GA - Ahmaud Arbery, 25, jogger, fatally shot by former LEO and son, Brunswick, Feb 2020 *Arrests* #4

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Marilyn Parker


Kevin Gough says the jury needs to know that #AhmaudArbery had a 'last clear chance' to avoid William Bryan's truck, that he didn't exercise, and that his client can't be held responsible for that. State says Arbery had no duty to retreat

“There is no duty to retreat. The victim of a crime is the victim of a crime, and to allege that the victim contributed to his own victimization by not avoiding the criminals enough-- that's not the law, your honor."

NO words for the unmitigated gall of Gough.
Ok, So I have actually listened to yesterday's testimony again and took a few notes of things that stood out to me. It put into perspective what I already knew: if the jury sticks to the evidence, the defendants are toast.
  • With the old citizens arrest law, a person in Georgia had to have reasonable suspicion that the person has just committed a felony. They need probable cause.
  • When it comes to self defence, you are justified in using deadly force if you believe that's what is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm. It has to be proportionate to the threat and it can't be used when you provoke the attack.
With that in mind:

-Probable cause: He admits there were many possible "suspects" other than AA, white couple, bridge guy...

-He admits that he did not know what had just happened before starting the chase.

-He says that he was just going to "see if it was the guy" he saw on the 11th. Admits he wasn't sure it was him.

-Admits he based his probable cause from rumours his mum told him. His father knew that Mr. English suspected the contractors.

-In his original interview he says that he thought AA may be armed because he had a gun stolen recently. Facebook messages prove that he suspected someone else, not AA, of stealing the gun.

-Admits that AA never threatened him, never reached in his pockets, and never saw a gun or any other weapon.

-Admits that he knows that AA had the right to not want to stop and talk to him.

-Admits that AA indeed did not want to talk to him and he ran away, but they persisted.

-He now says that he told AA that the cops were coming. In his first statement he never says that. Furthermore, he said that he never had the chance to talk to AA.

-He said yesterday during direct that he did not go into the house on the 11th because he would never chase someone who is armed. Why did he chase AA then if he thought he was armed?

-Quote: "There was a possibility he may be armed but he didn't show me that, and he started running down the road, I was no longer under a threat so I got out of the vehicle" (With a shotgun you guys. He was no longer under threat, his words not mine).

Not to mention the constant shuffling through his testimony and having to read from it because he can't even remember what he testified to originally and it's so different from what he is saying now.
I went back and looked at what GM told police on the scene. He said he got out and got in the back of the truck because Travis had stopped the truck and gotten out with his shotgun to try to make AA stop. And that makes sense. It makes no sense that he and TM just stopped and took time out so GM could get in the back. GM took advantage of the time when TM was setting up an ambush.

And while looking at Roddie's body cam video, I saw the scene to the right, where they kept saying AA could have run. No way. There were hedges and bushes over there in that person's yard. AA had no choice because he was blocked.

Go about 3 minutes in and look behind Roddie. You see a line of hedges and then an open garage to the right of where the white truck is. I really wish the prosecution would bring up that. It's probably why AA pivoted and did not go right after all.
I'm not sure that I would want to turn my back on someone who's pointing a shot gun at me, even if I could run past them.
After the Rittenhouse verdict just now... NOT GUILTY on all 6 counts and seeing how jubilant the elderly white judge was afterwards, I don't know that this jury of peers will convict these three men. Don't be surprised if they bring in an acquittal. Sadly, that's how much faith I have in the American justice system.
Defense attorney in the Ahmaud Arbery murder trial sought a plea deal for one defendant and was declined, Arbery's mother's lawyer says
  • 6197b8a0b3148.image.jpg
    Hundreds of pastors rally outside the Glynn County Courthouse, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021
William "Roddie" Bryan Jr.'s lawyer asked for a plea deal before resting their case. The prosecution turned it down.

Kevin Gough sought the deal Thursday for William "Roddie" Bryan, according to Lee Merritt, who represents Arbery's mother, Wanda Cooper-Jones.

The specific terms of the deal, which was first reported by CBS News, are unclear.

Merritt told CBS News he believes the request means Bryan is "concerned about the strength of the state's case."
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I was watching the video again of the shooting and I had this thought:

AA can be see running and the white truck was stopped on the road, with TM outside of the vehicle and GM in the bed of the truck. TM is armed. AA sees this and he decides to go around the other side of the truck to get away from TM. I believe that AA thought that TM was following him around the truck which is why when AA cleared the front of the truck, he turned left instead of right, or continued straight.

Maybe. It's obviously impossible to know what AA was thinking. Another possibility, though:

1. He knew he couldn't turn around and run back towards Roddy, the guy who had already hit him with his truck & who was forcing him to run towards the MMs.

2. He was exhausted, having run full out for 5 minutes, facing the unceasing threat of great harm or death for every second of that time.

3. He was well aware that the threat to him was now even greater. He was deliberately trapped between 2 stopped trucks. Travis was out of the truck & in the road, armed with a shotgun, fingers on the trigger. Greg was standing up in the rear of the truck, armed with a gun and pointing it at AA. Both Travis & Greg are screaming at him, complete with obscenities.

4. You can see that AA hestitates without stopping or slowing down, trying to decide which way to run. IMO- AA believed Travis would shoot if he ran to the left & towards him. His only option was to run to the right, past Greg & *that* pointed gun.

IMO, by the time he made the decision to go right, or just did so instinctively, he may well have been in pure survival mode, his entire focus on trying to escape the specific immediate threats- 2 guns & a murderous 2nd driver, with no ability to process anything else, including where or if to try to run in another direction.

If so, after not being immediately shot by Greg as AA ran closer to him then around the truck, he's immediately confronted with the barrel of Travis's shotgun being pointed at him. Maybe all he could focus on in that split second was the existential threat of that gun & the absolute imperative of trying to stop Travis from killing him, and that's why he turned left.
‘That's ’: Arbery Murder Defendant Denies Reports He Sought a Plea Deal

An attorney for one of the defendants in the Ahmaud Arbery murder case has denied reports that he tried to make a plea deal with the prosecution.

When asked by reporters on Friday about those reports, Kevin Gough, who represents William Bryan said, “That’s .”

“What’s ?” asked a reporter.

“I’m not getting into it with you,” said Gough. “Denied.”

“Denied, denied, denied,” he added. “I don’t know what y’all talking about.”

According to CBS News:

Lawyers for one of the defendants in the trial of the killing of Ahmaud Arbery have asked prosecutors for a plea deal, Arbery family attorney Lee Merritt told CBS News. Merritt said the prosecution “turned it down — flat out.”

The request came from attorneys for William “Roddie” Bryan — the man who admitted to pursuing and boxing in Arbery with his vehicle and filmed the fatal shooting in Brunswick, Georgia last year, Merritt said.

Merritt told CBS News he believes the request means Bryan is “concerned about the strength of the state’s case.”

Bryan is on trial alongside Travis McMichael, and his father, Gregory McMichael.

“He’s as culpable as the other two,” Merritt said of Bryan.
For Friday, Nov. 19th:

Veronica Waters
Good morning! The charge conference is underway. An attorney for #AhmaudArbery's mom tells CBS the State rebuffed a plea deal approach Thursday from Roddie Bryan. Lee Merritt says it shows Bryan's concerned about the strength of the State's case. Kevin Gough denies it.

At the Glynn County courthouse, Kevin Gough says word he asked prosecutors for a plea deal for Roddie Bryan is "." #AhmaudArbery's mother, Wanda Cooper-Jones, says prosecutors told her about it Thursday--after rejecting it. She calls the offer "surprising."

Gough2.jpg Gough.jpg

What a miscarriage of justice.

After the Rittenhouse verdict just now... NOT GUILTY on all 6 counts and seeing how jubilant the elderly white judge was afterwards, I don't know that this jury of peers will convict these three men. Don't be surprised if they bring in an acquittal. Sadly, that's how much faith I have in the American justice system.

I mean, I don’t see the connection. I am not the slightest bit surprised that Kyle was acquitted, and that’s considering that I’m from a country where guns are heavily restricted. I’ve never even seen a gun in person, so for me the whole scenario of the Kyle case is absolute insanity and it’s impossible for me to comprehend how any part of that sequence of events is acceptable. But the law was clear and the testimony was damning. The judge’s rulings were within the law, even if I don’t agree with them. And I’m not a lawyer, but neither should Binger. He was unprofessional and unethical, and if he behaves like this in the face of the world, he probably does that with other cases he tries.

It’s night and day when you compare it to the AA case prosecution. Linda Dunikoski is extremely professional and clearly a very competent prosecutor. To me, there’s no doubt that the facts are on their side and the law is on their side. I’m not saying that I’m confident, but I know what my verdict would be based on what I’ve heard.
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