GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 #14

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Autopsy DNA tests should be back by now?

If it was LG would it be posted all over the news or would there be a reason not to?

If it were LG, IMO, yes, there might be reasons not to broadcast the info -- although it might be hard to keep the news from getting out. I hope they would at least inform the family, if that were the case.

Same with Mr. Donovan -- if it has been determined to be him, I hope at least his family knows. His case makes me feel really sad.

Point is, no public word even if the remains were male or female yet, after a pretty big, though brief, to-do when they were found. Maybe they have identified them to be somebody, and maybe a family somewhere has been informed... but the public who heard about the finding doesn't know. And if no ID has been made -- why not follow up through the same media and let the public know a little about the results from testing, in hopes of finding out who the remains belong to?

I think, when the few cases I'm now following on WS wind down somewhat, I might would like to get involved instead with the unidentified/unclaimed threads here. That seems like a possible way to offer some real help to someone -- and maybe there I wouldn't always be getting folks mad at me! :fence::eek:hoh:
I'm pretty sure that all evidence/results have to be turned over to the defense. Someone please answer this question for me. When the defense files their motions (pretrial), will the motions be available to the public like the warrants we've seen so far?

bbm: I'm not sure about this, pearl. Maybe one of our legal minds will ring in.

In the meantime, here's what I'm thinking: Not sure if the written motions filed will be open record (until later), which is what I think you're asking. At some point, though, I believe there will be a hearing before the judge regarding the motions and perhaps that will be open and we will hear something through the media. It seems that would be open -- but I may be wrong -- not sure when it would occur, though.

So, see, I really don't know much about it for sure! Hope someone who does will explain for us.

ETA: pearl, I was able to find a little more info. Sometimes the "hearing" I was talking about is referred to as a "conference", which would seem to indicate maybe something not open -- so apparently that happens, sometimes. I've found good evidence, though, that pretrial hearings in Georgia can be open: The link below, regarding another Georgia case, recounts how the defense in the case tried to have some pretrial motions and hearings closed to the public but the judge denied the request; I'd think the prosecution could also file such a request.

So apparently, the judge's discretion (and the circumstances/matters, I guess) has a lot to do with it! ;)

Interesting to note that, in the case about which I'm linking info, media outlets challenged the request for closing.
If it were LG, IMO, yes, there might be reasons not to broadcast the info -- although it might be hard to keep the news from getting out. I hope they would at least inform the family, if that were the case.

Same with Mr. Donovan -- if it has been determined to be him, I hope at least his family knows. His case makes me feel really sad.

Point is, no public word even if the remains were male or female yet, after a pretty big, though brief, to-do when they were found. Maybe they have identified them to be somebody, and maybe a family somewhere has been informed... but the public who heard about the finding doesn't know. And if no ID has been made -- why not follow up through the same media and let the public know a little about the results from testing, in hopes of finding out who the remains belong to?

I think, when the few cases I'm now following on WS wind down somewhat, I might would like to get involved instead with the unidentified/unclaimed threads here. That seems like a possible way to offer some real help to someone -- and maybe there I wouldn't always be getting folks mad at me! :fence::eek:hoh:

You are right on that, I agree that something should have been in the media on any discoveries of the missing, atleast to say the family has been notified. I was sure the media would have it all over the place if it were LG but then again, some things are kept hush-hush, not sure why they would not want her ID'd publicly but............

I also agree with your thoughts on the unclaimed threads, but tend to disagree that you get folks mad at you, you are very diplomatic i'd say!:winkaway:

Thanks for your response!
City of Macon fighting the allowance of a Giddings memorial bench in a local park. Evil people.
Oh, I don't think it's accurate to say the City of Macon is fighting a memorial to Lauren. Sounds like more council members were OK with the proposal than were opposed...? And even those who were opposed, it seems, are not so much "against" a memorial to Lauren as they are worried about the precedent it might set. They know they don't have space to put a bench in memory of every victim.

There has been some local talk by some, at times in this case, that Lauren's case was getting more attention, more investigation, more coverage, etc. than other violent crimes. Which is all true, IMO, at some level -- although I think there are a lot of understandable reasons why Lauren's murder garnered so much attention.

What about if those donating the bench dedicated it as something like "In Honor of Lauren Giddings: A Place of Reflection, Peace and Healing for all those affected by crimes of violence". I think maybe Lauren would have liked that.

Personally, I hope it gets approved and comes to fruition. Family members likely will be spending a lot of time in Macon if the case goes to trial there -- I think it would be great to have a special spot they could visit and reflect on happier times with Lauren in Macon.

At any rate, here is some follow-up coverage, and the council was supposed to take up the matter again tonight:

Lauren Giddings' Family Responds to Council Discussion

Kathy Mann, Lauren Giddings' cousin who lives in north Georgia, said family and friends are hoping to turn the tragedy that took Lauren's life in to something positive. ...

...The park located near the Georgia Avenue apartments where Lauren lived is a special site for friends and family.

"Washington Park was picked out because Lauren loved Washington Park," said Mann. "She was an avid runner and she had her little dog and that's where they frequented."
more at:
Here's some coverage of the bench issue from another Macon television station:

Proposed Memorial Causing a Rift in City Council

...The bench would be paid for and constructed by a group of Giddings peers, but Councilman Henry Gibson says the park as a whole is paid for by the taxpayers.

"No one group or one person can do anything without the legislative body that governs that, approves that," said Gibson. ...
more at:
new article from Baltimore Sun source:

A year after slaying, Giddings family still coping with loss

... Karen Giddings still finds Lauren in quiet moments — in a song, a marching band, a magnolia tree in bloom or the inexplicable rustling of leaves when there are none on the ground. Giddings runs every day, and once, she said she saw a pink rose lying in the middle of the street. She had no idea how it got there, but a pink rose is something the family has taken as Lauren's symbol. ...,0,2965013.story

This kind of gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes, thinking back to our vigil. May be silly, but --

When I was searching for an image to use in my signature during that time, I was so drawn to the candle and pink rose I ended up choosing. Sometimes, though I was sincere in what I was trying to do with the vigil, because of my still-on-the-fence-status, I thought maybe I wasn't the right person to be sort of heading it up and that it would have gotten a better response if I wasn't. Now, I feel a little better.

Maybe Lauren, who seemed to love the justice system of which she had prepared to become a part, somehow knows that everything will work out how it's supposed to, whatever that is. Same way I kind of try to look at it.

(Really not meaning to sound so "all about me" -- just wanted to share the "tingly" moment.)

The article is a good one -- great picture, too!
new article from Baltimore Sun source:,0,2965013.story

This kind of gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes, thinking back to our vigil. Maybe silly, but --

When I was searching for an image to use in my signature during that time, I was so drawn to the candle and pink rose I ended up choosing. Sometimes, though I was sincere in what I was trying to do with the vigil, because of my still-on-the-fence-status, I thought maybe I wasn't the right person to be sort of heading it up and that it would have gotten a better response if I wasn't. Now, I feel a little better.

Maybe Lauren, who seemed to love the justice system of which she had prepared to become a part, somehow knows that everything will work out how it's supposed to, whatever that is. Same way I kind of try to look at it.

(Really not meaning to sound so "all about me" -- just wanted to share the "tingly" moment.)

The article is a good one -- great picture, too!

Backwoods, you did a fine job organizing Lauren's vigil here on WS. Every time there is a new bloom on one of my pink rose bushes, I think of Lauren. I think the pink rose and Lauren are linked together in my mind. I also have a rose bush called a Princess Diana rose. It is simply gorgeous in bloom and reminds me of its namesake. I know Lauren's thread does not get the attention it once did. I think it is due to the fact that the case is moving slowly. Also, it seems there is a new horrible crime each day. I do not post but do visit this thread daily. I've started following somewhat the missing girls in Iowa. I usually don't follow but one at a time.
pearl, I am spending a good bit of time on the Mickey Shunick threads, and visiting when I can on a few others. Like you, though, I am here on Lauren's thread every day I am on WS.

I look at all the many, many thread titles -- and you are right, they just keep coming, so sad -- and feel a little guilty that I cannot follow them all, sometimes! But that is one wonderful thing about WS -- there are enough folks who pitch in so that almost every thread has its "faithful". It's really impressive to me.
I wanted to post the following from a Macon TV station -- it's not about the bench controversy, at all, though I think it might give a little more insight into at least one part of that.

What it definitely does do is show what a "measuring stick" the name Lauren Giddings has become to some people in the Macon area -- in regard to the image of a bright, good, on-the-path-to-success young woman who deserved a chance to live out her life, and also in regard to the attitude and interest of the general public toward a senseless crime (bolding is mine):

1 Month Later: Investigation Continues In Teen Killed By Stray Bullet

... Daniels described Shar'bora as a bright and sweet daughter. She said that she had a bright future. ...

... "Shy wanted to make the world beautiful. She was, I can't explain Shy is someone that you just had to meet," said Daniels. "She wanted to be an organ donor and that's what they did they donated her organs so even in death Shy is still helping somebody. " ...

..."She was an innocent victim in her own home minding her own business on the road to what Lauren Giddings was on to be somebody. I just want to let them know she's not a ," said Lori Daniels, the stepmother of Shar'bora. "It wasn't a on crime maybe the person that did it was a , but my child, or our child, was not a ." ...
read more about this sad case at:

I imagine many of the regulars on Lauren's thread have had occasion to read the comments on and have seen the type of hateful comments that are often posted when some crimes occur. I imagine something like that is happening in this case -- and I don't blame this mom for wanting for her daughter the respect and concern that was generally (I'm not saying always) shown for Lauren.

Prayers for this family, too!
So, people have asked and seen SMDs defense team say until the burglary charges SMD had no prior record, he could never commit this crime..,,this brings me to what just happened another 20 something incredibly intelligent, probably socially awkward male, with a clean record, who acts out such a sinister act:
There is no mercy for when the mind snaps.
So, people have asked and seen SMDs defense team say until the burglary charges SMD had no prior record, he could never commit this crime..,,this brings me to what just happened another 20 something incredibly intelligent, probably socially awkward male, with a clean record, who acts out such a sinister act:

There is no mercy for when the mind snaps.

So many similarities, thanks for the link GS. :seeya:
I believe it said he died in April.

Same article said Floyd Buford arranged with the authorities to allow a phone call between SM and his grandfather while his grandfather was hospitalized, I believe. I was glad to hear that part.

Glad for grandfather
So, people have asked and seen SMDs defense team say until the burglary charges SMD had no prior record, he could never commit this crime..,,this brings me to what just happened another 20 something incredibly intelligent, probably socially awkward male, with a clean record, who acts out such a sinister act:
There is no mercy for when the mind snaps.

I think that kids turning to young adults is about the time that they gain there real freedom and no longer have parents thumbs on them and sometimes I believe that many have good parents but are blind to manipulative or lying behaviors as outwardly there "child" or teen really seems to be doing what is expected (SM-church/college and CA-working and playing with daughter) and parents see this day to day and just dont' ever really question anything. At some point, these teens grow into their 20's and become their own person .................AND SNAP, so-to-speak. Or maybe that's just who they were all along, they just get worse, or get caught.
So, people have asked and seen SMDs defense team say until the burglary charges SMD had no prior record, he could never commit this crime..,,this brings me to what just happened another 20 something incredibly intelligent, probably socially awkward male, with a clean record, who acts out such a sinister act:
There is no mercy for when the mind snaps.

WOw, another schizotypal?
I traveled to Macon today for one of my twice yearly doctor visits. I thought of Lauren again when we passed that park or whatever it is right after the split to I-16 from I-75. I've never been down to it but for some reason it always catches my attention.
I still really wish we would hear something about the partial skeletal remains found behind the Gray Highway shopping center in March -- even if just determined to be male or female.

I don't really think there's much chance those were Lauren's remains ... but...

I have also wondered if they could be the remains of this gentleman who has a thread here:

GA GA - Troy Donavon Burnett - 47 years old - Twiggs County - 20-Dec-2011 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

He is from Twiggs Co. but was traveling on foot or bike, I believe, the day he went missing, and has a seizure disorder which left him with other substantial disabilities as well.

I don't think there has been any further public news on his case past the day or two it was first reported that he was missing, back in December. I see his thread here (which is only Info and Support) just got the first new item in a long time, noting that his case file was added to the Charley Project last month.

I really hope The Telegraph will do a follow-up story on the skeletal remains and also one on any developments for Mr. Donovan's case (or, if there are no developments, to try to light a little fire under the search for him).

Quoting my own post from a few days ago because I wanted to share with anyone interested here that, in response to an inquiry from me, a Telegraph staff member pointed me to a recent story in which there actually IS a little further information about the skeletal remains found behind the Gray Highway shopping center in March!

The following excerpt is from a long feature from July 7 that mostly concerns another story altogether ... but:

... One day in early March, Brown sat at a bus station and read in the newspaper that another homeless man had found human bones close to the Wal-Mart in east Macon. It was near where Brown lived.

When Brown went home for the night, he found his campsite ringed with crime-scene tape. Scared, Brown started packing his stuff.

“I was sure they were going to come arrest me for some kind of trespassing or something,” he said. ...

...The next morning, Brown went to work as usual and asked his boss for a ride to pick up the things he’d left at the campsite: his tent, a stove, a few changes of clothes.

His boss, Ken Ryner, said Brown was up front and told him that police had found a body, but he denied having anything to do with the person’s death. (Police still haven’t identified the bones. It’s an unsolved case.)

That March morning, Ryner drove Brown the 6 miles to east Macon and parked in front of a strip mall near the woods where Brown had been living.

Several police cars were there. Police were searching for more remains.

Brown got out and walked into the woods. He had planned to work that day and then set up a new camp somewhere off Riverside Drive.

Brown was headed down a steep embankment behind the stores when police swarmed him. They took him downtown to the detective bureau.

After three hours of interviews, police didn’t think Brown had anything to do with their discovery. ...
from story titled
Man gets 2nd chance after encounter with detective

at link:

I also inquired about a possible update about the status of the search for Mr. Donovan and my contact said she would check into it. I hope for news -- I really hope for GOOD news! If anything develops into a Telegraph item, I will add it to Mr. Donovan's thread here on Websleuths.

I did note that the NAMUS profile for Mr. Donovan said they have dentals for him, so if the found skull had teeth present, I would think they would be able to rule him in or out from that.

So far, I am not seeing the skeletal remains found mentioned on any public "unidentified" sites with which I am familiar.

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