GUILTY GA - Diane McIver, 63, fatally shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016

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Wow. It's like this guy didn't even care if he looked guilty.

The AJC article he vetted? Full of lies that were easily disproved. Just made up crap with regards to "no drinking", a "bump" in the road causing the gun to go off and being afraid of BLM protesters. He's a lawyer??

He didn't want to "commingle funds" so he refused to pick up his wife's remains? So a friend who was no longer even socializing with Diane paid for them instead?

All I can think is that this guy is just arrogant and cocky beyond belief. He figured he could just pull that trigger and the world would revolve around him. He's a lawyer. No one would ever question it was an accident. Oops, well he has good attorneys to defend him. This will go nowhere.

He just seems so delusional and out of touch with reality that he apparently didn't even try to pretend to not be a heartless pig with no real concern for his dead wife that he'd just shot. He just thought he'd get away with killing his wife without any actual effort on his part?

I wonder how many skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and cheese nips he'll get in prison?

Agree with everything you said! One word you used jumped out at me - delusional. Yes, that perfectly describes him from an outsider's perspective. He's in his early 70's at the time of the shooting. Do you think it's possible he had very early onset dementia? Some of the symptoms are impaired judgement and impulse control. Maybe he thought all of his actions appeared completely rational to those around him?
Agree with everything you said! One word you used jumped out at me - delusional. Yes, that perfectly describes him from an outsider's perspective. He's in his early 70's at the time of the shooting. Do you think it's possible he had very early onset dementia? Some of the symptoms are impaired judgement and impulse control. Maybe he thought all of his actions appeared completely rational to those around him?

not sure if it is early onset dementia but his actions are pretty crazy for a man with a long career in law...way more than covering his own behind.
regarding Tanner and Sam's testimony...very interesting ...just watched....Tex asking Tanner about driving Dani Jo home which had never happened before is interesting. I am wondering where their golf game was relative to ATL...were they playing in that direction and just wanted to go straight home? That would seem to make the most sense...or was the game near by? If they said yes then what? Did Tex really have a different plan that night? Was he going to drive after drinking and being that tired? Something just does not compute and Tanner and Sam really add a wrench to the state's theory. One impression I get is Tex probably was getting very tired of the constant being told what to do, what to eat...just before the shot she told him not to go to sleep...just constant comments like that can build up and make someone act irrationally. Again just the impression of someone here watching the trial and seeing only what the jury does.
now watching the arrival at Emory...clearly so much time was lost...this ER is in slow motion not just the was mostly un-medical valets and took some time for anyone dressed like a medical professional came out...just the way she was moved could have accelerated the problems...taking her there was a very very bad idea as was everything else Tex did that night. Tex is pulling her out of the car why???? Usually the pros take over immediately...he should have not touched her at all. This is all so odd. You should never have to go inside and "call for help" at an ER.
anyone taking bets on juror 61...??? Late again Monday?
Had Diane into a level three trauma I think she would have had a much better chance or even come into the ER in an ambulance anywhere better yet.
Had Diane into a level three trauma I think she would have had a much better chance or even come into the ER in an ambulance anywhere better yet.

Agreed. There no explainable reason why 911 was not called. A normal reaction would have been to call 911 and let them know a gunshot victim was on the way. A 911 operator would have taken their location and sent them straight to Grady. There were 3 phones in that car, and probably one connected to Bluetooth.

Tex knew a 911 call would be recorded and scrutinized later, and I don't think he wanted to risk any unexpected reaction from Dani Jo or Diane (for example, maybe he expected Diane to "let into" him as Dani Jo put it) in the background. In his mind, I think his actions of not calling 911 and taking her to Emory kept him in "control" of the situation.
regarding Tanner and Sam's testimony...very interesting ...just watched....Tex asking Tanner about driving Dani Jo home which had never happened before is interesting. I am wondering where their golf game was relative to ATL...were they playing in that direction and just wanted to go straight home? That would seem to make the most sense...or was the game near by? If they said yes then what? Did Tex really have a different plan that night? Was he going to drive after drinking and being that tired? Something just does not compute and Tanner and Sam really add a wrench to the state's theory. One impression I get is Tex probably was getting very tired of the constant being told what to do, what to eat...just before the shot she told him not to go to sleep...just constant comments like that can build up and make someone act irrationally. Again just the impression of someone here watching the trial and seeing only what the jury does.

I think they were playing golf at Great Waters at Lake Oconee Ritz. It is only a 12 minute drive North of the Ranch, so would only be 12ish minutes closer to their Buckhead home.

Diane owned a plot of land in the exclusive Great Waters neighborhood. It is currently for sale and purchase of the lot comes with a Club Membership per the sales listing.
You know listening to this hospital nurse...and she regained consciousness and said "I am dying arn't I" and did not want to see her husband.....somehow I think she was not at all surprised that Tex shot her and if he ever threatened her before with a gun we will never know.
So, Diane and or Tex owned 3 properties, the Buckhead combined condo, the plot of land in Great Waters and the Ranch. Tex sold the condo quickly and the GW land is currently for sale. Why not list the Ranch also? Maybe he really thinks he's going to walk free and that's his retirement home?
I think they were playing golf at Great Waters at Lake Oconee Ritz. It is only a 12 minute drive North of the Ranch, so would only be 12ish minutes closer to their Buckhead home.

Diane owned a plot of land in the exclusive Great Waters neighborhood. It is currently for sale and purchase of the lot comes with a Club Membership per the sales listing.

thank you I was trying to find the that means the request remains unusual with no real explanation unless of course Tex gets on the stand and tells us....fat chance!! Question for you clearly live in the general most people see him as 100% guilty or are some in seems to be a big story in your area...and would love to hear what is going on down there...very few, however in the gallery.
So, Diane and or Tex owned 3 properties, the Buckhead combined condo, the plot of land in Great Waters and the Ranch. Tex sold the condo quickly and the GW land is currently for sale. Why not list the Ranch also? Maybe he really thinks he's going to walk free and that's his retirement home?

So the ranch is still in his name pending the outcome of this trial? Must also have people working there too?
thank you I was trying to find the that means the request remains unusual with no real explanation unless of course Tex gets on the stand and tells us....fat chance!! Question for you clearly live in the general most people see him as 100% guilty or are some in seems to be a big story in your area...and would love to hear what is going on down there...very few, however in the gallery.

I wasn't really following the story much and don't really follow too many crime stories, but I've been recovering from the flu and couch bound, I just got sucked into this trial! It's interesting b/c Midtown/Downtown are where I used to both live and work so I'm familiar with all the areas they drove through that night. Also I am somewhat familiar with the Lake Oconee area from vacations I've taken there as well as having one friend that used to have a lake house there. I certainly don't run with the Buckhead crowd, but getting a glimpse into it is very fascinating to me!

So far the main characters in this story just seem to be greedy, materialistic and overly concerned with image and appearances. And so much drama. We know that Diane was estranged for extended periods of time from two of her best friends - Cathi Johansen and Dani Jo. I think there is far more to the back stories on these relationships that we won't hear in the trial, but just very intriguing to me.

I think most people around here think he's 100% guilty. The news is filled with daily trial updates and most of the headlines seem to paint Tex in a pretty negative light.
bet anything Tex' lawyer told him to check himself in right away for extreme anxiety and depression...will be good for his case. There was nothing wrong with him at all.
I wasn't really following the story much and don't really follow too many crime stories, but I've been recovering from the flu and couch bound, I just got sucked into this trial! It's interesting b/c Midtown/Downtown are where I used to both live and work so I'm familiar with all the areas they drove through that night. Also I am somewhat familiar with the Lake Oconee area from vacations I've taken there as well as having one friend that used to have a lake house there. I certainly don't run with the Buckhead crowd, but getting a glimpse into it is very fascinating to me!

So far the main characters in this story just seem to be greedy, materialistic and overly concerned with image and appearances. And so much drama. We know that Diane was estranged for extended periods of time from two of her best friends - Cathi Johansen and Dani Jo. I think there is far more to the back stories on these relationships that we won't hear in the trial, but just very intriguing to me.

I think most people around here think he's 100% guilty. The news is filled with daily trial updates and most of the headlines seem to paint Tex in a pretty negative light.

I agree with your acessment 100% and his fan club seems to be his sister "Dixie" sitting in the courtroom. In listening to the jury selection clearly they had a tough time getting people that did not already think he was guilty and I think most had heard about the trial...this is one of those trials that in order to get a totally unbiased jury they would have had to go very far. Sorry about the flu but honestly at least you found this case...I am not sick but not getting anything else done and catch up on this trial. Usually on websleuths many people follow a trial but for some reason very few on this so thanks for the comments.
anyone taking bets on juror 61...??? Late again Monday?

LOL I was reading last night and telling my dh "Oh, look juror 61 was late again!" I can't believe it honestly. I'd be too darn embarrassed to be late if everyone was already talking about how I'm always late. Ok, I'm late for a lot of things but it wouldn't be a jury trial I was late for!
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
3m3 minutes ago
Funeral director Eidson says "Javier was *extremely* upset. He was very emotional, he was crying pretty strong." She says #TexMcIver was "emotional but not quite to the extent of Javier." McIver shook her hand and left, said he'd recommend her services. @wsbradio

Steve Fennessy@stevefennessy
3m3 minutes ago
Funeral director: #TexMcIver ordered 30 copies of Diane McIver's death certificate. Cremation + fees cost $1,615. "Do I have to pay this today?" Tex asked, saying he didn't want to commingle his $$ with Diane's."It's not the kind of thing you hear," witness says.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
Took less than a week to get the mini-urns, says Wendy Eidson. She called #TexMcIver but he didn't answer that day. Oct. 31, she texted him more photos of large urns. Eidson had been paid for Diane's cremains October 22, by Christine Johansen Patrick, Cathi's sister @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
9m9 minutes ago
Funeral director Wendy Eidson says Ms. Johansen Patrick asked to remain anonymous as the one who paid for Diane's cremains. #TexMcIver did not know. October 28, Tex wrote her a letter apologizing for the long delay and sent a check drawn on the Estate for $1,615 @wsbradio



This has nothing to do with the trial directly, but $1615 for cremation and fees?! I thought it was much more expensive than that.

And what a silly little amount for him to hesitate over. He could easily have written a check for that and had the "estate account" reimburse him. If he'd been younger and more social media savvy, he probably would have started a Go Fund Me!
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
2m2 minutes ago
#TexMcIver trial: State calls Cathi Johansen, a friend, colleague, & neighbor of Diane McIver. Diane hired her straight out of college in commercial real estate division. They were very close; worked, socialized, golfed. Diane was a smart, shrewd businesswoman. @wsbradio


Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
31s32 seconds ago
Cathi Johansen helped plan Diane & #TexMcIver's wedding. ~2008-9, they had a "falling out." Diane was trying to do something nice for her but "it wasn't working out; after 5 different forms of communication that were not OK for me, I chose to dissolve the friendship" @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
Cathi Johansen would see Diane McIver still in the condo building, sharing elevators, parking garage, etc. They acted "pleasant" but no extended convos.:"We weren't friends anymore, but I loved her." They didn't socialize any longer. #TexMcIver @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
Friend/neighbor Cathi Johansen testifies that "sure," she'd been on the receiving end of Diane McIver's sharp tongue. She laughs. "You always knew where you stood with Diane," says Johansen. "She was always direct."#TexMcIver @wsbradio

(no more tweets)

2m2 minutes ago
Testimony has ended for the week in the Tex McIver trial

Anna Nicole, is that you?!
This has nothing to do with the trial directly, but $1615 for cremation and fees?! I thought it was much more expensive than that.

And what a silly little amount for him to hesitate over. He could easily have written a check for that and had the "estate account" reimburse him. If he'd been younger and more social media savvy, he probably would have started a Go Fund Me!

Yes, a Go Fund Me! And I understand wanting the 10 small white urns for all of Diane's friends, but the search for the perfect elegant urn with a Western flair to hold the bulk of the cremains, seemed like a stall tactic to me. Both he and the funeral director were looking for weeks for the perfect urn and he could not find one appropriate. I can't help but think this was just an excuse to draw out the length of time where he might not have to pay the bill.
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