GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #4

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I'm willing to bet that ANYONE couldn't have left his semen on this stabbed and beaten, raped and defiled baby girl. And yet LE is confident they have their man.

It has nothing to do with who had a key. It has everything to do with the evil monster RB who viciously destroyed the life and innocence of a little girl. I have confidence that LE has ALL the evidence they need, thank God, to convict this disgusting waste of breath that is RB.

Sorry, but I am tired,. Sick and tired. Of monsters who prey on helpless innocent babies and STILL have people defending them. :(

oh yeah. MOO.

ETA: not attacking you, Katydid, I just REALLY believe that LE already took all that into consideration, and also, I am so raw and weak from crying over these babies. I apologize for sounding so bitter.

Goodness. I'm sure nobody on here is defending RB. I think a couple of us were just stating that the key to the dumpster doesn't mean anything. I don't think the fact that RB had a key to the dumpster will be brought up as evidence.

We are all on the same team.:seeya:

Oh I found this...actually I made it. :)
I guess I was wondering if it would play into him being able to get a fair trial or not as it would seem to surely taint the jury pool right?

Considering it was in a Puerto Rican publication, I don't think the average juror would see it, unless, of course US sources get permission and publish it here. I don't really see that happening, b/c of the cultural differences. JMHO, o course.

I'm sure RB's mugshot link has been posted before, but this was a clearer one than I had seen, so for anyone interested:
I think the FB chatter will hurt the jury pool more than anything....
But the problem is that ANYONE could have placed her in that huge dumpster. No key needed. Then one of the staff came along and turned on the compacter, as done routinely. So I don't think this implicates RB necessarily.

I agree ! We just don't know what the evidence shows (yet).
LE arrested this monster for a reason. Why would ANYONE ELSE have put her body in the dumpster? :banghead:
The arrested is not getting a pass from me. There is nothing that states LE considers anyone helped RB kill, rape or disgard this child.

I don't understand what you're saying - I think anyone else would have put her remains in the dumpster because they killed her.

I'm still waiting to see the forensics once they are processed.
IMO if the defense will have any reason to want to move the trial, the biggest reason might be the fact that over 1000 people in the community attended the vigil & viewing, so we can assume everybody knows somebody that might have been very close to the suffering of the family and the public appreciation of LE. Please understand I am NOT pro defense in any way, but before the fb chatter and the pictures online would be an immediate concern, the community involvement in the mourning and aftermath might be.
I don't understand what you're saying - I think anyone else would have put her remains in the dumpster because they killed her.

I'm still waiting to see the forensics once they are processed.

I might have said this before, but IMO the act that was most incriminating to RB (that the public knows already) was the fact that the body was moved from the crime scene -the vacant apartment. It was a HUGE RISK moving her body from the vacant, and I doubt a passerby or even a resident would have taken the risk. IMO the ONLY REASON she was moved to the dumpster was because the perp knew that leaving her in the vacant apartment would make him a I feel there must have been a strong connection with the perp and the vacant (worker with access, last person to clean it, someone caught hanging out in there, etc.)
Goodness. I'm sure nobody on here is defending RB. I think a couple of us were just stating that the key to the dumpster doesn't mean anything. I don't think the fact that RB had a key to the dumpster will be brought up as evidence.

We are all on the same team.:seeya:

Oh I found this...actually I made it. :)

In Memory of Jorelys Rivera - YouTube

That is just amazing. Such a good job. I hope JR's mother has the opportunity to see this. Thank you.
I don't understand what you're saying - I think anyone else would have put her remains in the dumpster because they killed her.

I'm still waiting to see the forensics once they are processed.

My comment is clear.
My comment is clear.

It sure wasn't clear to me, that's why I asked.

You could have meant:

1. Since RB killed her, why would anyone else be the one to put her in the dumpster

2. Only RB, as a maintenance man, would want to put her in the dumpster to hide the location of her demise. I guess, although since at a glance the apartment was left the scene of a gruesome crime, it's hard to believe he could believe the crime scene wouldn't be detected, body or no body.

3. No one else in the apartment complex had the means motive or opportunity to harm her except RB.

So, up the thread another poster kind of guessed at what you were meaning, and is probably right.

When I ask for clarification, I'm not being snarky. Posters can imagine that they're being clear but that's not always the case. There's no reason to feel offended.
Case archive for Jorelys Rivera:

There is only one good thing I can say, and that unlike many missing little ones
(Jhessye, Aliayah, to name 2) Jorelys had love and happiness in life until he took it away.

Judging by her new teeth, I think this was taken within the last week of her life.


I pray that her Mom is able to go on for the other little ones.
That is such an adorable picture of Jorely. Thanks ARW for your site.
This is off topic, but I feel it is important. I am working at home today because my computer at work is totally hosed. It is infected with 5 Trojan viruses and a number of other kinds. My Vipre virus protection was not working and we think one of the viruses disabled it.

My reason for this post is that yesterday I was on the FB pages all related to RB and family, etc. I also checked out hi-5. I am sure it was on one of these sites that the tracking virus was sitting. So, if you go to any of these sites be sure your virus protection is working.

My office computer is totally down. So, just be careful.

Slightly O/T, but important!
Thank you for posting this. My laptop is also invested with the Trojan virus, and I think several other WS members mentioned the same thing. Last night, I logged on to WS using my husband's PC , and I kid you not, the second I clicked on Jorely's 1st thread, his virus protection program detected several Trojans. I freaked out, because he uses computer for work, and would not have appreciated me spreading the virus to his computer too! I thought it was a mere coincidence, but the fact that others who are posting on this thread have also had their computers attacked, makes me wonder....

I am only accessing this site from my phone until my laptop is repaired, and I am sure my virus protection is working properly. I have never had this issue before. Just wanted to give everyone the heads up!
The virus is not coming from Websleuths, folks. This virus is coming from all may seem like it comes from here because we are all here so much.

Let's keep the thread focused on little one, and we can talk about the virus attacks here...
Since 9/11 the security procedures just to enter a local court house are tighter than most US airports. The bullet proof vest was probably more for the transportation in and out of the court house. Once inside, he was probably pretty safe.

Here is some information on court room security,

A’ security courtroom’ has a wire-reinforced glass partition and bars separating the spectator area from the court area.

This article said that because the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty, “We have held that the use of shackles, handcuffs or gags during trial may interfere with a fair trial. 2

LR 83.31 No Weapons Allowed. No persons including law enforcement officers, except the United States Marshal and his duly assigned deputy Marshals, and federal protective officers on assignment or upon call, shall wear or bring any firearm or other weapon into the courtroom of any United States Courthouse or federal building in the Southern District of Georgia unless specifically authorized to do so by a Judge of this Court. Any firearm or weapon shall be checked with the Marshal. A willful failure to comply with this rule shall subject the offender to a rule for contempt and such offender may be subjected to appropriate disciplinary action by the Court.

LR 83.27 Security. When magnetometers are deemed necessary by a Judge of this district and placed into operation by the United States Marshal Service, it will be required that all persons entering a facility so protected be cleared through the magnetometer prior to being granted access.

A magnetometer is a device for measuring the direction and intensity of a magnetic field.


The following discusses the security measures that are common in courtrooms.

Lawyers: Court security extensive, March 13, 2005

The shooting spree that started in an Atlanta courtroom, killing a judge and two others on Friday, occurred despite security measures common in courtrooms across Georgia and the United States, according to lawyers familiar with the incident.

Howard Weintraub, a former federal prosecutor in Atlanta and now a criminal defense lawyer, said he doesn't think security personnel could have done anything differently.

"Fulton County [courthouse] to me is as secure as any in the state, more secure than many," he said in a telephone interview.

The suspect, 33-year-old Brian Nichols, was being retried for rape and kidnapping in Fulton County Superior Court Judge Rowland Barnes' courtroom. Nichols took a gun from a sheriff's deputy before shooting and killing Barnes and a court reporter, police said.

The suspect fled the eighth-floor courtroom, shot and killed a deputy outside the building and carjacked several vehicles while making his escape, officials said. Police were still searching for him Friday night.

Barnes told attorneys Thursday that he was concerned Nichols could pose a danger if he were convicted, the suspect's attorney said.

The judge pledged to bolster security for the remainder of the trial after a sheriff's deputy Wednesday found makeshift weapons in Nichols' shoes.
Fulton County Superior Court officials were not available for comment, but some lawyers who practice in the courthouse said there are extensive security measures in place to prevent such attacks.

"Their security is as strict as that at the airport," said B.J. Bernstein, a criminal defense attorney in Atlanta told CNN.

Weintraub said the courthouse is equipped with electronic locks to secure the judicial chambers. Judges also have a "kick bar" below the bench at their feet to alert law enforcement in case of an incident. One or two sheriff's deputies are also on duty in most courtrooms, Weintraub said.

It is unclear exactly how Nichols got the weapon from the deputy. Gun holsters used by sheriff's deputies have safeguards to prevent a weapon from being removed, said a spokesman for Smyrna Police Distributors, in Georgia, which sells the holsters.

Nichols was reportedly not shackled.

The treatment of defendants in courtrooms is at the discretion of judges, and defendants may only be handcuffed or restrained if a judge deems it necessary. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that people on trial can be shackled, but only if prosecutors have a strong argument for it.
Personally, I believe RB did this alone. A lack of defensive wounds (that we know of), to me isn't all that surprising. Jorelys was a 50 pound, 4 ft tall female child who probably trusted Brunn enough to turn her back to him after she willingly entered that apartment. It wouldn't take even a 150 pound grown male more than two seconds to pin her wrists together ... and then he taped/tied them. He could have threatened to hurt her mom or siblings if she made any noise. Then tape her mouth. Now she can't make defensive wounds.

With her hands and feet bound, mouth taped, child possibly threatened not to make noise, a single repugnant 20 year old human monster is capable of inflicting all that he did on a tiny 7 year old child all by himself.

And do we know he was right there helping police the moment they pulled up (at 7:30)? According to the timeline, Jorelys may have been already dead by 6:30. Ryan could have changed out of bloody clothes into clean clothes (that he already had there at the vacant apartment) and possibly showers in the vacant apartment. That'd take 5 minutes, maybe ten. (6:40) Double or triple bag the poor child so that she looks like garbage...5 minutes tops. (6:45) Go out sliding glass door and toss the bagged body over fence/wall into woods and jump over after them (sorry Jorelys)...a minute tops. (6:46) Cut through woods to dumpster... maybe ten minutes tops. Toss in ... done. He did nothing to clean up the apartment, so ... that would make it what? 7 o'clock at most? Police haven't even been called yet by 7 pm.

Also, whatever made the police so certain they had the right perp, IMO, would likely have indicated if there were more than one perp. (Fingerprints, a notebook, early DNA evidence. If Ryan left fingerprints, hair strands, semen, his buddies would have too.) I really don't think, if they had evidence of more than one perp, that LE would keep that quiet from the general public.:twocents:

MOO! :cow:

"That's the rumor I heard that there was another suspect that this guy didn't do it that another person did," said Tim, who didn't want his last name used.

But GBI investigators say 'no'. They have their man. What they are not saying is much about the evidence found to put the current suspect, 20-year-old Ryan Brunn, behind bars.
IMHO the evidence that they have to arrest him (given the timeline of the survellience and the arrest) is more than likely at this time circumstantial.

I am one of the many members here on WS that wants to see forensic evidence when it is revealed. I also want to know about the trial.

Now does that mean I think he is innocent? No. It means that I, personally, want to see the factual evidence against RB.

But I do evaluate every fact as it comes out and then I base my opinion on those facts.

Right now I just don't have any facts other than what has been revealed about Jorelys. I have to admit I'm rather stunned that to this point we haven't heard any other crimes or abhorrent behavior from RB other than punching his dog in the nose as reported by a neighbor. I'm curious how a man RB's age goes from zero to 60 with one crime.

Not unheard of but rather unusual. Just sharing.
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