GUILTY France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo, 2015 *Appeal Trial 2022* #2

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Jean-Charles Brisard (@JcBrisard) tweeted at 2:51pm - 16 Jan 15:

According to our information, Cherif #Kouachi traveled to Saudi Arabia in November 2008 #CharlieHebdo #KSA (

Someone else replied that the visit could have been for Omra, which many Muslims do. I'm not sure what that is, but guess it's a religious festival, or pilgrimage?

Germany is now pushing for legislation that will prevent suspected terrorists travelling to Turkey. At the moment, anyone with a German ID card can get straight into Turkey, and from there it's easy to cross into Syria. The German government wants to issue suspects with special German ID cards, that will not be valid for travel into Turkey, as far as I can make out.

The Umrah (Arabic: عمرة‎) is a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, performed by Muslims that can be undertaken at any time of the year, in contrast to the Hajj. (Wikipedia)

Re ID-card:
Similar happened in The Netherlands.
A girl from a Dutch family (RC by the look of it) fell in love with a Jihadi on the internet. She converted to islam and radicalized.
Her parents were well aware of this, but could not do anything about it no matter what they tried. They alerted the authorities.The girls's passport was revoked.

Unfortunately, she had a lawyer.
This lawyer found a loophole in the law: in The Netherlands, persons older than 14 years are obliged to have an ID-document.
Therefore, the girl was able to get a Dutch ID-card, and with this card she left for Turkey and disappear into the Islamic state.

Meanwhile, she has returned. Did not like it there at all and wailed for her mother. Mother went to Turkey and somehow managed to pick her up at the border.
She spent some time in jail and Dutch authorities gave her a tough time, but in the end, nothing came of it.
She was just a stupid lovesick teenager.

Very good that Germany is pushing for legislation to prevent these travels to Turkey.
And Turkey should do more to stop people from crossing into the islamic state. They let Hayat Boumedienne escape as well.
Obama is throwing the French under the bus right now, in a joint press conference with David Cameron. Obama said that what the US has to protect itself from violent extremism, is not that our US intelligence and law enforcemnt is that much better, but that 'our Muslims' feel so integrated with Us society. {WOW---did he really bash the French, so soon after this tragedy?]

And how can he possibly have said that? Has he forgotten 9/11 already ? nitwit

Obama: 'biggest US advantage' is Muslim assimilation

On the terror threat in Europe from foreign fighters and radicalized immigrants, “Europe has consistently taken this seriously,” Obama says.

There’s no doubt that the most recent events has amplified those concerns... There’s always more that we can do. We can always do it better. We learn from mistakes. Each incident that occurs teaches professionals how to do it next time.

“The United States has one big advantage in this whole process. It’s not that our intelligence services are so much better,” although they’re very good, Obama says.

Our biggest advantage is that our Muslim populations, they feel themselves to be Americans. There’s this incredible processs of immigration and assimilation that’s part of our tradition, and that’s probably our greatest strength.” The Boston attacks notwithstanding, he says.

There are parts of Europe “where that’s not the case,” Obama says. It’s important that Europe not respond with a hammer, he says. He says he told Cameron all this before.
Uh, I can't speak with 100% certainty about France, but can say for sure that in nearby countries like Spain and Portugal, greeting with a hug and kiss is not embarrassing or awkward at all, is certainly not grovelling, and is rather a sign of affection and welcome. :rolleyes:

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I was waiting for them to "swap spit." The American and European politicians look like a group of spineless idiots. I would not want someone to kiss my hands, cheeks, and whatever else during these terrible times. I would want a strong ally who acts ten feet tall and bullet proof. We are getting nowhere by placating with all of our politically correct behavior.

This type of behavior does not impress, instill fear or impress terrorists
African people are still kept as slaves in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the middle eastern countries. They have absolutely no respect for President Obama, not that he deserves it when it comes to foreign policy, of which is non-existent with this administration. The middle eastern governments have no respect for the United States due to us never finishing the job when we roll in. Saddam Hussien should have been taken out when the Kuwaitis asked for our help when he invaded them, but no...

Africans are considered the lowest in Saudi Arabia. They are considered lower than the poor Indians and Pakistanis that swept our streets with push brooms. I am quite sure Iran laughed long and hard when Obama tried to establish some form of talks with them.

I am quite sure that ISIS and Al-Qaida are using the Africans as bullet catchers, in Syria and Iraq. It is a pity that some people are so ignorant as to believe that racism is a white persons forte. I have an olive skin tone that turns brown in the summer. I was treated better in Saudi Arabia and the middle east than I am treated in my country of citizenship and that is sad.

This administration has shamed us all over the world... in fact every administration in the last 27 years has been an embarrassment but Obama and his daft staff has won the grand prize for making us look weak an indecisive!

The only thing John Kerry has going for him, is he is not Joe Biden (Vice-President of open his mouth and say something off the wall or just plain stupid.).

I know I am ranting but I am so tired of being embarrassed!

Saudi Arabia has postponed the flogging of activist Raif Badawi who is held for insulting Islam. -@cnnbrk

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WTH?????? They make sure the guy has recovered from his previous flogging before he can get his next one? These people are insane. Absolutely insane.
Uh, I can't speak with 100% certainty about France, but can say for sure that in nearby countries like Spain and Portugal, greeting with a hug and kiss is not embarrassing or awkward at all, is certainly not grovelling, and is rather a sign of affection and welcome. :rolleyes:

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Men greet each other with a hug and kiss in the middle east however during a time where we are all under attack, this was a public relations mess. Kerry should have been there at the march! The march would have been the time for the over blown affection as opposed to when our governments are trying to formulate a plan or get a clue.

IMO I think it was groveling. That was his way of apologizing because our government couldn't be bothered to send the Secretary of State, the Vice-President, or the President to extend our sympathies after the terrorist attacks.
Men greet each other with a hug and kiss in the middle east however during a time where we are all under attack, this was a public relations mess. Kerry should have been there at the march! The march would have been the time for the over blown affection as opposed to when our governments are trying to formulate a plan or get a clue.

IMO I think it was groveling. That was his way of apologizing because our government couldn't be bothered to send the Secretary of State, the Vice-President, or the President to extend our sympathies after the terrorist attacks.

First, Kerry was in India and due to visit the site of another, previous terrorist attack there. It would have been awkward and bad form to back him out of that. I think Holder should have stayed, he was already there, had a security detail, and is sufficiently high ranking. But pulling Kerry out would have raised criticism of its own.

The affection you are calling "overblown" and others are ridiculing is customary for that part of the world. Other posters are accusing Obama of insulting the French, but what are posters doing when they make fun of what is a customary greeting in parts of Europe other than insulting (swap spit? Really? :rolleyes: Can Americans sound any more provincial?) Kerry is familiar with this, as he went to school/lived there and still has friends there. It's not grovelling for heavens sake it's every day behavior; every time I visit family in Portugal it's 10 minutes of greetings of hugs, kisses on the cheek, hugs again, arm around the back or shoulders, exchange words, etc - and that's not just for those arriving from overseas.

What, did people want him to fly in with a superhero cape? Or maybe make an *advertiser censored* of himself and fly in on a fighter jet fully geared up?

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Well, we wouldn't want to hurt their fee fees, would we?

Craziness, I tell you!
Anyone who has gone through the US naturalization process and lives in the US has to be angered by this phenomenon of training in terrorist camps, returning and retaining citizenship status. I say strip these terrorists-in-training of each and every right as Americans and block re-entry into the US.
First, Kerry was in India and due to visit the site of another, previous terrorist attack there. It would have been awkward and bad form to back him out of that. I think Holder should have stayed, he was already there, had a security detail, and is sufficiently high ranking. But pulling Kerry out would have raised criticism of its own.

The affection you are calling "overblown" and others are ridiculing is customary for that part of the world. Other posters are accusing Obama of insulting the French, but what are posters doing when they make fun of what is a customary greeting in parts of Europe other than insulting (swap spit? Really? :rolleyes: Can Americans sound any more provincial?) Kerry is familiar with this, as he went to school/lived there and still has friends there. It's not grovelling for heavens sake it's every day behavior; every time I visit family in Portugal it's 10 minutes of greetings of hugs, kisses on the cheek, hugs again, arm around the back or shoulders, exchange words, etc - and that's not just for those arriving from overseas.

What, did people want him to fly in with a superhero cape? Or maybe make an *advertiser censored* of himself and fly in on a fighter jet fully geared up?

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There is a big difference between Obama, criticizing France, during a worldwide press conference, and a couple of anon posters criticizing Kerry on this website.

Obama threw our nations intelligence teams under the bus, and then went on to bash France, while patting himself on the back, for being so inclusive towards Muslims. He is truly a nitwit, IMO>
Looks like kerry and james should stop by turkey for a sing along.

Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan’s increasingly bizarre rhetoric continued this week when he told reporters Muslims have "never taken part in terrorist massacres" and appeared to blame the West for the recent Islamist attacks in Paris.


I know it shouldn't, but, that made me LOL. The visual! Thanks.

There is a big difference between Obama, criticizing France, during a worldwide press conference, and a couple of anon posters criticizing Kerry on this website.

Obama threw our nations intelligence teams under the bus, and then went on to bash France, while patting himself on the back, for being so inclusive towards Muslims. He is truly a nitwit, IMO>

Sure, on the world stage there's a difference. But to claim some horror over insulting the French while posters are doing it themselves (on a thread where French members have been present and posting, no less) is fairly hypocritical. Not to mention immature. "Eeww yuck, two guys kissed!" :rolleyes:

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Mmm. Warnings of planned attacks at German train stations now. I have to ignore it as I have no choice about using them. This is reminding me of living in London, during the IRA bombings. A person just has to cross their fingers and hope for luck. A bomb went off so close to my apartment once I thought it was a burglar kicking in my door. Another time, I was trapped in a store for hours, because a bomb had been left in a vehicle nearby.

I'm not scared by all this, just depressed. Terror campaigns never succeed or win on a permanent basis. Peace only comes through people making concessions in order to get along together. So many of these alienated European young men seem to have attempted careers as rappers before, turning to terrorism - and hold American rappers in great esteem. I wish some of them would start speaking out to their lost European cousins, encouraging them to make music rather than war - I do think they'd stand more chance of being listened to.
'I would have personally very much wanted to have been there but couldn't do so because of the commitment that I had here and it is important to keep these kinds of commitments.'


Kerry arrived in the capital of Gujarat state, Ahmedabad, on Sunday to lead the U.S. delegation to the Vibrant Gujarat Investment Summit. The gathering seeks to promote responsible sustainable development.

Kerry stopped briefly in Germany on Saturday to meet with the ailing ruler of Oman, the Mideast country that's served an important intermediary role in negotiations over Iran's nuclear program.

Kerry spent about 90 minutes with Sultan Qaboos bin Said, 74, who has been receiving medical treatment in Germany since November. Kerry later tweeted that he was "grateful for strong friendship" with the sultan.

Among the topics they covered were the Iran talks, which are set to resume this coming week in Switzerland; the situation in Yemen; the Syrian civil war; the terrorist attacks in Paris; and tensions between Israelis and Palestinians.

IMO This is why he didn't break from his schedule to walk against terrorism. jmo
Sure, on the world stage there's a difference. But to claim some horror over insulting the French while posters are doing it themselves (on a thread where French members have been present and posting, no less) is fairly hypocritical. Not to mention immature. "Eeww yuck, two guys kissed!" :rolleyes:

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In Germany, there's not much kissing but everyone shakes hands. Even little toddlers! It really threw me when I first arrived. I was kinda okay with all the kissing in France......but I always got the side wrong, and ended up clashing noses. They always knew straight away, I wasn't French. Before I even said a badly accented word.

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