Freddy Gray Verdict #2. Not Guilty

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In addition to the DOJ declining to bring charges, 5 of the 6 officers still have a lawsuit for malicious prosecution and defamation proceeding against Marilyn Mosby. In May, discovery was temporarily halted to allow MM to file an appeal. She filed that appeal in June, and the plaintiffs responded to that in July 2017.

The 4th circuit hears cases from Sept to May, so there should be some activity on this appeal soon.

U.S. District Judge Marvin Garbis ordered in March that key parts of the officers' lawsuit against Mosby could move forward, including claims of malicious prosecution, defamation and invasion of privacy. That opened the door for the discovery and depositions to begin.

To block that from occurring, Mosby appealed Garbis' decision, again on the grounds that she is immune from such lawsuits. In May, the appeals court ordered a stay of the district court proceedings until Mosby's appeal on the issue of immunity could be decided. It gave Mosby until this week to file an opening brief, which she did Tuesday.

The officers are suing State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby for malicious prosecution, defamation and invasion of privacy. Three of the officers were acquitted, and Mosby dropped the remaining cases.

Mosby says the lower court should have found her to be immune from being sued because she's a prosecutor.

But the officers said in a brief filed Thursday with Virginia's 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that Mosby isn't entitled to immunity because she was acting as an investigator, not a prosecutor.

The court hears arguments from September through May. The case is the second involving Mosby that will be argued before the 4th Circuit.

The cases of the dozens of business owners against Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake and the city of Baltimore are still proceeding, as well. this from June:

In a nearly 700-page complaint filed in federal court this week, more than 60 plaintiffs say city officials failed to prevent the looting and rioting that erupted after the arrest and death of Freddie Gray in April 2015, despite warnings the city would experience violence.

More than 380 businesses, including many located south of North Avenue in West Baltimore, were damaged or destroyed. Property losses were estimated at nearly $13 million.

Hwang said the city used "underhanded tactics to try to trick these business and property owners into signing releases" to limit liability.

The Baltimore Development Corp. started the Baltimore Business Recovery Initiative to provide financial assistance to businesses damaged during the riots. But the plaintiffs say the Storefront Recovery Grant Program offered $5,000 to individual businesses, and required business owners to waive any claims against the city.

*By the way, do the math on 380 businesses x $5000 each settlement from the city. That's a paltry $1.9 M. And that's *if* all 380 filed their paperwork and agreed to waive any claims against the Mayor and the city. Seriously? The city thinks this was somehow fair??

But yet, the city had no problem at all paying out $6.4 million to the distant relatives of Freddie Gray-- with no lawsuit filed, and all 6 of the officers aquitted/ not guilty/ charges dropped.

I hope the officers get $6.4 million EACH in their lawsuit. That would be "fair", IMO.
Out of all of the "murders by cop" that have been perpetrated and exposed over the years, I've always found this one particularly egregious. Spines do not spontaneously combust. These cops should not only have lost their badges, but they should all be behind bars. The thought that they could possibly gain financially from this is once again, sickening. What a disgrace and dishonor to the badge. The blue wall of silence needs to be dismantled in this, and every case. I know exactly why this case went down the way it did, and it's appalling, but not at all surprising. This family is never going to get the justice and peace they deserve. This case will not be forgotten, nor will Freddy.
Out of all of the "murders by cop" that have been perpetrated and exposed over the years, I've always found this one particularly egregious. Spines do not spontaneously combust. These cops should not only have lost their badges, but they should all be behind bars. The thought that they could possibly gain financially from this is once again, sickening. What a disgrace and dishonor to the badge. The blue wall of silence needs to be dismantled in this, and every case. I know exactly why this case went down the way it did, and it's appalling, but not at all surprising. This family is never going to get the justice and peace they deserve. This case will not be forgotten, nor will Freddy.

Yes let's not forget Freddy. The common criminal and drug dealer. The officers were simply doing their jobs in an area where its nearly impossible to police due to the number of criminals and con men. It's widely known that Freddy had a history of trying to collect a check by throwing himself around the inside of the patrol wagon as is the custom by some in Baltimore. To show you how insidious the con is in Baltimore it used to be common practice, upon seeing a minor bus wreck, to try and force your way onto the bus by the rear exit. The con was that once transit supervisors got there they would take the names of everyone on the bus and in a few weeks a check would be on the way.

Not one of these officers committed a crime and juries said so. Your agenda is obvious and not appreciated.
Yes let's not forget Freddy. The common criminal and drug dealer. The officers were simply doing their jobs in an area where its nearly impossible to police due to the number of criminals and con men. It's widely known that Freddy had a history of trying to collect a check by throwing himself around the inside of the patrol wagon as is the custom by some in Baltimore. To show you how insidious the con is in Baltimore it used to be common practice, upon seeing a minor bus wreck, to try and force your way onto the bus by the rear exit. The con was that once transit supervisors got there they would take the names of everyone on the bus and in a few weeks a check would be on the way.

Not one of these officers committed a crime and juries said so. Your agenda is obvious and not appreciated.

My agenda is that dirty cops face consequences for their murderous actions and that cops are held to a higher level of conduct than the common criminals that they face. Neither of those things are currently being addressed in LE. I don't really care if you appreciate my agenda.
My agenda is that dirty cops face consequences for their murderous actions and that cops are held to a higher level of conduct than the common criminals that they face. Neither of those things are currently being addressed in LE. I don't really care if you appreciate my agenda.

How are they dirty cops? They were all given a trial, by a prosecutor who HATED them and wanted desperately to see them fried like bacon. And the judge was African American.

And none of them were found to be 'dirty.' So maybe you are mistaken?
Yes let's not forget Freddy. The common criminal and drug dealer. The officers were simply doing their jobs in an area where its nearly impossible to police due to the number of criminals and con men. It's widely known that Freddy had a history of trying to collect a check by throwing himself around the inside of the patrol wagon as is the custom by some in Baltimore. To show you how insidious the con is in Baltimore it used to be common practice, upon seeing a minor bus wreck, to try and force your way onto the bus by the rear exit. The con was that once transit supervisors got there they would take the names of everyone on the bus and in a few weeks a check would be on the way.

Not one of these officers committed a crime and juries said so. Your agenda is obvious and not appreciated.

Right. And those things = a death sentence by cops who can't - or refuse to - control themselves. That's "justice" - for some but def not for all.
Caesar Goodson Jr. was acquitted of 21 administrative charges on Tuesday by a trial board composed entirely of law enforcement officials. The charges included neglecting his duty and making false statements to investigators.

Goodson will be allowed to remain in the police force.

So now Goodson was acquitted by a black judge and cleared of 21 administrative charges by a hearing board of his peers. Nothing yet has disproven the defense's contention that Gray, who had collected from the city before, threw himself around the passenger compartment of the wagon to intentionally injure himself again.
Lt. Brian Rice and Sgt. Alicia White are the last two officers of the six involved in the case who face disciplinary action. Both could lose their jobs if they are found guilty by their trial boards.

Rice is scheduled to go before his board on Monday. White is to follow on Dec. 5.

I think we all know how this is going to end. These "officers" murdered this man and all got away with it. I'd like to think they will live lives of regret and shame, but then again I will never understand how anyone could participate in the murder and the cover up and live with themselves, period. We have an impenetrable blue wall in this country, and people wonder why so many have no faith in the integrity of LE. Only the police themselves can solve the problem that they themselves created.
Freddie Gray case: Administrative trial begins for Baltimore Police Lt. Brian Rice
As he was during Goodson’s administrative trial, Curtis was subjected to a withering cross-examination Monday during Rice’s trial.

He repeatedly acknowledged not interviewing key witnesses who would have had firsthand knowledge of issues relevant to the charges against Rice, and of not turning over exculpatory evidence from the criminal trials to the charging committee.

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