GUILTY France - Fiona Chafoulais, 5, Clermont-Ferrand, 12 May 2013 *Arrest*

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Another thanks for the translation Quester.
Donjeta thanks for the link to wiki article:

Cecile stated that she might have been under the influence of xanax when the 'car lurched' - Im sure she would know if she had taken xanax, though she isn't denying it.
The other concern is why is she being prescribed xanax? Is her doctor prescribing this? Its dangerous to take during pregnancy:

Benzodiazepines cross the placenta, enter into the fetus and are also excreted with breast milk. The use of benzodiazepines during pregnancy or lactation has potential risks. The use of alprazolam in pregnancy is believed to be associated with congenital abnormalities. Diazepam and chlordiazepoxide have a better safety profile in pregnancy than alprazolam.
Benzodiazepines require special precaution if used in children and in alcohol- or drug-dependent individuals. Particular care should be taken in pregnant or elderly patients, patients with substance abuse history, particularly alcohol dependence and patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders.

If she had been on xanax at the time she was in the park, it may also be a reason she went to sleep - they cause drowsiness.
That wiki link also says it should no be prescribed for people with a history of drug dependency, yet msm reported Cecile and her boyfriend had/have?? a heroin habit.

Whatever was her physician thinking? If she had a prescription, that is.
Well, I asked a WSer who makes no claims to be a physician but has a lot of knowledge about these areas. She doesn't think a doctor would prescribe xanax for a pregnant woman, let alone one with a history of drug dependency.

It's a drug that is favored by heroin addicts as a substitute, but anyone taking it in combination with heroin is dicing with death and would be extremely drowsy and prone to blackouts. And car accidents. Heroin withdrawal symptons can easily result in premature labour, so it can be safer for the baby of an addict mom to be born with mom on a program of methadone.

Anyway, we have a timeline where Sunday, a pregnant blonde woman with two pretty little blonde girls should have been seen by people at the flea market in the morning, then later in the park. Where are the witnesses to either of these events? If Cecile had stopped for one moment at a stall, let alone bought anything, wouldn't someone have come forward by now? Stallholders at flea markets are selling personal items, or items they have collected themselves. They usually remember the person they sold them to, and the price they got. If that person's photo was splashed all over the news a few days later......

It is also strange that the children seem to have spent most of Sunday sleeping, and that Cecile bypassed the busy play area of the park where children would naturally want to go, and headed for a secluded, hard-to-reach area instead. Especially when she was so tired, and pregnant.

From the timeline, it looks to me that Fiona has not been seen by anyone outside the family since Friday, three days before she disappeared. This will include Friday if she wasn't taken along to the doctor's as the articles seem to hint.

I'm suffocating under the weight of the red flags here.

Isn't it time Cecile's boyfriend came forward to help find the little girl he was so keen to adopt? It's been a long time now with no input from him.
Well, I asked a WSer who makes no claims to be a physician but has a lot of knowledge about these areas. She doesn't think a doctor would prescribe xanax for a pregnant woman, let alone one with a history of drug dependency.

It's a drug that is favored by heroin addicts as a substitute, but anyone taking it in combination with heroin is dicing with death and would be extremely drowsy and prone to blackouts. And car accidents. Heroin withdrawal symptons can easily result in premature labour, so it can be safer for the baby of an addict mom to be born with mom on a program of methadone.

Anyway, we have a timeline where Sunday, a pregnant blonde woman with two pretty little blonde girls should have been seen by people at the flea market in the morning, then later in the park. Where are the witnesses to either of these events? If Cecile had stopped for one moment at a stall, let alone bought anything, wouldn't someone have come forward by now? Stallholders at flea markets are selling personal items, or items they have collected themselves. They usually remember the person they sold them to, and the price they got. If that person's photo was splashed all over the news a few days later......

It is also strange that the children seem to have spent most of Sunday sleeping, and that Cecile bypassed the busy play area of the park where children would naturally want to go, and headed for a secluded, hard-to-reach area instead. Especially when she was so tired, and pregnant.

From the timeline, it looks to me that Fiona has not been seen by anyone outside the family since Friday, three days before she disappeared. This will include Friday if she wasn't taken along to the doctor's as the articles seem to hint.

I'm suffocating under the weight of the red flags here.

Isn't it time Cecile's boyfriend came forward to help find the little girl he was so keen to adopt? It's been a long time now with no input from him.

on Saturday they are said to have eaten at a local McDonalds. suppose that could be verified if there are cameras.

Are there articles saying no one came forward saying they saw the kids at the fleamarket? Just because we haven't heard of them doesn't mean there aren't any suppose. The police requested sightings from the park and might not have made any fleamarket sightings or lack there of public for a reason .

I don't think the story is that the children slept most of Sunday. If they were at the flea market in the morning they couldn't have. I think you may be confused by the google translation that says they slept up to 16 hours but what it really means is that they woke up from a nap at four PM (16 heures) and the story does not say when the nap began.
Well, there are articles saying police have followed up over 200 tips but have no credible leads, so I'm going by that really. And that other mothers in the area have stated publically they find it very suspicious lots of witnesses in the park have not been found.

The thing making me think the children slept most of the day was the 4pm time. Just going by what I experienced in France (Paris is an exception) these markets start early in the morning and morning is when French women shop. After that, all Cecile says is that she and the children went home and slept until 4pm. But they could have had lunch, played, and only slept from say, 2pm-4pm, I suppose.
This old article says Cecile and boyfriend are former heroin addicts (so why is she taking xanax now, while pregnant?), that her (criminal) lawyer thinks the direction police investigations are taking is 'no longer relevant' and Cecile has 'suspicions about everyone'. Oh, and police have had much difficulty confirming the timeline Cecile and her boyfriend have provided.

Cecile forgot to add that she has suspicions about everyone except her current boyfriend, Berkane Maklouf. He is so above her suspicions she doesn't seem to think it is at all odd he has been so quiet about Fiona. She trusts him so much she sent him to accompany the two-year-old for the police questioning, instead of going herself. This tot may be the only witness to what happened to her big sister.

I am deeply, deeply concerned about this child. French authorities must not lose sight of her.
Well, there are articles saying police have followed up over 200 tips but have no credible leads, so I'm going by that really. And that other mothers in the area have stated publically they find it very suspicious lots of witnesses in the park have not been found.

The thing making me think the children slept most of the day was the 4pm time. Just going by what I experienced in France (Paris is an exception) these markets start early in the morning and morning is when French women shop. After that, all Cecile says is that she and the children went home and slept until 4pm. But they could have had lunch, played, and only slept from say, 2pm-4pm, I suppose.

Yeah but I don't think it says anything abut the fleamarket. Even if the children had been sighted at the fleamarket , regardless the police could still be saying that they have no credible leads and that they have no witnesses from the park

I'm not sure Cecile says that she slept at home after the fleamarket, the article just says that the girls took a nap.
This old article says Cecile and boyfriend are former heroin addicts (so why is she taking xanax now, while pregnant?), that her (criminal) lawyer thinks the direction police investigations are taking is 'no longer relevant' and Cecile has 'suspicions about everyone'. Oh, and police have had much difficulty confirming the timeline Cecile and her boyfriend have provided.

Cecile forgot to add that she has suspicions about everyone except her current boyfriend, Berkane Maklouf. He is so above her suspicions she doesn't seem to think it is at all odd he has been so quiet about Fiona. She trusts him so much she sent him to accompany the two-year-old for the police questioning, instead of going herself. This tot may be the only witness to what happened to her big sister.

I am deeply, deeply concerned about this child. French authorities must not lose sight of her.

Do you have a link to the orgnal artcle? The translator is acting wonky for me and won't let me scroll down, it always snaps back to the top.
I wonder if it would be good to run these articles through TWO translator programs and compare and contrast because some of the translations make little sense. Food for thought. Where are you little honey ? :(
Sorry, I do try to run then through two translators - one is google, and one is Mr Z. He's a native French speaker really, so he is better at translating the meaning, rather than the actual words. I can't always pin him down though. I will try and get him to go through all the articles with me.

Meanwhile, I am still wondering why Cecile's boyfriend hasn't come forward yet, to help her with the media. Police say her timeline doesn't quite add up, so maybe boyfriend could help clarify it? Cecile has said he supports her in every way, so why isn't he coming out to support her in this? She is heavily pregnant, her child disappeared from under her nose in a busy, public park, for heaven's sake.....and nobody saw a thing!
I'm afraid they're on the verge of getting away with it. Zwiebel, tell me, how are the authorities in France? Will they pursue this indefinitely ? I understand cases go cold but they won't ever say ' Fiona is just gone so stop looking' , correct? And what happens when the new baby is born ?


[Find me!!!]​

I LOVE this photo, such a curious and wise little expression !
I've found nothing new at all recently and am afraid this investigation will become bogged down and nothing more will happen. My only hope is that the French take to the streets when they're upset, and then things tend to get done. The people of Clermont Ferrand have already done it once on Fiona's behalf, so perhaps they won't allow her to be forgotten.

I did find this article; Cecile was made to consult a psychiatrist by the court. Very puzzling for me - she hasn't been charged with anything, yet the court has the power to do that?

I know the French put huge store by graphology and almost every employer uses it - Mr Z's had an accident so has some time. I'll ask him to see if he can find anything new or interesting.
Stefather has spoken actually. I didn't think he had. On May 14 he said it was a nightmare and how Fiona's sister still goes into her room and sees she isn't there. :(

An free national tip line has been set up for Fiona, but as far as I know these free 0800 numbers don't work from abroad., only the country they've been set up in. (+00 33) 0 800 958 081
This seems a shame with the international connections Fiona's case/ maternal family has. I've had no luck finding anything new.
Oh no :(
For some reason I thought this looked as if it would go cold a lot sooner than it should.

Where's Fiona's support team - her parents - getting out there with flyers and media, social networks - kicking up a raging storm about it - keeping Fiona's face in the media.

Whats has happened to precious Fiona?
This little girl needs some fresh media attention badly.

I hope there is someone out there looking for you Fiona - and I hope they find you very soon!
Oh no :(
For some reason I thought this looked as if it would go cold a lot sooner than it should.

Where's Fiona's support team - her parents - getting out there with flyers and media, social networks - kicking up a raging storm about it - keeping Fiona's face in the media.

Whats has happened to precious Fiona?
This little girl needs some fresh media attention badly.

I hope there is someone out there looking for you Fiona - and I hope they find you very soon!

Right? What about her dad? Isn't he beating the street and calling LE daily and demanding action ?
I was pinning my hopes on Fiona's bio-papa too. But other than the last, exclusive interview he gave, I can't find anything. He insisted he didn't want dirty laundry washed in public but.......we've heard from three adults in this case (mom, stepdad, dad) how hard it is for them, and what they feel and want and need and how they've suffered.

Not so much about Fiona. Scarcely a word, in fact. She's only five. Somebody disappeared her and nobody seems to be wondering what she might have gone through or what could be happening to her now, in fact :(
Pardonnez moi - I like this hot air balloon, especially if it's real. I found this fb page via a link with someone sharing the same surname as papa, so I wonder if there are other paternal relatives working hard for little Fiona? I'm not on facebook, so I can't see everything though.

ETA: No, I don't think they are. It's concerned strangers, I think.
Mmmmm. We can't paraphrase fb or anything, so I can't translate it, even if I could, if you know what I mean. But I think it's worth looking at if you can understand a little french...

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