GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 1

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Was trying to keep from making calls to find info on people as to not be swayed by personal opinions, think i'm gonna have to give that thought up. Do we know any background on McD? Thought I read somewhere he also did his undergrad at Mercer (class of 07 if IRC.) Anything prior? Hometown, etc?
Was trying to keep from making calls to find info on people as to not be swayed by personal opinions, think i'm gonna have to give that thought up. Do we know any background on McD? Thought I read somewhere he also did his undergrad at Mercer (class of 07 if IRC.) Anything prior? Hometown, etc?
I've been looking for an hour. Nothing yet. I have to weed through thousands of recent articles. Will keep trying.
I've been looking for an hour. Nothing yet. I have to weed through thousands of recent articles. Will keep trying.

My problem too. Given his accent I'm leaning toward ATL area. Not enough drawl for these parts. (sorry Yankee transplant, still pay alot of attention to accents.) Could be way off but if he did both degrees @ Mercer I would think he is from SE.
I am right there with ya Siberian Sleuth wondering just where the hell NG is at.. Given it's her Alma mater and isn't she even born and raised in these parts of Georgia(I could be mistaken but was always under the impression she was "from" the Macon, Georgia area,) and part of the reason for her loving her job in the Atlanta area..

I think there are more than enough from HLN to hold the fort down on the ICA media circus..

I was shocked that Lauren's case literally got a 15 sec blurb as they were going to commercial break.. Again because of her ties I would think Nancy would be focusing on this case.. Sadly it makes me believe that te shows focus are much more ratings driven.. Sad but true...

Will post if am able to find out anything we don't already know..

If anyone is able to find any relevant Info please don't hesitate to post it.. I cannot bear to see another young woman working toward bettering our society(holly Bobo- working toward nursing degree, Michelle in CA-nursing, Lauren- almost there preparing to take the bar).. It's sick and an injustice these young women are being stolen from our society amd ripped from the arms of those that love them..
This cannot continue!!!!!
I believe I read that nothing seemed disturbed in her apartment, just that a lot of her personal items were not packed up. I am taking that meant she didn't take her purse, phone, keys, etc with her. If she was afraid and had emailed someone about it, where was she going without her purse, keys and phone?
If someone came to the door, neighbor for example, maybe he said he wanted to show her something and she went thinking she wasn't going far.
Wonder if she locked her apartment (probably not if she left her key) or he came back and locked her door??
If someone came to the door, neighbor for example, maybe he said he wanted to show her something and she went thinking she wasn't going far.
Wonder if she locked her apartment (probably not if she left her key) or he came back and locked her door??

The neighbor and her friends said her cell phone, keys, etc...were all in the apartment. I am betting it was a very relaxed and casual place to live, it appears most or all of the tenants were law students and they probably felt safe there and likely knew all their immediate neighbors.

I just don't get why she wouldn't tell her neighbors if she really DID think someone tried to break in. You know they likely all know each other and would watch each others apartments (especially since it appears the little buildings face each other). If she thought thugs had tried to break in she would have an obligation to tell the neighbors for their well being as much as her own.

Anyone familiar with Macon knows it has a serious and growing crime problem, the nice safe areas are the exception not the rule. If "hoodlums" were venturing into the neighborhood (which has million dollar homes) you can be darn sure the neighbors would want to know about it.
Its sort of like Eve Carson who was taken from her home by low lifes prowling around who found an unlocked sliding glass door.
I posted this link (for the police press conference) before but it wasn't working at that point. It sure sounds like the police have no real leads on who did this, they are talking to everyone and trying to rule people out one at a time.

More interesting (sorry if this is a repost) it sounds like the police did two searches of the area after she was reported missing and they did NOT find the body the first time around -- but they think they would have found it the first time if it had been there (at 4:15 mark of video).

Maybe someone else can watch the news conference and tell me if that is what they are saying (low audio). If that is true, they searched and then someone put the body there AFTER that is very very weird. What was the time between the first and second search? A few hours? Did the killer keep the body for 5 days and then place it there? If it is true (the killer put the body there or moved it 5 days later) then he may still have the rest.

Also they searched the lot near her apartment until 1 am last night. The police chief also makes reference to "one" search dog from Atlanta, if they were looking for body parts surely they would bring in a dozen or more cadavre dogs, no way humans can locate body parts as well as a canine can.
Her torso must've been moved there. I can't imagine residents and cops walking right by the torso if it had been there that long. Aside from it being hard to visually miss something as large as a human torso, it seems like after five days the Georgia summer heat, the odor would've been loud and so would've been the noise from flies and other insects.

Was the body found before or after McDaniel's arrest? And how long before or after?

The victim's family needs to hire a private security consultant to examine possible points of entry into her apartment. The reason I say this is because after a guy had broken into my sister's balcony sliding door in Charlotte, North Carolina, the perp told the police he had entered through the apartment's main door and that it had been unlocked, and that he was drunk and thought it was actually his apartment. Leaving the door unlocked would've been extremely uncharacteristic of my sister. She hired Brinks or ADT or some similar home security system company to install a security system and the guy who installed it showed her and my father how he could tell that it had indeed been a forced entry through the apartment's balcony sliding door, which my sister already knew. Plus, friends of the perp said when he was a student at Appalachian State University, he would brag about climbing up onto people's apartment balconies. In short, just because the police said there are no signs of a break in doesn't mean there wasn't one. The family should get a second opinion from an expert to make certain.

I wouldn't even be surprised at all if the guy who killed this girl is the same guy who broke into my sister's apartment. Charlotte and Macon aren't an extreme distance apart and the father of the guy who broke into my sister's apartment is a lawyer in South Carolina. If the perp wanted to follow into his father's footsteps, perhaps he could be a past or present law student or lawyer in Macon.
There is a detail I caught in the police chief's press conference, he said he did not believe Gidding's body had been there during the initial stage of the search. That leads me to believe that someone close by the scene was keeping the body, because they would have only had a very short window of time to 1) recognize that police were at Gidding's residence 2) dump the remains hastily and at the complex.
I don't mean to sound like a sensationalist, and I could be wrong as the facts on this case are extremely sparse, but I believe that if it is indeed the case that the remains found were dumped essentially during the search in a hasty fashion, and if Giddings had been dead several days already before her remains were placed on the side of the complex, there is a chance that cannibalism and/or necrophilia are involved here.
I have read several of you suggest that the blatant dumping of her torso was an act meant to taunt police. Possibly. But in cases where bodies are dismembered for reasons of concealment/easy transport, the offender is usually trying to AVOID discovery of the body, hence the dismemberment.
On the other hand, when bodies are dismembered and not dumped remotely or otherwise well hidden, cannibalism and/or necrophilia are often the driving motive behind the crime.
Imagine this scenario for a moment: Giddings is killed sometime soon after the email was sent, within a 24 hour period. She is kept, dismembered, by someone close by to her residence. This person waits to see how long it will take before she is reported missing, but once the search begins they realize quickly they must get the body out of their possession in case their residence is searched. We know the body could not have been there since Saturday, or even much longer than a few hours without being spotted [and the police chief believes it was NOT there initially when people began looking for her].
So, it is reasonable to conclude that the body was quickly discarded once the search heated up.
Why was the body being kept until that point?
Why dismember the body just to dump it in so obvious a location?
Where are the limbs not with the body?
Why hide the limbs so well but make the torso so obvious to searchers?
It is *possible* given the balance of the evidence, that the limbs have been used, processed in some way. The killer is obviously not concerned with hiding the body or obscuring her identity, as dumping her torso right by her residence while she is missing is no way to go about concealing the identity of the body.
So again, why go through the trouble of hiding the limbs?
Perhaps they weren't hidden, perhaps they were consumed to some extent.

Either that, or this is the work of someone attempting to play some kind of sick scavenger hunt with police. That is also possible...
I believe one possible reason that police are being so tight-lipped about this case is that they too believe this to be an exceptionally disturbing crime and would not want the public to know there had been a "Dahmer-esque" or "Chase-esque" murder committed without having a solid and confirmed suspect in custody first. Imagine the mass hysteria. They haven't officially confirmed the body was dismembered, it was leaked to the media, but all subsequent details have been tightly controlled.
We don't know what state the remains were in besides having been dismembered, more than limbs and head could be missing [like internal organs, etc.]...
As for McDaniel, his arrest perplexes me. Police say the burglaries took place up to 2-3 years ago, and that he admitted to the initial burglary upon questioning after a search of his apartment. They said the stolen items were of a personal nature, not of monetary value.
What could they have found in his apartment that they would have automatically known did not belong to him and were the result of burglary?
Typically fetishists who collect, say, women's underwear, are compulsive about labeling the name of their target and the date of their theft. So far that's the only thing I can think of that would explain how they put a law student in the position of confessing to burglary from a couple years ago during a cursory search of his apartment. What do you guys think?
I don't know if he's the killer, they have turned his apartment upside down by now I'm sure along with the vacant apartment, but he may have dismembered her at some other site and brought her back to the house in a tidy fashion.
I did hear they were removing the bathtub from her apartment, likely testing it for blood beneath the surfaces.

By the way, I'm a long time lurker, this forum is full of great minds and I'm happy to finally have joined because I want to tell you what great work you all do! :)
Angelanalyzes, Welcome to Websleuths! So glad you decided to post! Very interesting ideas you have there....and quite possibly right on target. Not sure what to make of this case but it is certainly bizarre in many aspects.
Okay, now wait a minute....

1. The last time we KNOW she was heard or seen was Saturday.

2. Landlady said she posted a note on her door Wednesday with no sign of her

3. Friend of Laurens goes to apt, goes in apt. looks around, and notifies police at 1AM Thursday that she is missing/no one has been able to contact her.

4. A "friend" of Laurens calls the landlady at 3AM Thursday cuz of the post it note that was found on the door.

5. People have been tramping all around Wednesday into early morning Thursday and DONT SEE HER BODY???

6. But when the police arrive (WHEN did police arrive Thursday) they find the body basically a few feet from apt??)

Am I missing something here?? Why are people not talking about the fact that all these friends "looked" for her on Wednesday night, into Thursday morning but it wasn't until police got there that they found body a FEW FEET from her building??

Why didn't anyone else see the body if they were there? McDaniel guy said he and other people looked all around, the friend that entered her apt., the landlady... The one article I read, the cop said we basically pulled up and there it was." I mean, how bizarre is this?

Are we to assume that the killer kept her body until he/she KNEW police were on their way and then ran out and dumped it at her apt so the police would see it first thing?? I've read posts that assume identifying was difficult because the body was in the hot Macon sun for 5 days, but do we know this for a fact? Wasn't identification difficult because she had been dismembered? There is no way a body a few feet from a building for 5 days in the sun would not be foul smelling. so obviously, it was NOT THERE until just before police arrived.

Am I correct in this? If not, tell me where I'm screwing up cuz I find it hard to believe that people aren't talking about the obvious clue that the killer KNEW when police had been called, meaning he/she is in the circle of people that were "searching" Weds nite/early thursday morning...
Are we to assume that the killer kept her body until he/she KNEW police were on their way and then ran out and dumped it at her apt so the police would see it first thing?? I've read posts that assume identifying was difficult because the body was in the hot Macon sun for 5 days, but do we know this for a fact? Wasn't identification difficult because she had been dismembered? There is no way a body a few feet from a building for 5 days in the sun would not be foul smelling. so obviously, it was NOT THERE until just before police arrived.

Am I correct in this? If not, tell me where I'm screwing up cuz I find it hard to believe that people aren't talking about the obvious clue that the killer KNEW when police had been called, meaning he/she is in the circle of people that were "searching" Weds nite/early thursday morning...

1. It has been widely reported that she was dismembered, and media quoted a member of LE as being the source of that information. That is most likely why the body has been hard to ID.

2. It does appear to be the case that the body was put there after she was reported missing, if you watch the video of the press conference with Chief Mike Burns, he states that he doesn't believe the body was there in the beginning of the search in response to a reporter's question.

3. You're right, it does appear that the killer had some idea of when the police came and possibly even their movements on the property as Burns stated that on the first sweep they did not see the remains, and thus that he believed they were put there essentially DURING the search. None of this looks good for McDaniel unless he was with other people the entire time that day.

4. I tend to think whoever the killer is was keeping the body until he realized he had to get rid of it or risk getting caught with it in his residence, and I think he was close to the complex if not living in it. Hence my feeling that cannibalism may be involved [not to mention that the extremities haven't been located and were not dumped with the torso].

I feel so bad even saying that, compounding the ugliness of the crime, but I am trying to make sense of this highly irregular MO.
Angelanalyzes, Welcome to Websleuths! So glad you decided to post! Very interesting ideas you have there....and quite possibly right on target. Not sure what to make of this case but it is certainly bizarre in many aspects.

Thanks! :)
So glad to be here, you guys are brilliant, seriously. I have lurked here for so long, all the best theories start here with you guys!

This case is EXTREMELY bizarre, and so tragic. She was just about to take the bar exam, huge turning point in her life, this is so incredibly unfair.
what are the chances of that body not being hers? i know that sounds ridiculous, but i cant help but think of it as a slight possibility.
what are the chances of that body not being hers? i know that sounds ridiculous, but i cant help but think of it as a slight possibility.

Would be interesting, but the cops released a statement yesterday further confirming that they are pretty much certain it's her, just waiting on DNA. Without a head or fingerprints or hair to match they have to rely on DNA from family members. Seems like

McDaniel has a strange reputation and his affect is very bizarre. I'm no uptight snob by any means but he has a far away look in his eyes, can't figure what to make of him.
Either that, or this is the work of someone attempting to play some kind of sick scavenger hunt with police. That is also possible...
respectfully snipped

Welcome to Websleuths, angel. That's a very interesting first post. I'm glad you decided to start posting.

Re the snip above, it clicked with me because I have an idea the perp is someone who enjoys playing games. A gamer, perhaps, who crossed the line between fantasy and reality.

~ snipped ~ "The friend went to Giddings’ apartment and knocked, but got no answer. She used a spare key that Giddings had left outside the apartment to enter it. She found that Giddings’ belongings were still inside, including her car keys, her cell phone, textbooks and her laptop." ~ snipped ~

I'm curious to know who locked Lauren's apartment door, since the friend had to use the spare key. Was the primary key Lauren used still inside her apartment (I assume so, since the article claims that all of her belongings were inside her apartment)? In her purse, maybe? When Boni Bush, the apartment owner, entered the apartment on Wednesday, did she have to unlock the door? If the door were locked, she could've used a skeleton key to enter, but it's unlikely that she would've locked the door upon leaving if it had already been unlocked, supposing that Lauren might have her key with her and being unaware of the spare key. So, I think the key may be "key" to determining how the killer accessed Lauren's apartment, or whether the crime even happened inside her apartment (was the door locked and Lauren had the key with her?).

Also of significance, IMHO, is Lauren's laptop computer. Neighbor McD had been reading Lauren's e-mails, supposedly. Did Boni Bush and Lauren's friend who entered her apartment early Thursday A.M. notice whether the laptop was on at that time? I'm also curious as to whether the friend who received the e-mail noticed anything odd about the message (did Lauren say anything other than claim someone had tried to break into her apartment, and that was uncharacteristic of her?)

If the killer dumped the torso in front of the apartment building after LE began searching Thursday A.M., where was it previously? If it had been inside an apartment for five days, the stench of decomposing flesh would linger in that apartment. Also, there must be traces of blood left wherever the body was dismembered. Hopefully, LE's search of the apartments has supplied some valuable clues.
respectfully snipped

Welcome to Websleuths, angel. That's a very interesting first post. I'm glad you decided to start posting.

Re the snip above, it clicked with me because I have an idea the perp is someone who enjoys playing games. A gamer, perhaps, who crossed the line between fantasy and reality.

Thanks, I was so nervous to make my first post, glad to be here :)
You know, I read somewhere, I think here, that McDaniel used to wear chainmail to law school...that suggests a gamer to me.
Thanks, I was so nervous to make my first post, glad to be here :)
You know, I read somewhere, I think here, that McDaniel used to wear chainmail to law school...that suggests a gamer to me.

Yea, can someone explain that to me? Im lost as to what that meant...
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