France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo #1

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I have seen some wonderful editorials, statements, and fittingly, cartoons, from various Muslim media outlets.

I want to draw attention to #jesuisahmed - a hashtag gaining attention in honor of the French Muslim Ahmed Meramet, member of the police forces, who died a brutal death while in service of laws that uphold the freedom to make a mockery of his faith. Such a sad irony, to lose his life to those who make claim to be co-religionists of his.

May Ahmed serve as an example of why terror ultimately will not win. Not only is it wrong, but it inevitably hurts everyone -including the very people you might hope to "help".

RIP to all who lost their lives. And may we all learn to deal more lovingly with one another.

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Beyond eloquent, Gardenlady.

There are times when the "Thanks" button is woefully inadequate.

This is one of them.

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Boumediene is the (non-state-sanctioned) “wife” of hostage-taker Amedy Coulibaly,
She is a one-time cashier who reportedly married him in a religious ceremony four years after he was convicted of armed robbery.

, Boumediene told police examiners that she had become radicalized by her lover, and that she viewed America as the ultimate evil. “When I saw the massacre of the innocents in Palestine, in Iraq, in Chetchna, in Afghanistan or anywhere the Americans sent their bombers, all that,” she reportedly said, “well, who are the terrorists?”

“The couple lived in nearby Bagneux, where they were known as devoutly religious couple, despite Coulibay’s regular run-ins with the law.” They had reportedly gone on a trip to Malaysia together, and then recently disappeared from the neighborhood only to re-emerge when their names were all over the news.

[h=1]From bikini babe to burka-clad jihadi fighter with a crossbow[/h]Wearing a skimpy bikini with her arms wrapped around her lover's waist, this is Hayat Boumeddiene before she turned into a jihadi killer's accomplice and became France's most wanted woman





'Cool and composed': Boumeddiene never wavered under police cross examination. When told they knew she and Coulbaly had visited Beghal at the same time as Cherif Kouachi and two other convicted terrorists, she replied: 'We went there for crossbow practice'

Stunned: A 27-year-old Coulibaly (pictured) once 'gushed' with excitement when he was hand-picked to meet former French president, Nicolas Sarkozy

The couple 'married' in a religious ceremony after Boumedienne, who was never seen without her veil, waited four years for him to come out of jail following his conviction for armed robbery.

She is from an Algerian background and altered her surname to ‘make it sound more French', according to an investigating source.

She told police who interviewed her as part of their inquiries into Coulibaly’s murky dealings with Islamic extremists that she had walked away from a low-paid job as a cashier in the Juvisy suburb of Paris in 2009 and taken the veil. She ‘devoted herself’ to Coulibay.

Interrogated by police in 2010, Boumeddiene said she was inspired by her husband and the radicals she lived with to ‘read a lot of books on religion and because of this, I came to ask questions on religion.’

She added that when Americans killed innocents, it was the right of men to defend their women and children. Always cool and composed, Boumeddiene never wavered under police cross examination.

When told that they knew she and Coulbaly had visited Beghal at the same time as Cherif Kouachi and two other convicted terrorists, jihadi recruiter Ahmed Laidouni, and Farid Melouk of GIA, she replied: 'We went there for crossbow practice.’

The couple lived in nearby Bagneux, where they were known as devoutly religious couple, despite Coulibay’s regular run-ins with the law.

To neighbours the pair were quiet, respectful and normal and had even gone on a holiday to Malaysia together.
In in an article about the Jewish shoppers in hiding at the store, one relative made this comment. Jmo very sad that anyone would feel this way.

'In the past year 7,000 Jews have already left France and after this there will be many thousands more. We are not safe in France any more. There is no future for Jews here in France . We are finished in France.'.

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Tid bits, as more comes to light, to round out an exhausting day :

In print shop, msnbc , a guy hid in a kitchen cabinet the whole time.

Humm entire country (France) has three police depts - allowing them to have their act together and not deal with jurisdication stuff, interesting.

There are, per msnbc 18562 police depts here in us of a
[h=2]France's Prime Minister Manuel Valls says 'there is a clear failing' in intelligence after attacks - BFM TV via @BBCNews[/h][h=2] French President Hollande tells Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that 4 hostages were murdered at Paris kosher supermarket, 15 hostages freed alive - @BarakRavid[/h][h=2]'Hacktivist' group Anonymous says it will shut down jihadist websites to avenge Charlie Hebdo attack[/h][h=2]French official says 10 Molotov cocktails found in car after Wednesday attack, jihadist flag, flash light and identity card of Said Kouachi - @RichardEngel[/h]
Soooo...... she wears the garb "in training" yet wears the "western wear" as well for the beach. The Irony is rich! Is she that stupid to not realize she was just a cover for her man. IMO.
Soooo...... she wears the garb "in training" yet wears the "western wear" as well for the beach. The Irony is rich! Is she that stupid to not realize she was just a cover for her man. IMO.

Yeah, the extremes- from bikini to burqua. Nothing in-between. Bet she wasn't wearing her burqua when she blended in with the hostages today!
The absolute intolerance of many Muslim leaders was, IMO, captured in comments by Genevieve Lepage, president of the Quebec Muslim association.
Her self-pity is so evident as she baldly states her belief that Muslims must not be offended.

"Islam is not a threat," Lepage insisted. "What is a threat is that organizations like Charlie Hebdo promote division and intolerance."

Division--as though it's a bad thing unless everyone is believes the same thing, walks in lock-step, never says or does anything that might point out the hypocrisies and inequities in religious or political organizations and the policies they espouse.

Shaw Cartoon.jpg
The absolute intolerance of many Muslim leaders was, IMO, captured in comments by Genevieve Lepage, president of the Quebec Muslim association.
Her self-pity is so evident as she baldly states her belief that Muslims must not be offended.

Division--as though it's a bad thing unless everyone is believes the same thing, walks in lock-step, never says or does anything that might point out the hypocrisies and inequities in religious or political organizations and the policies they espouse.

View attachment 67131

IMO, Genevieve is an idiot.
Yeah, the extremes- from bikini to burqua. Nothing in-between. Bet she wasn't wearing her burqua when she blended in with the hostages today!

Agree. If and if she was there. What worries me if she wasn't this isn't over. Yet. IMO.
Im convinced now that these terrorists just used an excuse of "the cartoons" as reason for their motivation. That is BS because a previous link proved the 2 killers were amassing weapons for quite some time now, and were just wating for the right time to unleash their murderous path. If those cartoons had not been publisized I am convinced they would have just chosen another excuse target that would have suited them just fine.

Its all a fallasy because the other murderer picked jews to kill. Again just an excuse of a target when in reality their organization and crazy mindset was going to be killers somewhere. Any target would do.

We christians here in the US are used to having jokes (and that is all those cartoons were...just silly inconsiderate jokes) made about our religion, our cross, our Jesus, our skin color, our 10 commandments, our president, burning our Flag, etc. You choose it, and we have had jokes made about us, and have been ridiculed from all sides. A typical reaction is instead of violent murder, a reaction typically is to feel sorry for the person doing the inconsiderate joking and pray for them.

Most normal people do not have violent murderous reaction because we realize it is just silly inconsiderate joking. And after hearing how those 2 stockpiled weapons many weeks before those cartoons came out, we now know it was just an excuse to target that magazine. If not them, it would have been another "chosen target" like the jewish grocery store.

So I have come to realize these terrorists are making excuses for themselves to be violent, to murder others, and be radical in their beliefs. 1 excuse is as good as another for them.
Like oh...."lets kill the infidels that murder our brothers in Iraq + Syria". How about thinking that through and point out that the reason they are there is to try and stop ISIS who took the 1st step in unleashing a murderous path through Iraq almost all the way to Baghdad. I suppose they have to ignore that fact or their fanatic beliefs fall apart.

Sorry. Enough of that rant for now.

Dont be afraid of the new "threats" from them. We have been hearing it for years now and it usually pans out to be a lot of hot air rather than actual murderous actions like we saw today by a very few of them.

Of course we need to be vigilant, stand guard, and be very proud that we do not have the immature mindset of these fools.
Wonderfully written piece:

Pools of blood, shattered glass and bodies in the street -- this was the day when the heart of France turned into a war zone.As commandos assaulted a Paris supermarket to free hostages Friday, sending locals running in terror, more special forces stormed a building in a small town nearby, killing two Islamist hostage-takers.

The kind of violence that seemed unimaginable in the City of Light concluded more than two days of terrible tension

In eastern Paris, police stormed the Jewish grocery store where at least one gunman had earlier taken several people hostage. Explosions rocked the neighbourhood -- one lighting up the shopfront in a fireball -- and shooting erupted as the commandos burst in.

"It's war!" screamed a mother as she dragged her daughter from the scene.

In the aftermath, an AFP reporter saw a body sprawled by the cash till, surrounded by broken glass. Blood was everywhere. Another corpse was in a bodybag in the street, one of five people killed, including the gunman.

Several others hostages fled from the firing into the arms of waiting police...........But four people were critically injured. Ambulances raced to the scene, joining a jam of police vans and other emergency vehicles, all under the whirr of helicopters.
.....moments before, other special forces assaulted a printers' business in Dammartin-en-Goele outside the capital, where the two main suspects in the Charlie Hebdo massacre had holed up with one hostage.

Explosions thundered and smoke poured from the roof of the building. The two brothers inside, who had led thousands of police on a wild manhunt for more than 48 hours, ran out in a desperate last stand and were gunned down.

The fiery denouement came at the end of a day when the abrupt arrival of huge numbers of elite police both in the capital and in Dammartin-en-Goele made the likelihood of a final battle appear inevitable.....

They didn't have long to wait before going into action.

.......guests were tucking into lunch when gunfire broke out across the street -- the moment that a hostage-taker seized the store, spreading the country's terror nightmare back into the capital. "We heard shooting, it all happened very fast.

.... he was acting in concert with Said and Cherif Kouachi, who had themselves called reporters at the same TV station from the besieged printworks to claim responsibility for the killings in the name of Al-Qaeda in Yemen

Police had fanned out across the neighbourhood on Paris' eastern edge and closed off streets, shutting down traffic on the city's vital ring road, which runs close by. "They ordered us to stay hidden inside and to close the curtains," Pascal said.

There, also, the waiting did not last. In a flurry of fire and lead, the drama ended. In a telling final detail, revealed by BFMTV, the supermarket attacker did not hang up the phone properly, allowing the police to overhear him.

And it was as he knelt to do his evening prayer that they stormed the building.;_ylt=AwrBJSA5TbBUeTQAtCXQtDMD
Im convinced now that these terrorists just used an excuse of "the cartoons" as reason for their motivation. That is BS because a previous link proved the 2 killers were amassing weapons for quite some time now, and were just wating for the right time to unleash their murderous path. If those cartoons had not been publisized I am convinced they would have just chosen another excuse target that would have suited them just fine.

Its all a fallasy because the other murderer picked jews to kill. Again just an excuse of a target when in reality their organization and crazy mindset was going to be killers somewhere. Any target would do.

We christians here in the US are used to having jokes (and that is all those cartoons were...just silly inconsiderate jokes) made about our religion, our cross, our Jesus, our skin color, our 10 commandments, our president, burning our Flag, etc. You choose it, and we have had jokes made about us, and have been ridiculed from all sides. A typical reaction is instead of violent murder, a reaction typically is to feel sorry for the person doing the inconsiderate joking and pray for them.

Most normal people do not have violent murderous reaction because we realize it is just silly inconsiderate joking. And after hearing how those 2 stockpiled weapons many weeks before those cartoons came out, we now know it was just an excuse to target that magazine. If not them, it would have been another "chosen target" like the jewish grocery store.

So I have come to realize these terrorists are making excuses for themselves to be violent, to murder others, and be radical in their beliefs. 1 excuse is as good as another for them.
Like oh...."lets kill the infidels that murder our brothers in Iraq + Syria". How about thinking that through and point out that the reason they are there is to try and stop ISIS who took the 1st step in unleashing a murderous path through Iraq almost all the way to Baghdad. I suppose they have to ignore that fact or their fanatic beliefs fall apart.

Sorry. Enough of that rant for now.

Dont be afraid of the new "threats" from them. We have been hearing it for years now and it usually pans out to be a lot of hot air rather than actual murderous actions like we saw today by a very few of them.

Of course we need to be vigilant, stand guard, and be very proud that we do not have the immature mindset of these fools.

Hi Hat!

I have no idea what it means when they say remain vigilant-- what does that mean!!!
"In the past year 7,000 Jews have already left France and after this there will be many thousands more. We are not safe in France any more. There is no future for Jews here in France . We are finished in France."
Quoting myself.
This statement really upsets me. 'We are finished in France." How are people being made to feel this way in this advanced time? I want to say in reply "YOU are France!" How can this happen? Smh
I truly do not understand this. Was she in the deli or not. Not a complicated question. That have 15 witnesses - what is this mystery, did she come in with a machine gun or not. If she did - she escaped - if she did not - well .......................

It is numbing to me how this is such a mystery, there are 4,212 videos of the finale at the store - did she come out , this should be a question for LE, who I would assume would be reviewing video. This is important, we dont really know her involvement in the police shooting yesterday - so it is vital, was she in there with her lover, shelping around a machine gun, willing to kill, or not

why is this still such a mystery this far after the wrap up of the store?
Agree. If and if she was there. What worries me if she wasn't this isn't over. Yet. IMO.

The problem is that they/we have to not only worry about her, but all of the rest of them that the PTB have allowed to infiltrate our countries.
Im convinced now that these terrorists just used an excuse of "the cartoons" as reason for their motivation. That is BS because a previous link proved the 2 killers were amassing weapons for quite some time now, and were just wating for the right time to unleash their murderous path. If those cartoons had not been publisized I am convinced they would have just chosen another excuse target that would have suited them just fine.

Its all a fallasy because the other murderer picked jews to kill. Again just an excuse of a target when in reality their organization and crazy mindset was going to be killers somewhere. Any target would do.

We christians here in the US are used to having jokes (and that is all those cartoons were...just silly inconsiderate jokes) made about our religion, our cross, our Jesus, our skin color, our 10 commandments, our president, burning our Flag, etc. You choose it, and we have had jokes made about us, and have been ridiculed from all sides. A typical reaction is instead of violent murder, a reaction typically is to feel sorry for the person doing the inconsiderate joking and pray for them.

Most normal people do not have violent murderous reaction because we realize it is just silly inconsiderate joking. And after hearing how those 2 stockpiled weapons many weeks before those cartoons came out, we now know it was just an excuse to target that magazine. If not them, it would have been another "chosen target" like the jewish grocery store.

So I have come to realize these terrorists are making excuses for themselves to be violent, to murder others, and be radical in their beliefs. 1 excuse is as good as another for them.
Like oh...."lets kill the infidels that murder our brothers in Iraq + Syria". How about thinking that through and point out that the reason they are there is to try and stop ISIS who took the 1st step in unleashing a murderous path through Iraq almost all the way to Baghdad. I suppose they have to ignore that fact or their fanatic beliefs fall apart.

Sorry. Enough of that rant for now.

Dont be afraid of the new "threats" from them. We have been hearing it for years now and it usually pans out to be a lot of hot air rather than actual murderous actions like we saw today by a very few of them.

Of course we need to be vigilant, stand guard, and be very proud that we do not have the immature mindset of these fools.
I'm afraid because I came to realize that I have at least 4 family members in the Paris area. I'll feel better when they capture this woman.
"In the past year 7,000 Jews have already left France and after this there will be many thousands more. We are not safe in France any more. There is no future for Jews here in France . We are finished in France."
Quoting myself.
This statement really upsets me. 'We are finished in France." How are people being made to feel this way in this advanced time? I want to say in reply "YOU are France!" How can this happen? Smh

Because TPTB have decided to be PC and not let anyone's fee fees get hurt. These guys were known terrorists and they let them out of jail and did not follow them.
It always amazes, how all the talking heads , endlessly ask could it happen here? What , are we special, are we different, are we immune, of course it can happen here, it has been happening here, and it will continue to happen here. The only way a bunch more money is gonna be thrown at this , here, usa, is after a biggie and then we just recycle.

It is, IMO, a dumb question.

As an AMerican, I found Frances lack of news conferances frustrating, while allowing much misinfomration to be thrown all over the internet, complicaiting efforts to understand what was really going on,
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