Funeral Service for Charlie and Braden

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IMO there are two ways to defend against the WBC:

1. Be there if you can to help block them from the view of the grieving family on Saturday, and

2. Ignore the **** out of them if you can't do #1.

IMO ostracism is the only answer to this group.

I hope that the service for Charlie and Braden is full of love, and hope, and all the things these boys loved best. Memories of Cars, and bugs and frogs and schoolwork, and everything they loved the most. Including Chuck and Judy and Kiirsi.
I am certain the Patriot Guard will be there to block them, as they have at soldier's funerals. There is a special place in he!! for Fred Phelps, right next to jp.

Anti-gay church to protest Powell boys' memorial service

Yup, if there is Hell, Fred Phelps should join Osama bin Laden, 9/11 Terrorists, Adolf Hitler, and Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. :furious: I see him no differently from them, especially bin Laden. :crazy:
Such sweet little ones.

That hate group (I refuse to call them a church or say their name) has not had much luck conducting recent protests. Between LE and The Patriot Guard, a nationwide biker group, they have been rendered useless. Only a few of their members show up, if they show up at all, and they are kept away from the funeral so they aren't visible to those attending.

Although there were hundreds of mourners crowded into the chapel and gym of the stake center, with some standing on the sides or sitting in the foyer, there were perhaps more outside of the church building. Leather-clad members of the Patriot Guard and sweatshirt-wearing citizens alike stood encircled about the perimeter of the building, each with a flag in hand, and neighborhood residents lined the sidewalks across from the church with signs of gratitude and support for Byrd and his family.

The perimeter was partly the result of an announcement by the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church that it would protest at Byrd’s funeral as it has at the funerals of other fallen soldiers to preach its belief that God is destroying America for the country’s sins. In the end, however, the church did not show — but the community did.

Read more: Tooele Transcript Bulletin - Community mourns fallen soldier

Oh please. I hope this bears out at our little boys' funeral as well. Please, please, I can't get up there right now but anyone who is nearby, I hope you can make it and form that dignified perimeter that protects the Cox family from the site of these monsters.

They have been through way too much. They have been exposed to much to much evil. They deserve to be able to lay their babies to rest, in peace and surrounded by love, not hate.
My 75 year old uncle is a member of a biker group in that area called B.R.O. It stands for "Brothers Reaching Out."

The group is VERY active in the community.

I just called him and referred him to Websleuths and this thread in particular. He thanked me and said that he had to go "make a few calls" to his fellow B.R.O. members.

I will be going Saturday with a number of friends to block Westboro from the family.

I will be there Saturday also.

Creating a Barrier of Love -

Keep Westboro Church away from Powell Memorial (1,300+ attendees!) -

This is just a few minutes from where I live. I plan to be there too.

Wow! I'm filled with tears of joy for once! This really touches me! Thank you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys, lets not open any threads about the WBC. The less they see anyone paying attention to them on the internet, the better. They make me so sick! I can't say more or I'll have to put myself on a time out.
I will be going Saturday with a number of friends to block Westboro from the family.

I will be there Saturday also.

Creating a Barrier of Love -

Keep Westboro Church away from Powell Memorial (1,300+ attendees!) -

This is just a few minutes from where I live. I plan to be there too.

Even though I am many miles away, I just want to say that I will be there in "spirit" and thinking of all of you who are there in support of Susan, Charlie and Braden, Mr. and Mrs. Cox, and all of the Cox Family and Friends ...


Either go to funeral to celebrate Powell boys' lives or stay home

If, on Saturday, you plan to celebrate the lives of Charlie and Braden Powell at their memorial service, please, come and be welcome.

If you plan to protest a few hate group members who have said they’re coming in from Kansas, please, reconsider.

Chuck and Judy Cox, the boys’ grandparents, ask this of you. The Rev. Dean Curry, pastor of Life Center church, asks this of you. He has volunteered the sanctuary at 1717 S. Union Ave., for the 11 a.m. service.

Curry also asked the same of Fred and Marjorie Phelps’ family. He left that message on their Westboro Baptist Church’s phone after they tweeted they intended to parade outside the boys’ memorial service.

I wish it could be said for sure that the WBC will look into their hearts, think about these two precious little boys and reconsider but they've proven to be heartless time and time again. Hopefully this time will be different and they will stay away. It's just heartbreaking that the family even has to deal with the evilness of the WBC on top of everything else they're going through.

Creating a Barrier of Love
Public Event

9:30am until 2:00pm

Life Center Church, 1717 S. UNION AVENUE,


The Cox family was always first and foremost in our hearts, and have requested no such gatherings take place. We without a doubt, or second thought respect and understand their wishes. I hope all groups listen.
I saw the news about the WBC in this morning's Everett (WA) Herald and I am so angry I am getting a massive headache. Those ***(word I NEVER use)***. Talk about some sick and twisted $*^&$%ers. Sorry, I had to vent. HAD TO.

THANK YOU to those upthread who posted about biker angels and community support. Now I am crying with relief and gratitude. I didn't know the WBC protests had dwindled so, or been pushed back so strongly. Thank God.

And thank you to the mods for renaming this the Susan COX Powell thread. I've long been happy that our local newscasters always refer to her this way.
Here's the link about Westboro Baptist, and their planned picketing of the funeral.

Classy bunch of folks.!/MargieJPhelps/status/167080428652601344

@MargieJPhelps MargiePhelps
Westboro will picket the funerals of the Powell boys, Sat.,2/11, 12:15p, to remind @GovGregoire they died because of her rebellion. #obeyGod

The last few funerals they claimed they would picket they never did. They never showed up for Joe Paterno's funerals...this Marjie is a she devil.
Their website has been hacked and their addys and phone numbers have been released because of the threat of going to this funeral.
BEAUTIFUL! I know I shouldn't approve of hacking but...anyway...
WBC is tweeting they will not be at the funeral.

Their website has been hacked and their addys and phone numbers have been released because of the threat of going to this funeral.

Isn't it odd how the most unlikely of allies sometime become heroes when it really counts? God Bless The Patriot Guard and these Hackers for their efforts to erase this blight from our culture.

I'm thinking about turning The Angry Grandpa on YouTube onto these member's phone numbers. That'll get em screaming and jumping into the abyss.
Don't worry... protestors aren't going to get near the church. People will come from all over to prevent it... and then they won't show up.

Funeral services for Charlie and Braden Powell are planned for Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Life Center Church in Tacoma, Wash.
Services begin at 11 a.m. and will be streamed live on

Last night one the 10pm news, it didn't sound like a for sure thing that KSL would stream it live.
As of now though, they say that they are going to. I don't think I can watch it. is another possibility... they live streamed the custody hearings. :tears:

I am very glad that there are pictures like these, with "Susan" in the background.
I especially love that Charlie asked to have this one taken with his Mom.



And the fall leave ones?? Well those are just awesome pictures of Susan's boys...



Just bringing this post over here. Tomorrow at 11 Tacoma, Washington time.
natecarlisle Nate Carlisle
RT Steve Powell may not attend his grandsons’ funeral #JoshPowell #findSusan

KevinKIRO Kevin McCarty
Westboro church cancels protest at Powell funeral. #FindSusan
I will be at Charlie and Braden's funeral service tomorrow. I'll be alongside my husband and his colleagues from the A.D.A's office here in King County. From what I have been told, it's going to be an amazing and heartfelt celebration of the boys' lives. Those sweet brothers may not have been on this earth for a long period of time but they mattered.....and they made their own wonderful impact on the world. I'll bring plenty of tissues and will pass on all the prayers from Websleuthers who will be there in spirit. It breaks my heart to even fathom attending a funeral service for children!!
Well here come the tears again.....

Blessings and gentle hugs to all.......WS is such a loving, caring community of good people,
I will be at Charlie and Braden's funeral service tomorrow. I'll be alongside my husband and his colleagues from the A.D.A's office here in King County. From what I have been told, it's going to be an amazing and heartfelt celebration of the boys' lives. Those sweet brothers may not have been on this earth for a long period of time but they mattered.....and they made their own wonderful impact on the world. I'll bring plenty of tissues and will pass on all the prayers from Websleuthers who will be there in spirit. It breaks my heart to even fathom attending a funeral service for children!!
Well here come the tears again.....

Blessings and gentle hugs to all.......WS is such a loving, caring community of good people,

I believe I also heard this morning that it's going to be able to be seen live and streaming on-line but they didn't say where exactly.
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