GA GA - Brian Wehrle, 39, Carrollton, 23 Sept 2009

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I have never believed he went off on purpose, in fact Brian's case is the reason I registered to become a member 3-4 months back. It just really hit me as a strange disappearance and possible sad ending, especially with his truck showing up later on in another state.

I think of him often and send my thoughts and sympathies to his family.
My family does not want me going into too much detail over grandma's care but Brian shared the responsibility with two other family members. The family has had control over the estate for several years before Brian's dissapearence. In response another question, yes a full background check has been done on Brian. We have considered every possibility. At this point we hope/want him to have left on his own but those that know him best know he would not have without telling someone. Please spare me the you never really know someone and what they are capable of. We are not ignorant we know exactly what Brian is capable of and in response to the blog that was found that person has not seen Brian for 18 years and has never been close to the family. Her "friend" that she has referred to in the article is livid at this person.
No, nothing unusual has stuck out to any of us that saw or spoke to him last. Hope I answered questions. Sorry if I have to hold somethings back and sorry if I sound defensive on some things but we do hope he is off somewhere enjoying life and will always continue to until we have answers. Brian had his health issues under control. He had found the right combination of medicine for his arthritis. His narcalepsy did not affect him like how you see in the movies if anything it had a bit of an opposite effect he would be up at all hours of the night but it would cause him to have a day or two where he would need to lie down and sleep, not fall over like the media portrays it. He had recently had surgery done to the pallate of his mouth that was supposed to help with the narcalepsy and sleep apnea and when I asked him if it has he said it had helped a lot.

I feel for the entire family, I really do. I can't imagine the pain of not knowing what happened to him.

I hope you and others in the family recognize that people here are only trying to be of help and that this is probably one of the few sites that keeps Brian's case open and discussed. Whenever his story hit the news there were very few comments from anyone, including the Atlanta gay press, which presumably was the community he was most connected to.

In terms of his health issues, you say they were controlled by medication and other treatments. I was wondering - properly medicated, did he have a full life expectancy? The reason I ask is not to pry. My thought process is a bit different from some other people's and that by no means makes mine any better, just different. I was wondering if he felt some sense of mortality that might have caused him to want to do something totally out of the norm in some effort to "enjoy" what time he had left.
to the family member posting here - did you ever get a rational explanation from either the Carrollton police or the GBI as to why they would not run the fingerprint in the car until after they had a suspect?

It seems to me to be totally backwards. How would they expect to find a suspect unless they run the print?
We've been told they will not run the fingerprint until there is a suspect and thats all they can do. If they went back to chattanooga the other week they didn't report it to anybody. To answer a few questions about the neighbor that saw Brian. He grew up with my uncle and his siblings. He is a close friend of the family and the eye doctor for many of us.
I still am stumped as to why they cannot run the fingerprint through national databases.
I understand they have no proof of a crime ...about Brian W.

But, there is a crime. Someone had possession of Brian's car, put false license plates on the car and left it in a Chattanooga, TN neighborhood.

Still, I guess if Carrollton PD won't run the print, they won't. Too bad.

I wonder if LE did go to Chattanooga. Or if the news article was not accurate....

About the neighbor: obviously he is a long time friend of the family, but
did he have any ideas about what may have happened to Brian?

Hoping Brian can be found!!
Today is a year since Brian has gone missing. There are not any updates currently but I hope to offer some clarification on a few things. The fingerprint that was obtained is a partial print and that is why they must have a suspect to compare it too. I finally was able to get a straight answer about that. Brian was last seen during the early morning hours of the 24th last year by a neighbor and close family friend. Brian had a difficult time making the trip from Atlanta to Carrollton, one which should have taken 40 minutes took 4 hours. He grew frustrated with traffic and stopped and had a drink before returning to his attempt. While stopped he met some "interesting people," that was all that was said about them. He did not say where he stopped or anything else on that matter except he may try to find a topographical map to find a quicker way home. He drove to his parents house on the 22nd, spent the 23rd working in the yard and around the house. He had dinner at his sisters house and called his partner that night. This was the last that he was heard from. His family became concerned after he missed an appointment on the 24th. He was in charge of his mothers care and her estate. She did not currently live in the house but an assisted living facility. There is nothing amiss or out of the ordinary with her estate or his finances. There was no sign of a struggle at the house and at first police did not suspect foul play. Brian paid the water bill for his mothers house but made it out for too much and a refund was processed on the 24th without him there. The timestamp of the 24th had at first caused confusion as to wether he was still in town. His car was later found in Chattanooga, a place where he neither knew anyone or had any business being. The car had a stolen license plate on it from Tennesse that had been stolen a few neighborhoods over from where the car was abandoned with the keys in the ignition, his book and a tupperware container with change in the front seat. The car had reportedly been there since before Halloween and was not discovered by police until a month later. Fiber samples and a partial print were recovered from the car. A black male was seen walking away from the car. The person who saw this did not get a good look at the person. The idea of using a hypnotist to try to get a better description has been decided against because the person barely got a glance of the back of him in the dark walking away. There have been no updates since then. His computer and partner's were gone through by the police department and returned with nothing out of the ordinary reportedly found. There has been no activity from his credit cards of SSN. Brian had a couple of trips planned before his disapearence one happening as early as that weekend. He was very much looking forward to these and is not the kind of person to just leave with no notice. All of this is completely out of character for him which alarms his family as well as his numerous health conditions that were under control. His family has not consulted a private investigator due to the lack of information to present for them to go on. His family and friends do not have a memorial planned for today but instead are opting to spend time quietly together in remembrance. I hope this address's most questions and concerns.
A Wehrle, thanks for the update on Brian's case. I am so sorry that there is nothing new and that he has not been found. On this anniversary of his disappearance, I am asking God to provide comfort and peace to his family, partner, and friends.
thanks for the update.

hard to believe it has been a full year since Brian disappeared. have not seen anything in the news for months. I periodically check his FB page and there is not much going on there.

the only thing that struck me as odd, and I'm just commenting on this observation, was that his partner was NOT listed as a friend of the Find Brian Wehrle FB page.

other than that, it must be exceedingly frustrating for his family and friends not to know what happened to him.

as for the fingerprint, far be it from me to question LE, it is not my line of work, but somehow I think if they had a dead body, they would run a partial print through every known database. I still don't know why they don't do that, it could be totally innocent like another family member or friend, but at least they could put a name to the fingerprint and move on.

Today is a year since Brian has gone missing. There are not any updates currently but I hope to offer some clarification on a few things. The fingerprint that was obtained is a partial print and that is why they must have a suspect to compare it too. I finally was able to get a straight answer about that. Brian was last seen during the early morning hours of the 24th last year by a neighbor and close family friend. Brian had a difficult time making the trip from Atlanta to Carrollton, one which should have taken 40 minutes took 4 hours. He grew frustrated with traffic and stopped and had a drink before returning to his attempt. While stopped he met some "interesting people," that was all that was said about them. He did not say where he stopped or anything else on that matter except he may try to find a topographical map to find a quicker way home. He drove to his parents house on the 22nd, spent the 23rd working in the yard and around the house. He had dinner at his sisters house and called his partner that night. This was the last that he was heard from. His family became concerned after he missed an appointment on the 24th. He was in charge of his mothers care and her estate. She did not currently live in the house but an assisted living facility. There is nothing amiss or out of the ordinary with her estate or his finances. There was no sign of a struggle at the house and at first police did not suspect foul play. Brian paid the water bill for his mothers house but made it out for too much and a refund was processed on the 24th without him there. The timestamp of the 24th had at first caused confusion as to wether he was still in town. His car was later found in Chattanooga, a place where he neither knew anyone or had any business being. The car had a stolen license plate on it from Tennesse that had been stolen a few neighborhoods over from where the car was abandoned with the keys in the ignition, his book and a tupperware container with change in the front seat. The car had reportedly been there since before Halloween and was not discovered by police until a month later. Fiber samples and a partial print were recovered from the car. A black male was seen walking away from the car. The person who saw this did not get a good look at the person. The idea of using a hypnotist to try to get a better description has been decided against because the person barely got a glance of the back of him in the dark walking away. There have been no updates since then. His computer and partner's were gone through by the police department and returned with nothing out of the ordinary reportedly found. There has been no activity from his credit cards of SSN. Brian had a couple of trips planned before his disapearence one happening as early as that weekend. He was very much looking forward to these and is not the kind of person to just leave with no notice. All of this is completely out of character for him which alarms his family as well as his numerous health conditions that were under control. His family has not consulted a private investigator due to the lack of information to present for them to go on. His family and friends do not have a memorial planned for today but instead are opting to spend time quietly together in remembrance. I hope this address's most questions and concerns.
Today is a year since Brian has gone missing. There are not any updates currently but I hope to offer some clarification on a few things. The fingerprint that was obtained is a partial print and that is why they must have a suspect to compare it too. I finally was able to get a straight answer about that. Brian was last seen during the early morning hours of the 24th last year by a neighbor and close family friend. Brian had a difficult time making the trip from Atlanta to Carrollton, one which should have taken 40 minutes took 4 hours. He grew frustrated with traffic and stopped and had a drink before returning to his attempt. While stopped he met some "interesting people," that was all that was said about them. He did not say where he stopped or anything else on that matter except he may try to find a topographical map to find a quicker way home. He drove to his parents house on the 22nd, spent the 23rd working in the yard and around the house. He had dinner at his sisters house and called his partner that night. This was the last that he was heard from. His family became concerned after he missed an appointment on the 24th. He was in charge of his mothers care and her estate. She did not currently live in the house but an assisted living facility. There is nothing amiss or out of the ordinary with her estate or his finances. There was no sign of a struggle at the house and at first police did not suspect foul play. Brian paid the water bill for his mothers house but made it out for too much and a refund was processed on the 24th without him there. The timestamp of the 24th had at first caused confusion as to wether he was still in town. His car was later found in Chattanooga, a place where he neither knew anyone or had any business being. The car had a stolen license plate on it from Tennesse that had been stolen a few neighborhoods over from where the car was abandoned with the keys in the ignition, his book and a tupperware container with change in the front seat. The car had reportedly been there since before Halloween and was not discovered by police until a month later. Fiber samples and a partial print were recovered from the car. A black male was seen walking away from the car. The person who saw this did not get a good look at the person. The idea of using a hypnotist to try to get a better description has been decided against because the person barely got a glance of the back of him in the dark walking away. There have been no updates since then. His computer and partner's were gone through by the police department and returned with nothing out of the ordinary reportedly found. There has been no activity from his credit cards of SSN. Brian had a couple of trips planned before his disapearence one happening as early as that weekend. He was very much looking forward to these and is not the kind of person to just leave with no notice. All of this is completely out of character for him which alarms his family as well as his numerous health conditions that were under control. His family has not consulted a private investigator due to the lack of information to present for them to go on. His family and friends do not have a memorial planned for today but instead are opting to spend time quietly together in remembrance. I hope this address's most questions and concerns.

Thank you for giving us all an update about Brian W.
I wish there were more leads, a clue, that could lead to his discovery.

I have said a prayer for Brian and his family.
I was looking for any recent news on this case and sadly found nothing. more than one year gone.

no news stories and nothing of consequence on the facebook page.

the strangest things about this case were the limited time frame where something happened (like between 2 or 2:30 a.m. and 8 a.m.) and the fact the vehicle was recovered in the precise condition it was when it was last used by Brian. no sign it got stuck in water or mud, no signs of any struggle or incident in the vehicle and even what few personal effects he had in the car were still there - his book, a Taco Bell receipt and a Tupperware container of change.
back in March I posted that Brian's name was not on the GBI missing persons page.

I happened to look again today and he is still not listed there. actually there are suprisingly few people listed on that page, like maybe 27 in total.

did anyone from the family inquire as to why Brian's name is not there?
this case has always bothered me. every once in a while I see what might be out there and nothing still.

last entry on the "Find Brian Wehrle" facebook page was Sept 24, marking the one year anniversary of his disappearance. I even looked again at the GBI's missing persons list and Brian's not listed there.
I think Brian's case would make a good episode of "Disappeared."
Maybe someone would remember seeing his car, or something.
this case has always bothered me. every once in a while I see what might be out there and nothing still.

last entry on the "Find Brian Wehrle" facebook page was Sept 24, marking the one year anniversary of his disappearance. I even looked again at the GBI's missing persons list and Brian's not listed there.

I think we both feel the same way about this case.
I check back with the FB page, nothing there.
I see nothing new online.
GBI does not have Brian listed, as you pointed out.

Good idea about Disappeared or any other national media.
I will go check it out.
Thinking about Brian Wehrle today and thought I would look for an update. Sad that there hasn't been anything new in so long. You are in my thoughts, A Wehrle, Brian is not forgotten.
I wanted to thank those who still think of Brian. I haven't posted in a while quite frankly because I am at a loss for words. There is no news. none. With as difficult as it is to discuss things when there actually are developments it's even harder when there are none. We have received no answers on anything.

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