GA - Kendrick Johnson, 17, Suspicious Death, Jan. 10/11, 2013, #2

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Most of you know what I think: there are too many discrepancies and contradictions for me to accept the quick-before-the-autopsy Lowndes Co. conclusion of accident, and I question why the body was held so long and inappropriately, and why the GBI did not take into consideration the findings of EMT at the scene. Add to that all the reluctance to release information even to MSM and the catch-me-if-you-can attitude of the sheriff, plus the missing evidence as listed by the parents and Mr. King.

I'm glad the case is being reviewed by Mr. Miller and hope that further investigation is ordered by the FBI. They, to me, are the only dept. that can get to the bottom of what is going on in Lowndes Co. sheriffs dept.
I have questions.. Ones I hope will be answered when the feds are done investigating.

I think that it is so odd of a death that there will always be questions no matter what the answer really is.
Most of you know what I think: there are too many discrepancies and contradictions for me to accept the quick-before-the-autopsy Lowndes Co. conclusion of accident, and I question why the body was held so long and inappropriately, and why the GBI did not take into consideration the findings of EMT at the scene. Add to that all the reluctance to release information even to MSM and the catch-me-if-you-can attitude of the sheriff, plus the missing evidence as listed by the parents and Mr. King.

I'm glad the case is being reviewed by Mr. Miller and hope that further investigation is ordered by the FBI. They, to me, are the only dept. that can get to the bottom of what is going on in Lowndes Co. sheriffs dept.

What did the EMTs find that the GBI did not consider? I missed that, I think.
I am substituting for a coach at our local middle school this week. I spend all day in the gym. There are "cheerleading" mats rolled up horizontally all along one side below the seats. There are some solid blue foam mats with a backing of some kind. These are secured with Velcro straps and have a hole in the middle that is big enough for someone to crawl into. There are some white foam mats with black backing. The foam on these mats is not solid but kind of in strips. They are folded backwards so that the strips pull away from each other and allow these mats to be folded horizontally with no hole in the middle. I tried to lift one end of a blue mat and could not do so. I could move the mat somewhat on the floor because the backing was slick. I didn't try to move the mat into the vertical position since I could not even lift one end. Long story short, I could easily picture a group of vertical mats stacked together providing support for someone to crawl around on top. The large hole in the mat could accommodate someone falling headfirst into it. I am of the opinion KJ's death was a terrible accident.

Let me add this. Students were not permitted to touch those mats in the middle school gym.
Most of you know what I think: there are too many discrepancies and contradictions for me to accept the quick-before-the-autopsy Lowndes Co. conclusion of accident, and I question why the body was held so long and inappropriately, and why the GBI did not take into consideration the findings of EMT at the scene. Add to that all the reluctance to release information even to MSM and the catch-me-if-you-can attitude of the sheriff, plus the missing evidence as listed by the parents and Mr. King.

I'm glad the case is being reviewed by Mr. Miller and hope that further investigation is ordered by the FBI. They, to me, are the only dept. that can get to the bottom of what is going on in Lowndes Co. sheriffs dept.
I have yet to see any discrepancies or contradictions in this case except for some No Name guy from Florida finding stacked up against a Board Certified Forensic Doctor with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. 6 GBI investigators were on the scene quickly and 3 technicians as the local Sheriff called them into the case immediately. Even on Law and Order, the cops or Docs ask the EMTs "Well, what do you think"?
What did the EMTs find that the GBI did not consider? I missed that, I think.

I think the reference is to the bruising in the chin/neck area. Not sure the GBI didn't consider it. They did their own independent exam and didn't note anything of the kind. I don't know whether they had access to the EMT report or not when they performed their investigation or whether that would be protocol or against protocol. jmo
I think the reference is to the bruising in the chin/neck area. Not sure the GBI didn't consider it. They did their own independent exam and didn't note anything of the kind. I don't know whether they had access to the EMT report or not when they performed their investigation or whether that would be protocol or against protocol. jmo

IIRC, the GBI tested tissue samples from that area while the second autopsy (and presumably the EMT) did not. JMO. OMO. MOO.
Regarding the "missing" clothes, Page 2 of 5 of the Official Report from the Division of Forensics GBI states:

Personal Effects Disposition:
The clothing, set of earphones/buds and hair ties (3) are released with the body.
IIRC, the GBI tested tissue samples from that area while the second autopsy (and presumably the EMT) did not. JMO. OMO. MOO.

I've read that here and don't doubt it, but haven't seen the report myself. If anyone has a link handy, that would be awesome.

Just sayin' I've lived in Georgia and the GBI is very highly regarded for the most part. Not everyone in the State is a backwarda** soandso.

I've read that here and don't doubt it, but haven't seen the report myself. If anyone has a link handy, that would be awesome.

Just sayin' I've lived in Georgia and the GBI is very highly regarded for the most part. Not everyone in the State is a backwarda** soandso.


I don't know if there is a EMT report out there anywhere. I haven't seen it. Both autopsy reports are in the timeline thread.

Kendricks right arm was positioned over the face, so I would guess the right side of his jaw or cheek area may have rested on it. To the EMT, this may have gave the appearance of a bruise.
Regarding the "missing" clothes, Page 2 of 5 of the Official Report from the Division of Forensics GBI states:

Personal Effects Disposition:
The clothing, set of earphones/buds and hair ties (3) are released with the body.

Can you share your link? I would like to look at the whole report. Just as a refresher. I'm sure the link is here somewhere but if you have it close, I won't have to search.
Regarding the "missing" clothes, Page 2 of 5 of the Official Report from the Division of Forensics GBI states:

Personal Effects Disposition:
The clothing, set of earphones/buds and hair ties (3) are released with the body.

Can you share your link? I would like to look at the whole report. Just as a refresher. I'm sure the link is here somewhere but if you have it close, I won't have to search.

It's from page two of the GBI's autopsy report.
Will the Feds call in their own pathologist to go over both autopsies??
Will the Feds call in their own pathologist to go over both autopsies??

I hope not. One of the oldest litigation tactics in the book is to make the case so unpalatable and so expensive as to make settlement the only viable option. That's true across the board in plaintiff's cases regardless of the subject matter. Having seen Crump in action over several cases and knowing the general MO, his goal is obvious to me. If he can do it again here, he'll keep doing it here, there and everywhere. And we'll ALL pay for it while he continues to become wealthy.

all jmo
I hope not. One of the oldest litigation tactics in the book is to make the case so unpalatable and so expensive as to make settlement the only viable option. That's true across the board in plaintiff's cases regardless of the subject matter. Having seen Crump in action over several cases and knowing the general MO, his goal is obvious to me. If he can do it again here, he'll keep doing it here, there and everywhere. And we'll ALL pay for it while he continues to become wealthy.

all jmo

Not clear on what you mean....what is the MO? And when you say "we will all pay" for "it"......

Just a few MSM quotes that might help, (and one at the end that frustrated me.)

“Although the exact cause of death is yet to be determined, as of this stage of the investigation, nothing has been discovered to indicate foul play was involved,” Prine said in the statement.
That does not mean the investigation has been concluded. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is assisting the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office. Investigators sp
ent hours on the scene Friday, from early morning to past nightfall.
The student’s body will be sent Monday to a state crime lab for an autopsy which authorities hope will determine an exact cause of death, according to the sheriff’s office.
Taking all precautions, Prine told The Times, investigators worked the death scene as a suspected homicide throughout most of the day until the possibility of no foul play became evident later in the afternoon. The sheriff said he could not comment further on an ongoing investigation.
1/13 "I want to reject my son being sent to the crime lab without us identifying his body. We must be able to see his body before he leaves," said Kenneth Johnson, the victim's father.
"He's the perfect son that anybody would want. I'm going to miss all his laughs, all his smiles. And they just took all that away from an unviolent man," said Kenneth Johnson.
Sheriff Chris Prine came out personally to meet with the family and respond to their concerns." 1/16 We reported Sunday the family was upset about not being allowed to see their son's body. We've learned the Sheriff did allow them to do it later that night after our interview.

1/15 Although investigators do not believe foul play was involved, the sheriff said he and his investigators will continue interviewing students and friends who have additional information.

1/15 Interviews were conducted with members of Kendrick Johnson's family and his friends and to their knowledge he did not have a cellular phone.

1/16 “You must step down,” said Kenneth Johnson to school officials. "My son was in the school's care and they didn't protect my son." "Sheriff Prine, it's time to step down brother. We got way too many kids out there still. You didn't protect my son. You ain't going to protect them either."

1/16 On Behalf of Superintendent Wes Taylor:
Valdosta, GA - As law enforcement continues to investigate the details leading to the tragic death of one of our students, Kendrick Johnson, the administrators, teachers, and board members of the Lowndes County School System want to again express our sorrow to the family and friends of Kendrick. Kendrick was a sophomore at Lowndes High and had been a student in the Lowndes County Schools since the second grade.
Our grief is elevated because Jacquelyn Johnson, Kendrick’s mother, is a valued employee and friend of the Lowndes County School System. Mrs. Johnson has been a bus driver in our system for 10 years. When she is ready, we and the students on her route look forward to her return.
Additional counselors, social workers, and school psychologists have been made available this past week to help our Lowndes High students and staff deal with this tragic loss.
We are supportive of the way our student body has organized to honor their lost friend and fellow classmate. The students have displayed a level of maturity and empathy in supporting the Johnson family that makes us all proud.
We, as a school family, extend our love, prayers, and support for Kendrick’s family, friends, and fellow students in this time of grief.&#8232;We will continue to cooperate with the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Department and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation in their ongoing investigation.

1/19 (referring to funeral) Kendricks friends spoke, so did his football and basketball coach

10/17 Benjamin Crump: Kendrick Johnson left home to go to school like any typical teenager and returned the next day in a body bag. It's important for your readers to know that they live in rural Georgia and the school was mostly white. There is evidence that Kendrick may have been involved in a fight with some young white student weeks before, and that event may have precipitated his death. But what is most disturbing is that the school has refused to release the full video from four surveillance cameras in the gymnasium where he was found dead.
This reeks of foul play.
Police claim this was an accident, but the facts of the case don't support that conclusion. It flies in the face of all common sense. And now that we have the report from the second autopsy, this story has become a real-life murder mystery.
If you see the photos of Kendrick's broken body, the images are a stark reminder of Emmett Till. I can't believe that once again, in the American South, there is a brutal murder of a young black boy, and the police have decided to spin a tale of accidental death.
What it says is that black parents must fear sending their child to school and not knowing whether that child will return home safely.
Taking all precautions, Prine told The Times, investigators worked the death scene as a suspected homicide throughout most of the day until the possibility of no foul play became evident later in the afternoon. The sheriff said he could not comment further on an ongoing investigation.

Respectfully snipped and BBM.

Whoa. Is this simply an unfortunate choice of words or what? Most likely, but still.

How does the possibility of no foul play become evident?

That's a triple negative, or something.

If no foul play is only a possibility, then it stands to reason that foul play is equally a possibility.
Not clear on what you mean....what is the MO? And when you say "we will all pay" for "it"......


I thought it was clear that the MO I was referring to is what I said in the first sentence - "to make the case so unpalatable and so expensive as to make settlement the only viable option." And we'll ALL pay for it means that since the continuing investigation is funded by the taxpayers, we're all paying for it (if we're taxpayers as I am). I think we're also paying for it in terms of social divisiveness, but that's "whatever" to me.

I thought it was clear that the MO I was referring to is what I said in the first sentence - "to make the case so unpalatable and so expensive as to make settlement the only viable option." And we'll ALL pay for it means that since the continuing investigation is funded by the taxpayers, we're all paying for it (if we're taxpayers as I am). I think we're also paying for it in terms of social divisiveness, but that's "whatever" to me.


I am a taxpayer, and I have no problem at all with my tax dollars going toward a continuing investigation to get to the bottom of this extremely strange case.

As for the goal of making settlement the only viable option--settlement in what legal action between which parties? I ask because I'm not aware of any such action, but I was on vacation over the last two weeks and had only sporadic access to news updates.
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