France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #1

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<modsnip> To die for their "cause" makes them a martyr and that has many perks.

I know that I'm just saying it chaps my arse that we can find them, round them up before or after an attack and it is viewed as a victory in their twisted brains. Perhaps I should have worded my post clearer.
<modsnip> To die for their "cause" makes them a martyr and that has many perks.

That's pretty much true of any religion. Christianity has heaven/salvation. Religion has been used to motivate people to war in every civilization.
If it was really about helping "refugees" then large camps could be built to house them until they can return home. That keeps them safe while containing any terrorists in their midst. It may not be super comfy but if they are fleeing for their lives they should be happy even if they only receive the basic shelter and supplies.

The majority are NOT refugees they are immigrants which is why they pass through several "safe" countries and then demand to enter Germany, Sweden, or another country of their choosing.

Most of the war refugees are in Lebanon or Jordan. It is really dire.

A Refugee Crisis in Lebanon Hides in Plain Sight
(Do they think 72 or 77 virgins or how ever many are waiting for them or has that been proven to be a myth? Just asking, seriously.)

I doubt it, but religious people believe all kinds of weird stuff so who knows.

And fwiw I've only heard the "72 virgins" thing from people who are not Muslim.
(Do they think 72 or 77 virgins or how ever many are waiting for them or has that been proven to be a myth? Just asking, seriously.)

I hope they are burning in he77 and do believe that is their fate.
I wish I could provide a link but I read the article a bit ago. Anyhow Canada is set to accept thousands of Syrian refugees over the next three years. One of the screening criteria to aid in speeding the process up would be accepting those under the age of 18. Viewed as a lesser threat. And now I read one may have been as young as 15 :scared:

25k are due to come to Canada by January 2016
That's pretty much true of any religion. Christianity has heaven/salvation. Religion has been used to motivate people to war in every civilization.

True. And how do you fight that? How do you convince people their beliefs are untrue or harmful? They get so embroiled in them they can't see what's real and what isn't, and (in my cynical opinion) it's not possible to force people to change what's in their hearts. Superstition is often stronger than reason.
WSJ: Paris Attacker With Explosive Vest Was Blocked From Entering Soccer Stadium

At least one of the attackers outside France&#8217;s national soccer stadium had a ticket to the game and attempted to enter the 80,000-person venue, according to a Stade de France security guard who was on duty and French police.

The guard&#8212;who asked to be identified only by his first name, Zouheir&#8212;said the attacker was discovered wearing an explosives vest when he was frisked at the entrance to the stadium about 15 minutes into the game. France was playing an exhibition against Germany inside.

While attempting to back away from security, Zouheir said, the attacker detonated the vest. Zouheir, who was stationed by the players&#8217; tunnel, said he was briefed on the sequence by the security frisking team at the gate.

A police officer confirmed the sequence, adding that police suspect the attacker aimed to detonate his vest inside the stadium in order to provoke a deadly stampede.


So what can be a way to stop these guys? Have metal detectors in front of every restaurant and concert hall? I'm trying to think of a solution for this awful thing? How to prevent all these terrorist attacks?
Per CNN Presser coming up shortly with Prosecutor
It's a tough day for so many people addition to the deaths, people not knowing if their loved ones that are in critical condition will survive, the awful pain and injuries, and for those who are finding out about people they know...I imagine the list of victims will name a lot of the the first responders, medical staff, LE and those who have to clean things up, sending positive thoughts to all. Reminds me of the Boston Marathon, the bloodbath...
So what can be a way to stop these guys? Have metal detectors in front of every restaurant and concert hall? I'm trying to think of a solution for this awful thing? How to prevent all these terrorist attacks?

I believe they will simply come up with a different tactic. We're chasing them.
So what can be a way to stop these guys? Have metal detectors in front of every restaurant and concert hall? I'm trying to think of a solution for this awful thing? How to prevent all these terrorist attacks?

With these types of attacks I cant ever see a solution. Perhaps they can be slowed but IMO never stopped.
If you are a refugee you can come, but if you are an immigrant, you can't come? Wouldn't both groups be wanting to flee devastation? What kind of procedures do some countries in Europe have for the refugee and immigration issue?
This is no longer about religion, if it ever was.

People of different faiths and beliefs have lived in peace in many cities throughout the world.

This is about power and hatred.
True. And how do you fight that? How do you convince people their beliefs are untrue or harmful? They get so embroiled in them they can't see what's real and what isn't, and (in my cynical opinion) it's not possible to force people to change what's in their hearts. Superstition is often stronger than reason.


I totally agree and is why I am so confused how ISIS and other extremists feel they can force people to convert.

It goes against anything I ever learned about religion. I always thought it had to be a free will choice to believe in your faith. And yet these murderers think they can go around and force people to convert to their religion. By force, murder, terrorism, etc. etc.

It is foolish and ridiculous. And I do think if we can somehow explain that to their followers that anybody who is forced to convert by them is living a LIE. Have them show us where it says in their books that people will have eternal life if someone forces them to believe in their faith just because they had a gun to their head.

Its the biggest LIE ever and is based on falsehood and goes against everything I have ever learned about ones own choice to believe in a faith.

I really think this shows the level of stupidity of their group is on a 2nd grade intelligence level.
Like I will beat you up if you don't join our grade school club.
With these types of attacks I cant ever see a solution. Perhaps they can be slowed but IMO never stopped.

It would be an enormous undertaking to stop them before they start, to change things enough that people won't be willing to kill themselves and give up what they have, and to prevent young people from being so easily manipulated or brainwashed. JMO.
This generation of extremists was born into hatred. From infancy, they are taught to hate Americans, hate Jews, hate Christians and so on.

This generation is ruthless and dangerous. They kill in the name of a religion that condemns what they preach. IMO
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