GUILTY GA - Antonio Santiago, 13 mos, Brunswick, 21 March 2013 - #3

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the burglary is interesting but a far cry from shooting a sleeping baby between the eyes

The welfare fraud, meh, throw a rock in my neighborhood, any direction and hit someone doing that.

What I find most interesting in the motion is the allegation that Obley and L's relatives are known gang associates.

Wanna bet the same can also be said of Elkins?

He's blowing smoke. He is doing damage control because the Elkins ladies really screwed him over with their actions and subsequent leading police to the murder weapon.

I am unworried and unimpressed.

This is trial tactics. He wants to get a look at the prosecutor's case, she is holding tightly to discovery for as long as she can. He is trying to force the issue with this lame argument.
So, how much life insurance was on this baby to pay off one or two killers, a get away driver, relatives of the 'misidentified' older teen to dispose of the murder weapon and make up false alibis for poor innocent DE and for his distantly related Cmissioner connection to interfere with the investigation? Because you know Ms. West was rolling the state benefits with enough cash to afford a policy with a FAT payout. I mean, we could be talking two or three thousand dollars!! WELL worth the risk of life in prison for a 6 or 7 way split of all that dough!

did you guys read the motion? pretty interesting stuff he dug up on the aunt.
burglary of a church and welfare (housing) fraud.

Well it's clear she's a felon, but I can't imagine how the fact that DE's mother and sister had possession of the gun shortly after the murder doesn't make it impossible to believe what the attorney is suggesting - that DE is innocent and has been framed.

Who gave his mom the gun, if not DL?
Well it's clear she's a felon, but I can't imagine how the fact that DE's mother and sister had possession of the gun shortly after the murder doesn't make it impossible to believe what the attorney is suggesting - that DE is innocent and has been framed.

Who gave his mom the gun, if not DL?

Do we know how soon after the murder DE's mom and sister had possession of the gun?

I'm wondering if the attorney's angle is to explore if the gun was given to DE's relatives (by supposed gang member or relative of DL), who then 'unknowingly' aided and abetted Lang's own 'cover' by disposing of it for them for cash.
I have been following this case, but this latest news has me confused.
I'm just so curious. What is he getting at, here? I've got a pretty flexible mind, but I really can't quite understand what he's saying here.

That somehow, Obley got the gun used in the crime to DE's relatives, and they then took the gun to some saltwater pond to get rid of it. Even though DE had nothing to do with any murder. Meanwhile, DE really has no convincing alibi for where he was and his family has clearly lied but under duress were able to tell what they did with the gun used in the crime.

And the mother hired a hit, involved Obley somehow, who implicated her grand nephew and a complete stranger boy who just so happen to look very similar to the actual hitmen hired by both West and Obley.

Is that what he's trying to suggest?

Is this all for a couple of thousand dollars? Supposedly?

I know for a fact unless the child is worth a whole heck of a lot of money you can't get a very high life insurance policy on a baby.

I took one out on my son when he was young only for burial in case something happened. My bro lost his 2 girls in a auto accident and they had no insurance on the girls. That is why I took my policy out. The max the insurance would go at that time was 5k due to his age. Of course now, I have in creased it.

I'm just confused at these allegations. Can someone spell it out more clearer?
The motion by Elkins' attorney is 4 pages worth of legal jargon, and I doubt we're going to get any more clarification than that, for now.
Do we know how soon after the murder DE's mom and sister had possession of the gun?

I'm wondering if the attorney's angle is to explore if the gun was given to DE's relatives (by supposed gang member or relative of DL), who then 'unknowingly' aided and abetted Lang's own 'cover' by disposing of it for them for cash.

We do not know exactly when the Ekins women came into possession of the gun. Wish we did. I am also still convinced the video LE spoke of will end up being video from the location the gun was dumped showing them throwing something into the salt marsh in the same vicinity LE later found the gun.

Like Gough, I can't wait to see exactly what LE have but I will wait patiently til they have their case built to a point they feel comfortable releasing that info.
After reading this, I'll stake money law enforcement will not get another witness to come forward. Law enforcement has been saying all along there are more people out there with information.

IMO. This attorney has done the City of Brunswick an injustice.

I agree, the motion certainly will not encourage more witnesses to come forward if they suspect their own histories may come under scrutiny and they will be named in some motion or another from the defense.

Sadly, because I do feel that both these young men had involvement with gangs, none of the possible witnesses are likely to be squeaky clean themselves.
We have no idea how close the relatives of DO are. They could be her 3rd cousins once removed and she hasn't spoken with them in years.

This motion also implicates the mentally ill mother in regards to Murder for Hire and Insurance Fraud. Law enforcement said that SW was NOT a suspect and I fully agree.

Blame the Victim defense makes me want to scream!
I find it frustrating too Hickory, but it is the nature of the beast. I also wanted to say I agree, all the motion has is an allegation that DO has relatives with gang affiliations. Trying to figure out how to put this in a way it will not be miscunstrued or taken offensively . . .

Many folks who live in Dixville area probably have relations, however distant, that might have some sort of criminal or gang affiliation. Poverty, welfare fraud, criminal activity and gangs tend to all be more prevalent in lower income areas. So pretty much everyone involved with this case (saving SW) would IMO likely have a relative or an associate who may have some sort of gang tie. A 2nd cousin, a BIL, a whatever.

I think this motion is one part an attempt at damage control and one part attempt to discourage more witnesses from coming forward. And its a shame our system is set up to allow it, but the defendants do have a right to vigorous defense. In the absence of clear innocence or a credible alibi what is left to this defense attorney is this type of maneuvering. MOO
So sickening that there are people who are accusing the mom (not here, other sites). I understand she has mental issues, a tumultuous past and a not so great relationship with her daughter. but NONE of these things indicates her guilt, especially since an arrest has been made and there seems to be a decent amount of evidence or witness to the fact or after the fact.

And the insurance money? I wonder how much it was, probably just a little burial policy, as I think this woman lost a son previously. So naturally she would know how funerals can cost and she (or whoever paid the policy) did it for the baby. Probably one of those little Gerber "growing up plans" which would pay for burial or can be converted to money for the child in adulthood. Really nothing big and not enough to cover the potential costs of a funeral (which is why cremation is so popular).

I feel so bad for this mom. She obviously has problems and is imperfect (ain't we all??) and now she is being slammed by morons in the comment section of news stories. People should THINK before they speak. She is the VICTIM, her child was killed in front of her and now people are suspicious of her even though the suspects were quickly arrested. Her daughter is rather malicious to come out with comments like that, sounds like she has issues of her own, sad to say.

I would hate to be in the news nowadays with all of the hateful morons who like to pop off ignorant and ugly comments without a though before or after! Sickening.
this was in today's paper. i really don't know where this going to go. Mother of slain infant avoids defense subpoena

By MICHAEL HALL The Brunswick News

The defense attorney representing a Brunswick teenager accused of murdering 13-month-old Antonio Santiago says the infant's mother, Sherry West, refused to come to the door of her home twice Wednesday to accept a subpoena to appear Friday in Glynn County Superior Court.

Public Defender Kevin Gough, attorney for 17-year-old De'Marquise Elkins, said West should be held to the same standard as other people who have allegedly interfered with the investigation of the murder case.

To him, that means the same rules as were applied to Brunswick City Commissioner James Brooks when he was arrested for allegedly obstructing a police investigation.
The "Town Meeting" is tonight. I want to go, I really want to go, but I am scared. We have FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center) so there will be plenty of LE, I am sure. I just do not have a good feeling about going.

Does anyone know if it will be live streamed?
this was in today's paper. i really don't know where this going to go. Mother of slain infant avoids defense subpoena

By MICHAEL HALL The Brunswick News

The defense attorney representing a Brunswick teenager accused of murdering 13-month-old Antonio Santiago says the infant's mother, Sherry West, refused to come to the door of her home twice Wednesday to accept a subpoena to appear Friday in Glynn County Superior Court.

Public Defender Kevin Gough, attorney for 17-year-old De'Marquise Elkins, said West should be held to the same standard as other people who have allegedly interfered with the investigation of the murder case.

To him, that means the same rules as were applied to Brunswick City Commissioner James Brooks when he was arrested for allegedly obstructing a police investigation.

Maybe she was not home. I sure hope someone has taken her under their wing and protecting her. I can not imagine.

Gough is playing hard ball, this is a high profile case in our town and he is getting all he can out of it.
The "Town Meeting" is tonight. I want to go, I really want to go, but I am scared. We have FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center) so there will be plenty of LE, I am sure. I just do not have a good feeling about going.

Does anyone know if it will be live streamed?

I also want to go, but scared this town is not what it used to be. I keep my scanner on all the time and there is a lot more that goes on around here than we are ever told

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