GUILTY GA - Eight family members brutally murdered in Brunswick home, 29 Aug 2009

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And, IMO Guy Jr has some idea who's involved.

In the 911 call he says he doesn't know who could have done this.

So is he still telling that story to LE.

They said on HLN yesterday that he is no longer cooperating with LE

and he still could do so with his attorney present.

Well I know there are no reports of escapees but a whole family was wiped out and they didn't know who did it until some ratted the rest out.

I too agree, like I have been saying, that it's drug related.
I did read on that the baby that is in critical care does have police protection, which IMO would make me believe LE still isn't sure who killer is or where.

Somebody made somebody very mad to kill all these people including the children!

Usually it is drug related not to say these people that were killed did anything wrong.
Still feel like it is retaliation also.
In the 911 call he says he doesn't know who could have done this.

So is he still telling that story to LE.

They said on HLN yesterday that he is no longer cooperating with LE

and he still could do so with his attorney present.


His initial reactions may not be his current reactions. His statement that he didn't know who did the killing was probably correct at the time, but he's had time to think more about it. And, as you said, he's no longer cooperating with LE.

Where did JW and Guy get money for drugs when they lived in such poor conditions? Who in that extended family was working, except at odd jobs? I'm wondering how they got money for food.
Here is some more news. This is from the local Atlanta paper:

Even though it says they had planned to move out this is not the case because they were in the process of being evicted.

It did seem that an eviction notice had been served because there were too many people living in the home but by the looks of it they worked it out and agreed to move in September. That actually isnt all that uncommon.

Also Mr. Toler was most likely the sole provider.

Toler Sr. had worked for 20 years at a plant that dries chemicals and food products located behind the mobile home park, but was laid off several months ago, said Kathy Clock, administrative assistant to the owner of the plant and New Hope Plantation.

Montgomery said Toler Sr. also did odd jobs for her, including groundskeeping and hauling trailers.
I guess all the news stations are going to hold the court info if they have any, for their noon hour. I cannot find anything.
I do know this morning on the news4jax news TV reporter was there and said would be there covering all day.
So maybe they will have video at noon.
I agree completely. Any story that is out there talks about how Rusty would help anyone even though it seems as if he needed help himself since there are reports of him being somewhat poor. I read that if someone ever needed to stay there he would make sure there was room. This is why I truly believe the intended target was Guy Jr. over some drugs. Now that the reward has been raised I believe that, if this was over drugs and money, that someone will crack because when it has to do with a ruthless drug dealer and/or user that's a ton of money for more drugs. People always rat out other people when it comes to drugs.

It could have been any of them who were the target. With Crissy's history of armed robbery, etc., I'm more inclined to believe she was the target. If she was involved in stealing drugs from someone, they may have come to the house to demand them back, killing members of the family until she gave in and returned the drugs.

I also wonder if anyone in that house had a Rx for Oxycontin. Someone may have known this and killed the family to get the drug.

I'm sure Guy Heinze Sr. and the other adult, Brenda Flanagan received unemployment and disability checks, as well as Michael and contributed their part to the household. It's said that Crissy and her boyfriend had started a business and Guy Heinze Jr. worked in carpentry. I only mention this because it's being said that Toler, Sr. was the sole support of this household when I feel others probably contributed to the household, as well.
The judge told Heinze that if he makes bail, he will be under house arrest, meaning he can only leave home to go to work, and he must wear an ankle monitor at all times.

This was the first thing that stood out to me when I read the article. I wonder what address he will use - and where he will go.
The judge told Heinze that if he makes bail, he will be under house arrest, meaning he can only leave home to go to work, and he must wear an ankle monitor at all times.

Heinze will also be subjected to routine drug testing.

There is no word yet on when Heinze will next be in court.

I am sure they consider him a flight risk. House arrest and wearing an ankle monitor, I wonder if they want to see who he assoicates with?

I also wonder where he will live?
you know, though, if my family were brutally murdered and the police were calling me a suspect, then saying I wasn't, I don't know just how much stock i'd put into the police either. I know you should always want to help but if he did not do this, they have really put him out there and made it look that way to a lot of people. that being said, the police calling him a suspect really has me thinking. They typically don't do that until they have some sort of evidence, kwim?
I am sure they consider him a flight risk. House arrest and wearing an ankle monitor, I wonder if they want to see who he assoicates with?

I also wonder where he will live?
Maybe with his brother? I don't know.

I would be afraid to have him at my house. Not because I think he did it but because there's still someone out there that may be out to get him. I wouldn't want them coming to my house to get to him, kwim?
First, let me say I believe no one deserves to be be murdered...

But this case sickens me. Let's see. A 3 year old. A woman in a wheelchair. A boy with Down's syndrome. A man with a big enough heart to take in anyone who needed help. Jeez Louise.

I'm not going to try and go back and find the revelant posts, but...

The relationship between Toler and the mobile home park seemed to have been, at least, amicable. They even had another place lined up to move to. (I wonder if that's where Guy Jr. is going to stay?)

I still don't think Guy Jr. had anything directly to do with this. If he did, he's a good actor. That 911 call sure sounds genuine. ESpecially when he talks about Michael.

And speaking of Michael... Not to sound crude or unfeeling, but wouldn't you think that, if Guy did this, when he found Michael alive, he would have finished the job rather than beg the ambulance to hurry? Michael could have identified him, had he lived.

And all I will say about that other board is they call us unfeeling? At least no one here is calling Michael a ***king *advertiser censored*.
Maybe with his brother? I don't know.

I would be afraid to have him at my house. Not because I think he did it but because there's still someone out there that may be out to get him. I wouldn't want them coming to my house to get to him, kwim?

I was quite shocked to see them put these tight of restrictions on him for these charges. They sure seem to want to keep up with him every minute of the day.


No one of this crimes, im my opinion, with the exception of Chrissy's armed robbery are so serious. Maybe because I know people like this.

"Rusty tried to live by the old standard that if you don't have something good to say about someone, don't say anything at all," said Sumner, who runs an RV park in McIntosh County. "He loved his young'uns, and he would go to the ends of the Earth for them."

Chrissy Toler, 22, died after living a troubled life, littered with several run-ins with the law after she left the Glynn County school system in 2003 at age 16.

Toler is the mother of the sole survivor of the weekend massacre. Her 3-year-old son is named after his father, Byron Jimerson, who is serving 20 years for the armed robbery, authorities said.

Folks who knew him said Russell Toler Jr., 20, shared his father's humble demeanor, work ethic and love for fishing.
"He didn't care how dirty he got. That boy worked hard," said Fred Rowe, who often worked side by side with the man he called "Little Rusty" in roofing and construction jobs.

A teacher remembers Michael as "wonderful."

You've already heard about Michele from someone who knew her.

Bobby Sumner, a fishing companion of the Tolers, said Michelle loved to fish and spend time with her dad, who also died in the attacks.

What was known about Heinze, Ginn said, was that he kept his nose clean and worked hard.
"He got up early and went to bed early," Ginn said.
Not that Heinze didn't have his run-ins with authorities. In 1985, he received probation for forgery in St. Johns County. Records show he also got probation for forgery in Georgia. Speeding, illegal parking and improper child restraint charges were filed against him in Georgia between 1994 and 2004.

She was in a wheelchair following a stroke.
Brenda Gail Falagan, 49, was Rusty Toler Sr.'s older sister and the wife of the late Glenn Falagan.
She and her husband lost their son, Andy, 7, and Glenn's son, Johnny, in a fire about 20 years ago, said Jeannie Asbell, her niece.

Joseph L. West, 30, was Chrissy Toler's boyfriend, devoted to his family and always in a hurry, said his aunt, Joyce Herrington.
After pleading guilty to possession of cocaine, he was sentenced in September 2000 to five years' probation, $1,750 in fines and court costs and a year intensive probation. His probation was revoked after he tested positive for cocaine in October 2002 and failed to fulfill other conditions of his probation. There was no court record of any jail time.
Other scrapes with the law included forging and cashing a check for $345, theft by receiving stolen property for accepting $2,000 worth of stainless steel and illegal dumping and fighting. Sentences ranged from five days in jail to probation.
I was shocked at the ankle monitor but I think like that has been said it was thrown in to keep an eye on him. Does Jr have a job? Normally the person wearing the monitor (the accused) has to pay a monthly fee for it.
He has to be where there is a land line, so where ever he selected was his new home that would be where he will have to stay during the time he is wearing the monitor.

I would not want him at my house if I thought (and I do) all this has something to do with him. Gosh the person or person could come and finish their deed now that he is out. If that is what was intended. He may be also under protective custody too.
I am new and only signed up to post a few things. Not only am I a resident of Brunswick, I am a resident of the mobile home park and knew most of the victims in this nightmare.

I have seen the awful post at other sites, from responses from countless online newspaper articles to the TOPIX site.

Perhaps I can give a more human perspective to them, rather than the "white trash derelicts" that I have seen them being portrayed as. :furious:

Rusty was a very hardworking man. He worked both for Aero Instant and for the mobile home park itself. He was the "glue" for the family, and was often the only one supporting the family. He enjoyed fishing and camping. He was also very good father. When other parents may have shunned a disabled child, he went the other way - Micheal went wherever he did. He included Micheal in everything, from a quick trip to the store to a camping or fishing trip.

His son Micheal was born with Down's syndrome. He had undergone several surgeries, from heart surgery to having his hips replaced. He was a good boy that could be loud and get overly excited at times, but he was happy. Rusty had said that due to Micheal's medical condition(s), he would more than likely have a short life span and he wanted to do all he could to make his time good. Micheal was truly an innocent victim.

His son Junior was a shy young man, hardworking and very respectful to others. He always had a kind word to say, a smile on his face, and loved to go fishing. He did the best he could to help his daddy, from working to helping with Micheal.

His daughter, Michelle I only met a time or two, but she was such a pretty girl, mannerly, respectful and seemed to be a generally happy girl. She also enjoyed going fishing with her daddy.

I only met Rusty's daughter Chrissy briefly 1 time, so I can not say anything about her. I have met Byron, Chrissy's son, a couple times. He seemed to be a happy child, the typical curious and rambunctious 3 year. I have never met Chrissy's boyfriend, Joseph West. I have never met Rusty's sister, Brenda Falagan.

Guy Sr. was a man that had had hard knocks it seems his whole life. He was basically abandoned (his words, not mine) by his mother at a young age. He was raised with Rusty, so even though there may not have been actual "blood" relations, they were like brothers. A few years ago, he was working in a tire shop and a tire he was working on exploded. The injuries were very bad, yet, he recovered and went back to work. The injuries left him with a speech problem and an odd way of walking and holding his head. He had been working as a truck driver, but with the economy the way it is, he was laid off. He also worked when possible with Aero Instant. He was a joking, good natured man who loved his family. He was a good brother, uncle and father.

Guy Jr has always been a respectful young man towards me and my family. He seemed to genuinely love his family, especially his dad. I feel he is being portrayed in the wrong light. Yes, coming home at 8 am may sound odd to some, but in actuality, it is not uncommon for young people his age. I do not condone drug use, but again, and sadly, it is not that uncommon in his age group. As for the charges against him, who can say what our unthinking reactions would have been if faced with the same horror he faced alone that morning.

This family deserves better than what media coverage they are receiving.

As a friend to some of the victims, I can kind of understand the lack of information being released. Who knows what they (law enforcement) know? Perhaps they feel if info is released, it may hamper the investigation, thereby hampering the hopefully fast prosecution of those responsible.

But, as a resident of the mobile home park, I really think there should be something more - some way of easing our minds, of letting us know whether we need to all be afraid or if we can rest a bit easier. It is not a morbid curiosity to want to know more, it is simply for our own peace of mind.
Thank you so much for the insight. It's very helpful.

I wish they would release something to put your minds at ease as well. I cannot imagine not knowing if I should be afraid or not.

I am new and only signed up to post a few things. Not only am I a resident of Brunswick, I am a resident of the mobile home park and knew most of the victims in this nightmare.

I have seen the awful post at other sites, from responses from countless online newspaper articles to the TOPIX site.

Perhaps I can give a more human perspective to them, rather than the "white trash derelicts" that I have seen them being portrayed as. :furious:

Rusty was a very hardworking man. He worked both for Aero Instant and for the mobile home park itself. He was the "glue" for the family, and was often the only one supporting the family. He enjoyed fishing and camping. He was also very good father. When other parents may have shunned a disabled child, he went the other way - Micheal went wherever he did. He included Micheal in everything, from a quick trip to the store to a camping or fishing trip.

His son Micheal was born with Down's syndrome. He had undergone several surgeries, from heart surgery to having his hips replaced. He was a good boy that could be loud and get overly excited at times, but he was happy. Rusty had said that due to Micheal's medical condition(s), he would more than likely have a short life span and he wanted to do all he could to make his time good. Micheal was truly an innocent victim.

His son Junior was a shy young man, hardworking and very respectful to others. He always had a kind word to say, a smile on his face, and loved to go fishing. He did the best he could to help his daddy, from working to helping with Micheal.

His daughter, Michelle I only met a time or two, but she was such a pretty girl, mannerly, respectful and seemed to be a generally happy girl. She also enjoyed going fishing with her daddy.

I only met Rusty's daughter Chrissy briefly 1 time, so I can not say anything about her. I have met Byron, Chrissy's son, a couple times. He seemed to be a happy child, the typical curious and rambunctious 3 year. I have never met Chrissy's boyfriend, Joseph West. I have never met Rusty's sister, Brenda Falagan.

Guy Sr. was a man that had had hard knocks it seems his whole life. He was basically abandoned (his words, not mine) by his mother at a young age. He was raised with Rusty, so even though there may not have been actual "blood" relations, they were like brothers. A few years ago, he was working in a tire shop and a tire he was working on exploded. The injuries were very bad, yet, he recovered and went back to work. The injuries left him with a speech problem and an odd way of walking and holding his head. He had been working as a truck driver, but with the economy the way it is, he was laid off. He also worked when possible with Aero Instant. He was a joking, good natured man who loved his family. He was a good brother, uncle and father.

Guy Jr has always been a respectful young man towards me and my family. He seemed to genuinely love his family, especially his dad. I feel he is being portrayed in the wrong light. Yes, coming home at 8 am may sound odd to some, but in actuality, it is not uncommon for young people his age. I do not condone drug use, but again, and sadly, it is not that uncommon in his age group. As for the charges against him, who can say what our unthinking reactions would have been if faced with the same horror he faced alone that morning.

This family deserves better than what media coverage they are receiving.

As a friend to some of the victims, I can kind of understand the lack of information being released. Who knows what they (law enforcement) know? Perhaps they feel if info is released, it may hamper the investigation, thereby hampering the hopefully fast prosecution of those responsible.

But, as a resident of the mobile home park, I really think there should be something more - some way of easing our minds, of letting us know whether we need to all be afraid or if we can rest a bit easier. It is not a morbid curiosity to want to know more, it is simply for our own peace of mind.
Thanks to Caliborn & BWK Resident for helping us to personify these victims.

I'm not saying it's fair, but it's human nature to jump in with suppositions about who-done-its.... or perhaps we, Nancy Drew wannabes with interest in true crime, are more likely to relate our thoughts about the who & why in cases we are discussing. That said, the news is full of violence that stems from drugs, now pharmaceuticals as well as street drugs. It's not unreasonable to consider drug $, retalliation, etc in such a horrific, deliberate killing.

I too, will never forget the Alday murders which occurred in a town near my hometown. In 1973, a farm family was found slain in a mobile home:

"In May of 1973, Carl Isaacs escaped from a Maryland penal institution and, accompanied by his younger brother Billy Isaacs, his half-brother Wayne Coleman and a friend, George Dungee, drove to Florida. Almost out of gas in Georgia, they saw a gas pump behind the rural mobile home belonging to Jerry Alday and Mary Alday and stopped to investigate. They discovered there was no pump; however, the trailer was empty, and they decided to burglarize it. Jerry Alday and his father Ned Alday pulled in behind the trailer, unaware that it was being burglarized. Carl Isaacs met them and ordered them inside at gunpoint. Carl Isaacs shot and killed Jerry Alday, and then both he and Coleman shot and killed Ned Alday. Jerry's brother Jimmy Alday drove up on a tractor and was also forced inside at gunpoint, then shot by Carl Isaacs. Jerry's wife Mary Alday then drove up, then Chester and Aubrey Alday (Jerry’s brother and uncle) drove up in a pickup truck. All were forced inside. Aubrey was taken to the south bedroom where Carl Isaacs shot and killed him, while Chester Alday was taken to the north bedroom and killed by Coleman. Coleman and Carl Isaacs raped Mary Alday on her kitchen table. Afterward, they drove to a heavily wooded area several miles away where Mary Alday was raped again. Dungee then killed her. The gang drove to Alabama and were arrested a few days later in West Virginia, in possession of guns later identified as the murder weapons, and property belonging to the victims. After his original trial, Carl Isaacs was interviewed by a film maker who was producing a documentary about the case. The defendant admitted shooting Jerry, Ned, Aubrey and Jimmy Alday, raping Mary Alday, and burglarizing the trailer. These admissions were introduced in evidence at the retrial. Younger brother Billy Isaacs testified against his brother in exchange for a plea agreement calling for a 40 year sentence. He was paroled in 1994. Carl Isaacs was the longest serving inmate on death row in any state in the U.S."

Random crimes still occur & certainly could be the case in Brunswick..... No matter what, innocent children were shot & there is no excuse for that! I have read disgusting comments in other places, about these victims, obviously written by lower life-forms....I am thankful that WS posters are more feeling & considerate. Well, they would be booted out, if not.... Anyway, I really appreciate the locals coming on board & helping us to see these people as a family, hard-working & loving. And, I hope you'll stick around after this case is solved. Look around, there is a lot happenning at WS. This is the 1st & only forum for me & it took me almost a year to go beyond "Crimes in the News".

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