Found Deceased France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017

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[VIDEO] Nordahl Lelandais : l'insupportable mystère autour des 40 cas de disparitions retenus par l'enquête

Nordahl Lelandais: the unbearable mystery surrounding the 40 cases of disappearances selected by the investigation

Investigators refuse to give the identities of the missing persons concerned. Of the 900 cases potentially related to Nordahl Lelandais, most have been eliminated. About 40 of them are still on the agenda, but the families of the victims do not know which cases will be reopened and they are angry.

Nearly 900 cases involving disappearances, unsolved murders and unidentified bodies found in some 20 departments have been studied for months by investigators of the Ariane cell created for the purpose of tracing Nordahl Lelandais' "life course".

After a long period of work, the investigators screened and gradually eliminated hundreds of files. Some forty were selected: the alleged murderer of Maëlys and Arthur Noyer is still suspected in these cases, but the families of the victims do not know whether or not they are part of the group.

Which cases are part of the cases that will be reopened? That is the issue that is troubling the families of the victims and causing such distress.

By refusing to disclose cases that are part of Phase 2 of the Ariane cell's work, the investigators believe they are protecting the secrecy of the investigation. But for the relatives of the missing, it's unbearable.

No information was filtered, not a single family was informed. Some of them have decided to meet in Grenoble on Wednesday 13 March.

One of the relatives told our RTL colleagues: "Nothing is said. We've been in the dark for years. The ordeal continues because we still don't know where we stand. What don't they want to tell us? We are excluded. It adds a lot to our suffering, because there is a disappearance, and there is all this waiting, this inertia of justice that leaves us in the dark."

Me Bernard Boulloud, lawyer for the families of the disappeared and Arthur Noyer's parents, will accompany the victims' relatives and will give a press conference this Wednesday according to Le Berry Républicain to denounce the total lack of information and to express the distress and anger of the families.

Les familles des disparus des Alpes dénoncent un manque d'information et de considération de la justice

Families of the missing in the Alps denounce a lack of information and consideration of justice

Last month, possible matches between cases of missing persons and Nordhal Lelandais were investigated. Out of 900 files, 40 were selected. But since then, the families of the victims and their lawyers have had no information.

Lauriane Lopez has been going through hell since her ex-husband disappeared. The man, who went on a hike between Switzerland and Haute-Savoie in August 2018, has not been heard from since.
Her two children, 14 and 18, are desperate to know what happened to their father. Cases like this one are numerous in the Alps. At least six of these inconsolable families said on Wednesday their pain and anger at being left without news, through the voice of their lawyer Bernard Bouloud.

A month ago, General Lecouffe, who supervises the Ariane cell, reported on possible matches between missing persons and Nordahl Lelandais. Out of 900 files, 40 were selected. But since then, the families of the victims and their lawyers have had no information and are unaware even if they are part of the cases selected, with the various magistrates passing the buck.

A mystery that adds to their grief: "It is total distress. How am I supposed to explain to my children that the Thonon prosecutor is not in a position to see us for a planning reason? Their suffering is not considered and this is unacceptable," says Lauriane Lopez.


IMHO the reporters are getting two developments mixed up.
The one thing is the group of 40 cases that has been selected for further scrutiny.
The disappearance of Frédéric Derlot, ex-husband of Lauriane Lopez is most definitely NOT among those. He disappeared in August 2018 when Nordahl Lelandais had already been detained for almost a year. So no link.

The other thing is the total lack of information that befalls the families who are left behind. This indeed does apply to the disappearance of Frédéric Derlot.
Lelandais. Des proches de disparus veulent savoir si leur dossier figure parmi ceux retenus par la cellule Ariane

Lelandais. Relatives of missing persons want to know if their case is among those selected by the Ariane cell


On Wednesday 13 March 2019, lawyer Bernard Boulloud from Grenoble and the association "Assistance et recherche de personnes disparues" held a press conference at the Maison de l'avocat to denounce the lack of information for the relatives of the missing.

A month ago, in Paris, the Deputy Director of the Judicial Police of the Gendarmerie Nationale, Jean-Philippe Lecouffe, revealed to the press the first conclusions of the work carried out by the Ariane cell.
A special unit responsible since the beginning of 2018 for reviewing 900 cases of disappearances and unsolved homicides in the light of Nordahl Lelandais' case history. It was revealed that among these "cold cases", 40 cases had caught the investigators' attention. It is now up to the prosecutors concerned to go further.

But since then, nothing.

No information was provided to the families of missing persons whose hopes had been rekindled by these new investigations.
This is an intolerable situation that the lawyer of several of them, Bernard Boulloud, denounces today.

In front of the press, this Wednesday, he announced that he had written to General Lecouffe asking him "to tell these families without further delay if the remaining 40 cases concern their relatives."
He has not yet received an answer. "These families are treated less well than in cases of theft or extortion. Where is the humanity in this justice system?" Maître Boulloud questions.

At his side to support his remarks, several relatives of the disappeared made the trip.
Nelly Balmain's parents were there and the companion of Eric Foray who both disappeared in the Drôme.

Malik Boutvillain's sister also. The 32-year-old man disappeared on May 6, 2012 in the Echirolles sector of Isère.

"Who do you have to be to get people to take an interest in you?" she asks. "Following Nordahl Lelandais' involvement in the Arthur Noyer case, a judicial investigation was reopened a year ago in my brother's case. We have since been received at the Court House but the file remains empty. We don't even know what has been done or if anything has been done."

The association Assistance et Recherche de personnes disparues (ARPD), that was also present, states that it has made requests to the Keeper of the Seals [ Minister of Justice ]. Without further results.

"These families should normally be kept informed every 6 months of the progress of their cases, but in reality this does not happen," according toPhilippe Folletet, a volunteer investigator with ARPD.

And Bernard Boulloud concluded "enthusiasm is the brake on suffering. We are suffering but we are going to fight, we have gone into battle mode."

Affaires Fiorello/Lelandais : «Ne pas savoir, c’est comme avoir un tournevis qui tourne en plein cœur»

Fiorello/Lelandais cases: "Not knowing is like having a screwdriver being driven through your heart"

The magazine Contre-enquête, that will air on M6 on Thursday evening, will be devoted to the Lelandais case. The Fiorello couple from Firminy, whose son Adrien disappeared in 2010, is waiting for answers.

Knowing what happened to their son... This is the struggle of Marie-France and Salvatore Fiorello since the morning of October 6, 2010.

On that day, their son Adrien, then 22 years old, left the family home in Firminy for law school in Saint-Etienne. He never came back. His mobile phone last pinged for the last time, on the same day at 17:37, near the Chambéry train station.

At the time, this information went almost unnoticed. Today, it makes sense. It was in Chambéry that Nordahl Lelandais picked up Corporal Noyer who was hitchhiking before killing him - accidentally, he said - in April 2017.

"Just tell the families yes or no"

Former Commissioner in Saint-Etienne, Bernard Valezy is the Vice-President of the ARPD (Assistance and Search for Missing Persons). He will make the voices of families heard during the debate that will follow the broadcast of the M6 magazine on Thursday evening.

"In the Lelandais case, we have known for a month that the Ariane research cell (gendarmerie) has referred 40 files out of the 900 examined. The least we can do now is tell families whether or not their case is involved. It's not that complicated..."

Is their case one of the 40 cases related to Lelandais?

Adrien's parents now want to know if their case is one of the 40 cases sent to the investigators a month ago, for which the Lelandais lead has to be explored: "I am convinced I am part of it, but officially we are not kept informed," Marie-France Fiorello regrets.

An increasingly cruel wait: "Not knowing is like having a screwdriver in me and it is turning every day in my heart."

Nordahl Lelandais : Maëlys et le mystère des disparus - 6play

Well, this was a first. I managed to watch Contre-enquête! I had to register, fill in a postal code, confirm my registration and despite being in the wrong region, all of a sudden the report started.

It was lengthy and it was good, you really notice that the makers have given it a lot of time and attention. I was a bit skeptical beforehand, and indeed , the report suggests that Nordahl Lelandais may be a serial killer who could have been active for years, but they bring new info to the table that supports the suggestion.

What caught my attention:

The wedding in Pont de Beauvoisin. It is suggested that NL does not move as a rookie and that he planned to grab a child and even Maëlys. It is also said that some guests requested cocaine and that he left after the wine to get that, and returned home in the meantime too, to watch child *advertiser censored*. Police reports confirm this.

Lucie Roux. Lucie Roux was doing fine on medication, but a very vulnerable person. She knew NL, and her flatemate confirmed this. The psychiatric hospital and its surroundings are an ideal hunting area for predators and NL was one of them also during his stay.

Éric Foray. The CCTV images of the shops where he was last seen no longer exist. Régis Pique viewed them, but it was never investigated by the Gendarmerie if a possible perpetrator was also caught on camera.

Georgette Bonnet. The mayor of the village, a former gendarme, is convinced she met with foul play. Searches for her were late, because early one no one missed her, but very thorough, with specilized search parties and cadaver dogs too. Yet nothing was found. At that time, there had been a reggae festival in the area and many people were still busy with the clean up. The festival at the Fort de Tamié comes to mind, with people wanting to buy drugs and others selling it.

A woman named 'Monique', not her real name. She has never testified and did not want to be on camera. One Sunday morning she goes to the shops for a newspaper and bread. Gets out of her car in the parking lot. A man starts chatting her up and he follows her, first into the grocery store. Then he waits outside the bakery for her. He follows her to her car and asks her if she want to see his dogs, they are in his car.
At that time, I believe it was 5 years before Maëlys, she tells her son what had happened. And then when the news about Maëlys breaks she recognizes the silhoutte of that man and the reference to the dogs puts her hairs on end.

Monique is in her fifties or sixties, the actress who impersonated her has dark eyes and fine eyebrows. The investigation concludes that NL does not have one specific type of prey.

So far for now, no doubt there is more.

how to watch:

go to
register with emailadress and password
fill in a French postal code ( I used the one of Bassens, 73000)
next window choose m or f, fill in a date of birth and pick three types of programmes that interest you.
what happened is that I got a message about region restriction.
maybe this was because I had not yet confirmed my registration.
I found that I could watch a short preview with no problem and then the next programme started automatically and that was the one. No mention of region restriction. I had to unblock my ad*blocker, that was all.
Thanks for that update ZaZara! I'll pass on trying to get in to listen. :)

Aah @Niner, that is a pity! The report is only one hour and a half, all in French with no English subtitles and some interviews with persons who do not open their mouth while they speak, rapidly. The landscape is beautiful. The report starts, surprisingly, with Georgette Bonnet who drives up the mountain in her small car one sunny day. It isn't Georgette herself of course, but an actress playing Georgette. She gets out of her car, something seems to scare her, is there a figure lurking in the bushes? There is some confusion, we do not see anyone. Georgette takes a deep breath of mountain air. She carries a wicker basket, for the blueberries she is going to pick. She takes a few steps and evaporates.

I must admit, I did not believe my eyes and had big doubts about this 'report'. For me, Georgette was the obvious case of an elderly person who gets lost in the mountains, has an accident of sorts and perishes. She hasn't been found yet, despite many searches but one day she will be, car keys and the wicker basket included.

It hadn't occurred to me till then that there is a significant distinction between a search and an investigation. That is the second theme of this report: the disappearance of little Maëlys was the first disappearance of many that was also investigated. (Several disappearances did not even lead to a search, like the ones of Eric Foray and Malik Boutvillain for instance.) It isn't until later in the report that the mayor, a former gendarme, explains why the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Georgette are suspicious, and even more so in hindsight with the knowledge of the disappearance of two men from Fort de Tamié in subsequent years.

Contre-enquête presents a lot of new information and points of view. If there was a transcript, I would gladly translate it despite the one and a half hours because it is revelaing and relevant.

I wrote earlier about Lucie Roux:
Lucie Roux. Lucie Roux was doing fine on medication, but a very vulnerable person. She knew NL, and her flatemate confirmed this. The psychiatric hospital and its surroundings are an ideal hunting area for predators and NL was one of them also during his stay.

Contre-enquête interviewed women who were staying in the institution in Bassens and knew both NL and Lucie. One of them tells how NL lured her into his car and wanted sex. She refused and had to walk home. To hear her tell this .... these were vulnerable people in a psychiatric institution or living as outpatients and these patients call it a hunting area for predators. The assumed suicide of Lucie Roux becomes a lot less likely once you know this, and her disappearance would have merited an investigation by the gendarmerie or the police, not by her elderly mother who also appears on camera.
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Le scénario macabre de Nordahl Lelandais révélé: de l'enlèvement au meurtre, l'ex-militaire aurait tout prémédité

Nordahl Lelandais' macabre scenario revealed: from kidnapping to murder, the ex-military would have planned it all

On August 27, 2017, at 3:00 am, Maëlys was last seen at the wedding party where she was with her parents. There was no trace of her after that. Intensive searches are carried out, searches are organized around the village hall located in a wooded environment, a river is probed, lakes are searched... In vain. The 8-year-old girl remains unaccounted for.

Quite quickly, suspicions crystallize around a guest, Nordahl Lelandais, a 34-year-old former soldier and dog handler, who lived with his parents a few kilometres from the location of the events. He arrived late at the wedding and left the party. According to information reported by M6 in their documentary "Contre-enquête", the ex-military then went to his parents' homes a few kilometres from the wedding hall. On the spot, he consults child *advertiser censored* sites. It was analyses of his computer that made it possible to discover this, the French media reveals.

A week before the wedding, Nordahl Lelandais committed a sexual assault on his 6-year-old cousin while she was sleeping. In the documentary, the French media link this attack to a probable premeditation of the kidnapping of the little Maëlys. "It's the same day he calls the groom to be invited to the party. We may wonder if he was already planning to attack a child again," our colleagues ask themselves.

The ex-military eventually returned to marriage with cocaine. A person who was present at the wedding testifies: "He went to the toilets. The guests who wanted to take some followed him."

Nordahl Lelandais would then have waited for the best time to get closer to Maëlys without arousing suspicion. According to information reported by M6, he waited for the DJ's announcement about the departure of the nanny who was taking care of the children.

He then attracts the girl by showing her pictures of her dogs. Strategically, he also addresses her mother. The latter reported that he also showed her these pictures. According to Laurent Valdiguié, an investigative journalist, Lelandais' plan is clear and precise. He obtained the confidence of Maëlys and her mother very quickly. "He manipulates the child but in addition, by talking to the mother, he appears to confirm to this little girl that her mother agrees to having her go with him," the journalist told our colleagues.

That was the last time Maëlys was seen. Shortly afterwards, she got into his car and the trap closed on her. Lelandais did not return to the wedding until 30 minutes later. At that moment, everyone is looking for the missing girl. To escape quickly, he would then have developed a Machiavellian plan. A witness said he heard him pretend to vomit in order to simulate aches and pains. He would then have gotten out quickly.

It was only six months later that he admitted to having "involuntarily" killed the girl. He tells investigators where the body is and almost all of the skeleton, her clothes and a shoe are found. He puts forward the thesis of the accident: according to his version delivered in March, Maëlys got into his car to see his dogs. On the way, she panics, asks to turn around and screams. Nordahl Lelandais would have hit her in the face.

Since then, a specialized gendarmerie unit has identified "about forty" criminal files in which Nordahl Lelandais' involvement is being examined.

Thanks again for the info on that program! Sure sounds interesting, but if it's in French - can't do it! LOL! Hope you find a transcript-that would be nice to read-in English of course! :)

Wish they would give us the 40 on their list....

So - STILL no date for next hearing, eh?
EN DIRECT Une reconstitution sur la disparition de Lucas Tronche se déroule ce jeudi matin à Bagnols - Objectif Gard

Police and judges are carrying out investigations this Thursday morning [ March 14 ] in Bagnols-sur-Cèze into the case of Lucas Tronche near the home of the teenager who has been missing since March 2015.

A strange unrest is taking place in and around the Tronche family's home in Bagnols-sur-Cèze. Since 9am this Thursday morning, a group of police officers and magistrates have been meeting for a reconstruction concerning the disappearance of young Lucas Tronche. An operation that allows investigators and the judiciary to show that the authorities are more interested than ever in investigating the enigmatic disappearance of this schoolboy with a smooth profile and no particular problems. An investigation that has never been abandoned for four years.

This morning's reconstruction and investigations should put into perspective the statements of witnesses and provide further details to the new investigating judge Deborah Cohen. This magistrate, known for her persistence, has taken over all the investigations since her arrival at the Nîmes courthouse last September, and is seeking to put into perspective all the information and elements related to this voluminous investigation. On the spot, the police officers of the Bagnols police station guard the perimeter. At noon this morning, the Montpellier judicial police, the Central Office for Missing Persons and the Deputy Prosecutor of Nîmes, Patrick Bottero, are on the property.

Lucas Tronche, 15 years old, has been sought throughout France for four years now. On Wednesday, March 18, 2015, the teenager vanished when he was supposed to meet his brother at the swimming-pool. Since then, investigations have multiplied without providing any evidence to locate him.


Nordahl Lelandais has been excluded in the disappearance of Lucas.

400 people came together this Saturday in Bagnols-sur-Cèze to support the family and the search for Lucas. On March 18, it will be 4 years since Lucas disappeared without a trace.


Mère de Lucas Tronche : "quatre ans après, ne pas se dire qu'il est arrivé quelque chose de terrible"
That was chilling. I had trouble falling asleep last night after watching that.

I learned a few more things I hadn't seen before. Correct me if I am wrong... the close-captioning was not the best:

1. There was a reggae festival in the area where the elderly Ms. Bonnet vanished, never to be found again.

2. Lucie Roux' elderly mother (not the police) was the one who retraced her daughter's steps and tracked down the taxi driver who gave Lucie a ride to the store where she bought nails and wood boards. Lucie and Nordahl knew each other from the hospital in Bassens (which, by the way, seemed like an eerie place).

3. Régis Pique seemed to know right away, within an hour, that Éric Foray had vanished while shopping. Éric was still very close to his home at the time. Security videos, seen by Régis, no longer exist, so no one can go back and see whether Nordahl might've been in the background. The fact that the car Éric was driving at the time also vanished, made this disappearance even more uncommon. Éric's phone was pinging later in the day, but nothing was done by police. Régis was teased by police, and told to wait 48 hours.

5. Arthur Noyer's phone showed his trajectory. Lelandais' phone might've shown the same trajectory at the same time. Could this have saved Maëlys?

The program included interviews with Maëlys' parents. It also advanced the theory of Nordahl as a serial killer, and compared/contrasted the concepts of unexplained disappearances and serial killers, both in France and in the U.S.

Overall, an interesting program... chilling details. I really could not sleep afterwards.
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Nordahl Lelandais : la reconstitution du meurtre d'Arthur Noyer aura lieu cette semaine

Nordahl Lelandais: the reconstruction of the murder of Arthur Noyer will take place this week

INFO RTL - The main suspect in the murder of Arthur Noyer is being heard by the judges of Chambéry this Monday morning, to determine in detail his statements before this reconstitution scheduled for this week.

The date is set. The reconstruction of the murder of Arthur Noyer will take place during the night of Wednesday to Thursday, March 21, between Chambéry and the town of Cruet, Savoy, where the skull and part of the bones of the young corporal were found.

According to our information, Nordahl Lelandais, the main suspect, was extracted from his cell in Saint-Quentin-de-Fallavier on the morning of March 18. He was to be heard by the judges of Chambéry, to "fix" his statements before this reconstitution.

After denying the murder, Nordahl Lelandais finally admitted to killing Arthur Noyer. He admitted at the time that he had "beaten" him in a "fight" that led to the young soldier's fatal "fall". On 9 November, during a third interrogation, the 35-year-old former soldier confirmed his statements on the circumstances of the death of the young alpine hunter and maintained the theory of the accident.

Arthur Noyer, 23, disappeared on the night of April 11-12, 2017, after visiting a nightclub in the town of Chambéry, where several witnesses saw him hitchhiking at around 4 a.m. Eight months later, his skull and bones were found in the Montmélian area.

That was chilling. I had trouble falling asleep last night after watching that.

I learned a few more things I hadn't seen before. Correct me if I am wrong... the close-captioning was not the best:

1. There was a reggae festival in the area where the elderly Ms. Bonnet vanished, never to be found again.

2. Lucie Roux' elderly mother (not the police) was the one who retraced her daughter's steps and tracked down the taxi driver who gave Lucie a ride to the store where she bought nails and wood boards. Lucie and Nordahl knew each other from the hospital in Bassens (which, by the way, seemed like an eerie place).

3. Régis Pique seemed to know right away, within an hour, that Éric Foray had vanished while shopping. Éric was still very close to his home at the time. Security videos, seen by Régis, no longer exist, so no one can go back and see whether Nordahl might've been in the background. The fact that the car Éric was driving at the time also vanished, made this disappearance even more uncommon. Éric's phone was pinging later in the day, but nothing was done by police. Régis was teased by police, and told to wait 48 hours.

5. Arthur Noyer's phone showed his trajectory. Lelandais' phone might've shown the same trajectory at the same time. Could this have saved Maëlys?

The program included interviews with Maëlys' parents. It also advanced the theory of Nordahl as a serial killer, and compared/contrasted the concepts of unexplained disappearances and serial killers, both in France and in the U.S.

Overall, an interesting program... chilling details. I really could not sleep afterwards.

Thanks for watching, Renarde. I am really sorry that you could not sleep and I hope you have caught up in the meantime.
At the same time, it is also a tribute to the hard work of the reporters. I thought there would be little news in this report, after all we have followed this case from the beginning, but the opposite was true: I found it fascinating.
These tiny or not so tiny details that put things in perspective and in a completely different light.

You look at the frail and elderly mother of Lucie Roux and wonder: Who on earth could think it a good idea to let this woman do the investigation into her daughter's disappearance ~ and possible suicide??

There was a debate afterwards, it was more an interview with 4 experts than a discussion. I'll post the video.
Contre-enquête: Le débat

Amandine Bégot speaks with Dalila Boutvillain, sister of Malik; maître Boulloud, lawyer for the Boutvillain family, the Noyer family and six other families of the missing; Bernard Valezy, from the ARPD and Stéphane Bourgoin, author specializing in serial killers in France.
Contre-enquête: Le débat

Amandine Bégot speaks with Dalila Boutvillain, sister of Malik; maître Boulloud, lawyer for the Boutvillain family, the Noyer family and six other families of the missing; Bernard Valezy, from the ARPD and Stéphane Bourgoin, author specializing in serial killers in France.

Thank you for posting. I will be watching it at some point today.
The debate portion of the show was also interesting. I learned a few more things.

1. Malik Boutvillain left his home one morning for his daily jog. It was an important election day in France (a Sunday), and Malik had planned to vote later that day. However, he left everything behind, including his voter's card, when he left. His family started worrying about him when he hadn't returned after being gone all day. His family went to the police for help but were told to wait 48 hours, which actually became more like 72 hours since that following Monday was a holiday in France. Either way, the family was given very little help, and went looking for him door-to-door on their own, very much like Lucie Roux' elderly mom had, and also like Régis Pique had when Éric vanished.

2. There is still no national missing persons database in France?

3. Communication with the families of the missing is still very poor. Malik has been missing for almost seven years now, and his family still doesn't know if his case is one of the forty being investigated.
"For Maître Boulloud, the reconstruction (of what happened to Arthur Noyer) is significant because several questions remain unanswered: "such as the location of this supposed fight and the reason why it breaks out". The lawyer adds that the family still has hope that there will be justice. He will be present tomorrow in Chambéry, to participate in this reconstruction that looks long and trying: "and at which the ghost of Arthur will be present."

The family is still hoping that Nordahl will speak.

Assassinat d’Arthur Noyer : « un infime espoir que Lelandais libère sa parole »
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