GA - Kendrick Johnson, 17, Suspicious Death, Jan. 10/11, 2013, #1

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I realize that you are new to the case, but in the beginning the family was making comparisons to Emmett Till. Their FB page even had a picture of Till next to KJ. I haven't heard the comparison lately but presumably that's because someone they trusted explained the effect livor mortis would have on a body in an inverted position. JMO. OMO. MOO.

I believe that has already been explained. The two boys looked strikingly alike in life, and tragically, in death. :(.

I would have to scroll back, but I know someone posted a link weeks ago clearing that up.
..and they didn't call for help because....?

I know this question wasn't for me. I don't claim to know the motive but it certainly seems plausible to me.... Logistically.

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I have no idea. That is the point, right? We just don't know. I am not sure at this point if this was someone who lured him in and left him there, or something happened and they panicked and left him there but one thing It seems is clear is that he was not there alone. Someone put his shoes there.

Those shoes... Those shoes!!!! I can't imagine them getting there any other way! Those shoes haunt me.

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I have no idea. That is the point, right? We just don't know. I am not sure at this point if this was someone who lured him in and left him there, or something happened and they panicked and left him there but one thing It seems is clear is that he was not there alone. Someone put his shoes there.

His shoes could have come off while he was struggling to get out, or they could have fallen in after him.

His shoes outside the mat would not have caused suspicion, it was a gym and there were other shoes lying I'm not sure why the killer would think to throw them in on top of KJ.

Like I've said before, if it was not his habit to do exactly what he did that day, I'd find it more suspicious, but this was his habit...the only exception being the mats were upright and not lying down as they would normally be, when he went to retrieve his shoes.

Why do you think someone else put them there?

Because they look to me like someone picked them up, while holding them in one hand, and put them there.

I can't imagine them falling off his feet, as he struggled to get out, frantically kicking his feet, that they would land so neatly like that.

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Sometimes there is truth some in rumors, sometimes not.

If there was a cover-up... Many people, myself included will not be shocked. It's happened far too many times before.
I just hope a definitive answer without doubt can be reached. For everyone's sake.
I do hope it was a tragic accident, but I still have very troubling doubt. I can't even imagine his parents pain.

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BBM: That's not going to happen though, IMO, unless they have video of the actual event taking place. I'm afraid that some of those surrounding the parents are not actually doing what is in the best interest for them. If they were, they would have had answers to some of these allegations already.

The parents are grieving and others are leading them with things that are not true to fact.

I find it very sad to see a community so divided in this day and age. I fear that there could be violence, over this. God forbid, something happens to one of those children seen in the video, just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The MSM, as usual, fabricating fiction instead of reporting news. JMO. OMO. MOO.

The link posted by vlpate is to the video showing kids ALREADY PLAYING in the gym BEFORE KJ goes in. Vlpate said that one is the non-edited one.

The one on CNN that is supposedly edited is the one that shows an empty gym.

But you guys keep saying that CNN is showing the one with kids in the gym the same time as KJ.

That is wrong. The only video I have seen that shows kids in the gym first is the one vlpate posted and she said that was the RAW video.

Somebody PLEASE explain to me why CNN is the bad guy when the raw video actually makes things look worse for the LCSD's official story? Because I am really confused. And please, no more copy and paste jobs from re-newzit. :facepalm: If you pinch from a website, it should be linked and not made to look like your own words. (Not you, GXM).
His shoes could have come off while he was struggling to get out, or they could have fallen in after him.

His shoes outside the mat would not have caused suspicion, it was a gym and there were other shoes lying I'm not sure why the killer would think to throw them in on top of KJ.

Like I've said before, if it was not his habit to do exactly what he did that day, I'd find it more suspicious, but this was his habit...the only exception being the mats were upright and not lying down as they would normally be, when he went to retrieve his shoes.


I agree. I don't see why the shoes are evidence that someone else was with KJ. When this case was first reported, I didn't understand how he ended up in the mat, but after reading the results of the investigation it began to make sense. Leaving his shoes in the mat was part of his, and his friends, normal routine. The tragedy occurred because the mats were moved from a horizontal to vertical position. I wish someone had been with him, because then he could have been saved. This terrible accident would have been prevented if he hadn't been alone. JMO. OMO. MOO.
BBM: That's not going to happen though, IMO, unless they have video of the actual event taking place. I'm afraid that some of those surrounding the parents are not actually doing what is in the best interest for them. If they were, they would have had answers to some of these allegations already.

The parents are grieving and others are leading them with things that are not true to fact.

I find it very sad to see a community so divided in this day and age. I fear that there could be violence, over this. God forbid, something happens to one of those children seen in the video, just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Why hasn't law enforcement done a reenactment video?

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I agree. I don't see why the shoes are evidence that someone else was with KJ. When this case was first reported, I didn't understand how he ended up in the mat, but after reading the results of the investigation it began to make sense. Leaving his shoes in the mat was part of his, and his friends, normal routine. The tragedy occurred because the mats were moved from a horizontal to vertical position. I wish someone had been with him, because then he could have been saved. This terrible accident would have been prevented if he hadn't been alone. JMO. OMO. MOO.

Because the shoes were on TOP of his inverted body. His arms and body were trapped upside down. So how did the shoes end up tossed in on top of his feet? If he were alone?
The link posted by vlpate is to the video showing kids ALREADY PLAYING in the gym BEFORE KJ goes in. Vlpate said that one is the non-edited one.

The one on CNN that is supposedly edited is the one that shows an empty gym.

But you guys keep saying that CNN is showing the one with kids in the gym the same time as KJ.

That is wrong. The only video I have seen that shows kids in the gym first is the one vlpate posted and she said that was the RAW video.

Somebody PLEASE explain to me why CNN is the bad guy when the raw video actually makes things look worse for the LCSD's official story? Because I am really confused. And please, no more copy and paste jobs from re-newzit. :facepalm: If you pinch from a website, it should be linked and not made to look like your own words. (Not you, GXM).
Where do you see kids already in the gym when he walks in? At the :16 second mark the kid in a green shirt appears out of nowhere and that is probably due to the time lapse - he just appears, - not from the left or the right... he's just suddenly there. The reports from the beginning, even the official reports say there was no one in the gym when KJ entered except the kid who went before him.
But there were no kids playing basketball when KJ entered. Only KJ and the other child walked in. KJ was seen at 1:09 and the group of players were seen around 1:25 IIRC. I find it really odd there are no time stamps on CTV video.

If the video were on a loop, they would have started the loop with KJ entering the gym first. Besides, you have to listen to the AC and the reporter talking about how there were kids in the gym when he entered. There were not. It's spin.

Here is a link to the "raw" video. I'm assuming "raw" means unedited or unprocessed.
Tonight is the first I've heard of Kendrick's death while watching "Jane" and I cannot begin to imagine how his parents feel. I haven't read all the posts here but listening to Jane's and Nancy's shows have left me with more questions!
Because the shoes were on TOP of his inverted body. His arms and body were trapped upside down. So how did the shoes end up tossed in on top of his feet? If he were alone?

Either he'd already taken them off and they fell in after him or he kicked them off as he tried to gain traction to back up out of the mat.
Either he'd already taken them off and they fell in after him or he kicked them off as he tried to gain traction to back up out of the mat.

If it was an accident. I'm just not thoroughly convinced. And that's Law enforcements fault. IMO

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Where do you see kids already in the gym when he walks in? At the :16 second mark the kid in a green shirt appears out of nowhere and that is probably due to the time lapse - he just appears, - not from the left or the right... he's just suddenly there. The reports from the beginning, even the official reports say there was no one in the gym when KJ entered except the kid who went before him.

The link you posted earlier
begins with a group of kids playing in the gym. Then KJ runs through in the lower right corner. This is the one you said was the raw version.

It is totally different from the version I saw earlier on CNN. That version is the one that shows the empty gym, then KJ, then the green shirt kid suddenly appear. That is the one you said was edited.
I want answers too. I've been back and forth on this one. There are a lot of unanswered questions and the family has a right to the answers.

Right now, I'm leaning more towards accident. But that could change depending on new info.

This case is odd to say the least.

I just hope when the answers are found, people can accept them. I just hope the activists' hype doesn't blind people to the facts if it was in fact an accident.

We should all want the truth. Even if it doesn't fit our theories.


I agree with you - I just want the truth too. At first, when I first read this story, I thought the family was off-base and not willing to accept that an accident happened to their beloved son. As time has gone on, though, it's really hard for me to believe he could fall head first into something so tightly rolled.

This seems to be one of those cases where the local LE - and we've all seen this happen - decides for some unknown reason not to follow up on a suspicious death. I don't think it's any real conspiracy - but rather, ignorance and laziness that was then followed up by stubbornness.

After careful thought I just don't see him being in that position by pure accident.
I agree with you - I just want the truth too. At first, when I first read this story, I thought the family was off-base and not willing to accept that an accident happened to their beloved son. As time has gone on, though, it's really hard for me to believe he could fall head first into something so tightly rolled.

This seems to be one of those cases where the local LE - and we've all seen this happen - decides for some unknown reason not to follow up on a suspicious death. I don't think it's any real conspiracy - but rather, ignorance and laziness that was then followed up by stubbornness.

After careful thought I just don't see him being in that position by pure accident.

I agree with everything... I truly hope it was laziness and not something more sinister.

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Here is the raw video first released yesterday - clearly KJ enters the gym before the the CNN video today, he enters after the players had all entered.

This ^ absolutely does NOT show KJ entering first. It shows kids already there, playing ball, then KJ darts through. I had never seen that until you posted it. But you keep saying it shows something different....please click on your link and watch it.
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