FRANCE - Truck drives into crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, 2016 *Guilty*

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"Terrorism goes beyond religion and sect – a murderer is a murderer, whether he is sent by Baghdadi, to Bin Laden, Nasrallah or Mughniyah.

Terrorism is one entity where only proofs and arguments differ. The late al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden adopted Hezbollah’s method of blowing up buildings and burning embassies in the 1980s, as well as assassinations with the help of the late Imad Mughniyah, who was a senior Hezbollah figure."
Anti-terror police found a haunting text message on a phone belonging to truck terrorist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel that read: "I have the material."

The latest revelation backs up a theory from French detectives that a secret ISIS-linked terror network may have planned the attacks that massacred 84 people.

It was unclear what 'material' he might be referring to but a weapons cache including guns and grenades was found in the back of his rented truck.

Albanian couple suspected of supplying weapons are among those in custody

An Albanian couple suspected of supplying Bouhlel with the 7.65mm automatic pistol that he fired on police before they shot him, are among the six people still in custody according to French network, BFM TV.

The station has also reported that Bouhlel's estranged wife, who was also questioned, has now been released.
Pulse/Nice perps

Its so amazing to me how the media and political systems worldwide continue their agenda. Anything and everything is terrorism these days.

I decided I needed to locate and check out the general admission tickets to to heaven or whatever it is called. For them I learned the highest level of Paradise is Firdaws , which is where the prophets, the martyrs, and the most truthful and pious people will dwell.

I then thought I ought to checkout the admission requrements to Firdaws: I wanted to see, if they could get in without yelling I priase "Allah" at the last minute of thier lives.

. Not Praying (fail)

. Committing suicide (fail)
. Not fasting on a Day of Ramadan without excuse (fail)
. Not performing Hajj, while being able to do so -Pulse got an A but it was turned into terrorsim class!
Disrespect to parents (fail)
Abandoning relatives (fail)
Fornication and Adultery (fail)
Homosexuality(sodomy) (fail)

. Pride and arrogance (fail)
. Bearing false witness (fail)
. Drinking (fail)
Gambling (fail)
. Slandering chaste women
. Stealing (fail) at least for Nice
Consuming wealth acquired unlawfully (fail)

Frequent lying (fail)
Woman's imitating man and man's imitating woman (fail)
Marrying a divorced woman in order to make her lawful for the husband . (fail)
Showing-off (fail)

Overbearing conduct toward the wife, the servant, the weak, and animals (fail)
Offending one's neighbor (fail)
Offending and abusing Muslims (fail)
Offending people and having an arrogant attitude toward them (fail)

To knowingly ascribe one's paternity to a father other than one's own
Arguing and disputing violently (fail)
Persistently missing Friday Prayers without any excuse (fail)

​Not impressive! OK, so we now we have two young muslim, males, who are suicidal, depressed, with a bunch of stressers who decide they can no longer live. Many have the misperception that suicide is an impulse behavior. Very very rarely. The reverse is true actually, IMO.

It is a long long battle not to kill oneself. Years. And years. Very rarely have I asked a pt , who I knew was struggling with the desire to end their lives did I get, when asked, no I am not.

For us, on this side, (mental health) we are looking for planning. Since it is not impulsive, planning is required. The more planning, the bigger threat. Look at these guys, there was planning- turned into terrorsim, when in fact it is suicide coming into fruition.

San Bern and Paris totally different.

Both were exposed to Muslim teachings. Ironically, after living a life that endorses none of them, and feeling shame and guilt for those choices one of the ways in Muslim faith to "erase" that fact is to kill yourslef as a martyr. Ironic huh?

I am not Chrisitan but it sounds like its the same as atone for your sins or whatever it is.

In Muslim rules, they give you a clear cut way to the "gates" -- martyr yourself.

IN terms of their life choices they have already renounced their religious learnings by behavior. Why not , in a last ditch effort , kill yourself proclaiming to martyr yourself.

(a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion.)

Think about it. Pulse man held press conferences to make sure his dad knew he was claiming to martyr himself.

In San Bern they went to great lengths to hide their past. I truly do not think that Nice was afraid of getting of citing for driving without his liscense- he left his on the front seat??

In Nice, the middle of a bunch of bands, louldy playing music, the sounds of running over people , and screams, this guy is making sure people can here him yelling he is martyring himself.

IMO, both of these guys were hopeless,suicidal,mentally ill, depressed people who killed themselves.

Who, of clear mind, brings along toy granades and guns? That is irrationial thinking. No connection to reality. IMO. Who can not remermber which entity he is martyring himself for? If authentic, seems as if one would be able to remember the details. San Bern and Paris had no problems in this domain.

Of course, the old adage that everyone is allowed their own opionion, certainly is valid in these tradgies. The problem with that IMO, is that it results not seeking ways to identify what to look for in order to reduce the frequency of attacks.

However IMO, for society, we are increasinly putting ourselves at more and more risk (see the last damn month) for not , in many of these awful events, seeking the correct motivations for such acts.

All this terrorist planning, (as opposed to it actually being suicide planning) is attempting to treat cancer when the problem is high blood pressure - mitigation is IMO going to fail.

If one lost their car keys, but are looking for a flashlight, the keys are not going to be found........................

Hi my blue!!

The guy on the live stream sounds like he is talking in his sleep!
The Tunisian man who drove his lorry into crowds of people in Nice researched the route in the days before the attack, French media reported.

The reports say Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drove through the seafront promenade area of the French city on Tuesday and Wednesday in preparation.

Europe 1 radio said CCTV footage from the days beforehand showed him driving through the area in the lorry, closely observing the scene.

Suuicide is often planned ahead - how it works mo

Just like Pulse

[FONT=&quot]Previous research and popular conceptualizations of suicide have posited that many suicides are the result of impulsive, “on a whim” decisions. However, recent research demonstrates that most suicides are not attempted impulsively, and in fact involve a plan.

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Suicide is thus a serious mental health issue


Overwhelming evidence

The testimonies of the surroundings of the killer, unknown by the intelligence services, corroborate the trail of a late and dramatic radicalization. According to statements by four of the seven arrested, published by iTV, Lahouiaej Bouhlel had engaged in "radical and virulent" conduct in recent days, he had stopped drinking alcohol and spoke as he had never done before about the Islamic State (IS) in his speeches. This would explain why the group claimed the attack in Nice in a statement.

The analysis of his computer and telephone also shows that the terrorist was in contact with individuals themselves linked to radical Islamists, but we do not know if they are part of those in custody.
A common contact with Omar Omsen, figure of the jihad in Nice, has been discovered, according to Le Monde. This does not mean, however, for the moment, that the Tunisian was directly in contact with him.


What is impoirtant here, IMO, is when this happened and for how long did this "contact" go on. My vote , we are gonna find a recent, but very brief "contact" peroid.

THe guy had been on medication for psychois more than once -- sounds like a psychotic break IMO

[h=3]Attacker suffered from behavioural problems and suffered from an 'altered reality' says a psychiatrist he met in 2004[/h][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Tunisian psychiatrist Chemceddine Hamouda told L'Express that Nice attacker Mohamed Bouhlel had visited him in 2004 when Bouhlel was 19 years old.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dr Hamouda told the French magazine that Mr Bouhlel had come to talk about his problems at school and in family life, and that he was accompanied by his father.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The father "did not understand why his son, who had until that point been bright, had become violent and could no longer engage at school" said Dr Hamouda. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]His diagnosis was that Mr Bouhlel was suffering from "the beginnings of psychosis." He told L'Express that he had prescribed the boy a treatment but that he never saw him again. [/FONT]


The French interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, said the attacker "appears to have become radicalised very quickly" as one neighbour of his estranged wife added: "Mohamed only started visiting a mosque in April."

Investigators examining Bouhlel’s phone records found evidence that he was in contact with known Islamic radicals.

However, an intelligence source cautioned: “That could just be a coincidence, given the neighbourhood where he lived. Everyone knows everyone there. He seems to have known people who knew Omar Diaby (a known local Islamist believed to be linked with the Al Nusra group close to Al Qaeda)."

Suicide prep

What is impoirtant here, IMO, is when this happened and for how long did this "contact" go on. My vote , we are gonna find a recent, but very brief "contact" peroid.

THe guy had been on medication for psychois more than once -- sounds like a psychotic break IMO

Attacker suffered from behavioural problems and suffered from an 'altered reality' says a psychiatrist he met in 2004

Tunisian psychiatrist Chemceddine Hamouda told L'Express that Nice attacker Mohamed Bouhlel had visited him in 2004 when Bouhlel was 19 years old.
Dr Hamouda told the French magazine that Mr Bouhlel had come to talk about his problems at school and in family life, and that he was accompanied by his father.
The father "did not understand why his son, who had until that point been bright, had become violent and could no longer engage at school" said Dr Hamouda.
His diagnosis was that Mr Bouhlel was suffering from "the beginnings of psychosis." He told L'Express that he had prescribed the boy a treatment but that he never saw him again.

What I don't get is people have psychotic breaks all the time. Sometimes they lead to violence. But this and the shooting at Pulse (if they were psychotic breaks) are off the charts - nothing I've ever seen comes close to what these two did. Why is this happening now? I think there must be something to them being influenced or brainwashed by ISIS at the worst possible moment.
WOW done in 2015

Do not want to give any of you a reason to sleep worse. Here is a super expert a year ago

WOW WOW worth a listen guys


The mother of little Denis Coman has been found in hospital. Her husband is still missing.

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk

These poor families!! Since Denis is in a coma they identified him with dental records!

Quoting from the above article, "16 of the 84 dead have yet to be identified.

The hospital is treating 15 children from the truck attack, mainly for head injuries and fractures.

Five of them are in a critical condition with the youngest patient just six months old."
From Dotr post Hi Dotr!


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