GUILTY GA - Diane McIver, 63, fatally shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016

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Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
20m20 minutes ago
#TexMciver - Today is day 6 in the case of a prominent Atlanta attorney accused of murdering his wife. Watch Live: …

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
13m13 minutes ago
#TexMciver is in court. The trial should be starting any minute. Dani Jo Carter continues her testimony under direct examination

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Dani Jo Carter is back for her second day of testimony. #TexMcIver.


Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
16m16 minutes ago
"I was fond of him. He was never anything but nice to me," Dani Jo, speaking about #TexMcIver; said he treated Diane like a "Southern gentleman"

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
13m13 minutes ago
"There was no reason to make up another story" Dani Jo on #TexMcIver request to lie to police

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
12m12 minutes ago
Dani Jo: "I didn't understand why I needed to make up a story when there was no reason to make up another story..." she said of why she wouldn't lie to police at #TexMcIver request.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
10m10 minutes ago
Dani Jo says she had never seen Steve Maples before at McIver parties; may contradict #TexMcIver claim at hospital that Maples, his atty., was "his rock"

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
6m6 minutes ago
Dani Jo went to local TV personality Dale Cardwell's house, to escape pressure from #TexMcIver to give deposition to his atty, Steve Maples
Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
6m6 minutes ago
Carter: "I felt bad for him. I was angry, but I felt bad for him." speaking of #TexMcIver after the shooting.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
45m45 minutes ago
Dani Jo testifies she and #TexMcIver went shooting hundreds of times. "He was very safety-conscious."

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
44m44 minutes ago
#TexMcIver was a stickler for gun safety -- Dani Jo

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
43m43 minutes ago
Dani Jo says Diane's God-son "is a good shot." Says #TexMcIver taught him how to be a "good shot."

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
36m36 minutes ago
When Diane loaned her money "they signed documents just like at a bank," Dani Jo. Collateral, signed documents, interest ... #TexMcIver

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
29m29 minutes ago
#TexMcIver told her he was going to "ease off" the loan Dani Jo had outstanding to Diane after her death.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
28m28 minutes ago
Dani Jo says she owed Diane $15k plus interest at time of her death. After death, #TexMcIver told her he was going to "ease up on it and not to worry about it."

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
25m25 minutes ago
Jurors see note Dani Jo says #TexMcIver sent her asking for car payment.


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
13m13 minutes ago
Jurors see a gun safe at #TexMcIver’s Home.


Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
4m4 minutes ago
Dani Jo Carter says #TexMcIver shot guns a lot at the ranch, maybe every other visit. He taught godson Austin, who's "a good shot." Tex lectured about gun safety. McIvers kept guns in the gun safe there & in Atlanta condo. DJC circled gun safe and ammo on screen here @wsbradio


Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
2m2 minutes ago
Dani Jo Carter owed friend Diane $15K when she died; she'd gotten loans from her over a dozen times. Diane's loans always required documents & collateral, just like at a bank. Diane expected to be repaid w/interest. We learned earlier that Diane loaned #TexMcIver $350K @wsbradio
Kaitlyn Ross 11Alive@kaitlynross1
2m2 minutes ago
Cross examination of Dani Jo Carter is about to begin in the Tex McIver murder trial. She was the one other person in the SUV during the shooting. We have it streaming live on @11AliveNews

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
The State's direct examination of Dani Jo Carter is complete; #TexMcIver attorney Bruce Harvey rises for cross-examination, greeting one by one the jury, the witness, the prosecution, and the judge with "Good mornings." @wsbradio


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
44s44 seconds ago
"Darling." It's a word defense attorneys want jurors to hear because #TexMcIver said it often when referring to Diane, defense attorney Bruce Harvey tells Dani Jo

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
#TexMcIver called Diane "darling" all the time? Yes, says Dani Jo Carter. He was "smitten" with her when he saw her, asks Bruce Harvey? He slipped a note under her condo's door? Diane's reaction was "lukewarm at best" after her bitter divorce? Yes, she says. @wsbradio

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
35s35 seconds ago
Dani Jo answers "yes" to question about whether #TexMcIver was a "Southern Gentleman" and "inoffensive."

Philip A. Holloway@PhilHollowayEsq
43s44 seconds ago
Diane McIver’s friend tells jury that #TexMcIver had a “southern Gentlemanly” manner with his wife from when they met up until her death

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
2m2 minutes ago
Relationship moved from notes under the door to dates to moving in together? asks #TexMciver attorney Bruce Harvey. Yes, says Dani Jo Carter. The three of them socialized & eventually Tex wanted to propose on one knee romantically in the woods they loved? Yes. @wsbradio
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
Around that time, Dani Jo Carter was still drinking & Diane "distanced herself." DJC had helped #TexMcIver pick out a ring, but did not go to the wedding in 11/2005. She & Diane didn't talk from then until 2008, when Diane was "convinced" she'd kicked the alcohol @wsbradio

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
8m8 minutes ago
#TexMciver gave Dani Jo a horse, she testifies.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
3m3 minutes ago
#TexMcIver lawyer asks Dani Jo Carter a series of long questions. "When you got back with Diane, you also got back with Tex?" Yes. "There was really no separating Tex and Diane; they were together--except for financial matters--it was Tex & Diane or Diane & Tex?" Yes @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
2m2 minutes ago
The McIvers' godson Austin was born in 2006. Dani Jo Carter says Yes, both Diane and #TexMcIver helped plan parties, petting zoo, for Austin. By then the ranch had been renovated. @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
51s51 seconds ago
Diane's friend Dani Jo Carter confirms her earlier statement that yes, #TexMcIver was like a "southern gentleman" to Diane. Tex gave Dani Jo Carter a horse she wanted. @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
The McIvers entertained often, and political figures were often there. Did #TexMcIver have guns there guests could use? Yes. Tex wasn't shy about his politics? No. @wsbradio


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Dani Jo testifies she noticed "nothing out of the ordinary" on the trip she took with Diane and #TexMcIver to the ranch the weekend of the shooting.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
Dani Jo Carter testifies she neither saw nor discerned anything out of the ordinary on the Thursday, Friday, or Saturday before Diane McIver was shot by #TexMcIver on a Sunday night in September 2016 @wsbradio

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
6m6 minutes ago
Dani Jo agrees with defense attorney's statement that #TexMcIver was the kind of man who got up early to make breakfast and coffee for Diane because "he enjoyed doing that."

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
15m15 minutes ago
“Yes,” #TexMcIver was the kind of guy who’d get up early, make coffee and breakfast for his “darling,” Diane, her friend Dani Jo Carter confirms. McIver’s eyes seemed to get a little moist at that @wsbradio


Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
10m10 minutes ago
Diane & #TexMcIver were "excited, enthused" about the political season & eager to watch the debate. No fissures she saw in their relationship; no one confided in her anything different that Friday night. Saturday, leisure & errands were planned; the McIvers golfed @wsbradio

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
7m7 minutes ago
Saturday, #TexMcIver got up and fixed coffee. He brought Dani Jo Carter some and she is "sure" he did Diane, too. Nothing unusual Saturday to indicate any disagreement, problem, argument between the couple? "Correct."' @wsbradio

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
Defense trying to establish the ordinary-ness of Diane McIver's last weekend: #TexMcIver in the kitchen cooking, Dani Jo and Diane watching football, doing a little Pilates ....

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
Bruce Harvey calls #TexMcIver "Chef Tex" referring to him cooking meals for Diane and Dani Jo.

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
8m8 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Lunch recess until 1:10.
Map: How the McIver shooting unfolded

"...This map shows what we know about the couple's fateful ride through intown Atlanta that night, including hospitals in the vicinity of Diane's shooting..."
Defense using Dani Jo as a sounding board, IMO-telling the "story" of Tex/Diane's wonderful life and just describing everything the way he wants then asking Dani Jo “right?” at the end of every statement . Everything was "peachy" that day before Diane died- just like JFK's "Camelot"...:sheesh:
would love comments from attys or other trial watchers on this state attorney..I am watching his questions of the ER Doc that talked with Diane...he writes every thing on this board which is nonsense...even the doc says "he needs a scribe"...I mean talk about time consuming...and he not only writes it he repeats each and every thing the dr. says. He drives me crazy.

I like him..:D...- he's thorough, methodical- maybe he'll use the writing board with everyone's answers at the closing?
Tex McIver Trial Day 6 Part 1

Thanks for all the great info YESorNO. I agree with you.
The defence seems to be suggesting that there is no way such a perfect husband could kill his wife-which we all know is nonsense-in fact I think he went overboard almost painting Tex as a put-upon husband; describing him as slaving away in the kitchen while the girls enjoyed themselves.
Map: How the McIver shooting unfolded

"...This map shows what we know about the couple's fateful ride through intown Atlanta that night, including hospitals in the vicinity of Diane's shooting..."

That has to be the most damning piece of evidence I think we'll see. I'd read they drove by other hospitals but that map shows how they were literally right by Grady, passing multiple other hospitals and THE most out of the way hospital was the one they went to?? Wow. He is guilty as sin. He really wanted to make sure she didn't make it......

Also offering to let Dani Jo ease up payment on money she owed Diane? Starting to catalogue her jewelry within days of her death? I'm wondering if he had a ton of other debt besides the $350,000 they say he owed his wife.

I saw the video last night of her arriving at the hospital and was struck by how awkward and ridiculous it looked. They came out with a wheelchair and couldn't even get her feet in the wheelchair foot placements so one person was holding each awkward leg in the air as they wheeled her in? They still had no idea she'd been shot, was in shock and needed to be on a stretcher? :(
Surely the defence will say that he had been drinking,did not realise how seriously she was hurt as there was no blood, did not know how to get to the other hospitals as well as he knew how to get to Emery and was afraid of getting lost therefor he took her to the hospital he knew well taking the route he knew well.
Surely the defence will say that he had been drinking,did not realise how seriously she was hurt as there was no blood, did not know how to get to the other hospitals as well as he knew how to get to Emery and was afraid of getting lost therefor he took her to the hospital he knew well taking the route he knew well.

Personally I wouldn't buy he knew how to get to Emory from there but none of the other hospitals including the closer Emory hospital. Even IF he could claim all that he didn't call the hospital to even let them know they were bringing in a gun shot victim. Having used one of those Emory hospitals recently while not being terribly familiar with the area I'd find it baloney. It's not that hard. There are signs everywhere telling you of hospitals etc. And he never once used his phone to look up directions or call? And then asked Danni Jo to lie for him about how he got there etc? I mean I'm sure you are right that they'll use that for a defense. But if I were on the jury I'd not buy it.
They took that left on Edgewood Ave SE and you'd turn left right off that to get to Grady. I'd have to go drive there myself to prove it but I'd wager there are almost certainly signs right there on that road indicating Grady.
Tex McIver Trial Day 6 Part 2

They took that left on Edgewood Ave SE and you'd turn left right off that to get to Grady. I'd have to go drive there myself to prove it but I'd wager there are almost certainly signs right there on that road indicating Grady.

The problem is that on the 3D photographic journey thing they have been using there were no hospital signs on the route and the prosecution took the jury along every part of the route. Dani Jo said she saw the blue hospital signs only when they were very close to Emory. Surely if there had been signs on route the prosecution would have pointed them out.
The problem is that on the 3D photographic journey thing they have been using there were no hospital signs on the route and the prosecution took the jury along every part of the route. Dani Jo said she saw the blue hospital signs only when they were very close to Emory. Surely if there had been signs on route the prosecution would have pointed them out.

I guess it's possible! But I'm just certainly surprised if there weren't. I've had two children in the last few years down at Emory Midtown and have also gone to the other Emory she was taken to, multiple times in the last few years. Once for surgery and a couple of specialists visits. The routes my husband and I took (though not the one they took) did have signs for Grady and Children's Healthcare. I wouldn't think the way they took was that out of the way.

And I'd find it hard to believe someone would actually know their way to Emory University Hospital from the area and not have any idea of the others they were passing by. Where she was taken is a much more confusing area in my experience to figure out. So many Emory related buildings all over the place. But they were supposedly more aware of that and how to get there?

We only go down in that area a few times a year. So how do people with multiple homes down in Atlanta and traveling not infrequently down there have no idea the closest hospitals? Earlier in the thread his lawyer is quoted as saying that homeless people are known to congregate in the area, as a reason for him pulling out his gun to begin with. So he knows enough rumors to find it not safe in the area but doesn't know what's actually in the area like the three nearest hospitals along their route?

Couple that with no working phones's just not believable to me at all.
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