GUILTY GA - Diane McIver, 63, fatally shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016

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Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
26m26 minutes ago
Jay Grover testifies he and Mr. Corey discovered the details about Diane's death from Dani Jo #texmciver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
18m18 minutes ago
Grover testifies #TexMcIver called him to say "the press had gotten a hold of the story" and that bad things might come out about Diane. "Just remember she loved you," he said Tex told him.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
17m17 minutes ago
Jay Grover, re: Second phone call w/ #texmciver : Said the press had gotten hold of the story, "Some bad things might come out about Diane."

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
10m10 minutes ago
Grover testifying about meeting with Dani Jo Carter, their friend Janie, and Bill Corey in which she told them what happened with #TexMcIver in the SUV.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
5m5 minutes ago
Grover says #TexMcIver told him police wanted to charge him with "reckless conduct." "I was shocked that was the first thing out of his mouth."

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
At meeting 2 days after shooting, where Dani Jo told Grover, Corey in person what happened, #TexMcIver came over. First words of his mouth, "Can you believe they want to charge me w/ reckless conduct?" Grover said he was "taken aback"

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
During meeting, Jay Grover says phone rang and #TexMcIver looked down to see it was Bill Crane. "It's my PR guy," he said. "I've got to take this."

Philip A. Holloway@PhilHollowayEsq
2m2 minutes ago
Co-worker of #TexMcIver spouse Diane tells jury Tex expressed surprise that “they want to charge me we reckless conduct” - witness told Tex “I think there an element of a crime here”
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
3m3 minutes ago
Jay Grover, a VP at Corey Companies, was good friends w/Diane McIver, his boss. He got choked up & teary when asked how he first heard something'd happened to her. Grover says Diane would pick at people, including him; he heard her do it w/her husband #TexMcIver, too. @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
30m30 minutes ago
Jay Grover says #TexMcIver's wife Diane's wit was "acerbic;" she had a "sharp tongue" & he had to "bite his tongue" so he didn't "lash out." Says it wasn’t malicious to the point of mean-spirited but was aggravating. Diane very private about her finances & marriage @wsbradio

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
28m28 minutes ago
Jay Grover said he witnessed #TexMcIver drink red wine "at least 100 times" Tex told police red wine give him a headache

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
26m26 minutes ago
Picture of the #TexMcIver wine cellar at the family ranch in #PutnamCounty.


Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
24m24 minutes ago
Jay Grover says after Diane was shot to death, #TexMcIver told him that the press had "gotten hold of this" and that some bad things about Diane might come out; told Grover to "remember that Diane loved you" @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
19m19 minutes ago
2 days after Diane was shot to death, #TexMcIver came by Janie Calhoun's condo; Jay Grover was visiting. Tex asked, "Can you believe they want to charge me w/reckless conduct for this thing?" That took Grover aback; he "couldn't believe" that was the 1st thing Tex said @wsbradio

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
18m18 minutes ago
Grover says #TexMcIver asked him if he knew anything about social security and social security checks during another encounter.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
17m17 minutes ago
Grover testifies #TexMcIver told him he wondered if he could collect Diane McIver's social security checks after she died.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
14m14 minutes ago
Jay Grover testifies that he replied to #TexMcIver he thought there were "elements of a crime" there. While at Janie's condo, Tex took a call & said it was his "PR guy," Bill Crane, walking out while talking on the phone. (Bill does political analysis for my station, @wsbradio )

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
14m14 minutes ago
Grover testified #TexMcIver asked a friend if he knew anyone in OK because he wanted to get onto the board of a tobacco company that would pay him $100k a year just to sit on the board.
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
10m10 minutes ago
Grover says #TexMcIver talked him about having a friend buy the SUV in which he shot Diane McIver.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
10m10 minutes ago
State asks Jay Grover about #TexMcIver's wine drinking. Tex often drank red wine, he says; the McIvers were "connoisseurs of fine wines." Grover says these pics of their extensive wine collection in the Buckhead condo are a "small" sample. Their ranch had a cellar full @wsbradio



Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
8m8 minutes ago
Jay Grover says no, he never heard #TexMcIver say red wine gave him a headache; the couple drank it all the time when socializing. Tex told Atlanta Police that he only had a couple of sips from a glass that Sunday he shot Diane because "red wine gives me a headache" @wsbradio

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
7m7 minutes ago
Grover says his friend wasn't really interested in the SUV but he told #TexMcIver he was.


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
6m6 minutes ago
Grover said #TexMcIver said he was going to get the SUV detailed to be "showroom new" for eventual sale.
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
5m5 minutes ago
Grover says when #TexMcIver called him, he started to put the calls on speaker phone so others would hear what he was saying.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Jay Grover says on a call #TexMcIver told him his lawyers wanted him to their office because he had "f'd" up the case because of article in the @ajc. "The article is fine," he told Grover.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
51s51 seconds ago
Jay Grover testifies at the same time, #TexMcIver was thinking about money; he asked Jay what he knew about Social Security & whether he thought he could get Diane's now. Tex had also talked to someone about getting a board seat with Liberty Tobacco that paid $100K/yr @wsbradio

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
18m18 minutes ago
#TexMcIver, a few days after wife's death, told Jay Grover he (Tex) had "*advertiser censored**d up" the case. "Bill and I vetted the article. I don't know what they're so upset about."

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
12m12 minutes ago
The Friday after Diane died, #TexMcIver called Jay Grover, who put him on speaker & walked into Billy Corey's (Diane's boss) office so others could hear. Tex said his lawyers were mad, wanting him in their office right away: "They said that I have ****ed up the case." @wsbradio

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
5m5 minutes ago
Here's the @ajc article that had #TexMcIver attorneys so worried:
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
8m8 minutes ago
Grover says he met #TexMcIver at the ranch the week after Diane's death and he was greeted by Tex and his massage therapist, Annie Anderson.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
7m7 minutes ago
Jay Grover asked #TexMcIver why his lawyers were mad at him for "****ing up the case." Tex said, An AJC article "that just came out" w/Bill Crane, but "There's nothing wrong with it. Bill & I vetted the article & it's fine. I don't know what they're so upset about" @wsbradio

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
Annie Anderson, masseuse to #texmciver and Diane, was wearing boots Grover and fiancee had given Diane for Christmas

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
State has dropped masseuse Annie Anderson's name many times -- their hints are becoming less subtle #texmciver
Nancy Grace@NancyGrace
46m46 minutes ago
Watch LIVE: Murder trial of prominent attorney Tex McIver continues … via @crimeonlinenews

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
2m2 minutes ago
Jay Grover had bought some rain boots for Diane that he'd seen while breakfasting at Cracker Barrel: "That's Diane." He and his fiancee' gave them to her for Christmas. A week after Diane's death, they went to the ranch & #TexMcIver's masseuse was wearing them @wsbradio

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
53s54 seconds ago
State establishing another inconsistency in #texmciver story to police; Tex called Steve Maples "his rock" but one of their other friends had ever seen him at McIver's parties, events

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
22s22 seconds ago
Jurors see Diane and #TexMcIver bed. Prosecutor asks witness if #Tex got massages in the bed from Annie the therapist. He says he’s not aware.


What is the relationship between Diane and Cathy Johansen that was left $500K in the original will? They must have been close as she paid the $1,600 to pick up Diane's remains when Tex did not.

"In her will Diane gives her friend and former employee, Wanda Hugh, $200,000. Her housekeeper Phyllis Gable is given $50,000 and a woman named Cathi Johansen will get $500,000."

Read more:

"On Sept. 29, Griffin continued, Tex refused to pick up his wife’s ashes, or pay for the cremation. Ultimately, her friend, Cathi Johansen, paid the $1,600 for her remains a month later."
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Grover says he's aware #TexMcIver got massages on the "entertainment side" of the condo.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
4m4 minutes ago
Grover says Dani Jo Carter told him about #TexMcIver telling her to leave the hospital after the shooting, "like she wasn't there."

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
3m3 minutes ago
Grover said he made the arrangements for Dani Jo to hide out at @trustdale home instead of meeting with #TexMcIver and attorneys.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
Defense tries to diffuse insinuations about #texmciver and masseuse Annie Anderson, who Grover witnessed wearing boots he had given Diane. Perhaps Diane let her wear them? Grover didn't know

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
5m5 minutes ago
Some Jury Q&A for Jay Grover: Did Dani Jo say she was staying w/ friends to avoid media? Yes, that was part of what she expressed. Did you know who returned the SUV to #TexMcIver? You testified there was a time he had it and was trying to sell it. No, doesn't know @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
19m19 minutes ago
State: What was the other part of why Dani Jo said she left? Jay Grover: Steve Maples, the defendant's atty, was sending an investigator to bring her to his office to give a deposition w/media present & she did not want to. Did she say #TexMcIver requested it? Yes @wsbradio

Lunch break
Tex McIver Trial Day 9 Part 1


Looks like WAT's video is missing some of the first part of today's trial, so here's Nicole's part 1(Lady Justice) too:
Kenya Johnson Talks Tex McIver Trial on Law & Crime Network 03/22/18

Tex's actions after "accidentally" shooting and killing his wife are just not right to me. I don't know if it was premeditated or he just took the opportunity but I don't believe for a second that gun "accidentally" went off killing his wife
What in the world? Cathi Johansen on the stand right now. They became friends when she was Diane's employee and she hid their after hours friendship, by hiding Cathi's car b/c she was an entry level employee and Diane was an executive. Then in 2008/09 their friendship dissolved at the initiation of Cathi. But they lived in the same building. Cathi distanced herself from Diane. I wonder what happened?

Cathi said she stopped going to the condo and stopped going to the Ranch.

She was shocked that she was in the will b/c they had been estranged for years, but she's says her inheritance was $100K and a few pieces of jewelry - different than the $500K stated in earlier news articles.
What in the world? Cathi Johansen on the stand right now. They became friends when she was Diane's employee and she hid their after hours friendship, by hiding Cathi's car b/c she was an entry level employee and Diane was an executive. Then in 2008/09 their friendship dissolved at the initiation of Cathi. But they lived in the same building. Cathi distanced herself from Diane. I wonder what happened?

Cathi said she stopped going to the condo and stopped going to the Ranch.

She was shocked that she was in the will b/c they had been estranged for years, but she's says her inheritance was $100K and a few pieces of jewelry - different than the $500K stated in earlier news articles.

yes all very the end with juror question made her say why she ended the friendship...Diane controlled everyone at Corey and this lady had enough.
Cathy Russon@cathyrusson
32m32 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Court is back in session. Watch live: …

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
32m32 minutes ago
Judge polling #TexMcIver jurors about whether they want to work Spring Break or come back second week of April,

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
29m29 minutes ago
HAPPENING NOW in the #TexMcIver trial: Judge Robert McBurney is going to individually voir dire jurors about scheduling, since this is clearly going into April. Will we work first week and take off second week, or take off first week and be off the second? @wsbradio


Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
31m31 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Judge is bringing in juror #106 to talk scheduling with her.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
27m27 minutes ago
Juror says she's worried about remembering everything in the #TexMcIver trial if they take Spring break week off.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
15m15 minutes ago
Judge says based on his poll, he thinks they will take a break first week of April, then resume #TexMcIver trial on April 9th.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
13m13 minutes ago
Six #TexMcIver jurors want to work 1st week of April; one wonders if she'll "remember everything" if they have to be off. One guy has an Iceland trip pending; another's eager to get back to work; others have trips planned later. Judge wishes #20 a belated happy birthday @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
3m3 minutes ago
Oops. #TexMcIver Juror 5 says he doesn't mean to bother, but he has a trip planned for April 5! Judge lets him know we just learned from another juror that his airline, Delta, is accommodating of jury duty, so notify them and let Court know if there's any pushback @wsbradio
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
9m9 minutes ago
#TexMcIver trial: State calls Robert Ahlers, who owns an estate sales & auctions business. He’s witness #37. @wsbradio


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
4m4 minutes ago
Estate sale organizer says #TexMcIver approached him to sell off his late wife's items: "business suits, fur coats, designer shoes, costume jewelry..."

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
2m2 minutes ago
Robert Ahlers says #TexMcIver contacted him November 7 about selling Diane's things. Ahlers describes a "large collection of couture clothing; fur coats; designer shoes; custom jewelry; hats; everything you'd expect to see in a wardrobe." @wsbradio
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