GA GA - Brian Wehrle, 39, Carrollton, 23 Sept 2009

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DNA Solves
also, FWIW i spoke to a reporter at the times-georgian yesterday and he told me that the GBI has taken the car now for a second time in hopes of finding more/any evidence...

eta: i forgot to ask him if i could post his name :blushing: oops...
I would assume a carjacking would be a personal crime and not a property crime. Carrollton is safer than the state average in that dept.

yes i think so...good..i would like to forget about this as a possibility...

i think mblover had a good thought that maybe brian stopped to help a stranger... that is probably more likely if carrollton is a relatively safe area...
yes i think so...good..i would like to forget about this as a possibility...

i think mblover had a good thought that maybe brian stopped to help a stranger... that is probably more likely if carrollton is a relatively safe area...

well that cuts both ways. a driver might be more likely to pick up a stranger in a safer area but then the person to be picked up is more likely to be law abiding.

Keep in mind, as per family THIS WAS A 5 MINUTE DRIVE from the house to any possible destination at 2 a.m.

Who is going to be thumbing a ride at that hour? Who is going to be stalking at that hour? Not a large pool of victims at 2 a.m.
well that cuts both ways. a driver might be more likely to pick up a stranger in a safer area but then the person to be picked up is more likely to be law abiding.

Keep in mind, as per family THIS WAS A 5 MINUTE DRIVE from the house to any possible destination at 2 a.m.

Who is going to be thumbing a ride at that hour? Who is going to be stalking at that hour? Not a large pool of victims at 2 a.m.

this is true, but as it is anywhere there is going to be some "element" that is not law abiding... exactly when and where they would/could be encountered is the luck of the draw, i think that 2a.m. is a good time for drunk people, drugged out people that need more drugs,money,etc. (i know there are drunks and dope heads during business hours too) to be out ... then they sleep all day...
i guess all we know is that he has dropped off the face of the earth...he has to be somewhere and since the car has been found in the exact condition as he left it, even with the tupperware container of change! if some criminal took the car and may or may not have done anything to brian, why wouldnt they have stolen all the change?

i think your suspicion of the reciept and the "fun" people from taco bell...wonder if brian gave them his phone number and one of those people called him and asked him to come out with them??
Maybe it was someone Brian thought he knew? Or maybe this person steped out in front of his car and flagged him down?
its crazy how a person can just evaporate as tho they were never even here... i cant imagine what the poor family and b/f must be going thru.... :(
There is one important thing to keep in mind. Brian was last seen by a neighbor outside by his car at 2 a.m. Neighbors said the car was gone by 8 a.m. We were discussing what might have been open at 2 a.m. as the family thought he ran out.

He could have left at any time during that 6 hour span. One of the early pics of Brian showed him jogging. Did he still jog after the pacemaker went in? If so did he have a routine of sort?

To me, it would be a far more likely scenario for him to have gone out for an early morning jog, then had a medical emergency and someone just found the car and drove off with it. However, that would mean that the keys were still in the car and not on Brian as he jogged but then there would be a body laying in the park.

Did LE or the partner have the hard drive of his computer professionally searched?
I don't know what the bar-closing laws are in GA, but around here (New England), 2-3 am is the highest crime time of the day. It's right after the bars have closed. Drunk people heading home, prostitutes cruising them, drunk people getting in fights, drunk aggressive people breaking into their ex-girlfriend's house -- and this in such a low-crime area that there are still people who don't lock their houses.

A heart attack or pacemaker failure can fell you instantly. A friend of ours had a heart attack on the sidelines of a soccer game. The ambulance crew got to him within two minutes but they said he was probably already dead by the time he hit the ground. Or it can make you very disoriented. If it hit while he was in the parking lot at K-mart or something, he might have wandered off in the wrong direction thinking he'd find help there, or not knowing what he was doing.
I don't know what the bar-closing laws are in GA, but around here (New England), 2-3 am is the highest crime time of the day. It's right after the bars have closed. Drunk people heading home, prostitutes cruising them, drunk people getting in fights, drunk aggressive people breaking into their ex-girlfriend's house -- and this in such a low-crime area that there are still people who don't lock their houses.

A heart attack or pacemaker failure can fell you instantly. A friend of ours had a heart attack on the sidelines of a soccer game. The ambulance crew got to him within two minutes but they said he was probably already dead by the time he hit the ground. Or it can make you very disoriented. If it hit while he was in the parking lot at K-mart or something, he might have wandered off in the wrong direction thinking he'd find help there, or not knowing what he was doing.

that might be true. I'm not a cardiac expert. However, the car was found in the same condition a couple of months later so Brian did not crash it and even if he wandered from the car, Brian would have been found in Carrollton.
i think that IF brian was either not alive in the car or was carjacked, he could be anywhere between carrollton and chattanooga... would really depend on the person doing the theft and their preference as there is no way to absolutely predict until brian is found... i do agree tho that if brian was out jogging/walking and was mugged and had a heart attack or was killed then he would have been found close to where ever that incident occurred.

someone mentioned security video from any businesses that may have been open...i hope le didnt just blow that off thinking that brian took some "me" time...i doubt that all of the businesses would still have footage for that time period...maybe even none of them...unless they record to hard drive.. this case in some ways has similarities to kelly catalano, imo. i do hope that being gay doesnt have anything to do with why le really didnt look for very long or was somewhat quick to decide it was "me" time, or "suicide time".... i hate to say that but its crossed my mind a few times with both kelly and brian....
the condition of the car is what is bugging me the most... between the time that brian went missing and the time that the car was recoverd was 79 days... i wonder if the car was even used between sep.24 and oct.14 when the tn plates were stolen.... whoever it was knew to steal tn plates while being in tn. wonder if the ga plates were on it wile in ga, or if there are a set of ga plates stolen as well... and because the car was in pristine condition, whoever did this was either very forensically "savvy" or just a clean freak or was paid to transport the car and leave it without "using" it for anything...
IMO. I don't think anyone used Steven's car much in that 79 days.
There was the book, the Taco Bell recipt and the change in a Tupperware container still just sitting there.

Maybe since GBI is going to go over the car, they can find some trace evidence.
Maybe off the wheelbase? Leaves, grass, etc?
Maybe there is dna on the visor, on the rear view mirror, or seat adjustment lever?
I hope something is found.
IMO. I don't think anyone used Steven's car much in that 79 days.
There was the book, the Taco Bell recipt and the change in a Tupperware container still just sitting there.


You would think if someone would kill to take a car they would at least take a container of change. why pass up free money?

I mean there was a broken window on the car before the incident that looked like they taped plastic in place of it. Even that was in the same condition.

It is almost like the vehicle was in storage after it left Carrollton until it sudden appeared on the streets of Chattanooga. I'm not aware of any carjackers who take a car, store it for 2 months then abandon it on the streets.

It was a 1992 Buick LeSabre with a broken window. Not like the car was a Porsche of high value.
Find Brian Wehrle has FB page up now.

while it's been around for a while it looks like there is finally some activity.

I know I have asked this question and I think we are getting some family feedback through dreamweaver. Brian must have owned a computer. Questions:

1. did anyone professionally search the hard drive?
2. at any time in the last 18 months did Brian have a computer replaced, repaired, stolen or an old hard drive trashed?
3. at the time Brian planned the stay in Carrollton, did he expect to spend the time at the house alone?
4. was Brian getting prescriptions by mail and did he get a three months supply that might not be accounted for?
Update on Friday questions:
Jogging routine:
*Brian did not jog. He had trained and competed in the Peachtree Road Race but did not jog after that. It was a one time thing.
*Carrollton is a college town so there are a few bars but they are all on the other side of town and Friday and Saturday nights are when everyone is drinking.
* The police did not find anything on the laptop or PC's hard drive.
Brian's niece viewed all the email a week before LE did. Nothing there.
*Brian would not stop for a hitchhiker. There is a possibility if someone was having trouble he would offer to help but he doesn't know about cars and all his assistance could provide would be a cell phone, which he didn't have.
Police involvement:
* The police pretty much just filed a missing persons report and sat back and waited for a body to turn up. Family feels Brian's disappearance was not taken seriously.

In response to my question about Brian's grandmother:
She is the reason Brian was in Carrolton. His family appointment was about her care.

His grandma is suffering from alzheimer's and dementia.
Family consider it kind of a blessing now since Brian was her favorite.
while it's been around for a while it looks like there is finally some activity.

I know I have asked this question and I think we are getting some family feedback through dreamweaver. Brian must have owned a computer. Questions:

1. did anyone professionally search the hard drive?
2. at any time in the last 18 months did Brian have a computer replaced, repaired, stolen or an old hard drive trashed?
3. at the time Brian planned the stay in Carrollton, did he expect to spend the time at the house alone?
4. was Brian getting prescriptions by mail and did he get a three months supply that might not be accounted for?

Questions were answered before your post.
Should have more answers today.
* The police did not find anything on the laptop or PC's hard drive.
Brian's niece viewed all the email a week before LE did. Nothing there.
Thanks for the update. I know you said more answers are coming but I wanted to follow up on this question. We see this answer ALOT and it means different things to different people.

"police did not find anything" - what is that supposed to mean? Nothing at all, i.e. deleted? nothing criminal? nothing that might explain his disappearance, even if not criminal?

"Brian's niece viewed all the email a week before LE did" - how can one view all email? If he had an outlook or comcast email address they can pop up without passwords. If he had yahoo, gmail, hotmail, email addresses the family did not know about then how would they have a password for that account?
Updates to questions asked:

1. Professionals search hard drive?
No one outside of the police searched the hard drive. Not known if this is considered professionally or not.
2. at any time in the last 18 months did Brian have a computer replaced, repaired, stolen or an old hard drive trashed?
3. at the time Brian planned the stay in Carrollton, did he expect to spend the time at the house alone?
Yes, Brian would be the only one in the house. It remains empty with the exception of family events or if family from out of town visit.
4. was Brian getting prescriptions by mail and did he get a three months supply that might not be accounted for?
He did not receive prescriptions through the mail.

As far as the e-mails go. He had two accounts:yahoo and g-mail. His niece knew the answers to his security questions and reset them. Nothing of interest was found on the hard drive.

In answer to my question: She thinks Brian is in NCMA. I could not find him.

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