France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #1

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Yes, no camps here. There are many churches/groups that are going to sponsor one family for a year. Get their schooling set up, English classes, have "stewardess" show them how to travel by bus, where to go and such. Help them be part of our Canadian society.

That's what I thought. I hope some are kept together so they won't be alone. Imagine being the only Syrian refugee family in Moncton.
There are no quotes or sources. What is that news site? One of the other headlines is "Jews of France hide like Marranos* and turn towards Israel."

I'm not saying the site isn't legit or Hamas and Jihad haven't condemned the attacks. It wouldn't surprise me. But I am curious about the source.

*a Christianized Jew or Moor, especially one who merely professed conversion in order to avoid persecution.
Ynetnews is Israeli MSM.

Ynetnews is the online English-language Israeli news website of Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s most-read newspaper, and the Hebrew news portal, Ynet.[1][2] It is part of the Yedioth Media Group,[3] which also owns stock in the Israeli TV Channel "Channel 2"; "HOT", the Cable TV company, weekly local newspapers, magazines, and other non-media companies.

The source of the story is Agence France Presse (AFP).

Here's an MSN report of the story.

Palestinian groups Hamas, Islamic Jihad condemn Paris attacks
Gaza City, Nov 14

(AFP) Two Palestinian Islamist groupstoday condemned the Paris attacks that killed at least 128 people, officials in both organisations said.

Senior figures in Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip but isconsidered by the US and EU to be a "terrorist" group, and Islamic Jihad criticised the killings that rocked the French capital late yesterday.

Dr Bassem Naim, head of the Council of International Relations for Hamas, told AFP the group condemned "the acts ofaggression and barbarity", while Islamic Jihad called it acrime against innocent people.

Link to the same story in The Times of Israel

and the AFP

"Israel will be on France's side in the fight against terrorism," Netanyahu said in a statement late Friday.

A senior official said Saturday the premier had ordered his security services to supply "any assistance" requested by France in its efforts to catch those responsible.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said the country would stand with France "in your uncompromising struggle against terrorism".
Just heard Secretary of State Kerry in his press conference- repeatedly refer to the attackers as 'DASH'. First it was ISIS, then ISIL now Dash.
What in heck is 'dash'? It just sounds like a trivializing label to hang onto them.
You can discover what your enemy fears by observing the means he uses to frighten you.

-Eric Hoffer (who wrote the book The True Believer)
Just heard Secretary of State Kerry in his press conference- repeatedly refer to the attackers as 'DASH'. First it was ISIS, then ISIL now Dash.
What in heck is 'dash'? It just sounds like a trivializing label to hang onto them.

What is the meaning of DAESH?
"Daesh" is an acronym for the Arabic phrase meaning the "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" (though the last word can also be translated as "Damascus" or "Levant"), and it is thought to offend the extremist group because it sounds similar to an Arabic word for crushing something underfoot.
Just heard Secretary of State Kerry in his press conference- repeatedly refer to the attackers as 'DASH'. First it was ISIS, then ISIL now Dash.
What in heck is 'dash'? It just sounds like a trivializing label to hang onto them.

Isis vs Islamic State vs Isil vs Daesh: What do the different names mean – and why does it matter?


The French government changed its official name for the terror group, saying others “blur the lines between Islam, Muslims and Islamists”.

The Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius asked journalists and media organisations to follow their example, adding: “This is a terrorist group and not a state.

“I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims and Islamists. The Arabs call it ‘Daesh’ and I will be calling them the ‘Daesh cutthroats’.”

Daesh, sometime spelled DAIISH or Da'esh, is short for Dawlat al-Islamiyah f'al-Iraq wa al-Sham.
I haven't gone through all of the posts here but I have certainly seen a lot of racial discrimination. You cannot condemn 1 billion plus Muslims based upon the actions of a small minority. It would be like labelling all Christians based upon the actions of the KKK or the Aryan brotherhood.

People should really take a step back and ask themselves what is the root cause of these attacks and why has the world stopped to recognize the attacks in Paris but not similar attacks that happen elsewhere in the world.

The article on Salon is a very good read for those that really want to learn more about this.

"Nor did the White House interrupt every news broadcast to publicly condemn the ISIS massacre in Turkey in October that left approximately 128 people dead and 500 injured at a peaceful rally for a pro-Kurdish political party."


"Unfortunately, tragedies like the one we see in Paris are daily events in much of the Middle East, no thanks to the policies of the governments of France, the U.S., the U.K., and more. The horrific and unjustifiable yet rare terrorist attacks we in the West experience are the quotidian reality endured by those living in the region our governments brutalize.

This does not mean we should not mourn the Paris attacks; they are abominable, and the victims should and must be mourned. But we should likewise ensure that the victims of our governments’ crimes are mourned as well."
If it was really about helping "refugees" then large camps could be built to house them until they can return home. That keeps them safe while containing any terrorists in their midst. It may not be super comfy but if they are fleeing for their lives they should be happy even if they only receive the basic shelter and supplies.
And how much safety have the Palestinian refugee camps in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and other countries brought to Israel during the last decades? Containing many people together in large camps is a breeding ground for anger and resentment, especially among young people, and it's not a way to lessen terrorism. And how long had you planned to keep the people in the camps, a year, five years, ten years, twenty years or even longer? Or do you mean to build new Theresienstadts for those unwanted in Europe?
Just heard Secretary of State Kerry in his press conference- repeatedly refer to the attackers as 'DASH'. First it was ISIS, then ISIL now Dash.
What in heck is 'dash'? It just sounds like a trivializing label to hang onto them.

Did you notice he gave his statement in French first?? He cracks me up. And that 'DASH'! I have no idea what he is talking about most of the time. He thinks he is going to meet in a luxurious hotel conference room in Vienna and think that what he says has any meaning to terrorists around the world.
Praying for Paris. And Praying for tolerance the world over. If we do not teach and live with tolerance, it truly is the end of the world, I believe.

Yes but tolerance has limits, we cannot tolerate murder and slaughter of innocents. (I am not saying you were implying we should)
Some say meddling in Middle East havent solved anything, now we must admit more refugees, still trying to solve their problems.
But can western countries offer a safe haven to refugees, as suicide bombings and attacks carried out here?

When we admit more refugees, how can we vet them, which one is ISIS infiltrator, which one truly in need? Many have no papers at all or forged ones.
Next we must start to scrutinize our own citizens, which one is suspected terrorist, which one is not. More surveillance, martial law, living in suspicion and fear, while giving up our freedoms.
This what we want?

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I've always wanted to ask, and now I will, WHY haven't these people overthrown their own governments? Why haven't they had a civil war? Why should we, who have done all of the above, with great cost to ourselves, take them in and let them out vote and out breed us?
It's not the people on the streets who have access to bomb planes and other weapons of mass destruction, those things are in the hands of the governments (and to some degree in the hands of the ISIS), and I would not be surprised if Assad of Syria have access to some of the same things as Saddam Hussein had, and that he might have been willing to do something like the Halabja attack against his own citizens:

Yes, the U.S. were able to revolt against the British, and the French against the monarchy in their country, but back then the difference in what kinds of weapons used on each side was not as great as today, try to shoot down a bomb plane with a handheld weapons.
-Emma Lazarus, from "The New Colossus"
Engraved on the US Statue of Liberty

But can we prevent them from wanting to engage in honor killings and impose Sharia law? Will all want to assimilate and become Americans? Maybe they want the "goodies", but not the responsibilities that come with citizenship. Some come here for educational and economic benefits, and yet hate our country for being what it is. Is it jealousy? Can't they think of building their own countries up instead of splintering them to pieces? I'm sorry, but I can't help having a distrust of them. We have dealt with this reality for decades. I don't want my grandchildren and great grandchildren growing up with Arabic as their national language. This is like the Trojan horse. Help people, yes, but with eyes wide open. There has to be a compromise for the refugees somewhere. Where are the oil-rich countries like Saudi Arabia? Are they opening doors to refugees? Would the refugees not be more comfortable in a culture they already know?


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Do you realize that the Pirates of the Barbary Coast are the ancestors of today's radical Islamists? People think it is the policies of the last 50-60 years that started this. Study your history. Until you realize they have always hated us and wanted to kill us, you don't understand the deep-seated rage directed at us. And it is not because we're lighter-skinned or they are darker or whatever modern day malady people want to blame this on. This has been going on for centuries!

Maybe we need to understand that many here are young, in college or fresh out, have not delved deeply into history, want things to be nice for themselves and their children. There is nothing wrong with that. Hell, I was young and innocent once. Thing is, time is getting a bit short and nicey nice ain't gonna cut it any more. Who knows? It is up to every man/woman to see to their own soul/salvation, whatever that means to each, and that also means how we see this bloody attack on Paris and those who planned and carried it out.

Everyone has free will - use it wisely, says I.

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris. The terror organization issued a statement. In a video of IS, the group warns France. The country will not live in peace as long as it carries out bombings in Syria. "You are indeed commanded to attack the infidels where you find them. What are you waiting for? There are weapons and vehicles available and targets ready to be hit," said a militant of IS, flanked by other IS-fighters, in the video. "There is also poison available so poison the water and the food at least one enemy of Allah."
According to the statement of IS France will not live in peace as long as it carries out bombings. The French air force is bombing IS positions in Syria and Iraq.

From UK Reuters

Islamic State says France remains top target
CAIRO | By Eric Knecht

...Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.


"Indeed you have been ordered to fight the infidel wherever you find him – what are you waiting for?," said Abu Maryam.

"Know that jihad in this time is obligatory on all."

Another militant, identified as Abu Salman the Frenchman, said: "There are weapons and cars available and targets ready to be hit. Even poison is available, so poison the water and food of at least one of the enemies of Allah."
"Terrorize them and do not allow them to sleep due to fear and horror," he added.


French President Francois Hollande said the violence was organized from abroad by Islamic State with internal help.
"Faced with war, the country must take appropriate action," he said, without saying what that meant.

The attacks at a stadium, concert hall and cafes and restaurants in northern and eastern Paris were "an act of war committed by Daesh that was prepared, organized and planned from outside (of France)" with help from inside France, Hollande said, using the Arabic acronym for Islamic State.
FBI director James Comey said during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S.

Mike. Huckabee on CNN today suggested that if France closed their borders to Syrian refugees, the US should do so. I don't know that I agree with him, but we must find a solution.

So far, in the European countries that have accepted people in the recent wave of Middle Eastern refugees, the statistics are approximately 70% of the refugees are single young men. Normally, in past refugee crisis around the world about 80% of the people are women, children. The rest are husbands or the elderly. I heard this from a UN representative giving an interview on Fox News this morning. That sent a shiver down my spine.
I totally agree and is why I am so confused how ISIS and other extremists feel they can force people to convert.

It goes against anything I ever learned about religion. I always thought it had to be a free will choice to believe in your faith. And yet these murderers think they can go around and force people to convert to their religion. By force, murder, terrorism, etc. etc.
Back in the 16th century, wasn't the native tribes in Mexico and south America forced to convert or being killed by the Europeans? The same had happened in my native Finland in the 13th century, the Swedes came as crusaders and forced the natives to convert to Christianity and occupied the land.
-Emma Lazarus, from "The New Colossus"
Engraved on the US Statue of Liberty

So every time I've read this during the last 24 hours it's brought tears to my eyes because I think about the Statue of Liberty's history, last night's attacks, our history with France, WWII, the Revolutionary war, and how connected we are.

But then I feel such shame for the way we acted after 9/11 with the "Freedom Fries" and general Francophobia.

I hope those days are forever behind us.
Social media is a great hub for all these terrorists to interact. Is there a way to track them down through their online activity? I don't think so.

I have been always talking with my friends about curbing Terrorism. I'm from India. There, terrorists attacks happen quite frequently. This reminded me of the Taj hotel attack of Mumbai in 2008.

I don't have links handy, but from what I learned in the Noco thread while researching this is that encryption appears to be a hurdle. However, iirc, it was just released that the FBI has a new encryption software or something like that.
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