GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #2

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Usually the J sound is pronounced with an English H sound (as in pronunciation of Jose.).
h or y. Mine starts with a j and our Spanish friends always try to pronounce it with the y sound.
Jeanna, you are absolutely right.

How the parents of a dog act isn't necessarily how the pup will turn out (because there are a lot of factors)... BUT, it's a good indication. Fear-biters will produce fear-biters, if the parents are shy, typically the pups will be too.

I believe genetics can play a role in someone's "temperament", but it's not everything.

I agree with you.
My husband is adopted. I can see what behavior he learned (just like his dad)
and what he arrived with. (that in NO way resembles either parent)

I read a quote about raising a child and a "rubber band" theory how
no matter how a child is raised they will always snap back to their genetic profile. DEAR LORD! I really hope that is not true or my kids have ZERO chance in life!

they are 19 and 20 no jail time yet! no trouble at all.. so far so good!:woohoo:
Is her name a traditional name? I sort of thought it was a very unique name, not related to any culture.

Edited to add: If you google search on that name, on the 21st page of hits, there are other Jorelys, besides this girl. So it's an actual name.

I can't find her name in the Spanish Baby Name list, however, I think it runs in the Spanish culture.
I'm late to join this discussion but what is foremost in my mind is that someone has been arrested!

The investigation was swift then followed with an arrest.

Kudos to LE!

May you RIP Jorelys

so, the neighbor whose husband searched with RB believes the trash compactor container WAS searched prior to Monday . . . meaning it was searched as thoroughly as they could without disconnecting it & getting the compacted trash out of there !

I lived in a community like this one & our trash was collected daily by the staff & placed in one of these compactors. Don't know how many times a day or week they compacted trash/garbage.
I would say he appears to be a very OLD looking 20 year old. Receding hairline, something older in his face.

I can't link it now, his facebook page is gone, but at a party he attended last New Years Eve, he was able to escape any criminal charges for underage drinking although cops raided the party. My guess is, because he looks 30.

Yup, and I'm really bothered at all the "young" talk. He's 20 - not a baby, not a toddler, not a teen, but a MAN. Peterson and Anthony were young too. Lots of 20 year olds commit crime.

I don't believe age should have anything to do with his sentence because he is a fully grown man and will be tried like an adult (unlike teens who are tried as adults).

I wish the attorney's would stop referring to him as a KID. He's not a kid -- not by a long shot.


OK... is Nancy confused on the "details" or is it me?

I watched JVM - she said the little girl had gone to the apartment to get some drinks and was never seen again.

I watched NG - she said the babysitter went to get her coat and when she came back the little girl was gone.

How hard is it? Was she on the playground, or was she outside her front door?
:( As elated I am that there is an arrest...just once I hope and pray for a different outcome...every time these things get more horrific. She was 7! Stabbed. Beaten. Raped. And crushed in a trash compactor. She is with the angels now...but...I will tell you this much, if they, the GBI, have his DNA on or (gag) in her...he will be found guilty. Children are not throw-aways...not trash. Please tell me...that she wasn't crushed to death in that dumpster. :(
Nancy Grace: He had just started working there this November. He is eligible for lethal injection. What is known about him?
Reporter Veronica Waters: He appears to be a young looking 20 year old. Slightly built. Thin. Freckled face. Just moved there from New York. Had lived in Virginia.
NG: He may look young but how young did Jorelys look? NG is narrowing the period of time saying that the babysitter just went into get a coat and then...Jorelys goes missing (LittleBitty has not heard this before)
Natisha Lance: Suspect had key to the compactor. Roomies with the office mgr's son? Or friends with the office manager?
NG: How close was the playground and her apartment from the crime scene/ playground?
Natisha: She lived in the 900 building. It was about 50 feet from the playground. Everything is still a crime scene on that first floor. Some tenants don't have access to their apartements?
NG: Unleash the lawyers...
Defense attorney Kessler: LE has to connect him to the crime if it is a death penalty case.
NG: Criminal law/ law school 101...maintenance guy mentioned to a resident that there were vacant apartments and anyone could do something to little kids in there. And the crime scene for Jorelys was a vacant apartment. Connect the dots, Kessler.
Kessler: They need the DNA to tie him to it to be 100, thousand % sure here.
Rene Defense attorney: His background will play into this. He is so young that his background may sway jurors when he eventually does go to trial.

I've seen compacters like this one. It is open for everyone to use but a key is needed only to actually compact the waste deeper into the body of the dumpster. The reason a key is needed is for saftey purposes. If he did this I guess he thought if he could compact the body deeper into the compacter she would not be found.
I think "Heather" has excellent recall and definitely was great in her eyewitness accounts. Most when questioned pause and "add" to the events. She didn't come off that way to me. I hope her testimony if needed won't be tainted because she went on the news tonight.

Again, I thought she was terrific givin the circumstances.
Yup, and I'm really bothered at all the "young" talk. He's 20 - not a baby, not a toddler, not a teen, but a MAN. Peterson and Anthony were young too. Lots of 20 year olds commit crime.

I don't believe age should have anything to do with his sentence because he is a fully grown man and will be tried like an adult (unlike teens who are tried as adults).

I wish the attorney's would stop referring to him as a KID. He's not a kid -- not by a long shot.



ITA! Unfortunately, it is typical protocol for Defense Attorneys. Grooming the potential client for the jury. Which is sickening in and of itself. There are so many people, many of whom, NG mentioned on her show in a montage that appeared normal. OJ Simpson, that British guy who killed his wife and baby (Neil Enwhistle or something like that)...there were a ton more...

And no, he is not a kid. A kid is someone under the age of consent. He is not. JMO. Likely, DNA will link him...but the big question I have, is what do we do, as a community and a society to make sure that our children are safe? What more needs to be done? How many warning signals does a child have to show before people start recognizing it is not typical behavior? Before they become adults? JMO....sorry for the rant.
I would say he appears to be a very OLD looking 20 year old. Receding hairline, something older in his face.

I can't link it now, his facebook page is gone, but at a party he attended last New Years Eve, he was able to escape any criminal charges for underage drinking although cops raided the party. My guess is, because he looks 30.


I still have it open... and have screen shots... :innocent:
eta IN RESPONSE to nurse's comment: not sure why it didn't quote?
I do, NOT because I'm a nurse, because I have lived it I guess. The son seems to turn out like his biological father. Daughters not so much but only because women are "supposedly" involved in crime less often than men.
IMHO many women escape the radar....

Hence the born evil theory? It had to come from somewhere... if it's not from how the child was treated or raised then how else can it be explained?

I don't know about defense wheels, but maybe CPS wheels and adoptive agency wheels, and child psychologist's wheels.

This is something we as a society need to recognize - that children who are so neglected in their early childhood that parents lose custody don't turn out well typically. They're hollow.

I have a friend with 3 adopted children, adopted after the age of 5, and 2 of them are doing great and one of them might turn out to be a stone cold murderer. He's absolutely hollow, had virtually no mothering for the first years of his life - and doesn't believe he's like other humans - he thinks he's superhuman - although he does have a number of kids who hang out with him and call him their friend. Because he's fun and good at stuff.

He's been in and out of psychiatric facilities. If I heard he'd done something like this I'd say yeah I'm not surprised in the least. Although to date he's never done anything violent. He just has ZERO ability to empathize.

I think few parents who adopt kids older than babies are totally prepared for what they get - often kids with reactive attachment disorder.

Prayers for RB's family.

I am sure that there are many statistics to back up theories like this, HOWEVER, I think it is important to be sensitive to the many adopted families, and adoptees here. Discussions like this sometimes come off as kind of dismissive or prejudiced against them. My two grown kids are amazing, wonderful, perfect to me, and yet are adoptees. And other adoptive parents have discussed with me over the years a sense of prejudice at times against adopted kids---the presumption they will be messed up, less successful, less loving----fill in the blanks. In some ways discussions like this are much like saying Gypsies are all thieves or Blacks like watermelon. It can be fraught with stereotypical generalizations, and people should tread lightly, imo. :rose:
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