FXNWS Judge Jeanine 6/25

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
CA DID post overtime though if you look at her timecards. And as crazy as it sounds the week with the MOST overtime is the week in question when the computer searches took place.

Right. I don't understand how she sat up there saying she can't show overtime when she had to know they have her time cards that show overtime? Even if all her computer activity at Gentiva is gone (which I doubt) just by showing her timecards WITH overtime on them is enough to show she was lying.
The A's are the greatest people I have ever seen at playing mind games. I know I am going to get grief for this but I had to really muster up sympathy for CA when she was on the stand for the prosecution. Over the top as Lee would say. I found it funny she couldn't stand to look at Caylee's picture then and asked for it to be removed.I don't remember her asking JB to remove CA's picture when he had it up. I still can't figure out that if it was an accidental drowning why wouldn't ICA admit to it instead of all of this time and expense of a trial for murder. But that is how things are in the Anthony universe. Totally screwed up. BTW, I think Lee is so two faced. He must have too much time on his hands. I hope Mallory really thinks before she joins this messed up bunch.
she had to sit through nearly a week without anybody talking about her...So had a weeks worth.. You are right it seemed real for the first time.Her relationship with LA is of course very very different than CA GA...

I am old so help me out here, men haven't started going to baby showers have they?

My ex-inlaws had a really neat way to "attend" baby or bridal showers. The ladies did their thing in one location and the guys held a poker game at another. Their winnings were pooled and donated to either the couple or their new baby. It gave them a way to participate and contribute without having to sit through those awful shower games (I would have certainly preferred something like that).

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking we have this whole LA baby-daddy thing backwards. I remember when various forums got word of the claim ICA made to JG and AL about her brother "attempting to molest her" and her father's alleged "abuse" (which even AL took to mean physical in nature and not sexual). As soon as the Enquiring Minds of Cyberspace found that out speculation went rampant, particularly for people who were using Caylee's name as "proof", not to mention fitting all the other limited facts we knew about the situation into the theory (even though I think it is much more likely that CA picked her name - I'm thinking she already was thinking of the baby as her third child, or maybe it was simply a way to make LA feel better about being so excluded). The blogs were positively flying with posts about that rumor, in fact, people who didn't believe it to be true were booed off the stage.

The public made such a to-do over that, that ICA remarked to Tracey she had heard it in the media. Once Caylee's remains were found, that rumor was well-established and I imagine that's why OCSO asked the FBI to perform the dna test, just to either verify or eliminate LA as a source. Unless someone can point me in the direction of an actual source, other than those weak claims ICA made to JG and AL (and isn't it funny what a great stratagem that would be to keep her boyfriends from even getting to know the males in her family at all - plus, each male she told she was asking to let her stay with them - what better way than to make it seem she couldn't stay at home and needed their protection?), I have to think the whole LA as baby daddy thing was something the public whipped up and because it was so public, LE decided to follow up.
:waitasec: it's late I'm confused. Do the A's have a 3 bedroom or a 4 bedroom house? I thought 3 but ...Caylee's room, ICA's room,and Lee's room/now computer room? =4?

I understood that computer room was turned into a nursery
He said in his testimony he noticed the crib and the Pooh items. When did he say "he never saw it"? Guys don't notice too much when it comes to that stuff unless it looks like it's put together as an entire room. For all he knew, until he noticed the "bump", he was clueless and may have thought the crib was either a gift for someone else or was being stored there. What is the implication if he didn't notice an entire room until it was done? When he did ask, he was told to "let it go".

Perhaps like the invisi-nanny it was an invisi-nursery.
I've noticed it too. It's not just the graying hair..he looks 10 years older. I'm not surprised..this would be a tremendous amount of stress for anybody in that position to endure.

Yes, he looks ragged and worn out. At least he has his girlfriend to comfort him, I hope he staying as far away from his parents as possible.
Nursery? What nursery? Next to my room?! Huh?? I'm so hurt, no one told me!
He would have made a fine PI, he should have followed thru with DC's offer of apprenticeship. They would have made an outstanding team.

Casey and Anthony, PI Agency, Inc.
Kidnapping? Disappearing Nanny? Missing body? No mysteries we can't solve. ....Our Associate Psychics on standby 24/7...
Call now!
Perhaps like the invisi-nanny it was an invisi-nursery.

I'm thinking that perhaps LA is hiding the fact that the Anthonys were none too pleased about the baby until after she arrived and maybe didn't go to a whole lot of preparation. CA wants everyone to think that she was in such a tizzy she stole all of ICA's Winnie the Pooh themed room (which she had as a teenager??) I think it's much more likely that CA dusted off some old Winnie the Pooh things ICA had as a baby. They may have had ICA keep her in her own room at first, many young mothers do (or perhaps CA kept the baby in their own bedroom because I can imagine ICA not wanting to get up at all hours to feed her). CA wanted us to think she had a shower beforehand and it was a huge and joyous occasion, as if they always supported their teenage unwed pregnant daughter, which we know is false because Caylee came "a month early". We all know how materially spoiled Caylee was after she was growing, but it's impossible to know exactly how elaborate the preparations were at the time of her birth. I'm thinking that's a secret CA doesn't want anyone to know, the same as she wants everyone else to think her daughter was a good mommy, despite her own words to the contrary. CA knows what looks like motive. And she is also ever in spin cycle in general. I think LA is covering for the fact there was no real elaborate nursery until well after Caylee was born. This one has his mom written all over it.
They don't need to. They were already released in discovery, and LDB laid the foundation yesterday for slamming Cindy's fingers in the door during rebuttal.

And what was so beautiful about that is that Cindy didn't even know that it was happening. Just beautiful!
Right. I don't understand how she sat up there saying she can't show overtime when she had to know they have her time cards that show overtime? Even if all her computer activity at Gentiva is gone (which I doubt) just by showing her timecards WITH overtime on them is enough to show she was lying.


Just ask any Human Resource Manager ..Shoot Go to the Us Dept Of Labor.. You can not falsify those documents..

This is Cindy's MO however she doesn't care who she drags into this abyss of mis truths ..and I really do not think that Corp Big Wigs will appreciate her stating under oath it was and is a common practice to allow such behavior..tampering with and falsifying documents and I believe TIME CARDS ARE LEGAL DOCUMENTS >>>
It occurred to me today that somewhere, somehow CA got the idea that KC got pregnant by Lee. Now, let me see, where would a story like that have come from? KC maybe? THAT's why she was crying so hard when her brother was on the stand. I think that's what he overheard of his parents conversation and it explained why he had been left out of the festivities of his niece's birth. He didn't know why until then and he went to the DT with that information to get it straight. His sister must have lied about that AND the abuse.

He was more hurt that his parents even remotely thought he may have been the father. I don't blame him but it took him overhearing that to realize it. She (KC) knows how much this has hurt her brother and she was the cause. If there was anyone else in the world she truly loved besides herself, it was her brother. Her lies have once again caused irrepairable damage.

I agree with this post.....never thought about it, but, that seems very likely as to what may have happened. Good thinking!!!!:)):rocker:
Lee has, and rightfully so, a lot of resentments about KC... I hope whoever he marries has a nice, well adjusted, extended family.
I'm not so sure about that Quiche. When Mallory and LA had their breakup in 2006, her Mother posted a pretty scathing critique to Lee somewhere. I read it at the time and was shocked but am having trouble finding it now. FB maybe? Myspace? Somewhere public in any case.
Yes, he looks ragged and worn out. At least he has his girlfriend to comfort him, I hope he staying as far away from his parents as possible.

He is probably worn out from trying to keep track of all of his lying. Worry can do that to someone.
I'd like to hear from JG's mom. Supposedly, she was at the shower.

Lee and his emotional breakdown was nonsensical. How old is he? Maybe he suffers from a mental illness. Seriously. He's always, during past interviews and testimony, had inappropriate laughter. The man lived in the house in a room next door to the room that was made into a baby nursery. Is he truly saying he was completely traumatized because the pregnancy was at first denied to him?? Really?? He wasn't an 8 yr. old boy when this was going on. He was a grown man.

"CMA" "CMA".....still makes me sick. How dare he! At the memorial service for CAYLEE.
I agree with this post.....never thought about it, but, that seems very likely as to what may have happened. Good thinking!!!!:)):rocker:

and why she was named Caylee... that has always bugged me? So every time her name was mentioned BANG. Who named her? really? Poor Baby to land in this family... :banghead:
I'd like to hear from JG's mom. Supposedly, she was at the shower.

Lee and his emotional breakdown was nonsensical. How old is he? Maybe he suffers from a mental illness. Seriously. He's always, during past interviews and testimony, had inappropriate laughter. The man lived in the house in a room next door to the room that was made into a baby nursery. Is he truly saying he was completely traumatized because the pregnancy was at first denied to him?? Really?? He wasn't an 8 yr. old boy when this was going on. He was a grown man.

"CMA" "CMA".....still makes me sick. How dare he! At the memorial service for CAYLEE.

Great post, and yes IMO there is something very wrong with him. When he kept repeating "CMA" at the service for Caylee it was very distrubing to me.
I'm thinking that perhaps LA is hiding the fact that the Anthonys were none too pleased about the baby until after she arrived and maybe didn't go to a whole lot of preparation. CA wants everyone to think that she was in such a tizzy she stole all of ICA's Winnie the Pooh themed room (which she had as a teenager??) I think it's much more likely that CA dusted off some old Winnie the Pooh things ICA had as a baby. They may have had ICA keep her in her own room at first, many young mothers do (or perhaps CA kept the baby in their own bedroom because I can imagine ICA not wanting to get up at all hours to feed her). CA wanted us to think she had a shower beforehand and it was a huge and joyous occasion, as if they always supported their teenage unwed pregnant daughter, which we know is false because Caylee came "a month early". We all know how materially spoiled Caylee was after she was growing, but it's impossible to know exactly how elaborate the preparations were at the time of her birth. I'm thinking that's a secret CA doesn't want anyone to know, the same as she wants everyone else to think her daughter was a good mommy, despite her own words to the contrary. CA knows what looks like motive. And she is also ever in spin cycle in general. I think LA is covering for the fact there was no real elaborate nursery until well after Caylee was born. This one has his mom written all over it.

In the first 48 Hrs episode that aired, Caylees bedroom looked like an organized hoarder lived there.

Just ask any Human Resource Manager ..Shoot Go to the Us Dept Of Labor.. You can not falsify those documents..

This is Cindy's MO however she doesn't care who she drags into this abyss of mis truths ..and I really do not think that Corp Big Wigs will appreciate her stating under oath it was and is a common practice to allow such behavior..tampering with and falsifying documents and I believe TIME CARDS ARE LEGAL DOCUMENTS >>>

Gentiva has a whole area on their website for Investors. I'm sure Investors love investing in Nursing 'Supervisors' who falsify records with such ease. I know for a fact from my inner sources, her testimony has been brought to the attention of Gentiva management. :innocent:
In the first 48 Hrs episode that aired, Caylees bedroom looked like an organized hoarder lived there.

Thats true but I thought it was set up kinda to look like her "memorial" room

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