GUILTY GA - Diane McIver, 63, fatally shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016

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Police Officer Testifies Tex McIver Discussed 'Plan' With Attorney Before Wife Died
“What do I say? What’s the plan?

"An Emory University police officer testified Thursday that he overheard Atlanta attorney Claud “Tex” McIver in the hospital emergency room asking his attorney, “What do I say? What’s the plan?” as McIver’s wife was dying.

Officer Frank Stroupe testified in McIver’s ongoing murder trial that emergency room personnel were treating McIver’s wife, Diane McIver, for a gunshot wound as he passed by the waiting room where McIver and his lawyer, Stephen Maples, were talking...."
Tex McIver Trial Day 8 Part 2

This is truly the strangest case ever.

I'm usually persuaded of someone's guilt - but this is just so bizarre. If he planned to murder her .. what a very odd way to do it. If it was a complete accident .. what an extremely strange accident it is. And he hasn't helped himself by his behaviour afterwards. I'm not sure if this is a murder case - I'm just not sure what it is, other than it's fascinating to watch!
Tex McIver: “A particularly high population of homeless” on the drive where wife shot

"...This is our live recounting of testimony occurring in the courtroom on Thursday, March 22:..."
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
#TexMcIver: Diane was telling Dani which way to go. Every turn we made the street was darker and there were more people milling about. Detective asks, near Peachtree/Pine shelter? Not sure where that is, Tex says; then, it "skirts around Grady and Edgewood" @wsbradio

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
#TexMcIver tells cops he hadn't shot that .38 in a couple of years.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
#TexMcIver tells cops when they got to ER, he hopped out of the SUV and yelled "gunshot wound." That is corroborated by witnesses who've already testified.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
54s54 seconds ago
#TexMcIver had told police he was asleep, the gun was in his lap and it just went off.

Oh, so he does know where Grady is??
Wow, the catalogue of items sold is amazing. I remember seeing a news article about the estate sale, but never saw all the items!

I used to both live and work in the downtown area. I worked near Peachtree Center (about 1 mile from the Edgewood exit) and lived .5 miles North. I can attest that the area they exited can be very seedy at night, with lots of people milling around. There were definitely times I felt uncomfortable in that area at night, even in a car.
Wow, the catalogue of items sold is amazing. I remember seeing a news article about the estate sale, but never saw all the items!

I used to both live and work in the downtown area. I worked near Peachtree Center (about 1 mile from the Edgewood exit) and lived .5 miles North. I can attest that the area they exited can be very seedy at night, with lots of people milling around. There were definitely times I felt uncomfortable in that area at night, even in a car.

I thought the same ... she sure did have a lot of valuable possessions. Maybe that's why she didn't have so much cash in the bank as ole Tex was expecting.
Does anyone else think it's odd they referred to this property as the "Ranch" - just conjures up images of a dude ranch out west. In GA if you have horses on a property, you usually call it a farm. And I think even the horses were an addition after Diane had owned the house for years. And then they went and built an over the top "Saloon", like it's the Wild, Wild West, on the property. I hope we get to see photos of the "Ranch" and the Saloon. Have any been shown so far?

Actually I just saw a few photos of the house and pool on Putnam County Tax Assessor website. It's really pretty.....still interested in the Saloon!

If Tex was able to sell the condo, I wonder why he couldn't sell the Ranch also to raise some money. They are both named as owners of the property.
I agree! Also Dani Jo testified that right before she heard the gun shot she heard Diane playing with door locks. Is it possible he was half asleep and the sound of door locks awakened him and or startled him?
I don't know what to think of this case. First of all, I'm familiar with the area and would not have gotten off at Edgewood exit, after dark. I would have probably gotten off at North Ave. to get to Piedmont, but maybe they wanted to just get off the interstate due to the slow flow of traffic. If I did get off at Edgewood, after dark, I would have been locking my doors also.
Does anyone else think it's odd they referred to this property as the "Ranch" - just conjures up images of a dude ranch out west. In GA if you have horses on a property, you usually call it a farm. And I think even the horses were an addition after Diane had owned the house for years. And then they went and built an over the top "Saloon", like it's the Wild, Wild West, on the property. I hope we get to see photos of the "Ranch" and the Saloon. Have any been shown so far?

Actually I just saw a few photos of the house and pool on Putnam County Tax Assessor website. It's really pretty.....still interested in the Saloon!

If Tex was able to sell the condo, I wonder why he couldn't sell the Ranch also to raise some money. They are both named as owners of the property.

The "ranch" was shown in court according to this article (but I don't remember seeing it):


(An image of the McIvers' home in Eatonton, Ga, is shown to the court during the testimony of Janie Calhoun, a friend of Diane McIver. Calhoun testified in the murder trial of Tex McIver on March 13, 2018 in the Fulton County Courthouse. [Channel 2 Action News] Channel 2 Action News)

I did find this on a website (they called it a "farm"):


(Georgia ranchers: The McIvers were riding in an SUV from their sprawling farm in Eatonton, Putnam County [pictured] on Sunday night when the incident took place)
Here are some articles about Diane's will and the sale of her things:

Diane McIver's will leaves majority of estate to her husband

Oct 25, 2016

"...Diane's husband, Tex Mciver will get the majority of her assets. That includes two Buckhead condos and her share of their farm house in Putnam County...

In her will Diane gives her friend and former employee, Wanda Hugh, $200,000. Her housekeeper Phyllis Gable is given $50,000 and a woman named Cathi Johansen will get $500,000.

Diane's giving doesn't end there. Her will also states that any post high school education for Tiffany Hugh and Devon Hugh, believed to be the son and daughter of Wanda Hugh, is to be paid for by her estate. That included college, graduate school and any trade schools.

The person who benefits the most is her husband, Tex. He'll become the sole owner of the couple's Putnam County farm. Tex will also receive both of the condos that Diane owned in Buckhead and any vehicles or boats that she owned.

The rest of her estate will be put into a trust fund. Tex is still the beneficiary of that fund but the lawyer of Corey Airport Services is the trustee and will distribute the funds to Tex as necessary....

Although the Atlanta Police Department is investigating Diane's death as a homicide, Hall says there's not much that can be done to prevent Tex from getting his share of Diane's estate.

"Even if he had been charged with something, he's innocent until proven guilty so there is no grounds for preventing this from going forward," Hall said.

However, if there is a conviction or someone wins a civil law suit contesting the will, Tex's inheritance will likely go to charity because of clause in the will that gives all of Tex's assets from the will to charity after he dies...."

Diane McIver's probate lawyer says sale had to happen

January 9th 2017

"...CBS46 first showed you Diane McIver's will in October. It's very specific. It leaves her friend and former employee, Wanda Hugh, $200,000. Her housekeeper, Phyllis Gable, is given $50,000 and a woman named Cathi Johansen will get $100,000.

Stanley Smith wrote Diane's will in 2006. He is a longtime friend of Tex McIver. Smith says Tex had no choice but to sell Diane's belongings.

"The estate did not have those cash assets to make those payments to them, so the estate executor is required under to law to then change the assets from what they were to cash to pay those bequests," Smith said.

Smith says typically you have six months after a person dies to execute their will. After that, creditors can file claims against the estate.

Originally Tex's lawyer, Steve Maples, said if more than $350,000 is raised, the rest will go to charity, but that isn't entirely true. It will go into a trust fund which Tex will live off of...."
Hmm I don't know how I missed him needing to come up with cash to pay out those giant amounts of cash to those other people in the will.
Well I don't like atty Harvey and neither does the judge..not a big fan of this judge's style but one thing is so obvious that he is so pro prosecution. So that I like because I would like to see Tex convicted of this crime.
Thanks for the demeaning comment about someone you don’t know. I grew up with Tom and he is a good guy. He’s quite handsome and the opposite of a goofball. Why are you dragging Tom? What’s your point?
I felt so sorry for Dani Jo and Tom. This whole thing was nothing to do with them; they value their privacy yet their whole lives have been paraded in front of the world and people criticise them.
They are victims.
Thanks for the demeaning comment about someone you don’t know. I grew up with Tom and he is a good guy. He’s quite handsome and the opposite of a goofball. Why are you dragging Tom? What’s your point?

I honestly did not mean it as demeaning at all. I could have easily used the word fun-loving or silly. His social media shows him with several photos of his eyes crossed and tongue hanging out, rocking in a band that plays for free every week on an open mic night. I think it is applicable b/c I think the relationship with the Carter's plays into the motive. In addition to money being a motive, I think there is also some sort of love interest, possibly a triangle or a square, IMO.

The Carter's are not in a good place financially, hence the need for DJ to borrow $$, $15K, from Diane. Tom and Dani Jo both have jobs that are highly dependent on weekend sales, salon work and motorcycle sales. Being in a financial bind, most people would work to make money but they instead borrowed from Diane, while giving up their potentially lucrative money making weekends to party at the Ranch instead of doing Sat. makeup appointments or selling bikes.

And it's not like they went to the Ranch a few times, DJ says in her testimony that she has been to the Ranch "hundreds" of times. I don't think it's a coincidence that the shooting happened while Dani Jo was the only witness. The Carters and the McIvers had a very peculiar friendship IMO, that halted for 9 years, and then resumed in a situation where the Carters are, to some degree, financially dependent on the McIvers.
I honestly did not mean it as demeaning at all. I could have easily used the word fun-loving or silly. His social media shows him with several photos of his eyes crossed and tongue hanging out, rocking in a band that plays for free every week on an open mic night. I think it is applicable b/c I think the relationship with the Carter's plays into the motive. In addition to money being a motive, I think there is also some sort of love interest, possibly a triangle or a square, IMO.

The Carter's are not in a good place financially, hence the need for DJ to borrow $$, $15K, from Diane. Tom and Dani Jo both have jobs that are highly dependent on weekend sales, salon work and motorcycle sales. Being in a financial bind, most people would work to make money but they instead borrowed from Diane, while giving up their potentially lucrative money making weekends to party at the Ranch instead of doing Sat. makeup appointments or selling bikes.

And it's not like they went to the Ranch a few times, DJ says in her testimony that she has been to the Ranch "hundreds" of times. I don't think it's a coincidence that the shooting happened while Dani Jo was the only witness. The Carters and the McIvers had a very peculiar friendship IMO, that halted for 9 years, and then resumed in a situation where the Carters are, to some degree, financially dependent on the McIvers.

Could not agree with you more...none of us know these people and the comments here are in no way intended as anything other than speculation on motives and relationships which are important to this case...the fact that he is handsome and she is attractive and all of these people are together as one big family begs certain thoughts. I think much of this is known in the community but will not come in a trial...simply put Dani and Tom could not be further from the McIvers in terms of social status and it is a very interesting relationship. Also I think the observation that especially Dani not working on weekends is good however if one looks at her website she caters to the rich and famous in ATL with services well beyond nails and most of these people want their "work" done during the week cause they party on the weekends.
Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
19m19 minutes ago
Watch Live: Day 9 of the #TexMcIver trial …

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
17m17 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Juror 61 is late again. The other day several jurors asked that she be removed from the panel.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
15m15 minutes ago
Court is back in session in the #TexMcIver trial. We are streaming it live on Lawyers discussing motions to quash journalist testimony.

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
3m3 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - First witness today is Jay Grover. He works at the Corey company.


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Grover says Diane was "relentless" and would pick and people to the point being "aggravating and annoying." He says she did that #TexMcIver a lot.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
Grover testifies Diane McIver was a very private person, never discussed her finances with him or her relationship with #TexMcIver.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Grover chokes up as he recalls when #TexMcIver told him Diane was dead. "I remember the words 'car' and accident,'" but couldn't remember whether Tex said car accident or accident in a car.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
36m36 minutes ago
Grover says #TexMcIver was "matter of fact" when he told him about Diane dying in a phone call the next day

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
36m36 minutes ago
Diane's relationship w/ boss, Billy Corey, was like "father/daughter," "wife/husband": co-worker Jay Grover #TexMcIver
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