They said that not sure his skills. His mother also said he was a writer but he worked at a Pool supply store. The cult thing is my my guess and it's just a hunch. A way to go somewhere and be way off the grid. Plus the people there maybe cut off. All just a guess on my part.
Carbuff do you he will come out of hiding.
David is missing I never said he was found. There has also as far as I know ever been a sighting since the date he vanished.
You think he was on the Appalachian trail.
The Appalachian trail isn’t near this park. The AT ends about two hours north. Kennesaw Mountain is smack dab in the middle of a pretty congested area.
Why would he skip out without telling anyone and then leave your wallet car bank account cell phone etc. Seems like you would want access to an ATM check card use. Plus it's hot out there keeping clean is a must ticks bugs he can't pay for a hostle. I just don't think had thousand in cash like that. He worked at a pool supply store.
That's definitely the reason why this case is a mystery. The guy I wrote to who contacted John Lordan did not hear back from him. I'm guessing that he has many requests. I also follow the Steven Koecher case, which received a lot of coverage and Websleuths posts, but not as of lately. There are some similarities, such as leaving a car behind and walking in a direction that suddenly becomes cold. I'm hoping that we can work to keep David's case alive. Somebody knows something.
For some reason, I find many of the missing persons cases among young men in the 18-40 age range the most mysterious. Maybe it has to do with certain family expectations or seeing their friends prosper in careers. It can be a combination of things. Then again, I really don't know all of the circumstances in this case. For that reason, I am hoping for an armchair detective on YouTube to cover the case to see what else can
Tim where do you think David is. I think he joined a Cult.