France - Two dead, 11 injured in Strasbourg Christmas Market shooting, 11 December 2018

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I'm thinking that if this gunman is still on the loose that he has help? Then again, the Boston bomber was on the run too, and he was on his own.

I wasn't sure where Strasbourg, France is - had to look it up. It's right on the border with Germany (as many of you probably know!).

"Police have deployed 350 officers to continue the manhunt Wednesday for 'Cherif C.,' Heitz said Wednesday. Cherif, 29, has a lengthy criminal record with 27 offenses and has previously served jail time in France, Germany, and Switzerland.

Four people close to the suspect have been detained but Cherif has yet to be caught."

Suspect in Strasbourg, France, mass shooting identified as manhunt continues

I'm curious who the four people "close to the suspect" are.

Strasbourg attack: a Thai tourist and a Frenchman who worked in Strasbourg have died.

The last provisional assessment was 2 deaths, 1 person in a state of brain death, 12 wounded, 6 of whom were in absolute emergency.

These figures were given by Paris Public Prosecutor Remy Heitz, who held a press conference at the TGI in Strasbourg on Wednesday at 12:30 pm.

According to the information at our disposal, the deceased are a Frenchman, a former Crédit Agricole employee in Strasbourg and a tourist of Thai origin.

The first, according to our colleagues from France Info, was hit in the head by the shooter, rue du Saumon in front of the Stub. He would reside in Strasbourg.

According to the Siam Info website, the Thai-born tourist is a 45-year-old man who is on a sightseeing trip with his wife and arrived in France the day before.

An Afghan national named Kamal is among the victims according to the Eyyyup Sultan Mosque in Strasbourg, which he frequents. According to mosque officials, the man, who was hit in the head during the attack, was left in a coma. According to the mosque's leaders, he died in the early afternoon, but the authorities are not yet confirming this information.

An Italian journalist is among the seriously injured according to AFP, which states that the information is confirmed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to several Italian media reports, he is a 28-year-old journalist from the Trento region (north-east), who was in Strasbourg to cover the plenary session of the European Parliament for Europhonica, a network of community radio stations.

Radio Europhonica also reports that an employee of its French team, this time a Strasburger, was also injured in the attack.

The head of the Lorho cheese dairy, rue des Orfèvres, Christelle Lorho, said last night on her Facebook profile that her daughter Jeanne was shot in the arm. "She was taken care of by the paramedics and operated on tonight. She is waking up. We are lucky and happy that she is still with us," writes Christelle Lorho.

According to our colleagues from the Est Republicain, two persons from the Vosges region were wounded in the shooting: a man who was seriously wounded while he was in the café "Les Savons d'Hélène" during the shooting. He was shot in the back of the head with shrapnel. He was in intensive care in the morning. An 18-year-old Vosgian woman from Moyenmoutier was also injured in the shooting. She has had surgery and is out of danger.

There were gunshot victims, many of whom were reportedly shot in the head, but also stabbed. Two victims were transported to the NHC, the others were taken care of by the Hautepierre University Hospital.


I'm thinking that if this gunman is still on the loose that he has help? Then again, the Boston bomber was on the run too, and he was on his own.

I wasn't sure where Strasbourg, France is - had to look it up. It's right on the border with Germany (as many of you probably know!).


Nothing wrong with looking this up. ! saw a map on twitter with Strasbourg as a part of Paris. There is also a place called Strassburg in Northern Germany.

Since the town is on de border with Germany, the terrorist may have gone into hiding in Germany, or if he made it that far, he may even been in Brussels, specifically Molenbeek where many will sympathise with his cause.
Just so sad for all the dead and wounded and the whole community there.

The evil that is in the types of persons that could do this is some of the most evil hatred in the world. I hope that perp can look in the mirror and see himself for the evil that he is right before LE takes him out.
Just so sad for all the dead and wounded and the whole community there.

The evil that is in the types of persons that could do this is some of the most evil hatred in the world. I hope that perp can look in the mirror and see himself for the evil that he is right before LE takes him out.

Cherif C and like minded Muslims who helped him carry out his mass murder plans, believe killing Christians will guarantee entrance and all the rewards of heaven. As a modern day Christian, it's difficult to wrap your head around, but it is exactly what these terrorists believe wholeheartedly.
Feeling once more like ...

Background info, expert interview:

C dans l'air on Twitter

"In #Strasbourg there is a fairly important and ancient jihadist sector. There are many Strasburgers among the first jihadists to leave for #Syria. Moreover, in the area, they are known for their violence. #MicheronH #terrorism #cdanslair

From the interview:

Among the first to depart to Syria, there were many from Strasbourg. The jihadists from Strasbourg are very diverse: there are entire families who left for Syria, grandparents and children included. Locally they are known for their violence. One of them ~I can't catch his name ~ went on to become one of the terrorists of the Bataclan.

The reason that several of the first jihadists came from Strasbourg was that already before 2012, older jihadists had already passed through the town. There is a network jihadism of towns, all near borders. Strasbourg is important because it has many connections to Germany and Switzerland, also to Belgium.
BKA warnt nach Straßburg: Deutschland im Visier islamistischer Terroristen

Following the Christmas market attack in Strasbourg, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) continues to classify the terrorist threat for Germany as high. "Although the territorial structure of the self-proclaimed Islamic state (IS) no longer exists, Germany is still within the target spectrum of the so-called IS," explained the BKA on Wednesday morning at the request of FOCUS Online.

The threat is mainly posed by "radicalized individuals" who could "commit attacks without much preparation and support network". According to the BKA, however, even "larger, centrally controlled attacks" cannot be ruled out. "All possible scenarios must be kept in mind." The terrorist situation is constantly being analysed.

On Tuesday evening, a violent offender known to the police and already convicted in Germany committed an attack near the Christmas market in Strasbourg, France, killing and injuring several people.

According to the BKA, IS propaganda continues to call on supporters and sympathizers "to fight the so-called 'infidels' wherever possible and by all means, and to take every opportunity to carry out terrorist acts of violence."

Just a few days ago, terror expert Peter Neumann of the renowned King's College in London warned FOCUS Online: "Anyone who believes that the terror problem has been solved is making a fatal mistake. The fact that the IS could be almost completely pushed back from its home territory in Syria and Iraq should not be interpreted in the sense of: "The danger is over".

Especially in the current phase one has to "pay special attention". Altogether the uncertainty had "rather increased" due to the decline of the IS, said Neumann. "Terrorism becomes even more unpredictable.

According to Neumann, one of the greatest security risks for Germany are IS fighters returning to Germany. Of the more than 1000 people who have left for Syria and Iraq in recent years, about a third have returned, and hundreds more could follow soon. Many of them were in front duty for the IS and committed the most serious violent crimes.


Whoever thought it was a good idea to let these criminals return and count them?

- All our jihadistis safely home again?
- No, not quite yet, there's more to come

:eek: :eek:

The reason violent jihadists are allowed to return is the presumption of innocence. And of course the lack of borders. The chance of catching jihadists and collecting enough evidence is next to nil. So as long as they keep quiet, the presumption of innocence continues. Should they carry out an attack, our politicians will tell us that 100% security does not exist. The mayor of Strasbourg did so yesterday, immediately after the killing spree. Hundreds of jihadists will be freed in France in the coming year. Apparently, nothing can stop that from happening.

Lovely politicians. I wonder how long they will last.
Attentat à Strasbourg : un troisième frère de Chérif Chekatt, fiché S, ne fait pas partie des gardés à vue

Two other brothers were taken into custody, as were Chekatt's parents.

As part of the investigation into the Strasbourg terrorist attack on Tuesday, December 11, franceinfo learned on Wednesday that a brother of Chérif Chekatt, the main suspect, is also registered as fiché S. He was not taken into custody, unlike two other brothers and parents, who were taken into custody on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. None of these four people have S records.

Of the two brothers of the alleged perpetrator in police custody, one of them, very close to Chérif Chekatt, is the subject of a report by SRRT, the Regional Territorial Intelligence Service. He belongs to the Salafist movement in Strasbourg.

The National Police issued a call for witnesses on Wednesday, December 12, regarding Chérif Chekatt. The suspect in the Strasbourg attack is still at large. The phone hasn't been blocked yet.

BBM Liveblog

11.09 a.m.: On the morning of the attack, the police had visited the suspected assassin Chérif Chekatt in his apartment to arrest him for attempted murder. So far it has been said that Chekatt was not at home this morning. But as the "Bild" newspaper reports, this is wrong: According to the newspaper, the police found the 29-year-old together with some friends in his apartment - but Chekatt was able to flee. A heavy police failure, if it really should have happened in that way.

During the later search of his apartment, the investigators found several weapons - including grenades, a pistol and several hunting knives.

Shortly after the attack at the Christmas market, heavily armed soldiers apparently let Cherif Chekatt escape. They shot at him and wounded the assassin. Nevertheless, he managed to escape again. But that's not all, according to the Bild newspaper: "It's unclear why the police didn't immediately prosecute the terrorist and why he was able to flee by taxi - his escape may even have continued by tram," the report says.


Today's question: if the police found weapons in his apartment, never mind if he was at home or not, where did the gun and the knives come from that he used during the attack later that day?
Chérif Chekatt: who is the Strasbourg shooting suspect?

French investigators call them the “gangster-jihadists” – young men, often from poor immigrant backgrounds, who start with petty crime, drug dealing and robbery and graduate to terrorism.

They exist under the radar of the intelligence services or are placed on watch lists for their radical religious beliefs and subjected to varying degrees of surveillance – but are not expected to become violent.

In any case, French security forces have said it would be impossible to keep an eye on all 12,000 listed for suspected Islamist views or even the 4,000 considered “problematic”.

The profile of Chérif Chekatt, who is being hunted by police in connection for the attacks in Strasbourg, is all too familiar in France.

By the age of 29 he had 27 convictions for theft and violence, the public prosecutor Rémy Heitz said


The former anti-terrorism judge Jean-Louis Bruguière said Chekatt had the “typical profile” of a young radicalised Islamist.

“They are able to dissimulate their beliefs to the point where they drink alcohol or even ask their mothers to bring them a pork sandwich,” Bruguière told BFM TV. “In this way they are capable of passing under the radar but turning to violence extremely quickly.”
A fourth person in a state of brain death

A person injured Tuesday evening during the shooting is now brain dead, according to our information.


Awful...So now basically there are 4 dead. :mad:
Obviously, hiking gas taxes so people will turn to clean energy is far more important than making sure "people" like Cherif C. never get in the position of being able to murder innocent people enjoying Christmas.
Cherif C and like minded Muslims who helped him carry out his mass murder plans, believe killing Christians will guarantee entrance and all the rewards of heaven. As a modern day Christian, it's difficult to wrap your head around, but it is exactly what these terrorists believe wholeheartedly.

Well if the idiots would take a good look and do a little research on their victims of random attacks they will see they kill their own muslim faithed brothers, many non-christians, athiests, and many other innocents of many different faiths.

Hopefully somewhere in their faith there is punishment for killing their own brothers rather than any rewards.
During deportation: German authorities warned about Chekatt

++ 20:32: Authorities: High criminal energy of Chekatt

During his deportation from Freiburg prison, Chérif Chekatt, who is wanted for the assassination attack in Strasbourg, was declared to have a "high criminal energy". The conviction for serious burglaries reveals "a personality structure marked by ruthless striving for profit" and suggests that he will "commit crimes of a similar nature and severity in the future." This is the result of the order of the Freiburg Regional Council for deportation from prison. The letter of 26 November 2016 has been submitted to the German Press Agency. Chekatt is on the run after the fatal shots in Strasbourg. The Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe is also investigating the case.

The Department for Civil Protection of the Government Presidium had also established an entry and residence ban for Chekatt for a period of ten years. "From him also a concrete danger of new disturbances of the public security and order emanates", it says in the order. According to the order, the Frenchman, who had been sentenced to two years and three months by the Singen District Court for serious theft, had himself requested his return to France. According to dpa information, he was handed over to the French authorities by the Federal Police. He had been detained in Freiburg until 27 February 2017.

In view of earlier convictions for burglary thefts in Switzerland and France as well, the Freiburg authorities attributed to him personality deficits and a danger of recurrence. Because of a "sufficiently serious threat to public order", the basic interest of society - the protection of property and assets - had to be taken into account. "After all, it is not apparent that your circumstances, in particular your financial circumstances, will be much more favourable after you are released from prison than they were at the time of the offence," it went on to say.

Attaque de Strasbourg : qui sont les victimes ?

The deadly victims

- A 45-year-old garage owner from Strasbourg of Afghan origin, Kamal Naghchband, died on Thursday. Married and father of three young children, "he went to see the Christmas market, and in front of his children he took a bullet" in the head, his cousin said. The Great Eyyüb Sultan Mosque, of which this Muslim man of Afghan origin was a believer, reported on Twitter that "his family present with him at the time of the events is safe and sound".

- A 45-year-old Thai tourist, Anupong Suebsamarn, was killed by a bullet to the head, according to the Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace. He was on holiday in Strasbourg with his wife, unharmed. His death has been confirmed by the Thai authorities.

- A 61-year-old father from Strasbourg, Pascal Verdenne, also passed away on Tuesday evening, according to Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace. He was targeted by the assailant as he was leaving a restaurant, waiting for his wife and son still inside.


Kamal Naghchband was a refugee from Afghanistan, he had been living in France for 18 years and had the French nationality. Other sources say someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and the terrorist shot him in the face, he fell down with his young son in his arms.

The Thai tourists had decided not to go to Paris because they deemed it too dangerous, they went to Strasbourg instead. (...)

The fourth person who has been reported brain dead, is possibly the young Italian journalist. He was also shot in the head and the bullet is stuck in an impossible place, very difficult to operate.

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