GA GA - Brian Wehrle, 39, Carrollton, 23 Sept 2009

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Georgia Man Arrested for Threatening Elton John, Runs Web Site Calling for Death to Gay Kenyans

When we first reported on three American anti-gay activists traveling to Kampala for a three-day conference, we had no idea that it would be the first report of a long string of events leading to a proposal to institute the death penalty for LGBT people.

Neal Horsley

The video showed Horsley holding the sign in front of what he believed to be John's condo in Carrollton, although John's publicist refused to confirm the exact location of his house in the Atlanta metropolitan area

Not saying this jerk has anything to do with Brian's disappearance but he runs a hate organization. From what I've read he is pretty much anti everything. Carrollton may have an undercurrent of anti-gay zealotry in certain areas since apparently he has a home there, possibly other like-minded people around. The only reason I bring this up is because Brian was obviously out of the closet because I noticed he and his partner were listed together in his father's obit.

Just another thought. IMO.

Very interesting. Thanks for posting that.
No I didn't mean picking up a stranger. Okay. I am just going to say it. I have a lot of male friends who are gay. The gay community tends to be very supportive of its members. The older members of the community, who have been out of the closet for awhile, tend to help the younger ones. Kinda like a big brother sort of thing. I was just wondering if Brian or his partner might have been involved in any outreach activities, in the gay community. That sort of activity may have brought him into contact with the person who did something to him.

This is a new angle but I don't think it applies here.

First of all, Jeff and Brian's home base so to speak was Atlanta, not Carrollton. From all appearances Brian went to Carrollton regularly to take care of his ailing parents over the recent past couple of years. His father had passed away already by the time Brian disappeared so he was just caring for Mama Wehrle. So I do not see any scenario where they were both into outreach.

Is it possible Brian was doing something like that on his own? Sure, but who is going to call at 2:30 in the morning? It is not like Brian was running a private help hotline.

Is it possible Brian had a love interest in Carrollton that no one has talked about? Sure. However most people are not awake at 2:30 in the morning during the week which is when Brian was last seen by a neighbor outside by his car. So unless Brian got a booty call at 2:30 a.m., I don't know who he'd be running out to see at that strange hour of the night.
This is a new angle but I don't think it applies here.

First of all, Jeff and Brian's home base so to speak was Atlanta, not Carrollton. From all appearances Brian went to Carrollton regularly to take care of his ailing parents over the recent past couple of years. His father had passed away already by the time Brian disappeared so he was just caring for Mama Wehrle. So I do not see any scenario where they were both into outreach.

Is it possible Brian was doing something like that on his own? Sure, but who is going to call at 2:30 in the morning? It is not like Brian was running a private help hotline.

Is it possible Brian had a love interest in Carrollton that no one has talked about? Sure. However most people are not awake at 2:30 in the morning during the week which is when Brian was last seen by a neighbor outside by his car. So unless Brian got a booty call at 2:30 a.m., I don't know who he'd be running out to see at that strange hour of the night.

If he knew a young person who was dealing with coming out and sexual orientation issues, he might well have been called on at that weird hour if the friend's parents found out. Family hysteria, kid thrown out in the middle of the night, calls the only gay guy he knows who might help -- not at all unlikely.
If he knew a young person who was dealing with coming out and sexual orientation issues, he might well have been called on at that weird hour if the friend's parents found out. Family hysteria, kid thrown out in the middle of the night, calls the only gay guy he knows who might help -- not at all unlikely.

anything is possible but I don't see it here. I would think that any such person, if known to Jeff or the Wehrle family, would have been near the top of the list.

If such a person existed, what number would he have called? Brian's cell or Mama Wehrle's land line? I wonder if the family has looked over calls made from the land line to see if there are any unrecognized outgoing calls. Any calls to or from Brian's cell should have been available to the family months ago.
This is a new angle but I don't think it applies here.

First of all, Jeff and Brian's home base so to speak was Atlanta, not Carrollton. From all appearances Brian went to Carrollton regularly to take care of his ailing parents over the recent past couple of years. His father had passed away already by the time Brian disappeared so he was just caring for Mama Wehrle. So I do not see any scenario where they were both into outreach.

Is it possible Brian was doing something like that on his own? Sure, but who is going to call at 2:30 in the morning? It is not like Brian was running a private help hotline.

Is it possible Brian had a love interest in Carrollton that no one has talked about? Sure. However most people are not awake at 2:30 in the morning during the week which is when Brian was last seen by a neighbor outside by his car. So unless Brian got a booty call at 2:30 a.m., I don't know who he'd be running out to see at that strange hour of the night.

Someone did something to Brian and the family may not know everything about Brian or who he may have been friends with. Most families would like to think they know but noone knows everything.

If this was a chance encounter then this may never be solved but I have a hard time believing it was chance. Unless ofcourse it was a hate crime but still I doubt the body would have been hidden that well.

It was my understanding that Brian was known as a night owl or someone who would be up at 230am.

Private help hotline was not what I meant...

Taking care of the elderly and sick can cause a lot of stress. Was his mother diagnosed with dementia or alzheimers? That can cause even more stress. Being a caretaker is very hard. Did both parents live with him in Atl before Dad died or was he commuting to Carrollton to take care of them?

Did Brian grow up in Carrollton because he might have known quite a few people and in small towns everyone knows everyone. It would have been even a smaller town while he was growing up. So everyone would have known his sexual persuasion or at least had a clue.

I realize that he and his partner were living in Atl but Carrollton is not that far. Like I said I did read the entire thread as well as articles associated with the thread.

Someone did something to Brian and the family may not know everything about Brian or who he may have been friends with. Most families would like to think they know but noone knows everything.

If this was a chance encounter then this may never be solved but I have a hard time believing it was chance. Unless ofcourse it was a hate crime but still I doubt the body would have been hidden that well.

It was my understanding that Brian was known as a night owl or someone who would be up at 230am.

Private help hotline was not what I meant...

Taking care of the elderly and sick can cause a lot of stress. Was his mother diagnosed with dementia or alzheimers? That can cause even more stress. Being a caretaker is very hard. Did both parents live with him in Atl before Dad died or was he commuting to Carrollton to take care of them?

Did Brian grow up in Carrollton because he might have known quite a few people and in small towns everyone knows everyone. It would have been even a smaller town while he was growing up. So everyone would have known his sexual persuasion or at least had a clue.

I realize that he and his partner were living in Atl but Carrollton is not that far. Like I said I did read the entire thread as well as articles associated with the thread.


what are you trying to say crystal?

It was my belief that Brian was born and raised in Carrollton and that the Wehrle family was well known there.

I doubt anyone was stalking Brian at that hour when the overwhelming majority of the populace was asleep.

There were not going to be any hookups at that hour unless prearranged and that would have been done by Brian's cell or his computer. I think, and it's been some time since the issue was addressed, that there was nothing on his hard drive that raised any eyebrows.

No one had to cause any harm to Brian if he simply walked away from it all, which is sort of what I've been leaning to all along.
what are you trying to say crystal?

It was my belief that Brian was born and raised in Carrollton and that the Wehrle family was well known there.

I doubt anyone was stalking Brian at that hour when the overwhelming majority of the populace was asleep.

There were not going to be any hookups at that hour unless prearranged and that would have been done by Brian's cell or his computer. I think, and it's been some time since the issue was addressed, that there was nothing on his hard drive that raised any eyebrows.

No one had to cause any harm to Brian if he simply walked away from it all, which is sort of what I've been leaning to all along.

Small town he could have run into someone he knew and they made plans for later. Everything doesn't have to leave a trail.

The family seems really sensitive at thought he might have just taken off. He could have been planning it. He's a big boy and he could have ordered his meds, online, so he would have his supply. They didn't have to be ordered on his credit card or computer if he was planning on taking off. No trail. I would be tired if I was the one my elderly parents lived with.. Vocal support is nice but that isn't the only thing someone would need. It sounds like he was the primary caretaker (he and his partner) and he got tired and left. This scenario would also explain the car in the condition it was found, just like he left it, change and all.

The only other answer is suicide. I hope that isn't the case. Since there was no note I doubt it.
anything is possible but I don't see it here. I would think that any such person, if known to Jeff or the Wehrle family, would have been near the top of the list.

If such a person existed, what number would he have called? Brian's cell or Mama Wehrle's land line? I wonder if the family has looked over calls made from the land line to see if there are any unrecognized outgoing calls. Any calls to or from Brian's cell should have been available to the family months ago.

Probably the land line. I'm not thinking of someone who knew him well -- maybe the son of a neighbor or acquaintance who was desperate and thought, "I met Brian once and he seemed like a nice guy and he's gay and maybe he'll know what I should do." Brian might have done something like drive him to a bus station or a shelter, then run into some kind of car emergency, medical trouble, or crime on the way home.

It's not the most likely thing, but then it seems that most of the likely things have been ruled out.
what are you trying to say crystal?

It was my belief that Brian was born and raised in Carrollton and that the Wehrle family was well known there.

I doubt anyone was stalking Brian at that hour when the overwhelming majority of the populace was asleep.

There were not going to be any hookups at that hour unless prearranged and that would have been done by Brian's cell or his computer. I think, and it's been some time since the issue was addressed, that there was nothing on his hard drive that raised any eyebrows.

No one had to cause any harm to Brian if he simply walked away from it all, which is sort of what I've been leaning to all along.

What about the interesting people he met at the fast food joint?
What about the interesting people he met at the fast food joint?

My take on that is that the whole Taco Bell thing - the "interesting people" and the fact he saved that receipt - was subterfuge. To create a story where none existed.

Think about it, from all that we have seen in the press, why would he save a TB receipt? Apparently there was no garbage left over from the meal so it was not like all the junk was in the car. I think he wanted to create the perception at least that something happened at the Taco Bell that would draw attention to that visit, hence he saved the receipt to prove he was there which would cause others to assume he did in fact meet these interesting people.

Although this is probably way out of time, I wonder if the TB had any surveillance and whether the family thought to ask the restaurant to see it?
Brian did not stop at taco bell on the way down do carrollton and he did not meet the interesting people at taco bell. He met them when he stopped on the way down to have a drink. He went to Taco bell while he was on the phone with his neice.
Brian did not stop at taco bell on the way down do carrollton and he did not meet the interesting people at taco bell. He met them when he stopped on the way down to have a drink. He went to Taco bell while he was on the phone with me.

Welcome aboard family member.

Now that we have someone a bit more connected with the story, I looked back over the early posts on this thread and I thought of a question I don't think was asked before.

It was stated that Brian came to Carrollton specifically for a meeting that was to take place on the 24th yet someone here noted he actually arrived in town on the 21st. First of all, can you clarify what day he left Atlanta and what day he arrived in Carrollton? With all the flooding going on around the 21st, what was his rush to get to Carrollton if he was not needed there until the morning of the 24th?

As for the Taco Bell receipt, our comments were based on what we read in the news reports. So you are saying that after getting stuck in traffic, he stopped for a drink (I assume alcoholic beverages) and met some interesting people.

Now that I can believe since others may have been wayward travellers all with their own flood stories. Did Brian give any indication of the name of the bar, what town the bar was in where he met these interesting people and what specific date he was there?

On another note, I assume the Wehrle family and/or Jeff looked over cell phone records and they all seem legit?

Did the family think to contact the phone company for the land line at the Carrollton house to see if they could provide details of local calls made around the time of the events? I'm not sure how detailed phone bills are with whatever carrier the phone is with.
Brian was in town often. He would visit family, take grandma to doctors appointments, fill he prescriptions, doing work around the house, etc. Just general things but one of the reasons he was in town so often was to spend time with my little cousin and my aunt. He really enjoyed being around them and they were preparing to go to Florida on vacation that following weekend together to visit another aunt of mine. So he would've been in town before the appointment doing things like this. He had been doing yard work the last day we saw or heard from him. Everything on his cellphone was legit. Det. Johnson spent time calling the numbers in his phone. As for a land line at grandma's house there wasn't one. Unfortunately he didn't say where he stopped or any real details about the people he met. They weren't part of his story and when he told me about stopping and meeting the people he was sidetracked from his story and returned to it.
Brian was in town often. He would visit family, take grandma to doctors appointments, fill he prescriptions, doing work around the house, etc. Just general things but one of the reasons he was in town so often was to spend time with my little cousin and my aunt. He really enjoyed being around them and they were preparing to go to Florida on vacation that following weekend together to visit another aunt of mine. So he would've been in town before the appointment doing things like this. He had been doing yard work the last day we saw or heard from him. Everything on his cellphone was legit. Det. Johnson spent time calling the numbers in his phone. As for a land line at grandma's house there wasn't one. Unfortunately he didn't say where he stopped or any real details about the people he met. They weren't part of his story and when he told me about stopping and meeting the people he was sidetracked from his story and returned to it.

It is nice to know details of Brian's day.
I know it has been said that he was very family oriented.

Any reason to think he would have asked for or hired someone to help him with the yard work?

What about the night before he went missing..
the dinner at his sister's?
Was there anything that stood out to her...once
she knew Brian was missing?

Did family or Jeffrey talk with the neighbor who saw Brian
in the middle of the night?
Probably so. But was there anything that stood out at all to him?
Brian was in town often. He would visit family, take grandma to doctors appointments, fill he prescriptions, doing work around the house, etc. Just general things but one of the reasons he was in town so often was to spend time with my little cousin and my aunt. He really enjoyed being around them and they were preparing to go to Florida on vacation that following weekend together to visit another aunt of mine. So he would've been in town before the appointment doing things like this. He had been doing yard work the last day we saw or heard from him. Everything on his cellphone was legit. Det. Johnson spent time calling the numbers in his phone. As for a land line at grandma's house there wasn't one. Unfortunately he didn't say where he stopped or any real details about the people he met. They weren't part of his story and when he told me about stopping and meeting the people he was sidetracked from his story and returned to it.

so now we know there is no land line and calls from his cell were all legit.

I assume he had a computer. was the hard drive looked at to see if he had looked up anything unusual in the months preceding his disappearance?

Since Brian was from Carrollton originally, did he keep in touch with any friends from town and were they questioned about any conversations he may have had with them?
Thank you A Wehrle for being here. I'm sorry about Brian. He reminds me of my former best friend's brother of whom I am still friends with.

I know you guys have probably tried everything but have you run a complete background check on Brian. It is amazing but if the small chance that he left exists it wouldn't hurt. It amazes me how many people that do leave are using their given name.

He seemed like a kind person from all I've read. I wish he would have just gotten stressed and taken off... I don't like the alternative.
I just wanted to post this because I have been reading this thread. I think that it would be a good idea to look over Brian's laptop again. While reading the problems that this family has encountered with their communications with the police in Carrollton concerning Brian's investigation, I would not buy that it was "cleared". Everyone is entitled to a second opinion, even over medical diagnoses, so whether you would utilize the police department or someone of your choosing, I would still have someone else look over it again. It may seem pointless, but I do not think that it would hurt. Please look into this.
A Wehrle - could you clarify something for us?

The answer to this might be in some of the old posts, but as we've seen the information from the press was not always accurate. Brian's mother needed care and it looks like Brian had become the primary care giver, at least up until the end.

This meeting about probate - was it the family's intention to have Mrs. Wehrle declared incompetent? If so, was that in anticipation of her going into a nursing home or the like?

If he was no longer needed to take care of his mother then that may have been the catalyst for the timing of an exit strategy. He was not bailing on caring for her and if she was going into a home then he did not need to go to Carrollton all the time so it may have been one of the last times he would be alone and able to exit.
My family does not want me going into too much detail over grandma's care but Brian shared the responsibility with two other family members. The family has had control over the estate for several years before Brian's dissapearence. In response another question, yes a full background check has been done on Brian. We have considered every possibility. At this point we hope/want him to have left on his own but those that know him best know he would not have without telling someone. Please spare me the you never really know someone and what they are capable of. We are not ignorant we know exactly what Brian is capable of and in response to the blog that was found that person has not seen Brian for 18 years and has never been close to the family. Her "friend" that she has referred to in the article is livid at this person.
No, nothing unusual has stuck out to any of us that saw or spoke to him last. Hope I answered questions. Sorry if I have to hold somethings back and sorry if I sound defensive on some things but we do hope he is off somewhere enjoying life and will always continue to until we have answers. Brian had his health issues under control. He had found the right combination of medicine for his arthritis. His narcalepsy did not affect him like how you see in the movies if anything it had a bit of an opposite effect he would be up at all hours of the night but it would cause him to have a day or two where he would need to lie down and sleep, not fall over like the media portrays it. He had recently had surgery done to the pallate of his mouth that was supposed to help with the narcalepsy and sleep apnea and when I asked him if it has he said it had helped a lot.

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