is distracted, busy packing, cleaning and others bickering it makes it unclear how long he was missing for. It's important to the timeline but doesn't mean they were involved in his disappearance. MOO
the bickering of the kids report referred to several days before, not the day Emile went missing. All relevant links upthread.
I agree - if everyone is distracted, busy packing, cleaning and others bickering it makes it unclear how long he was missing for. It's important to the timeline but doesn't mean they were involved in his disappearance. MOO

Weren't the children bickering a few days prior? When Emile wasn't even there yet. How did that become that people were bickering when Emile disappeared? I must have missed the report. Is there a link?

"A local told French newspaper Le Figaro there was "some bickering between the children" a few days before Emile's disappearance." Link

Emile arrived in the village on the Friday, only one day before he disappeared. Link
Weren't the children bickering a few days prior? When Emile wasn't even there yet. How did that become that people were bickering when Emile disappeared? I must have missed the report. Is there a link?

"A local told French newspaper Le Figaro there was "some bickering between the children" a few days before Emile's disappearance." Link

Emile arrived in the village on the Friday, only one day before he disappeared. Link
we posted at the exact same second!
Okay so no bickering on the actual day - got it straight now. lol.

So the relevance of bickering a few days before seems not really pertinent not sure why they focused on that.

Unless they were sulking and keeping to themselves listening to music, reading rather than interacting.

Not really sure why they would have mentioned it if it wasn't on the actual day he went missing.

Sorry have no link to provide. Just saying if it was on the day it might mean he wasn't missed earlier because they were distracted. MOO
Two witnesses saw the child going down a very steep street around 5:15 p.m. One of the witnesses, a man in his sixties, feels guilty for not having intervened because he thought his dog would alert him in the event of a problem. However, he had forgotten that his pet was not there at the time.

just sharing this link for the photograph.

ccording to a Paris Match survey to be found on newsstands this Thursday, July 20, the last two people to have seen Emile would be a teenager and a man in his sixties " whose statements are formal" . The magazine focused more on the second. The latter was not alerted when he saw the little boy of 2 and a half years appear alone in this street of Haut-Vernet. The reason ? It is common to see children from the hamlet playing there without necessarily being accompanied by adults...

Another element allowed this man not to be alerted. His dog didn't bark. Our colleagues report that he "knows very well that when a stranger moves around or when danger threatens" , his Bernese shepherd "reacts systematically" . But here, that was not the case. And for the simple and good reason that it turns out that the animal was in fact perhaps not present on the day of the disappearance of the little boy...

The mystery remains around the disappearance of this little boy of 2 and a half years. Faced with the complexity of the case, the prosecutor of Dignes-Les-Bains requalified the investigation on Tuesday July 18. A judicial inquiry has been opened. Two investigating judges from the Aix-en-Provence center (Bouches-du-Rhône) were seized. Their mission was to clarify all the gray areas surrounding this affair.

"When we already have leads, we don't say them, we don't give them... But we already know that by putting two investigating judges, we are on a very complicated case which really deserves an analysis, a special expertise... And after that, we don't hear from the gendarmes anymore... They who always have a vocation to come and talk, to explain, sometimes even more than the police. And that's it, we ended the debates... We feels that the investigation is launched and that we are trying to wipe the slate clean of everything that can be said. And then really to move forward on the file with the clues that we have been able to collect … ", regretted the guest of Pauline Simonet.

(above a complex translation, I didn't get the whole story. Linked from mSN)
In regards to the Paris Match article mentioned, it is behind a paywall however I have managed to access it in its entirety.

It is very long, 8 pages of text according to Word, it also has a photo of mother and father in the article.

If you want it please let me know, I don't fancy getting in trouble with MODs for sharing it here.
There are snippets below from the article that I felt were worth sharing.
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In regards to the Paris Match article mentioned, it is behind a paywall however I have managed to access it in its entirety.

It is very long, 8 pages of text according to Word, it also has a photo of mother and father in the article.

I have never uploaded to this forum like this so I hope this works. It's in PDF form but if it doesn't open for people please let me know.
A few snippets from the article for those that don't want to trawl through all of it.

"The maternal grandparents, Philippe and Anne V., bought a house in the hamlet of Haut Vernet in the early 2000s. They are in their fifties and spend their summer holidays in this corner of paradise with their ten children. This July 8, they are in the house with eight of them, aged 7 to 18. Marie, eldest of the siblings and mother of Émile, left after dropping off her little boy. Bathilde, the youngest, recently married but childless, only joins the family on Sundays."

"While the grandfather, Philippe, loads the trunk of his car with stakes and electric wire to fence off a field for his horses, Émile, in his diaper, goes down the very steep street at the exit of the House. "With the child's center of gravity, it's certain that he went downhill,"

"During the first forty-eight hours following the disappearance, search parties are organized with more than 800 volunteers who take turns alongside firefighters, gendarmes and civil security. Two helicopters, one of which is equipped with a thermal camera, as well as drones, fly over the area. Bales of straw are searched with a metal detector, Emile wore iron buttons. Ten Saint-Hubert dogs sniff each stone."

"In the village of Vernet, on the sunny terrace of the bar Le Bistrot protected by an old willow, everyone forms a conviction. For the mayor, it is an accident: “It is a vehicle that passes a little quickly. A driver who, instead of reacting normally, derails. I'm sure the body isn't in the commune, everything's been turned over. He was moved. There was intervention by an adult, whether dead or alive."

"Michel participated in the first beats and did not understand the attitude of the father and grandfather from the first evening: "They were really nonchalant, the atmosphere was strange, the father smoked a pipe, that marked me, it was as if we were not looking for a living child."
Other volunteers tell of the same discomfort, the same strangeness during the research. Parents are too calm, too in control of their emotions."

"The maternal grandparents, Philippe and Anne V., as well as Émile's parents, Colomban and Marie S., all live in the town of La Bouilladisse, 25 kilometers from Aix-en-Provence. Philippe is an osteopath. His office is located in the main street of La Bouilladisse, near the church, where they only go once a year to give a concert of religious music. All family members are musicians.
Every Sunday, grandparents, parents and grandchildren prefer to go to Aix, to a very old private chapel. The mass is celebrated there in Latin, the liturgy stricter, with Gregorian chants"

"The personality of the grandfather, Philippe V., questions certain witnesses, who describe him as angry. According to a testimony, he would not hesitate to sometimes spank his children and would have reproached Colomban for not being severe enough with Émile."
Theories are multiplying on what could have happened to this child, with in particular that of the intervention of a third person. Investigators hope thetelephone data they have collected through the 1,600 telephones identified will be used to advance the investigations. But for a policeman, there is only one certainty: Émile will not be found in the area .

Paris Match : " I am convinced that he is no longer in the village , we have searched 97 hectares of land." A feeling shared by the mayor of the village, for whom the thesis of the accident is the most plausible in this case: " I am sure that the body is not in the town , everything has been returned. It has been moved. There was intervention by an adult, whether dead or alive. "

At present, a cell of 25 investigators has been created in order to find Émile as quickly as possible. In addition, a preliminary investigation was opened on July 17 to investigate the circumstances of the child's disappearance. For the moment, no track is left aside by the investigators.
Noemie Letellier
Noemie Letellier

ccording to a Paris Match survey to be found on newsstands this Thursday, July 20, the last two people to have seen Emile would be a teenager and a man in his sixties " whose statements are formal" . The magazine focused more on the second. The latter was not alerted when he saw the little boy of 2 and a half years appear alone in this street of Haut-Vernet. The reason ? It is common to see children from the hamlet playing there without necessarily being accompanied by adults...

Another element allowed this man not to be alerted. His dog didn't bark. Our colleagues report that he "knows very well that when a stranger moves around or when danger threatens" , his Bernese shepherd "reacts systematically" . But here, that was not the case. And for the simple and good reason that it turns out that the animal was in fact perhaps not present on the day of the disappearance of the little boy...

I am sticking a pin in this one.

If there had been no bickering between kids for days, I'd have been impressed. I personally don't think it will be relevant.
Bickering kids easily take their frustration out on a smaller child sometimes. Maybe, Emile was "the sweet little one" and the preferred one by the adults .... so jealousy, envy and anger can arise. The best way to deal with anger is outside the home, where just no adult is present and noticing. Maybe, the children got angry already, when they learned, the little nephew would be with them on this vacation and they would be responsible the whole day.
Bickering children would have been a red flag to me also, like it was to the person, who mentioned it.
I don't want to say, the children have something to do with little Emile's disappearing. Although the bickering could turn out to be more relevant, than thought of. IMO
Bickering kids easily take their frustration out on a smaller child sometimes. Maybe, Emile was "the sweet little one" and the preferred one by the adults .... so jealousy, envy and anger can arise. The best way to deal with anger is outside the home, where just no adult is present and noticing. Maybe, the children got angry already, when they learned, the little nephew would be with them on this vacation and they would be responsible the whole day.
So in my eyes, bickering children would have been a red flag to me also, like it was to the person, who mentioned it.
I don't want to say, the children have something to do with little Emile's disappearing. Although the bickering could turn out to be more relevant, than thought of. IMO
Bickering description was from before Emile arrived.It possibly is a word that got lost in translation.
i read it as meaning loud and screechy , as children tend to be when they shatter the peace of the countryside.
There's no judging the behaviour/reactions of parents whose child has gone missing. Everyone reacts differently, for various reasons. Sometimes they are even forbidden by police to help search.
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