GA GA - Katherine Janness & Dog Bowie Fatally Stabbed - Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 2021 #5

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
100% agree… killer is a psychopath…totally capable of repeating if hasn’t already. Wish there was more being done to reassure those of us who live/work nearby. My thought is…to pull off such a hideous crime in such a well-trafficked area (even at that hour), the killer is very familiar with the park and the surrounding area. Maybe even a neighbor. Scary.
I agree with you and TL45. Regardless of motive, this killer is a psychopath. And I agree with you, this killer must have been well familiar with Piedmont Park, and the park at night. Assuming the killer isn't one of the people in the photos released by police (and I don't think any of these people are the killer) the perp was able to get in and out unseen.
The things i often wonder about after a hideous murder such as this one, is..
what the killer is doing now, how are they acting around others, do they feel guilty or proud of what they did, are they having sleepless nights waiting for the knock on the door from LE, if they are otherwise of ''sound'' mind, are they worried that they are mentally ill, if known to be unstable, is somebody hiding and protecting them, or even also murdered and body hidden, but mostly i wonder and worry if the perp had a taste of something truly wicked and wants more, more, more?
speculation, imo, fwiw.
Sorry, nothing new- but this news conference is a good reminder that FBI is involved and continue to investigate Katherine's murder behind the scenes.

'Jul 28, 2022
In an news conference Thursday, police said they still haven't identified a suspect, but they still receive tips about the case.'
my own thoughts on this case is that it was a male perp who killed Katie, that he likely had frequented the park on a number of occasions and was likely waiting for a victim, he might have seen Katie before but didnt necessarily know her. He is sadistic , hates women , likely to have problems maintaining relationships with women , likely to have been violent towards women before. Probably younger than Katie, physically stronger. likely to live locally.

do we know the actual cause of death of Bowie ? was he stabbed? how many times?
I know Katie's autopsy has been released but not the dog's?
Do we know if anything was taken from the crime scene?
I wonder why the police released the 911 call? does anyone have a view on why they chose to do that?
Have they ever asked for a particular type of knife that they are looking for? presumably it was a strong subtantial knife to have been able to inflict the injuries caused not just a kitchen knife for example.

Has there been any other update since the Nov 2022 statement about being closer to catching someone?

If they had forensics then by now they would have had the results so does this mean this person has never been caught before for any offence?
Sorry, nothing new- but this news conference is a good reminder that FBI is involved and continue to investigate Katherine's murder behind the scenes.

'Jul 28, 2022
In an news conference Thursday, police said they still haven't identified a suspect, but they still receive tips about the case.'

Thanks for posting this. The press conference did not really inspire confidence in me. Reading between the lines, the fact that the FBI remains involved, that they are reminding us how long it can take to solve a homicide, and that ATL homicide continues to "conduct tactical canvasses" in order to gain information on any possible suspects (of which they haven't developed even one so far) - this makes me think that they have the working theory that this attack was a random act of violence. I believe they think the attacker doesn't have a personal connection to KJ but does have some kind of connection to the Piedmont Park area. JMO, IF we can take everything said in this conference at face value. We do know that sometimes LE says things to deflect from what they are actually doing.
I've only just become aware of this case (I apparently live under a rock) and it's one of those cases that really does make you shudder. All murders are horrific but some are so vile and involve such overkill that it's unfathomable any human being could do that.

I haven't caught up on all the information yet, but I've seen a few comments questioning the likelihood of the perpetrator choosing to randomly attack someone with a dog.

It reminds me to some degree of the Rachel Nickell case from the UK about 30 years ago. She was out walking in a busy park in broad daylight, with her two-year-old son and her labrador-greyhound mix dog. The man who killed her chose her at random, stabbing her almost 50 times and sexually assaulting her. Nobody saw or heard it happen despite people being nearby. Her son was physically unharmed, and so was the dog, presumably because it didn't try to fight the attacker. It took almost 15 years for LE to find Rachel's killer.

The dog interests me in this case, because LE appear to have said so little about Bowie. We know he was found fairly near the park entrance with multiple stab wounds. But would he have been killed no matter what, or was he only killed because he tried to protect KJ? Also, did he run around at all after being stabbed, or were his wounds immediately incapacitating causing him to collapse on the spot; information about possible blood trails would be useful. LE presumably have that information and will have a good idea of exactly how and where the attack took place, where it commenced, where it ended, etc., but from what I've seen so far they don't appear to have released many details.

And one other thought... was Bowie on or off his lead? Because if he was running off his lead, it's possible an attacker wouldn't have known Bowie was there until after the attack started.
I've only just become aware of this case (I apparently live under a rock) and it's one of those cases that really does make you shudder. All murders are horrific but some are so vile and involve such overkill that it's unfathomable any human being could do that.

I haven't caught up on all the information yet, but I've seen a few comments questioning the likelihood of the perpetrator choosing to randomly attack someone with a dog.

It reminds me to some degree of the Rachel Nickell case from the UK about 30 years ago. She was out walking in a busy park in broad daylight, with her two-year-old son and her labrador-greyhound mix dog. The man who killed her chose her at random, stabbing her almost 50 times and sexually assaulting her. Nobody saw or heard it happen despite people being nearby. Her son was physically unharmed, and so was the dog, presumably because it didn't try to fight the attacker. It took almost 15 years for LE to find Rachel's killer.

The dog interests me in this case, because LE appear to have said so little about Bowie. We know he was found fairly near the park entrance with multiple stab wounds. But would he have been killed no matter what, or was he only killed because he tried to protect KJ? Also, did he run around at all after being stabbed, or were his wounds immediately incapacitating causing him to collapse on the spot; information about possible blood trails would be useful. LE presumably have that information and will have a good idea of exactly how and where the attack took place, where it commenced, where it ended, etc., but from what I've seen so far they don't appear to have released many details.

And one other thought... was Bowie on or off his lead? Because if he was running off his lead, it's possible an attacker wouldn't have known Bowie was there until after the attack started.
yes I also thought of Rachel Nickell , there is also Julia James and Anne Nicoll both stabbed to death while walking their dogs, although none of those dogs were ever killed none of them knew their killer so was not familiar to those dogs.

Katie was higher risk victim walking dog alone in early hours with ear buds in
Thanks for posting this. The press conference did not really inspire confidence in me. Reading between the lines, the fact that the FBI remains involved, that they are reminding us how long it can take to solve a homicide, and that ATL homicide continues to "conduct tactical canvasses" in order to gain information on any possible suspects (of which they haven't developed even one so far) - this makes me think that they have the working theory that this attack was a random act of violence. I believe they think the attacker doesn't have a personal connection to KJ but does have some kind of connection to the Piedmont Park area. JMO, IF we can take everything said in this conference at face value. We do know that sometimes LE says things to deflect from what they are actually doing.
I agree. It sounds like they don't have any idea who this, but think the "tactical canvasses" sounds like they are looking at homeless folks?
LE may have captured DNA, it would be nearly impossible not to leave any.

But maybe that DNA wasn’t foreign DNA, aka, it made sense that it was there, aka, they can’t make an arrest based off that DNA because it’s explainable.

So if someone in her inner circle committed this crime (not pointing fingers) then it would be hard to use that as evidence since the DNA being in her clothes or body could easily be explained.

That means that need evidence other than that, and maybe that’s what they’re having a hard time obtaining and proving. JMO.
or maybe it is foreign but not a match to anyone in the databases,
yes I also thought of Rachel Nickell , there is also Julia James and Anne Nicoll both stabbed to death while walking their dogs, although none of those dogs were ever killed none of them knew their killer so was not familiar to those dogs.

Katie was higher risk victim walking dog alone in early hours with ear buds in
I noted Rachel Nickell because like Katie's dog, Rachel's was a fairly big dog.

The Julia James and Anne Nicoll cases are also horrific, but their dogs were a Jack Russell and an Airedale terrier; fighting off a furious, defensive pitbull or labrador is a very different proposition.
I noted Rachel Nickell because like Katie's dog, Rachel's was a fairly big dog.

The Julia James and Anne Nicoll cases are also horrific, but their dogs were a Jack Russell and an Airedale terrier; fighting off a furious, defensive pitbull or labrador is a very different proposition.
yes although i did read of a case where a jack russell did bite an attackers leg and wouldnt let go, however i think it all depends on the nature of the dog some pitbulls are not overly protective of their owners, in any event in this particular case the perp was able to kill the dog to achieve what they wanted to do, they seemed to have been very motivated to carry out this attack on Katie to satisfy their "needs".
Has anyone here been to the scene? or have a link to a good map of the location and do we know her exact location , was she found on the left side as you go into the park , almost opposite to the toilet block do we know? I wonder how much cctv they looked through , did they look at footage in the weeks leading up to and the weeks after the crime?
Has anyone here been to the scene? or have a link to a good map of the location and do we know her exact location , was she found on the left side as you go into the park , almost opposite to the toilet block do we know? I wonder how much cctv they looked through , did they look at footage in the weeks leading up to and the weeks after the crime?

We've had photos of the case but they're scattered throughout the 5 threads. Most all of the Piedmont Park's cctv's were broken and outdated equipment. I'm not sure about the entire area's cctv footage including surrounding streets.

I was able to grab the simple map someone kindly made for Katie's and Bowie's murders.

Piedmont Park - KJ - Google My Maps
Police seek clues after woman and dog killed in Atlanta park
''ATLANTA -- Investigators sought video from homes and businesses near a popular Atlanta park as divers searched a pond in their quest to solve the stabbing death of a parkgoer who was walking her dog.

Katherine Janness, 40, was found dead in Piedmont Park around 1 a.m. Wednesday. Police say her dog was also killed. No arrests have been made.''

''Janness was found stabbed multiple times and Atlanta police Deputy Chief Charles Hampton described the scene as “gruesome.”

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Thread #4
I read about this case and it made me sick to my stomach. Sounds like LE is not letting any information out to the public which I think is a huge mistake. Let the public know what's going on perhaps we can help solve this case since LE doesn't seem to be doing a very good job as of now. Very hard to find any information or I should say recent information on this case. Find it hard to believe they have not arrested anyone as of yet. This woman and dog were attacked in such a horrific way but any murder of a person or animal is horrific. This person spent a lot of time with Katherine this was a just kill someone and get away. There has to be a reason why they spent all this time brutalizing Katherine which leads me to be believe she knew her attacker. I just don't see this being a random attack. However since there has been no arrests that could mean there is no connection to her what so ever which would be much harder to solve. Over 50 stab wounds who does with so much anger and not be attached somehow to the person. There was definitely a lot of anger in this attack. I was hoping that some YouTubers would have covered this case but I can't find anyone talking about this case. Very strange and sad to see, this woman and her dog deserve justice more people should be taking about this case in my opinion..
I read about this case and it made me sick to my stomach. Sounds like LE is not letting any information out to the public which I think is a huge mistake. Let the public know what's going on perhaps we can help solve this case since LE doesn't seem to be doing a very good job as of now. Very hard to find any information or I should say recent information on this case. Find it hard to believe they have not arrested anyone as of yet. This woman and dog were attacked in such a horrific way but any murder of a person or animal is horrific. This person spent a lot of time with Katherine this was a just kill someone and get away. There has to be a reason why they spent all this time brutalizing Katherine which leads me to be believe she knew her attacker. I just don't see this being a random attack. However since there has been no arrests that could mean there is no connection to her what so ever which would be much harder to solve. Over 50 stab wounds who does with so much anger and not be attached somehow to the person. There was definitely a lot of anger in this attack. I was hoping that some YouTubers would have covered this case but I can't find anyone talking about this case. Very strange and sad to see, this woman and her dog deserve justice more people should be taking about this case in my opinion..
You’re so right that it needs to go out to the public-many people on this site alone have come up with intelligently thought-out ideas, so if more individuals knew, the odds are higher that someone might have heard something in passing that now would be clear to him or her that it matters to this case. Any suggestions?
2022 rbbm.
  • By Elizabeth Nouryeh-Clay

“To date, we have obtained multiple search warrants for in and around the area of the incident location,” Dearlove said. “We continue to conduct tactical canvasses to identify additional individuals or witnesses at or around the incident location and to follow up on leads generated.”
Deputy Chief Charles Hampton would not answer whether APD believes Janness knew her attacker(s) nor whether the murder weapon was found at the scene. Hampton said they have active leads they feel will bring them closer to solving this case.
“This is a case relying heavily on biological evidence, heavily on technological evidence,” Hampton said. “Those things take time. Some things out of our control, so we have to wait until things come back — that could be data coming back from phone carriers.”

''Police say they don’t know if it was one person or multiple people who attacked Janness and her dog and pleaded with the public to call with any information.
“A lot of our cases are solved by our community just saying something they saw,” Hampton said. “A lot of people think that they didn’t see a big thing, but it could just be something minute — a color of a car or a figure that went southbound on a street
. All that is important to us because again, it gives us something to follow up on that could eventually lead us to solve the case.”

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