GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 #13

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If he were smart and careful enough to clean up everything else and not let any dna get tracked into his apartment I just can't imagine that leaving the torso in the trash can was a "mistake". Yes it IS a good method but not when you KNOW the police are going to be back first thing in the morning, quite possibly before trash pickup!

If he made a conscious decision to do that he would have to know there is a BIG risk involved, and why take that risk unless you WANT IT KNOWN this is a murder and not a missing person? Maybe committing the perfect murder doesn't count unless it is a KNOWN murder? I don't understand that logic as I would think it absolutely DOES count, but maybe they wanted the crime to be recognized, documented and hit the press. Course there was still the chance it wouldn't be found but still it was a huge risk.

There is only one other logical reason I can think of to take that risk, and that would be if the odor was really bad and he didn't want to put it in the trunk of the car. Maybe he was worried the car trunk (or the whole car)would smell really bad and that would lead the police to him.

BBM. In my theorizing, I definitely return to the idea that IF McD did this, there is a literary goal. It might still count as the perfect murder if nobody ever knew for sure there was a murder, but it would be much more interesting and sell alot more books if the country knew some of the gory details.

I also notice you said "they". Do you think there could have been an accomplice, or was that a typo? It would sure be interesting (and potentially exculpatory) if some unidentified person's DNA were found on the remains and, say, the hacksaw.
Okay so IF he actually posted this as a confession I pose a few questions:

1) Why didn't he focus on the method of death? He fantasized about murder methods for years, why is it mentioned in passing as "ooops, she O.D." which downplays the act and reduces it to an accident instead of an accomplishment and sign of bravado?

2) Why refer to the drugs as a "Mickey Finn", a term used decades ago, instead of using modern date rape drug lingo such as GHB or Rohypnal if he in fact used drugs and was now bragging about the act?

3) Why did he claim to have murdered her after she returned from a graduation party? All evidence suggests there was no graduation party around the time disappeared, if she had been at a party people would have come forward.

4) Why did he elaborate on barbequing her arms and legs, but not mention anything about the dismemberment, which no doubt would have been the goriest and hardest task of all?

5) Why claim you barbequed someone but then not mention how or what that was like? Why downplay the experience as a sideline comment when you are telling the world about your great act and you tend to be a very wordy person?

6) Why would a guy that is bragging about his macho accomplishment mock himself as being a virgin twice?

Excellent questions, Sonya , and I don't have any answers, other than perhaps this nutjob just doesn't think like the rest of us so it is hard for us to comprehend why he does what he does. Could be part of his grand scheme of planting reasonable doubt.
Could be part of his grand scheme of planting reasonable doubt.

Yes and that is what I originally thought (when I believed the post had been verified). Thing is back then I thought if I were the DA I wouldn't want to rush and announce the post as it COULD discredit the other posts, why take the chance when it could be used later if/when it seemed like a good idea?

They used it because they don't appear to have much else and they were scraping up everything they could find in order to argue against bond.
I know your question was for Backwoods, Tomkat, so excuse me for adding my two cents. LE had nothing to do with McD's interview, IMO. In the audio file I linked, the reporter, Michelle Quesada, explains that she and a few others from the station had been on the scene for several hours. McD walked out of his apartment as she was speaking with an employee from the AT&T building next door to the complex. The cameraman "grabbed" McD, and he was very forthcoming and agreeable to the interview.

I don't think he was the only person interviewed. I do think his interview was the most remarkable, and therefore the one aired on Thursday evening before his arrest. Quesada also says that LE asked for the video, and the station refused to give it to them. They were only entitled to record what had previously aired.

Thanks, but it did seem TOOO perfect. LOL. BUt backwoods also elaborated on how he "insterted" himself basically, I remember some of those posts too.
According to Quesada, MPD was interested in the video immediately. I don't find that unusual. He was a POI the first day Lauren's body was found. Naturally, LE would be interested in his account of the details to see if he added to, or varied from, the statement he gave to them. As for the station's refusal to hand over the tape to LE, the media is always reluctant to share work product with LE, so nothing irregular there, either.

From what I recall of the posts here and the comments online, a week after LG's body was found many folks were still unconvinced that McD was her killer. The full interview could have been beneficial to him, and IMO, the station was right to air the it so that the public could judge from the proper context rather than the snips first seen/heard. Ultimately, I think it was more damaging to his credibility, but that's just me. It's understandable that he would be shaken after learning LG's body was discovered. There might even be a good reason why he went to the AT&T building rather than his own apartment to recover from the shock. What stood out to me is the fact that, according to Quesada, he returned 20 minutes later to continue the interview. As I've stated before, I think his anxiety shot through the roof at that point, and talking helped him to stay focused lest he lose all control of his faculties. :moo:

Why the whole interview appeared so planned/targeted. I mean they could ask but if he wanted to Appear Innocent, as the killer, he would accept. Oh well. It worked for and against some
If he were smart and careful enough to clean up everything else and not let any dna get tracked into his apartment I just can't imagine that leaving the torso in the trash can was a "mistake". Yes it IS a good method but not when you KNOW the police are going to be back first thing in the morning, quite possibly before trash pickup!


WELL..............better in the TRASH than the more damning location of HIS own APARTMENT OR the TRUNK OF HIS CAR. He had to risk it. He apparently waited too long, didnt' think anyone would be so adamant in their searches, or maybe just weak and couldnt' "let go". Yep, trash bin. It can't be caught in anywhere that would most definitely link him to the murder.
Excellent questions, Sonya , and I don't have any answers, other than perhaps this nutjob just doesn't think like the rest of us so it is hard for us to comprehend why he does what he does. Could be part of his grand scheme of planting reasonable doubt.

For Sonya. DOWNPLAYING the whole thing. Joking at it as his peers. Psychos don't think the same as those with accountability. They think normal people are too stupid to see through them. I've said before. I feel like saying......."do I have stupid written on my head" when some of these people act like we dont' SEE clearly what they are about!! I'm always shocked at what appears to be stupidity in them, when all along they are presuming we aren't realizing what is going on and are the stupid ones!!!
For Sonya. DOWNPLAYING the whole thing. Joking at it as his peers. Psychos don't think the same as those with accountability.

So do you think he DID write it?

And there are plenty of smart psychos/sociopaths out there, Wallstreet is full of them, the top 50 serial killer list is full of smart psychos too.
According to Quesada, MPD was interested in the video immediately. I don't find that unusual. He was a POI the first day Lauren's body was found. Naturally, LE would be interested in his account of the details to see if he added to, or varied from, the statement he gave to them. As for the station's refusal to hand over the tape to LE, the media is always reluctant to share work product with LE, so nothing irregular there, either.

From what I recall of the posts here and the comments online, a week after LG's body was found many folks were still unconvinced that McD was her killer. The full interview could have been beneficial to him, and IMO, the station was right to air the it so that the public could judge from the proper context rather than the snips first seen/heard. Ultimately, I think it was more damaging to his credibility, but that's just me. It's understandable that he would be shaken after learning LG's body was discovered. There might even be a good reason why he went to the AT&T building rather than his own apartment to recover from the shock. What stood out to me is the fact that, according to Quesada, he returned 20 minutes later to continue the interview. As I've stated before, I think his anxiety shot through the roof at that point, and talking helped him to stay focused lest he lose all control of his faculties. :moo:

bbm: We agree on these points.
From what I have read most all date rape drugs are processed by the liver (they don't have an effect until processed). The liver is way up high in the chest cavity near the heart.

If the liver was still in the chest cavity that will probably prove or disprove the likelihood of date rape drugs. If the liver was there and they found evidence of a drug overdose I would think they would have mentioned that in the murder indictment instead of saying method of death unknown.

It wouldn't necessarily have had to be one of the "date rape" drugs -- especially if the INTENT was to kill. Could have been something else.

And it could be that traces of some drug were found but not enough evidence to state that the drug was the cause of death.
Are we sure they would have mentioned that?? they haven't mentinoed anything else significant that might have been discovered.

Also, does anyone know WHY or WHEN they might SEARCH for her skull or other appendages? LIke at HIS grandfather's homeplace???

Dahmer hid most of his in HIS house and his GRANDMOTHERS house and yard, buried some out back.

As far as I know, there's still been no further public word about the partial skeletal remains found in Macon a few weeks ago. I think it's unlikely to be Lauren, but I can't help wondering still.
BBM. In my theorizing, I definitely return to the idea that IF McD did this, there is a literary goal. It might still count as the perfect murder if nobody ever knew for sure there was a murder, but it would be much more interesting and sell alot more books if the country knew some of the gory details.

I also notice you said "they". Do you think there could have been an accomplice, or was that a typo? It would sure be interesting (and potentially exculpatory) if some unidentified person's DNA were found on the remains and, say, the hacksaw.

bbm: Is this something that would be supposed to be revealed to the defense during disclosure? (I'd hope so, but I really don't have a good grasp of the "rules" nor how tightly they are usually followed.)
Thanks, but it did seem TOOO perfect. LOL. BUt backwoods also elaborated on how he "insterted" himself basically, I remember some of those posts too.

To clarify, I didn't so much elaborate on how he inserted himself as mention that many seemed to feel that he inserted himself.
bbm: Is this something that would be supposed to be revealed to the defense during disclosure? (I'd hope so, but I really don't have a good grasp of the "rules" nor how tightly they are usually followed.)

I would think so, certainly.
From what I have read most all date rape drugs are processed by the liver (they don't have an effect until processed). The liver is way up high in the chest cavity near the heart.

If the liver was still in the chest cavity that will probably prove or disprove the likelihood of date rape drugs. If the liver was there and they found evidence of a drug overdose I would think they would have mentioned that in the murder indictment instead of saying method of death unknown.

Based on my understanding of drugs, not necessarily of post mortem exams, I think that many date rape drugs are metabolized kinda quickly. Just wondering if that makes it hit-or-miss with investigating depending on what the whole timeline for the crime was.
No, I was not referring or accusing you of anything. You've beenon here long enought that you know how it went early on. I too defended him for the simple fact that I hate when people act like a pack of wild dogs, it's a frenzy and SO MANY PEOPLE were ready to hang him and no one really knew anything. I was flabbergasted that LE went mostly on the video as proof of his guilt, maybe they will be right in the end BUT. I believe in innocent until proven guilty. Aruba's the other extreme. They wont' hold anyone until they have a body AND DNA or SOMETHING miraculous.

I just, like I stated, think it's IRONIC now that more evidence has been forthcoming, he has a right to bond out, whereas up to this point, they had only suspicion yet held him. I think I said that already.

I just think the law is sometimes contradictory.

I defended him, or better, played devil's advocate, for a long time, too. I actually didn't have a firm opinion on the interview...yes he said some things that stuck me as odd and yes he sounded over-the-top,but I guess I haven't been around that many people when a body has just been found to judge. I don't know. I have read a lot to give me a low opinion of him but sometimes I feel like he is a "too perfect" suspect. I said "feel" instead of "think" because it really is just a feeling; I can't verbalize it or say what I'm basing it on.

WELL..............better in the TRASH than the more damning location of HIS own APARTMENT OR the TRUNK OF HIS CAR. He had to risk it. He apparently waited too long, didnt' think anyone would be so adamant in their searches, or maybe just weak and couldnt' "let go". Yep, trash bin. It can't be caught in anywhere that would most definitely link him to the murder.

For Sonya. DOWNPLAYING the whole thing. Joking at it as his peers. Psychos don't think the same as those with accountability. They think normal people are too stupid to see through them. I've said before. I feel like saying......."do I have stupid written on my head" when some of these people act like we dont' SEE clearly what they are about!! I'm always shocked at what appears to be stupidity in them, when all along they are presuming we aren't realizing what is going on and are the stupid ones!!!
:goodpost: It certainly wouldn't be the first time a perp was taken down by his own arrogance and perverse impulses. I agree with what Sonya suggested earlier. What good is committing the perfect murder if no one knows about it?
It wouldn't necessarily have had to be one of the "date rape" drugs -- especially if the INTENT was to kill. Could have been something else.

Yeah could have been cyanide, he was busy boiling 3000 peach pits but they haven't found them yet. Or maybe...he robbed a pharmacy and got hard core narcotics.

Course then the challenge is getting her to drink it, I rather doubt she went over to his place for a nightcap and a friendly chat. Maybe put them the orange juice in the fridge? He DID have a key! He could have planted drugs in her fridge! Course that would sort of nullify the confession post.

(BTW it is pretty easy to make home-made chloroform, but that isn't what the post claimed plus chloroform doesn't work instantly.)
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