France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #3

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Indeed - with this kind of civilian death rate , it can only lead to more refugees.....

It's the cycle of abuse times a million. How can we stop it? Where do we interfere? When will there be refugees from western countries?
That is great :

PhD in the field of Opinions

I have two PhD s in this arena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, Cariis! That's like having two...*ahem* Never mind. :angel:

Yah. I remember wondering how Bush Jr. found the time to go clear brush at the ranch every other weekend, especially in the summer of 2011, another busy time in the world.

Presidents are human beings with what has to be the most stressful job in the world, and having to be on call 24/7, 12 months of the year for a minimum of four years.

Thank goodness they all seem to have had the good sense to take some down time every once in a while to clear their brains.

I agree! Honestly I don't know how any President can take a vacation and truly relax. It's no wonder they age 10 years for every four they serve.*

Q: Is it true that George W. Bush took more vacation days than Barack Obama?
A: Yes. Before his two-week trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August, Obama’s count was 125 full or partial days and Bush’s total at the same point in his presidency was 407.

President Clinton took 174 vacation days, while Ronald Reagan took 390.

The least number of vacation days taken by any president was Jimmy Carter, who spent just 79 days away from the White House during his four-years in office.

*Random equation I just made up.
At the moment cannot seem to find an update on " Toronto Jane," wondering if she is still alive and if so, where is she?!
Febuary 2015

"A mysterious woman who left Toronto last year to join ISIS has been travelling throughout Iraq and Syria, puzzling security analysts who think she may be playing an intelligence-gathering role for the Islamic extremist group.

When the above picture emerged weeks ago, European experts who track foreign fighters at first believed the woman on the right to be Hayat Boumeddiene, the French widow of one of the Paris attackers.

Jeff Weyers, a senior research analyst with iBRABO, an Ontario-based intelligence research company, had a different assessment.

He didn’t think it was Boumeddiene, but rather, an Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) recruit he refers to as LA from her Twitter name, Lama Sharif Al-Shammari (not a real name).

Analysts with iBRABO began tracking LA when her pro-ISIS tweets revealed she was in Toronto. That was in late last November.

Shortly thereafter, her tweets showed she was travelling throughout ISIS-controlled territories in Iraq and Syria. That got Weyers’s attention.

Researchers with iBRABO were able to track LA because she inadvertently left the geotagging function active on her cellphone — a common mistake many foreign fighters make, he says.

Assessing her role from her movements, Weyers says “Toronto Jane” appears to be a chilling exception to other Canadian and Western women who have left to join ISIS over the last two years.

“She has to be in a fairly high position with the Islamic State [ISIS] to be able to do this extended travel,” says Weyers."
History - This has already occured (is not active)

But helps tie together isis making claims in June. An interesting history of isis and different target.


Terror attacks on 3 continents; ISIS claims responsibility in Tunisia, Kuwait

CNN)ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on a seaside resort hotel in Tunisia on Friday that killed at least 38 people and wounded at least 36 others, many of them Western tourists.

The Islamist group named the attacker as Abu Yahya al-Qirawani and said he managed to infiltrate the Hotel Riu Imperial Marhaba in the coastal city of Sousse.

Some witnesses reported seeing more than one gunman, and the Tunisian Interior Ministry initially said there had been three, but a ministry spokesman later said they are aware of only one and that he was killed.

Among the dead were at least five Britons, three Belgians, one German, and one woman from Ireland, according to the foreign ministries of Britain, Ireland and Tunisia.

An unknown number of French nationals were also among the dead, Essid said Saturday, according to CNN affiliate BFMTV.

A man caused an explosion at a chemical plant near Lyon in southeastern France after having beheaded his boss and leaving the head hanging on a fence, French officials said. Authorities detained the suspect.

I am sickened by the attacks in Tunisia, France and Kuwait. Our countries stand together in combatting the horrors of terrorism.

— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) June 26, 2015

In a subsequent audio statement, ISIS identified two men -- Abu Zakariya al-Tunisi and Abu Anas al-Tunisi -- who it said used "automatic weapons and hand grenades" to kill and injure what it called "crusaders and apostates."

Read the full text
Pontiac City Council to stop plan to house Syrian refugees

Author: Local 4 - ClickOnDetroit news staff,

Published On: Nov 19 2015 05:51:22 PM EST Updated On: Nov 20 2015 12:21:49 AM EST

PONTIAC, Mich. -
The city of Pontiac is saying "no" to Syrian refugees.

This decision comes a day after Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson asked the mayor and City Council to stop the support of housing Syrian refugees in buildings owned by Live In Pontiac LLC and Pontiac Community Investment LLC.

Patterson refers to the development as a Syrian refugee village...

Another article about the Syrian village in Pontiac, MI:


Easy to do when your Governor is leading the fight, but Pontiac City is about 30 miles from Detroit, 45 miles from Ann Arbor. This is one of the last areas I would expect to do this.

It looks like Detroit and Grand Rapids are staying strong though.

We must 'open our doors' to refugees, Mayor George Heartwell says after Paris attacks

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Mayor George Heartwell opened this morning's City Commission meeting with a prepared statement on the "senseless slaughter" in Paris perpetrated by "desperate and demented people."

He urged Grand Rapidians not to be afraid, and said that if the United States uses the attacks "to repel freedom-seeking people at our borders," then the terrorists win "and the end of the American soul cannot be far away."
Interesting that the Mali attacks has again revealed the location of special ops "boots on the ground' across a range of Continents.

Saw the ex CIA Director ( apols can't remember his name) on Newsnight last night saying that a huge increase in their numbers was needed.

Boots on the ground is naturally, very controversial. IDK what to think when I see a couple of days of remote air strikes have killed 400+ civililians, almost 100 of them being children.
Is a "remote" war ( air strikes, drones) that is so "inaccurate" a moral question?
And is it effective when ISIS are hiding amongst civilians they are using as shields? ( Lot of the military top brass expert opinion says air strikes simply will NOT work on their own.) And I say this knowing young guys who fought in our Middle Eastern wars lately, thankfully returned.
I don't have answers but I'm trying to find the right questions.

I note that applications to join the French Army have sky rocketed since the Paris attacks, to unprecedented levels, apparently.

My government is debating intensifying air strikes, our PM has long advocated this ,but with a major enquiry into our previous PM's involvement in the Iraqi war based on no-weapons-of mass-destruction with Mr Bush et al, it is clear why there is strong opposition.....

This is the problem, a remote war alone will not work, especially with an enemy like ISIS who have already shown that they hide amongst civilians. It would be impossible to secure certain areas without boots on the ground. My husband served in Iraq and is also emphatic that there is no way air strikes will be enough. The problem is, multiple countries have already started bombing everyday, and again we are seeing civilians, including innocent children become casualties of war. If we just stop bombing then what will that do? I dunno, maybe that is the answer and then focus energy on all the intelligence we can and foil their plans or send special ops teams in to handle specific leaders. I think eventually there will be boots on the ground, I don't see how it can be avoided at this point. Even with boots on the ground there would still be targeted air strikes. i am not saying I want this, but I think it's inevitable.

ISIS has 24-hour help desk for terrorists
"New reports detailing the activities of ISIS, which is responsible for the recent attacks on Paris, Beirut and for taking down a Russian passenger jet, reveal that the organization employs a 24-hour customer support service that can help out with various digital problems its members may have. The same tech-savvy group manning the round-the-clock service from locations around the world also created a manual the describes best-practices ISIS members should follow to thwart surveillance and hide their tracks online."

Wow: a concierge for cockroaches & daeshbags!! Incredible..what's next, tour guides??
BIB Let's spare a thought for those 403 civilians, including 97 children, according to the monitor.[


That's a big problem with the bombing raids -- those civilian fatalities leave behind friends and family member who will have a deep, and deserved, hatred for the west. These military incursions are the greatest recruiting tool that ISIL or Al Qaeda could ever hope for.
iTELE ‏@itele 3

#SaintDenis >"contrairement à ce qui a été annoncé, le kamikaze de l'appartement n'était pas une femme" (@jmdecugis)
#SaintDenis > le kamikaze de l’appartement n’est pas Hasna Aitboulahcen, mais un 3e terroriste encore non identifié (@itele)

#SaintDenis > Contrary to what has been announced, the suicide bomber in the apartment was not a woman.

#SaintDenis > The suicide bomber in the apartment is not Hasna Aitboulahcen, but a third terrorist who has not yet been identified


That's a big problem with the bombing raids -- those civilian fatalities leave behind friends and family member who will have a deep, and deserved, hatred for the west. These military incursions are the greatest recruiting tool that ISIL or Al Qaeda could ever hope for.

....which is exactly why they keep baiting the west, and why they want boots on the ground.
Wow, Cariis! That's like having two...*ahem* Never mind. :angel:


I certainly hope you took it in the vein it was meant - I love posts where I just laugh out loud, and actually , like keep chuckling , I wish I could remeber which one ist was , but oh my it was sheer brillance!
iTELE ‏@itele 3

#SaintDenis >"contrairement à ce qui a été annoncé, le kamikaze de l'appartement n'était pas une femme" (@jmdecugis)
#SaintDenis > le kamikaze de l’appartement n’est pas Hasna Aitboulahcen, mais un 3e terroriste encore non identifié (@itele)

#SaintDenis > Contrary to what has been announced, the suicide bomber in the apartment was not a woman.

#SaintDenis > The suicide bomber in the apartment is not Hasna Aitboulahcen, but a third terrorist who has not yet been identified


If not her then who? By all other accounts she was there at that apartment. All the people that knew her said so and the ones that live there. It was reported that it was a woman's voice that was saying, Help me, Help me. jmo idk
Wow, Cariis! That's like having two...*ahem* Never mind. :angel:


what is a stick out tongue mean!!!

Translation requested ! In internet language !

Well actually in regular language !
Wow, Cariis! That's like having two...*ahem* Never mind. :angel:


funny just realozed i have no clue what "angel " means , I have to hover my curser over em -- I have learned smile, (so pround I am)

funnier , and was gonna give a second example of what I leanred - cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well no I get the banging head againist the wall one

outside of that --- its a place cursor over "it" for translation!!!!!!!!!!!
just remember another one I have learned LMAO!!!!
oh now I get it.

BREAKING NEWS: 'Cowgirl' cousin did NOT blow herself up... but died when third ISIS terrorist detonated suicide vest standing next to her in Paris siege apartment, police reveal

Perhaps her cry for help was real, but IMHO she was there as a jihadist with a purpose.

I'm still puzzled about this police action, I cannot imagine that they would let the dog go inside if they were aware of armed persons in the house. That just doesn't make sense.
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