France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo #1

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"The Hostage Taking in Vincennes: What we know and what we don't know" in french

translated very roughly in brief, please feel to correct:


AC, the Montrouge killer and market hostage taker [and killer] may have been identified thanks to a finger print left of the scene of murder of a young police[woman, municipal].

At 1:15 pm [crowded lunchtime], he announces himself at the market, coming from the direction of "l'avenue de la porte de Vincennes et de la rue Albert-Willemetz." He's heavily armed.

Four hostages seem to have been killed in the beginning. [...]

He claims revenge for the organization islamic State and coordination with the K brothers, who claim alliegence/association toe AQ in Y.

Not Known

Did he have an accomplice? According to information of France 2, a person (female) may have accompanied AC as he took hostages at the market.

"On ignore pour l'instant s'il s'agissait de sa compagne Hayat Boumeddiene, qui figurait sur l'avis de recherche diffusé par la police. Agée de 26 ans, elle est activement recherchée."
not sure, but i think it states that they're ignoring for the moment that the accomplice his HB, who is being sought by the police. Age 26, she is being activily sought.

-Is AC the 3rd man noticed according to witnesses during the attack on Charlie Hebdo? An individual who left on scooter may was signaled by police as sought as a third man. Quote about their coordination at the beginning of the attack as seen in MSM from BFMTV.

How many hostages were held at the market and who are the victims? At this time, the balance is uncertain. LE say 15 hostages, 4 killedm four critically wounded. Their identities are still unknown
Another (part) French ws'er here. My dad is French (Corsican to be precise), I grew up traveling to Marseille every Christmas and summer during my youth. I eventually studied over there at La Sorbonne in Paris then in Aix-en-Provence. Subsequently, I had the amazing opportunity to live in Brussels and was the first American to intern for a European MP at the European Parliament. My heart is breaking for my second home. One of the most liberating things was living in a country without the ever present threat of violence looming. We always used to say that in France you should worry about pick pockets but otherwise most violent crime was very rare. I lived in Paris when the USS Cole was attacked and it shook us and we lost a little of that innocence we so enjoyed living in Europe. We were more guarded but never seriously feared for our lives. A fellow student and friend took me to the mosque once and it was fascinating and very interesting. The people were warm and encouraged to see a young American interested in their faith. It saddens me that such experiences will never be quite the same after the last few days... My thoughts and prayers are very much with those affected by this disgusting atrocity.

Seeing the images of Wednesday was very jarring... The road was quite familiar and it dawned on me my cousin lived just a couple of blocks from the HQ of Charlie Hebdo when I lived in Paris. It made the tragedy feel that much more personal knowing I'd walked those very streets just a few years ago....
I wonder if they have recovered the subjects cell phones to see who they were talking to for the last month or so. I'm their apartment did they have computers? Is there a Linrary nearby?
There are many more Hayat Boummediennes, and, more being groomed as we post.

NRP summarizes a report by Le Figaro


In schools and high schools in France many students and pupils of Muslim origin refused to participate in a minute of silence to commemorate the victims of the attacks in Paris.
In regions where religious tensions run high, teachers have cancelled the minute of silence in order to avoid problems.

A professor of philosophy in Esonne "I did not succeed in starting a discussion." A student in Lille told his teacher that he would stumble over a Kalashnikov.
At a primary school in Seine-Saint Denis 80% of the students refused to participate in a minute of silence. The teacher tried to iniciate a discussion, "several of them have conspiracy theories."
A sixth grade student: "Do you understand it or not? They should not attempt to draw the Prophet."
A student of the third class in the 13th arrondissement of Paris: "Madam, it is not possible to skip the minute of silence? I do not want to be with people like that."
In this class there were eight students who rejected the national day of mourning.
In a lecture in Roubaix with 400 students a loud buzz was made at the start of the minute of silence.
The teacher: "I was greeted by students who said: "I'm with the ones who killed them."


NRP summarizes a report by Le Figaro


In schools and high schools in France many students and pupils of Muslim origin refused to participate in a minute of silence to commemorate the victims of the attacks in Paris.
In regions where religious tensions run high, teachers have cancelled the minute of silence in order to avoid problems.

A professor of philosophy in Esonne "I did not succeed in starting a discussion." A student in Lille told his teacher that he would stumble over a Kalashnikov.
At a primary school in Seine-Saint Denis 80% of the students refused to participate in a minute of silence. The teacher tried to iniciate a discussion, "several of them have conspiracy theories."
A sixth grade student: "Do you understand it or not? They should not attempt to draw the Prophet."
A student of the third class in the 13th arrondissement of Paris: "Madam, it is not possible to skip the minute of silence? I do not want to be with people like that."
In this class there were eight students who rejected the national day of mourning.
In a lecture in Roubaix with 400 students a loud buzz was made at the start of the minute of silence.
The teacher: "I was greeted by students who said: "I'm with the ones who killed them."


Everyone needs to pay attention to this. They (majority) are not friends with (non muslims), and never will be. jmo
"Je ne suis pas Charlie": the widow of Charb denounces hypocrisy after her husband was murdered

Welingelichte Kringen reports about an interview by French News Channel TF1 with Jeannette Bougrab, widow of cartoonist Charb


On Thursday, on the French news channel TF1, Jeannette BOUGRAB, the widow of murdered Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Charb (whose name was Stéphan Charbonnier) was critical about 'the people who today are marching behind the Je suis Charlie-banner, but who did not open their mouth when her husband and the other victims were accused of racism and Islamophobia'.

Charlie Hebdo - which is now being talked and written about as if it were the backbone of French democracy, was actually a languishing marginal leaflet.

"They lived on donations to survive. They were blamed. Our republic is guilty. This massacre could have been avoided if we had shown more solidarity. We must ask ourselves why that has not happened."

"I loved him for who he was. Someone who was willing to die for his ideals. How many people do you know like that? And for the rest I do not want to know anything at all. Let them throw those barbarians in jail and keep them there. I do not want know anything about their youth. I do not want to hear excuses about executioners who kill innocents. "

"Charb knew he was going to die and we have repeatedly thought about leaving France. I blame myself that I did not manage to convince him of that.
That he laughed about the threats is a lie. He did not laugh. He was a militant for the freedom of opinion.
He lived with fear and knew that he - like Theo Van Gogh - would be executed, '' BOUGRAB, who was Secretary of State in the government of François Fillon, said. "Those who live with the sword of Damocles hanging over the head, they do not laugh."

[h=2]Charlie Hebdo’s most famous cartoons, translated and explained[/h]A short video looking at some of the "offending cartoons

Today’s cover features novelist Michel Houellebecq smoking a cigarette with the caption “In 2022, I will do Ramadan.” His latest novel, Submission, is said to be about a future France run by Muslims.

Perhaps the issue of the magazine that inspired the largest international reaction was published in 2012, and sports a cover depicting an orthodox Jewish man pushing a Muslim man in a wheelchair. The headline reads “Intouchables 2,” a spoof of the movie The Intouchables—at the time, France’s second biggest box-office hit—in which a rich white man who is paralyzed from the neck down hires a black ex-con from the projects to be his caretaker

cartoon depicts the prophet naked and in pornographic poses, and the French government urged the magazine not to publish the images. When the magazine refused, the French government closed embassies and consulates in about 20 countries as a precaution

The previous year, Mohammed graced the cover to celebrate the Tunisian Islamist party Ennahda’s victory in the recent elections. As a response, Charlie Hebdo printed a special issue called Charia Hebdo (pronounced like Sharia law, or Islamic law) “guest edited” by the prophet himself. The cover promised “100 lashes if you don’t die of laughter!” Charlie Hebdo’s homepage was subsequently hacked and replaced with the single phrase “No god but Allah.” The office was attacked with a Molotov cocktail that destroyed all the property and equipment inside. (Following that, the magazine published a Muslim man kissing a cartoonist.)

The paper has also mocked the pope on multiple occasions, but perhaps most famous is the 2010 image of Pope Benedict XVI holding a condom above his head saying “This is my body” (a line from the liturgy of the Eucharist that, according to the New Testament, was uttered by Jesus at the Last Supper)

they’ve mocked everything from Sept. 11 to Michael Jackson,

A quick note about Le Figaro from Wikipedia (regarding the article two posts back):

Controversial both inside and outside the newspaper is its ownership by a person who also controls a major military supplier, as well as being a mayor and senator from the Union for a Popular Movement party, whose son Olivier Dassault is a member of the French National Assembly for the same party.[13] In response, Dassault remarked in an interview on the public radio station France Inter,[14] that "newspapers must promulgate healthy ideas" and that "left-wing ideas are not healthy ideas."

Just because a publication is in another country doesn't mean it's unbiased.
Its clearly a lie they dont kill women and children. Threatened to kill a child to press a woman to let them in.
On victim at Charlie Hedbo's was a woman, they also killed a policewoman, possibly females among hostages killed.

I think this is also a lie that islam is a peaceful religion, jihad (holy war) mentioned many times in Quran, muslims holy book, it also urges to deal with non-muslims with 'sword'.
Their religion in fact promotes violence.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

If that's your standard for "promoting violence", then so does Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

NRP summarizes a report by Le Figaro


In schools and high schools in France many students and pupils of Muslim origin refused to participate in a minute of silence to commemorate the victims of the attacks in Paris.
In regions where religious tensions run high, teachers have cancelled the minute of silence in order to avoid problems.

A professor of philosophy in Esonne "I did not succeed in starting a discussion." A student in Lille told his teacher that he would stumble over a Kalashnikov.
At a primary school in Seine-Saint Denis 80% of the students refused to participate in a minute of silence. The teacher tried to iniciate a discussion, "several of them have conspiracy theories."
A sixth grade student: "Do you understand it or not? They should not attempt to draw the Prophet."
A student of the third class in the 13th arrondissement of Paris: "Madam, it is not possible to skip the minute of silence? I do not want to be with people like that."
In this class there were eight students who rejected the national day of mourning.
In a lecture in Roubaix with 400 students a loud buzz was made at the start of the minute of silence.
The teacher: "I was greeted by students who said: "I'm with the ones who killed them."


This is terrifying!! I'm assuming the schools mentioned are outside the "no go" zones?
"Je ne suis pas Charlie": the widow of Charb denounces hypocrisy after her husband was murdered

Welingelichte Kringen reports about an interview by French News Channel TF1 with Jeannette Bougrab, widow of cartoonist Charb


On Thursday, on the French news channel TF1, Jeannette BOUGRAB, the widow of murdered Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Charb (whose name was Stéphan Charbonnier) was critical about 'the people who today are marching behind the Je suis Charlie-banner, but who did not open their mouth when her husband and the other victims were accused of racism and Islamophobia'.

Charlie Hebdo - which is now being talked and written about as if it were the backbone of French democracy, was actually a languishing marginal leaflet.

"They lived on donations to survive. They were blamed. Our republic is guilty. This massacre could have been avoided if we had shown more solidarity. We must ask ourselves why that has not happened."

"I loved him for who he was. Someone who was willing to die for his ideals. How many people do you know like that? And for the rest I do not want to know anything at all. Let them throw those barbarians in jail and keep them there. I do not want know anything about their youth. I do not want to hear excuses about executioners who kill innocents. "

"Charb knew he was going to die and we have repeatedly thought about leaving France. I blame myself that I did not manage to convince him of that.
That he laughed about the threats is a lie. He did not laugh. He was a militant for the freedom of opinion.
He lived with fear and knew that he - like Theo Van Gogh - would be executed, '' BOUGRAB, who was Secretary of State in the government of François Fillon, said. "Those who live with the sword of Damocles hanging over the head, they do not laugh."


Every chicken-sh** news organization in the world needs to plaster their front page with the cartoons (NYT, among others, I'm talking about you). Until they do so, I call BS on their saying they stand behind Charlie. The freaking AP has had a photo of the photo Piss Christ for sale in their photo library, yet they are blurring the cartoons.

This is just one of the many reasons it is incomprehensible to me that we are limited to using MSM in our discussions here. They have an agenda just like everyone else.
I wonder if they have recovered the subjects cell phones to see who they were talking to for the last month or so. I'm their apartment did they have computers? Is there a Linrary nearby?

this Figaro piece mentions that the couple may have not been back to their apartment for a month prior the crime.

banal accident de circulation. Les policiers font aussi un rapprochement avec un joggeur attaqué à Fontenay-aux-Roses, mercredi soir, avec une arme de calibre 7-63. Il s'agissait peut-être d'un tir pour tester son arme «avant de passer à l'action».
rough translation:
Before going into action, the [Montrouge killer] may have taken a shot at a jogger with a 7-63 calibre weapon, Wednesday, after a "banal" traffic accident that may have set of the unplanned assassination. 'He stayed in effect in Fontenay-aux-Roses.

NRP summarizes a report by Le Figaro


In schools and high schools in France many students and pupils of Muslim origin refused to participate in a minute of silence to commemorate the victims of the attacks in Paris.
In regions where religious tensions run high, teachers have cancelled the minute of silence in order to avoid problems.

A professor of philosophy in Esonne "I did not succeed in starting a discussion." A student in Lille told his teacher that he would stumble over a Kalashnikov.
At a primary school in Seine-Saint Denis 80% of the students refused to participate in a minute of silence. The teacher tried to iniciate a discussion, "several of them have conspiracy theories."
A sixth grade student: "Do you understand it or not? They should not attempt to draw the Prophet."
A student of the third class in the 13th arrondissement of Paris: "Madam, it is not possible to skip the minute of silence? I do not want to be with people like that."
In this class there were eight students who rejected the national day of mourning.
In a lecture in Roubaix with 400 students a loud buzz was made at the start of the minute of silence.
The teacher: "I was greeted by students who said: "I'm with the ones who killed them."


So what do you do about that? I really want all of the pro-PC folks to answer the question.
Islam does not promote violence, IMO. The radical clerics and Imams interpret the Quran to their liking. They are the ones promoting violence.



Every chicken-sh** news organization in the world needs to plaster their front page with the cartoons (NYT, among others, I'm talking about you). Until they do so, I call BS on their saying they stand behind Charlie. The freaking AP has had a photo of the photo Piss Christ for sale in their photo library, yet they are blurring the cartoons.

This is just one of the many reasons it is incomprehensible to me that we are limited to using MSM in our discussions here. They have an agenda just like everyone else.

So agree on the mainstream media, what a joke it is anymore, they are pathetic. It's like they are afraid.

I wish they would let me draw some pictures, only I want my pictures air dropped to make sure lots and lots of folks can have a laugh. jmo
Where is this last subhuman hiding??? I hope she is caught soon. For some reason I imagine her hiding out contemplating if she sticks to the plan and dies during an attack or if she should turn herself in, because, let's face it, MOST people do not see the idea of dying from cops as an actual option, and without her crew she may be thinking twice. Let's hope that is the case. Perhaps she has seen the video of th death of her boyfriend and decided that isn't how she wants to go out.
Islam does not promote violence, IMO. The radical clerics and Imams interpret the Quran to their liking. They are the ones promoting violence.

and its actually like all the versions of the bible

Tid Bits:

[h=2]Over 1 million people expected to march in central Paris on Sunday as a show of unity following attacks - @SkyNewsBreak

[h=2]False alarm leads to brief evacuation at Disneyland Paris - @francetvinfo[/h][h=2]France's interior ministry says 500 extra soldiers deployed in the Paris area - @AFP[/h][h=2]Mumbai police reportedly blocking hundreds of posts on social media which replicate Charlie Hebdo's controversial cartoons of the prophet Muhammad - @ndtv[/h]
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