GA GA - Katherine Janness & Dog Bowie Fatally Stabbed - Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 2021 #5

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DNA Solves
Actually I was trying to say that Emma would have been caught on the CA camera as she arrived looking for KJ.
I misread a post above that said, that EC entered the park near Argonne Street. I went back and I see now, he wrote that it was in his opinion. EC probably took the path that Katie took, as seen on her cell phone. She only would have been caught on camera if she entered through the Charles Allen gate. If she went along the path right inside the park, she would not have been caught on camera. I'm not sure if it was determined that she went through the gate, maybe I missed it.
I misread a post above that said, that EC entered the park near Argonne Street. I went back and I see now, he wrote that it was in his opinion. EC probably took the path that Katie took, as seen on her cell phone. She only would have been caught on camera if she entered through the Charles Allen gate. If she went along the path right inside the park, she would not have been caught on camera. I'm not sure if it was determined that she went through the gate, maybe I missed it.
I don’t think KJ’s phone showed EC what route KJ took. EC was using the Find My Phone feature which showed her where KJ’s phone was, which was just inside the CA & 10th St entrance. I believe that EC has indicated that she entered at CA & 10th and very shortly saw what turned out to be Bowie. Also, JMHO, I don’t think KJ would have walked along the parallel path to 10th; too dark. I am not convinced APD would or has released CCTV video of KJ or EC entering PP. I don’t think the APD wanted or still want the timeline public.
I misread a post above that said, that EC entered the park near Argonne Street. I went back and I see now, he wrote that it was in his opinion. EC probably took the path that Katie took, as seen on her cell phone. She only would have been caught on camera if she entered through the Charles Allen gate. If she went along the path right inside the park, she would not have been caught on camera. I'm not sure if it was determined that she went through the gate, maybe I missed it.
I believe EC stated she brough up the find my phone app and it didn't first show KJ so she just started looking on routes that KJ often took. Then the app showed KJ's phone in the park, not moving and she went there. She mentioned seeing Bowie as soon as she entered the gate, so i am assuming she walked/rode through CA gate.
Responding to you and Valiant's posts about the time. I have wondered about the time stamp as well. Was it accurate. But APD posted that photo and said that was the last time she was seen alive (at that time - we don't know if they have subsequently found other vid/photo evidence of her) and they have never come back and said the time stamp was wrong. Which, I feel they would do. So I am inclined (though not 100% certain) to believe the 12:09 time is correct.
As for KJ's activities. I do think EC has said she isn't certain about the 11:30 time, but I am guessing it is in the ball park. But yes, there is a lag between then and 12:09 in the Rainbow crosswalk. but in that photo, she and Bowie are crossing south to north. Henry's is on the north side. So they are not coming straight from Henry's or they would have already been on the north side of the street. So she and Bowie went somewhere after stopping to see Emma. Maybe just wondering. But then headed for the park at 12:09.

Now, that does bring up a question for me as to "why?" They had already been out on a long walk. So I also thought maybe KJ was just killing time to wait for Emma to get off so they could walk back together. But that seems odd too because she would have arrived at CA gate at 12:25-12:30, the time Emma would have been getting off work. Odd.
So according to prairie winds writing above here, police said the crosswalk photo was the last time Katie was seen alive. And I believe I read that in other places too. And it stands to reason if they had a picture of her going through the Charles Allen gate, I think they would have released that. The benefit of getting tips, is outweighed to hiding the precise time that she got there. The fact that police did not release that sort of picture, implies that she did not go through the Charles Allen gate.
I believe EC stated she brough up the find my phone app and it didn't first show KJ so she just started looking on routes that KJ often took. Then the app showed KJ's phone in the park, not moving and she went there. She mentioned seeing Bowie as soon as she entered the gate, so i am assuming she walked/rode through CA gate.
Yes I agree with you now, that EC probably went through the Charles Allen gate, rethinking it based on the writing that's out there.
I don’t think KJ’s phone showed EC what route KJ took. EC was using the Find My Phone feature which showed her where KJ’s phone was, which was just inside the CA & 10th St entrance. I believe that EC has indicated that she entered at CA & 10th and very shortly saw what turned out to be Bowie. Also, JMHO, I don’t think KJ would have walked along the parallel path to 10th; too dark. I am not convinced APD would or has released CCTV video of KJ or EC entering PP. I don’t think the APD wanted or still want the timeline public.
Well as far as I'm aware, they have that app where you can see where the other person is at all times. For example, EC could look on her phone, and see that Katie was not moving, so that means she's getting real-time data of her movements. I don't have that app, so I don't know if there's some historical feature, where you can go back and trace where they were.

-- As to what path Katie walked on 10th, she clearly crossed over into the park path, at some points before Charles Allen Gate, because first, she wasn't caught on Charles Allen gate cameras, and two, she ran into the park. If she was coming from the Charles Allen gate side, she would have ran out of the park.

And I believe somebody on here mentioned that there were several cameras on 10th Street that should have caught her walking on 10th Street. So that implies to me she crossed over into the park shortly after the rainbow crossing. And walked on the parallel park path. Yes I agree that kind of seems odd that she would walk on an isolated park path at night. However that path is literally right next to 10th street, within feet. So I'm sure that makes it feel safer.

The fact that she chose to walk on a isolated Park path, instead of on 10th Street, further supports the idea to me, that she was purposely trying to hide what she was doing and where she was going. I think it's possible that whoever she was trying to meet, specifically told her to avoid the cameras, and not to go through Charles Allen gate. She of course, thought he told her that for one reason, but of course he had a whole other reason in mind.
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APD also said they were “getting close” two yrs ago and now…crickets. Which I get … but to the point of their stmt that the RNBWXWLK photo was the last photo of her alive…I doubt that. Maybe last photo known to them *at that time.*

Whichever way she walked to the park, there are businesses and homes, many of which have their own cameras and likely collect photos of folks who walked by that night…incl KJ…and possibly even the assailant.
APD also said they were “getting close” two yrs ago and now…crickets. Which I get … but to the point of their stmt that the RNBWXWLK photo was the last photo of her alive…I doubt that. Maybe last photo known to them *at that time.*

Whichever way she walked to the park, there are businesses and homes, many of which have their own cameras and likely collect photos of folks who walked by that night…incl KJ…and possibly even the assailant.
I believe I read that it was the last known photo of her alive, and I doubt they're going to find more pics after they released it, like you suggest. As I'm sure they got all the photos early on. Highly unlikely that like 3 months later, somebody goes, oh I have a cam video. In addition they did not have many more opportunities to get pics of her, because she was only like a block away from her final destination from the rainbow crosswalk, which she got to, you know, only like 10 or 15 minutes later. The only other pics they could have gotten, was what cams were on that block, on 10th Street. Plus they already said all the park cameras were not working. So I think if they had more pics, they would have released them, because it would have helped with tips. If as someone pointed out, they didn't want the exact time known, they could have blurred out the time on pic. They didn't release anything else, because they didn't have anything else. So it's pretty clear thru logic, she did not go through the Charles Allen Gate. That's just my opinion.
Factual question: were the Charles Allen gate cameras working? I thought there was an issue of non-functioning cameras.

Rest is JMO:
Everyone is entitled to their own theories but I don't think there is any evidence from which we can conclude that Katie was up to anything that would cause her to actively avoid ordinary public security cameras. JMO. I realize that we have to consider the possibility that she went out of her way to buy drugs, since that is a factor in so many homicides, but I believe that there is zero evidence for this. Likewise, the idea of a scheduled meet-up with no digital traces defies credulity IMO.

After following this case for a while, I have also backed away from the idea that this crime was premeditated by a skilled and careful criminal. My original theory is that either Katie or Emma had met a stalker through their food service jobs, because servers are obligated to be polite and an unbalanced person could misinterpret this friendliness, as well as being affected by homophobia. And others have theorized this was premeditated to gratify sexual sadism. I enjoy fictive theories as much as the next person (my personal tinfoil hat in other cases is espionage) but here I don't think we are dealing with an elusive Lecter-style criminal.

I think that this was a random attack by someone experiencing a psychotic event. The Point Defiance attack (committed by an Atlanta native who fled to ATL after the WA assault) is what changed my mind. The difference in WA is that the victim (who survived) and a witness were able to provide a description, resulting in a detailed sketch. The accused was involved with the mental health system and presumably with the sketch LE was able to connect the dots. Even if it wasn't the same perp (I don't know whether the WA guy was in ATL in 2021) I think it is a similar type of crime.

To me it seems much more likely that she was on a unplanned, meandering walk with her dog and was attacked at random by someone who was very disturbed and also very lucky at leaving minimal/no forensic evidence. I hope her family and friends receive peace and justice.
APD issued a statement re: “last seen” at 950a on 7/28/21. Imo, there’s no practical/logistical way for them to know, definitively, at that early point in the investigation, if that actually was the last photo of Katie and Bowie.


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Factual question: were the Charles Allen gate cameras working? I thought there was an issue of non-functioning cameras.

Rest is JMO:
Everyone is entitled to their own theories but I don't think there is any evidence from which we can conclude that Katie was up to anything that would cause her to actively avoid ordinary public security cameras. JMO. I realize that we have to consider the possibility that she went out of her way to buy drugs, since that is a factor in so many homicides, but I believe that there is zero evidence for this. Likewise, the idea of a scheduled meet-up with no digital traces defies credulity IMO.

After following this case for a while, I have also backed away from the idea that this crime was premeditated by a skilled and careful criminal. My original theory is that either Katie or Emma had met a stalker through their food service jobs, because servers are obligated to be polite and an unbalanced person could misinterpret this friendliness, as well as being affected by homophobia. And others have theorized this was premeditated to gratify sexual sadism. I enjoy fictive theories as much as the next person (my personal tinfoil hat in other cases is espionage) but here I don't think we are dealing with an elusive Lecter-style criminal.

I think that this was a random attack by someone experiencing a psychotic event. The Point Defiance attack (committed by an Atlanta native who fled to ATL after the WA assault) is what changed my mind. The difference in WA is that the victim (who survived) and a witness were able to provide a description, resulting in a detailed sketch. The accused was involved with the mental health system and presumably with the sketch LE was able to connect the dots. Even if it wasn't the same perp (I don't know whether the WA guy was in ATL in 2021) I think it is a similar type of crime.

To me it seems much more likely that she was on a unplanned, meandering walk with her dog and was attacked at random by someone who was very disturbed and also very lucky at leaving minimal/no forensic evidence. I hope her family and friends receive peace and justice.
The jogger et al were seen from a camera from across 10th street which is directed toward the CA Gate. It’s the cameras inside the park that weren’t working. Nqs if there’s a camera just past the gate/inside the park or not. In total iirc there were 8 inoperable cameras.

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