GA - Katherine Janness, 40, fatally stabbed and dog killed, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 28 July 2021 #2

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From what I've gleaned, police have never specifically stated there is *one* jogger.
I agree. We have rehashed this several times and It seems like all media reports can be interpreted as either one or two joggers.

I don’t think any of us posters should imply we know for certain if there’s one or two joggers.

whether there are one or two joggers probably is not important to the case but who knows.
I think she was on the way back to Henry’s but I absolutely don’t think she made it back there. I honestly believe she was dead by 12:25/12:30 if what Emma said is true. Emma said she started getting worried about Katie around 12:30 bc she wasn’t answering her phone. That makes me believe she was already dead by that time if Emma’s timeframe is correct.
Did Emma give a specific time she started to text Katie and got no answer? That is a key time. But I have heard is that when she got home and Katie wasn't there, she started texting and calling, but didn't hear her say a time. Emma said that when Katie didn't respond to the text she immediately knew something was wrong. So by that time, the attack had likely occurred or was underway.
She was already AT the park. iPhone lead her there while driving from their apt. She called brother/dad from CA Gate. DAD came up then.
Right…my question IS how did she get home from work. I know she drove to the park after she got home and realized Katie wasn’t there. I know the dad eventually drove to the park from Fayetteville. I know she used her phone to track Katie down. But I don’t know how Emma went home from work….did she drive home from work or did she walk home? That info hasn’t been made public.
Did Emma give a specific time she started to text Katie and got no answer? That is a key time. But I have heard is that when she got home and Katie wasn't there, she started texting and calling, but didn't hear her say a time. Emma said that when Katie didn't respond to the text she immediately knew something was wrong. So by that time, the attack had likely occurred or was underway.
In the interview Emma did with Fox 5, the reporter said Emma last saw Katie around 11:30pm when she left Henry’s to walk the dog and when she didn’t answer her phone about an hour later (approx 12:30) Emma knew something was wrong. I haven’t seen anything that provides the time that Emma tracked the phone…which is super important because she said the the phone was not moving. So basically whenever she pinged the phone and got the location, Katie was already dead at that point. I’m sure LE is withholding that info on purpose though.
I think there are English averaged figures somewhere for how much a murder in the family affects the family, and it is a huge amount with lost wages, costs etc of attending the trial etc. It was on a documentary. So no, that fundraising is a lot of money but the effect will also be a lot.
In my opinion Emma and Katie were family.
Emma has been through an unimaginable nightmare that will probably affect her the rest of her life. I personally do not begrudge her any amount of money. Hopefully she will get some good counseling and that can be very expensive.
I don’t know about taxes but half of the money made from donations could go to taxes???
Emma was at work until 1230. I’m sure several people can testify to that. And, investigators would have gotten a warrant for her cell phone. They would know where she went after work and what time she started texting. I doubt she would’ve had time to do what was done here.
Investigators would want to talk to the person closest to katie right away because
They would want to know who she worked with who Emma worked with if they had any odd neighbors …1 million things. They would have checked out Emma’s timeline and contacts.
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I don’t think he ran out of the park right away. Weather this was planned or unplanned, there doesn’t seem to be any footage of a blood soaked killer. Long black clothing would not show obvious blood on it. I just don’t get the vibe this is a well planned out intelligent killer. It seems erratic and rushed, like a youngish person. Moo

IMO if you had that much blood on you, it would drip down onto the streets too.
What makes you think there was no planning?

I think he was pretty confident in his abilities. I mean, to murder someone while they're out with a dog, and to do it in a public park takes confidence. Seems like a pretty organized killer to me, unless he left significant evidence lying around which I don't think he has.
I assume LE hasn't been able to find any evidence till now. Something tells me that this was well planned out. I personally think piquerism plays a role here too. Though it could just as easily be power-oriented. In that case, Katherine would've been the main target, whereas if it were hedonistic, they both would be a part of the fantasy. We would have to know the details for that.

There must be reason why FBI was called in, it was so brutal that it had to be planned out.
The autopsy on Katherine and Bowie should yield a time of death and hopefully some evidence that will identify the person that did this. At this point the FBI should have that information, a pretty distinct timeline, and a good idea of exactly what happened.
The autopsy on Katherine and Bowie should yield a time of death and hopefully some evidence that will identify the person that did this. At this point the FBI should have that information, a pretty distinct timeline, and a good idea of exactly what happened.

I seriously doubt the autopsy can narrow down the time of death more than we already know. It’s not really a minute-by-minute science. And by now if there was DNA recovered, it’s either been identified or is not in the system. All this time passing is not a good sign for “identified.”
The autopsy on Katherine and Bowie should yield a time of death and hopefully some evidence that will identify the person that did this. At this point the FBI should have that information, a pretty distinct timeline, and a good idea of exactly what happened.
I doubt an autopsy will narrow time of death. The best time of death estimate will likely be garnered from cell phone data.
Would there be any reason to think that the perp(s) are from outside the US or new to the country?
Maybe from a place where really horrific crimes (often directed at females) regularly occur, like some kind of cartel etc...? imo, speculation.
I was surprised by the number of people either walking or jogging at that time. There were quite a few on camera around the time of the murders. I hope there is no one in that park until they catch this monster. I’m sure LE has more information than is being shared, but as the days tick by it seems less hopeful that the monster will be found. I’m troubled slightly that it took the surfacing of security footage to get potential witnesses to step forward
I was surprised by the number of people either walking or jogging at that time. There were quite a few on camera around the time of the murders. I hope there is no one in that park until they catch this monster. I’m sure LE has more information than is being shared, but as the days tick by it seems less hopeful that the monster will be found. I’m troubled slightly that it took the surfacing of security footage to get potential witnesses to step forward
I understand that there have been several festivals in the park since the killing. It is a public park in midtown. And a very nice park at that. I am sure LE does have MUCH more information than they are releasing but it doesn't seem to have led to an arrest yet. That is frustrating. As for the witnesses in the video, I am sure most never knew anything was amiss and if they are not people that follow news, they never knew what had happened for a while. Of the witnesses, two strike me as important. the jogger first of all. I of course don't think he killed Katie, but the timing of him entering the gate and coming back puts him in the time frame to have seen something. We know police have talked to him. The other is the hoodie guy seen exiting from the other side of the park at 12:43. I wonder if he has been identified.
I understand that there have been several festivals in the park since the killing. It is a public park in midtown. And a very nice park at that. I am sure LE does have MUCH more information than they are releasing but it doesn't seem to have led to an arrest yet. That is frustrating. As for the witnesses in the video, I am sure most never knew anything was amiss and if they are not people that follow news, they never knew what had happened for a while. Of the witnesses, two strike me as important. the jogger first of all. I of course don't think he killed Katie, but the timing of him entering the gate and coming back puts him in the time frame to have seen something. We know police have talked to him. The other is the hoodie guy seen exiting from the other side of the park at 12:43. I wonder if he has been identified.
Yes. The hoodie guy, the guy with the cane and a red stain on his shirt, and the one jogger as a potential witness.
Yes. The hoodie guy, the guy with the cane and a red stain on his shirt, and the one jogger as a potential witness.
The guy with the cane is seen leaving the park via the 12th st gate at 12:25. That is about the earliest time that Katie could have been entering the park (obviously by another entrance since she is not seen on the 12th street video camera). So I don't think he is at all involved other than the police want to talk to him about any other people he saw in the park before he left. But the hoodie guy......
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